The Columbus Herald from Columbus, Indiana (2024)

THE COLUMBUS HERALD 1980 Columbus, Ind. 47201 Telephone Area Code 812 372-7811 si One Single Year Copy. Mail $13.20 by SAL Democratic Newspaper Established 1881 Published Every Friday at 333 Second Street FRIDAY, Second Class Postage Paid at Columbus, Ind. 3H1 NOTICES NOTICES Mr. and Mrs.

James Taylor, Route 2, daughter, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson. Route, 10, daughter, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. David Edinburgh, son, Saturday. Mr. Mrs.

Ronald Lecher. Greensburg, daughter, Saturday. Marie Coffey, 615 McClure, daughter, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.

Jerry Melloncamp. Seymour, daughter, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Hawkins.

Route 11. daughter, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Boat.

North Vernon, son, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Green, Greensburg. daughter, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Campbell. Route 14. daughter, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Aikins, Osgood, son. Thursday. Mr.

and Mrs. Donald Lowe, Route 8. daughter, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

Dennis Hoeltke, Hope, son, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schreiner. 3791 Candlelight.

son. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Gallup.

Nineveh, son. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Armuth.

Route 1, daughter, Tuesday. Debbie Frazee, 1642 Orinoco, daughter. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.

Larry Perkinson. Elizabethtown, daughter. Wednesday. Mr. And Mrs.

Gary Route 10. daughter. Wednesdav Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Eudy, 2370 E.

Lincoln Village. daughter. today. Admittances Births Neciah Burton. 3 months.

Edinburgh. Amanda Heilman. 11 months. Scipio. Clinton Imel.

16. 2106 Newton. Patricia Hughes, Nashville. Martha Ferguson, Route 8 Josie Bedell. Morgantown.

Thora Linkey. Route 1. Edith Moody. Greensburg. Icy Christy.

Route 5. Tamela Blythe, Route 4. Merrill Frazier, 903 Reed. Ruth Brewer. Scottsburg.

Mabel Robbins, Hope. Goldie Griffin, Route 4. Bob Vance. 2655 State. William Wagaman, Route 9.

William Holder, Scipio. E. Woodrow Davis, 2200 Fifth Ronald Adams, Edinburgh. Timothy Zeller. 3615 Deerfield.

Edward Thompson. 131 S. Ross Robert Redmon. 1 month, Route 5. Sara Louden.

1, 1117 Lafayette. S. Eric Mahoney, 11, 2317 Home. Richard Kappes, 14, Osgood. Letha Vanarsdale, 14.

Hartsville. Alice King. 2231 Wallace. Dorothy Briner, 4130 Fairlawn. Teresa Phillips.

Madison. Frances Trimmer, Hope. Kimberly Eder, North Vernon. Connie Alexander, 2272 Park. Belva.

Martin, 2401 Fairington. Linda Luhn, Scipio. Georgia Wilkerson, Route 8. Ellen Trowbridge. 3.

Joan Calhoun, 3033 Fairlawn. Betty Garrett. North Vernon. Elizabeth Miller, 2622 Marr. Frances Anglin, 618 Fourth.

Linda Smith. 1781 Perry. Scott Rickard, Crothersville. David Wood. 1050 Kelli.

Randy Baker, Route 11. Patricui, Elizabethtown. Michael Weisner, Route 14. Ronald Stilwell, Seymour. Leo Tharp.

Hope. Roy Goodwin, Edinburgh. Victor Hendershot, 3443 Nugent. Jeremiah Selig, 2 weeks, North Vernon. Chadwick Eagleton, 3, Route 4.

Thomas Deppe 9, North Vernon. Scott Selig, 10, 3031 29th. Robert Warner 11, Columbus. Mary Todd, North Vernon. Pamela Sullivan, 2350 Illinois.

Georgia Eppley, 2729 Jordan. Peggy Compton, Hope. Vanette Foley, Rushville. E. Kay Stroman, Hope.

Thelma Crouch, 1311 Ninth. Madeline Kline, 517 nut. Vera Gosman, North Vernon. Carman Gabbard, Route 1. Alice Rediker, Route 13.

Louis Yorn, Greenburg. Bobby Phelps, Hope. Raw Sewage Flows Into Creek at Hope Nathan Eagleton, Route 4. Joshua Voss, 2, Seymour. Patrick Reed, 4, Hope.

Chuck Baker, 4, Route 4. Annette Luenebrink, 9, Route 7. Tommy Cooper, 9, Elizabethtown. Robert Lee, 14, 462 S. Cherry.

Rebecca Dillingham, 2805 Thompson. Mary Lemley, Edinburgh. lanthia Ricks, 2302 McKinley. Arlenna Forrest, 1612 McKinley. Dorothy Bray, 2401 Fairington.

Fenella Flinn, Route 6. Alice White, 1524 California. Janice Smith, 261 Collier. Ethel Smith, Scipio. Carolyn Douglas, 2032 Timbercrest.

Edith Wilcox, 120 Hughes. Marilyn Richards, Route 10. Janice Boggs, 1935 Dawnshire. Anna Kirchner, North Vernon. Elsie Cochran, 717 Wilson.

Clara Jessee, Columbia, Ky. Elvie Moore, North Vernon. Jessie Parrigin, Route 8. Marshall Lucas, 2404 Cherry. Cleon Sweeney, 1640 Union.

Archie Wilber, Elizabethtown. Paul Alvey, Elizabethtown. Vincent McDonough, Milan. Ralph Boesche, 3720 Candlelight. Ray Stephens.

Osgood. Henry Garris, 405 Patterson. and Trevor Foga, 9 months, North Vernon. James Wilson 6, 3011 Rosewood. Sammie Jiles III, 11, 1318 Ninth.

Harriett Keller, 11, 148 N. Ross. Byron Conrad, 16, Elizabethtown. Kathryn Wisdom, Route 1. Nelda Mohr, Rushville.

Allison Eudy, 1 week, 2370 E. Lincoln Village. Whitney Greathouse, 1 month. Westport. Shannon Petro, 1, 824 Ninth.

Chad Day, 2. North Vernon. Crystal Cheek, 3, 61 N. Hinman. Brandon Freeman, 4, Route 9 Dessa Luckey, 6, Route 7.

Kyle Wieneke, 8. Seymour. Dorinda Ryan, 15, Route 10. Maxine Wetzel. 2525 Dogwood.

Salina Myers, 1919 Jolinda. Valerie King, 1321 Audubon. Thelma Kissling. Hope. Wilma Burdine.

213 Lincoln. Thelma Sage. Seymour. Nonia Mae Malone, Route 7. Linda Robbins, 2970 McKinley.

Michael Parrish, Franklin. Bankruptcy Petitions Several area residents were among those recently filing for bankruptcy in United States Federal District Court in Indianapolis. Jeffrey and Virginia S. DeLaughter, 3861 Candlelight, showed assets of $3,600 and liabilities of $29,596.12. Their creditors include Commercial Credit.

Beneficial Finance and R. and V. McCullough. Their attorney is J.D. Lloyd.

Penny E. and David S. Villa, Elizabethtown, showed assets of $2.382.50 and liabilities of $13.761.39. Their creditors include Cummins Credit, General Finance and U.S. Fidelity.

Their attorney is B.R. Runnels. Nancy D. Lawhorn, 812 Seventh, assets, liabilities and creditors not listed. Her attorney is G.L.

Hostetler. Michael S. Weston, Nashville, showed assets of $6,800 and liabilities of $17,175.17. His creditors include Ford Credit, Allen Steen and Goodyear Service Store. His attorney is J.T.

Roberts. Raymond D. and Beverly A. Scott, 2741 Indiana, showed assets of $1,265 and liabilities of $6.520.96. Dorothy M.

and Carl F. Hoover, 232 Smith, showed assets of $30,420 and liabilities of $41.834. Their creditors include Citizens Savings and Loan, Beneficial Finance and VISA. Their attorney is C. Turnweaver.

Paul and Rebecca L. Richards, 1029 Washington, showed assets of $5,528 and liabilities $12,203.36. Creditors include General Credit, Sears and Pacific Finance. Their at torney is J.L. Weinberg.

An inoperative lift station at Goshen Meadows near Hope is causing raw sewage to run into Horse Creek, engineers told the Hope Town Board Monday. According to Ed Tinkle of Commonwealth Engineering at Greenwood, both pumps at the lift station are broken and the sewage is "popping covers and flowing into the creek." A repair crew was to be at the station Tuesday to pull the pumps and try to get the station back on line, he said. The problem began several months ago when the station's main pump went down and a backup pump kicked on, Tinkle added. The situation worsened when the backup pump broke Friday. The station is supposed to send sewage to a gravity holding system near Hauser High School.

From there it is pumped to the town's sewage treatment plant, Tinkle said. "We don't know what's' wrong with the pumps," Tinkle said. "We haven't pulled them out and there's no way to pull the pumps without pulling the entire station." He said workmen will use a sludge pump to clear the station and reroute sewage into a lagoon away from the stream. "Once the pumps are out of there we'll get them repaired as quickly as possible and then get started on a new station." Commonwealth is preparing a recommendation on a station for the next town board meeting. Tinkle said it could take from 90 to 180 days to build the station at a cost of up to $32,000.

The problem so far has not affected homes in Goshen Meadows, he added, as the station is on terrain which is then the housing complex. Skateland Names First King, Queen Brenda Thomas and Mark Moore were crowned first annual queen and king, respectively, of Columbus Skateland Saturday night for collecting the most money for the American Heart Association Southeast Indiana division. Miss Thomas raised $63.28 in the penny-a-vote competition. Moore raised $229.82. First runner-up for queen was Melissa Bell who raised $56.03.

Jackie Knight, who raised $34.41, was second runner-up. Ricky Rogers was first runner-up for king, raising $69.09 while Kevin Sage was second runner-up with $60. The king and queen won radios and runners up won gift certificates from Sun Records, Bresler's Ice Cream and Shirt Tales. Candidates for king and gueen, 2 were selected at random from skaters at the establishment. Other candidates included Anita Turner, Andrea Chinn, Melanie Hadley, Dave Burch, Todd Maze, Brian Bailey, Keith Roberts and David Holman.

A total of $748.29 was raised by all participants. Mrs. Henderson, chairman of the Heart Association campaign, thanked Don Knight, owner of Columbus Skateland, for his and his associates' help in the project. LINCOLN DAY DINNER Republican Dan Quayle, 4th Dis- Friday night at The Commons. Quayle also attended a reception in trict U.S.

Representative and a candidate for the U.S. Senate, his honor Friday night at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Peter Leonard, addresses the annual Bartholomew County Lincoln Day Dinner 3680 Woodside. New Traffic Flow Plans Presented Detailed traffic flow and parking changes planned for the sections of Eighth and 10th11th west of Central Avenue were presented to the Columbus Board of Works this morning, with the board expected to take action on the proposals in the next week or so.

Delmar Kloeker, consulting traffic engineer for the city, alSO talked about reversing the one-way flows of traffic on Ninth and 10th streets, asking the board to endorse that change for this spring, while the other changes would not take place until sometime this summer. The board did give its approval to a $6,266.05 bid from Mahan Ford for a new truck for the parking meter and traffic department, the only bid received. Also approved was conversion of the heating system at the police maintenance garage from bottle gas to natural gas, a change expected to save about a third of the annual heating costs at the building. Kloeker asked the board to recommend an ordinance to the city council soon which would reverse the traffic flows on Ninth and 10th on the west side of the city. Ninth currently is one-way east and 10th is one-way west.

The reversal is being sought so one-way east Eighth and one-way west 10th11th will not be adjacent to one-way streets going the same direction, which would make it more difficult for traffic to get around in the area. Kloeker asked that the Ninth and (10th street changes be made soon so people in the area can get used to them before the two main streets, now handling two-way traffic, are made one-way this summer. Residents along parts of Eighth and 10th-11th will find it live with the changes if a new parking recommendation is followed by the city council. Earlier plans had called for all parking to be banned on both sides of the two streets once the traffic flows are made one-way. Kloeker said this morning he has studied traffic projections further and has found there is no need to ban all parking in the area at this time, although he urged the board to be open to the possible need to limit parking further as traffic on the streets increases.

As a result, he recommended parking be allowed on one side of Eighth generally from Franklin to Central, although it would be banned on both sides in the areas around Chestnut and California to provide turn lanes, and would be banned from Central Place to Central Avenue for the same reason. On 10th-11th, he recommended parking be allowed on one side generally from Union to Franklin, although it would be banned on both sides in the Woman Thaws Freezer; Finds $200 Cold Cash Attention homemakers: It pays to defrost your refrigerator. A Columbus woman, who requested her name and address not be published, said recently she found $200 she didn't know she had while defrosting the freezer compartment of her refrigerator this morning. "It was way in the back of the freezer, stuck to one of those freezer containers," she said. "'The container had ice on it and I was running water over it to get the ice off when this little Irwin Union Bank envelope fell off.

Marriage License Applications William Edward VanArsdale, 19, Route 11, and Kristina Beth White, 20, Route 11. Ronald Lee Cawood, 24, Route 10, and Debra Ann Parker, 22, Nashville. Robert Rhea Hawkins, 27, Route 2, and Mickey Dawn Greene, 21, 2032 Vermont. Donald Eugene Collier, 36, Elizabethtown, and Marilyn Ross Gyzen, 21, Scipio. Edward Chester Wells, 19, 1462 Chestnut, and Teri Lynn Grasch, 18, 1462 Chestnut.

George David Manning, 25, Edinburgh, and Jennifer Lou Moore, 25, 3335 Woodland. Michael Kevin Rowe, 23, Shelbyville, and Kim Renee Rigsby, 18, Route 2. John Edwin Stewart, 22, Hope, and Rita Louise Love, 24, Hope. Carl David Chandler, 30, 7650 Parkland, and Rita Kay Freeman, 28, 7650 Parkland. Mark Perry Fear, 28, Route 2, and Phyllis Ann Sergent, 28, North Vernon.

Philip Newby, 42, 1002 California, and Nellie Lee Jones, 50, 1002 California. Clarence Robert Branum, 17, Goldie Ann Trailer Court, and Linda Faye Johnson, 17, Goldie Ann Trailer Court. Flow of sewage into the creek must be stopped immediately, according to David Shymkus of the Bartholomew County Health Department. Shymkus said he and Lois Joy of the State Pollution Control Board have been working with the town since the first problem with the lift station was reported. In other business, the board: Approved a resolution making June 29 through July 5 Hope Sesquicentennial Week.

Approved appointment of Jim Zollman and Brent Breeding to the police reserves. Voted to map location of 12 mercury vapor street lights for Goshen Meadows. Legal Advertising NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS is hereby given the taxNotice, the City of Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers of the said Municipal Corporation at their regular meeting place at 7:30 P.M., E.S.T. on the 4th day of March, 1980, will consider the following additional appropriation which officers consider essary to meet the extraordinary emergency existing at this time: Appropriated from General Fund to: Fire Department Account No. 11 $21,898.00 Taxpayers appearing at such meeting shall have a right to be heard thereon.

The additional appropriation as finally made will be automatically referred to the State Board of Tax Commissioners, which will hold a further meeting within fifteen days at the County Auditor's office of such County, or at such other place as may be designated. At such hearing, taxpayers objecting to such additional appropriation may be heard. Interested taxpayers may inquire of the County Auditor when and where such hearing will be held. Ruth Hubbard, Clerk-treasurer of the City of Columbus, areas around Chestnut and California, again to provide turn lanes. Kloeker formally recommended creation of a "contraflow" lane on 10th-11th from Washington to Hutchins, to give emergency vehicles direct access from Fire House No.

1 to the Golden Foundry area. The lane would be available for emergency use He asked the board to consider erection of flashers at the various 10th-11th Street intersections to warn traffic when emergency vehicles were using the lane. He said the creation of a contra-flow lane east of Michigan would require either widening of the street or making one lane of the street a reversible lane. He had no cost estimates on the flashers or on widening of the street. The one-way changes on Eighth and 10th-11th streets are being planned as part.

of the 10th Street Crosstown Act rial Project, which eventually will provide rapid flow of traffic from the far northeast corner of the city to the downtown area. Area Man Charged In Dec. 9 Robbery A Columbus man was arrested Monday in connection with a Dec. 9 armed robbery at the Hoosier Kitchen Truck Stop, Taylorsville. Sam E.

Sallee, 21, Route 4, was arrested by Indiana State Police at Bo Witt, Inc. in Edinburgh Monday morning. He was being held at the Bartholomew County Jail this morning on a preliminary charge of armed robbery. According to Bartholomew County Sheriff's Department reports, a lone gunman armed with a sawed -off shotgun and wearing a ski mask approached a clerk at the truck stop shortly after 2 a.m. Dec.

9. The clerk told investigators man ordered her to on the floor of the station's office until he left. State Police Det. Sgt. Stewart Smith said Tuesday morning he received information that led to Sallee's arrest.

Park Board Reviews Energy-Saving Plan Bob Kotnik of Sieco, Inc. of Columbus gave a presentation on Lincoln Energy Project at the monthly meeting of the Columbus Parks and Recreation Board Thursday night at Donner Center. Kotnik showed the board sketches of the proposed water tower and explained how the rest of the project would be constructed. The project will include the re-using of lost heat and recirculation of water, effecting a $30,000 annual savings in utility costs. In other business, the board reviewed several fee increase proposals made by the staff.

The fee increases were a result of the board's policy to make programs and facilities more self sufficient. The board said this type of policy has been in effect since 1973 when the property tax freeze was implemented by Indiana. Fee increases approved were: An increase from 50 to 75 cents per court per hour for the Columbus Tennis Association Men's League. A 25-cent fee per court per hour for the Columbus Tennis Association Women's League. An increase in adult softball fees.

The men's league will be assessed a $210 entry fee and the women's will pay a $200 fee. The junior high baseball program fees were increased to $5 for city and $7 for non city residents. New fees for the Greenbelt Golf Course were increased. Barkhimer on Advisory Group Lynn Barkhimer, president of Citizens Savings and Loan Association, has been appointed to the 1980 advisory committee on state legislation of the United States League of Savings Associations. Indiana Feb.

22, 29, 1980, 132 Feb. 22, 29, 1980, 132 Legal Notice of Public Hearing The Alcoholic Beverage Board of Bartholomew County, Indiana, at 10:00 a.m., on March 11, 1980, at the Bartholomew Co Extension Office meeting room in the City of Columin. said county, will investigate an alcoholic beverage permit by the following persons and locations lited herein, to wit: DL03-07099 John Groub Co, Tom Groub Pres, Emmylou Ballinger Secy, 4080 Jonathan Moore Pike, Columbus, Ind, beer aand wine dealer new; DL03-10856 The John Groub Co, Tom Groub Pres Seymour, Emmylou: Bollinger Sec Seymour, 2150 State St, Columbus, Ind, beer and wine dealer; DL03-13467 Bob 0 Link Liquors Inc, Wm Rogerson Pres Columbus, Susan Rogerson Sec Columbus, 2415 National Rd, Columbus, Ind, liquor, beer and wine dealer. Said investigation will be open to the public. Indiana Alcoholic Beverage Commission by Bruce McLaren, Exec Secty; James Sims, Chairman.

March 3, 1980, 113 Feb. 22, 1980, 113 NOTICE TO BIDDERS The board also decided not to raise fees at the Par 3 Golf Course due to the construction that was done last fall. This will be reviewed again next fall. The board also delayed a decision until March on a possible fee increase at Donner Pool to offset al attendant costs for Lincoln and Donner tennis courts. Bids on a 1980 dump truck also were received by the board from Dunfee Chevrolet, $13,002, and Mahan Ford, $13,223.82.

Harold Cecil, Route 8. Seated, from left, are Russell Blackwell, Bedford route 11, Keith Kessler, 3135 30th, and Ken Shelby, North Vernon route 5. The school will be offering the public two classes in the programming of small computers, with classes to start March 3. NEW COMPUTER PROGRAMS STARTING Students at Ivy. Tech try out their typing skills on new computer terminals the local college received recently with a federal grant, as their two instructors stand in background.

The instructors are, looking at print-out at left, Gregg Smith, Route 3, and watching the students, Notice is hereby given that the Township Trustee of Columbus Township, Indiana will receive sealed bids or proposals at the office of the Columbus Township Trustee, 1220 Washington Street, Columbus, Indiana 47201, until 3:00 o'clock P.M., E.S.T., Friday, February 29, 1980, for the furnishing of all necessary labor, equipment and material for One (1) Steel or Aluminum "Walk-In" style body of not less than 80 in. width and 60 in. head room clearance inside walk-in compartment as described according to the specifications on file in the office of the Columbus Township Trustee. All bids and proposals shall be properly and completely executed on a proposal form provided with the specifications which will include the noncollusion affidavit as required by the State of Indiana. Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by an acceptable certified check or surety bond in an amount not less than Five Percent of the total bid price made payable to the Columbus Township Trustee.

The certified check or surety bond is a guarantee that the bidder will perform the terms of its bid and make delivery accordingly. Said purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept any bid conforming with the specifications that is deemed to be in the best interest of the purchaser. All bids submitted shall specify the cash price at which the bidder proposes to sell said equipment and apparatus. Bids will be opened at 3:00 o'clock P.M., E.S.T. on Friday, February 29, 1980, at the office of the Columbus Township Trustee, 1220 Washington Street, Columbus, Indiana.

Each Bidder is to have a representative present to answer questions pertaining to the bid. Specifications and information may be obtained from Roger Johnson, Columbus Township Trustee, 1220 Washington Street, Columbus, Indiana 47201, phone: 372-8249. Roger Johnson, Columbus Township Trustee Feb. 15, 22, 1980, 103 Feb. 15, 22, 1980, 103 "I put it on some newspaper and was going to throw it away, but I looked at it and said, 'I wonder what that and I opened it up." Inside she found 10 $20 bills cold cash in its purest form.

"I put my hand to my head and said, 'Is something happening to my mind? Am I going I couldn't remember ever putting that money in there. I still can't remember ever putting that money in the freezer." The envelope has "Have A Nice Day" printed on it. Ruth Harrison of Irwin Union Bank and Trust Co. said the bank has used such envelopes for about five years, off and on, and still uses them occasionally. Although some friends have suggested the woman go on a spending spree, she plans to hold on to the money for a while.

"I'm on Social Security," she said. "I can use it." Three Hurt In Jennings Collision NORTH VERNON Three persons were in Jennings Community Hospital Wednesday with injuries sustained in a head-on collision on U.S. 50 here Tuesday afternoon. Willard Koop, 55, and Luella Koop, 55, Seymour route 3, and James Smith, 73, Cincinnati, Ohio, were admitted at nings hospital after emergency treatment shortly after 3:30 p.m. Willard Koop was reported in fair condition Wednesday and his wife listed as satisfactory.

Smith also was listed in satisfactory condition. Police said a truck driven by Koop collided head-on with a car driven by Smith on U.S. 50, at the east edge of North Vernon, at 3:29 p.m. Tuesday. Further details of the accident were not available from police this morning.


ALDRIDGE, BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. OF I INDIANA SHIFREN WILLENS SMITH9 JEWELERS NO. IP80-67-C On motion of plaintiff directing the above-named defendant, Laura L. McMillan, to appear, plead or otherwise answer in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and of the Judicial Code, and it appearing to the Court that this is an action to enforce a lien upon real property located in the County of Bartholomew, Indiana, within this District, more particularly described as follows: Lot Number Fifty (50) in Goshen Meadows Addition, Section Two Subdivision in the Town of Hope, Bartholomew County, Indiana, as shown in Plat Book page 4 in the Office of the Recorder of Bartholomew County, Indiana. That said defendant, Laura L.

McMillan, cannot be located within the state, the present whereabouts of said defendant is unknown, personal service in or out of the state is not practicable and she has not voluntarily appeared in this action; it is ORDERED that the above-named defendant, Laura L. McMillan, is hereby directed to appear, plead, answer or otherwise move with respect to the complaint herein, on or before March 31 80, or in default thereof, the Court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this suit; and it is further ORDERED that this be. published in Columbus Herald, once a week for six (6) consecutive weeks, beginning no later than Feb. 19, 1980. DATED: 30 Jan.

1980 CALE J. HOLDER JUDGE, United States District Court, Southern District of Indiana Feb. 15, 22, 29, March 7, 14, 21, 1980, 92.

The Columbus Herald from Columbus, Indiana (2024)


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