Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Journal and Courieri

Lafayette, Indiana

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Thursday Evening March 2 1939 11 LAAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER DEATHS IN CITY AND VICINITY SUNDAY MARCH 5 MODEL 63 Cubic eet DAYTON I St taken after DOUBLE KILLING IS ADMITTED BY Red pool con are three daughters: ix of Boswell Mrs of Talbot and Mrs of Brookston three of Elwood 'Clyde of CARDINAL PACELLI IS ELECTED 262ND POPE (Continued rom Page One) Thousands are praising tpnga for its wonderful lasting benefits Every day In their Quick thorough way without ballyhoo or fuss this fine old firm has produced the best at the lowest possible cost 5 CHARLES ASHBY Charles Ashby' 63 WPA fore man 'died of a heart attack at 8 a tn Thursday at his home 1100 North Seventh street Born at Cutler his entire life was spent in Carroll and Tippecanoe coun MADE BY Heins and Manschauer QUALITY RERIGERATORS Since 1865 PERKINS Trick idler ROLETTE Roller Tapper lorida lorida Cotton Pickers James of Marysville Leonard of Mellott 86 The funeral will be held riday at the Hillsboro church with burial in cemetery I Thirty four states have laws prohibiting the importation of prison made products from other states Electric Refrigerator DEVITT UNERAL DELPHI March (Special) Short burial services for Miss Suzanne DeVitt will be conducted from the Masopic cemetery here at 4 Thursday afternoon with the Grimm Sons funeral home in charge MONTY and his buckaroos CLARENCE and his square dancers Pacelli gained outstanding fame with his predecessor the 'late Cardinal Gasparri as one of the two men whose consummate diplo matic skill made possible the var ious concordat treaties Born ifi Rome March 2nd 1876 he came from an ancient Roman family His father illipo Pacelli was deal of consistorial advocates at the Vatican His mother Don na Virginia Graziosi was a Ro man noblewoman The 'new pope was ordained when he was only 23 His out standing ability was such that only two years later he was summoned to the sacred congregation of extraordiriary ecclesiastical affairs to serve his apprenticeship in di plomacy Nominated professor of canon law at the seminary of St Apollinarius he worked at his job with such zeal that the then Mons Gasparri at the time sec retary of the congregation of ex traordinary ecclesiastical affairs urged the young priest to aban don his professorship and dedi cate his entire time to ecclesiasti cal diplomacy The idea appealed to atherPacelli and he became a pf or copyist at the offices In thismanner he began his diplomatic career at the bottommost rung of the ladder rom that humble post he rose to become undersecretary of the congregation and then pro secre tary PROMISING QUALITIES When Cardinal Gasparri became papal secretary of state Pope Pijis nominated young Mon signor Pacelli secretary of the congregation of extraordinary ec clesiastical affairs Upon his ac cession to the 'throne Benedict retaiped Pacelli inhat post The new pdpehad had occasion to ap preciate the promising qualities of the young prelate for he too had served in the secretariat of state and had come 'into close touch with young Pacelli: his secretaryship of the congregation he collaborated with Cardinal Gasparri in carrying out the monumental task of codifying the canon law On April 21 1917 Benedict XV decided to send Monsignor Pacelli to Munich as apostolic nuncio a delicate diplomatic mission at a time when half the Catholics of Europe were engaged in a great war with the other half Before his departure Benedict XV consecrated Monsignor Pacelli titular archbishop of Sardi per eonally performing the ritual of consecration in the Sistine chapel Monsignor Pacelli conducted his pontifical diplomatic mission with supreme tact and wisdom during the last years of the war It was these traits which paved the way MISS CATHERINE MERRILL ROSSVILLE March (Spe cial) Miss Catherine Merrill 67 of Battle Ground former resident hpre died at 10 this morn ing at the hospital Indian apolis Miss Merrill was Horn in Ross ville and graduated from the Chi cago Training School for Dea conesses She thereafter served as deaconess at Boone la Elgin Ill Rossville and Crawfordsville She was a member of the local church Surviving are a sister Mrs Ellsworth Imes of Coeur Id and two brothers: Ora and Ira both of Jerome la uneral services 'will be con ducted at 2 riday after noon from the local church with the Rev Carl Bossp officiat ing assisted by the Rev' rank Henninger Burial will be in Ross ville cemetery ties eb 27 1908 he was mar ried' to lya Shallenberger Surviving are the widow a' son Roe i Ashby at home: three Manford Ashby Detroit Mich William Ashby Delphi postmaster and Otis Ashby Cleve VEHLING UNERAL uneral services for Mrs Min nie Vehling were held Wednesday at the home of Rudolph Buscher 1710 Scott street with burial in Greenbush cemetery Out of town people here from the funeral were Mr and Mrs William Vehling jr Mr and Mrs Arthur Vehling Mr and Mrs Harold Vehling Mes dames Kraft reund Schuh ritz Pawling Engmark and Emil Bernitt Mr and Mrs Seeley Mr Carelli Mr Jone Mr and Mrs Carlson and Miss Bernitt' all of Indianapolis Re and men and women report this famous new roots herbs and berks medicine has relieved them of long standing suffering from such ailments as run down tired out feeling heartburn sour indigestion torpid bowels' frequent getting up nights and many other similar disorders Mrs Mary Stich 3832 Washing ton Ave St Mathews Ky writes that Retonga helped her from the start and that she is how entirely freed from her two years suffering Mrs Stich is liked by everybody and is an active member of the Holy Trinity Church Her statement follows: have had a lot of trouble with nervous indigestion My food fermented and digest and everything I ate hurt me My bowels were sluggish and I hurt all over My joints were so stiff that in getting out of a chair I had to catch hold of something and pull myself up my ears felt like they were stopped up and I often felt sick and dizzy I had to get up five or 'six times every night and in the morning I was so worn out amous New Medicine Ends Sour Indigestion Drives Eain and Sore ness Out of Muscles and Joints and Re stores Her Strength Says Well Known Mathews Resident DARWIN JONES BOSWELL March (Special) Jones 78 of Boswell died Tuesday at the home of his son Clyde of Cutler where he was spending the winter Mr Jones vas born in War ren county and 57 years ago mar ried Jennie rances Watkins He was aretired farmer and a' mem ber of the Boswell church Surviving Mrs Elmer Joseph ix Ira Baer sons: Bert Cutler and loyd of Boswell a brother Harvey of Talbot and a sister Mrs Ed McDaniel of Boswell uneral services in charge of the Simpkins funeral home will be conducted from the local church at 2 riday afternoon with the Rev Peters officiating Burial will be in Locust Grove cemetery eral blankets Brand 40 been shot and beaten Police said the disordered room indicated Brand had struggled with his assailant The slayer apparently beat both husband and wife With the rifle until the stock was broken from the barrel Dis charged 22 cartridges littered the floor Police said Redmond had work ed for the Brands for several years He formerly lived at Mat toon Ill AT $9950 BETTER THAN ANY OTHER AT $14950 Do Not Confuse With Bargain Sale Boxes! COME IN! SEE OR YOURSEL! EXAMINE THIS DEPENDABLE yQUIET INE RERIGERATOR Kentland illing Station Is SceneOf Marriage Rites KENTLAND March (Spe cial) its the local at mosphere A salesman and sales woman engaged in the same line of business and traveling togeth er to Chicago stopped here fop lunch today They left the road side lunchstand Mr and Mrs with truck drivers and witnesses to the wedding which was performed In a adjoining filling Station applauding ap proval The bride was Miss LaJean Kendall of Denver CoL and the groom Mr Walter of Sullivan Both were 22 years old The marriage was performed by Justice of Peace Oliver Perry REYNOLDS WILLIAMSPORT March uneral services were held Tues day at the Stinchfleld funeral home Valparaiso for Reyn olds former Warren county presi dent He moved to Valparaiso eight years ago and was buried there in 'the new cemetery In earlier years he was a Warren county news correspondent for the Lafayette Journal i Hillbilly Songs Thirty People Mountain Music a Sponsored by Veterans of oreign Wars Prices Adults 25c Children 15c Reserved seats on sale at Hook's and Hogan Drug Stoves PHONE 8268 OR TICKETS 4 Shows 2:00 7:00 and 8:45 ARMORY MRS ANNA YUNCKER Mrs Anna Yuncker 82 old time resident of Lafayette died re cently at the family home In Tacoma' Wash where she had re sided many years was a na tive of Dayton and was the widow of John rank Yuncker who half a century ago was the proprietor of a bottling works in this city Some of the older resi dents of the community remember the family well? Two daughters and a son survive also a brother George Glickert of Dayton Her husband died In Tacoma 17 years ago Members of the fam ily revisited Lafayette frequently MRS ARMINA I COALSON Mrs Afmina Coalson 91 died at 6 Wednesday in the Home hospital She was formerly married to John' Yates a Civil war veteran now deceased Mrs Coalson entered the home from Indianapolis in January' 1935 A sister residing at Shelbyville survive' The body was removed to the Murphy fu neral home The body was to Indianapolis Thursday noon THE EAGLE URNITURE CO NEW 1939 land with a sister Mrs Carrie Scott city The body was taken to the Grimm and Sons funeral home Delphi and may be viewed at the family residence after Thursday Services at the residence Saturday at 2 burial in Wingard cemetery Del phi JOHN LINVILLE MELLOTT March 3 John Linville 90 veteran ountain county merchant died Wednesday at his home In Hillsboro A na tive of Kentucky he canae to this county as a young man or six years he was postmaster at Hills boro for 64 years was a member of the Masonic lodge 'and for 50 years a member of the Hillsboro Methodist church Surviving are the widow wifnl twin brothers Mo ana years old at 2 Methodist Rose Hill MRS MARY STICH that I could hardly get out ofbed My hands swelled until the skin broke and left big cracks clear across the palms and I had to wear gloves toprotect them So many medi cines had failed me that' had become disheartened but when I read the statements of so many people telling how Re tonga had relieved them of troubles like mine I just figured they all be wrong and got some for my self In a few days I could feel my strength returning and my suffering rapidly easing up Now the soreness and stiffness has all gone I never have to get up nights to relieve my Tkidneys and I sleep fine The swelling has gone from my hands and the cracked places have entirely healed My bowels "are regular and I have no more indigestion Retonga acted like a miracle in my case and I have made a special trip to town give this letter to the Retonga man for' the benefit of other Retonga may be obtained at Dependable Drug Store $125 size 98c Adv ARMHAND 30 Edinburg Couple Slain by Clifford Redmond Who Is Seized in Illinois Girl 12 Identified Murderer i EDINBURG Ind March (AB) A 30 year old farm hand was held tonight as the confessed slayer of Paul Brand and his wife fin their farm home near here last a crime dis closed at dawn today when 12 year old Gloria Ann Brand after huddling terrified with two young er children for six hours ran to a for help The farm hand 'Clifford mond was arrested in a room at Ramsey Ill and fessed shortly afterward Ramsey Chief of Police rank inning said that he killed the Brands He offered no explanation Chief inning said except that he was drunk RECOGNIZED BY CHILD The Brand automobile in which the slayer was believed to have fled was found in the business district of Ramsey Chief in ning said he found in the car the blood stained barrel of a rifle The broken stock of the weapon with which Brand and his wife apparently were beaten after they had been shot was left behind in the bedroom State police said Gloria Brand was assaulted by the slayer but Redmond derlied Chief inning said that het had attacked the girt The search for Redmond started State Police Captain Walter Eckart said after the hysterial child had told officers she recog nized the farm hand as the in truder who shot her parents and then came into her room where she was sleeping with her 3 year old sister Judith and broth er Tommy 10 TO BE REQUESTIONED Eckart said Indiana officers would seek to return Redmond to Indiana immediately Gloria said the crime occurred shortly after midnight but that she and the other children were tod frightened to leave their room until 'daylight when she ran to the home of Robert Robertson There she sobbed out a story of how she heard a loud report then some scratching She said everything became quiet until a man stalked into the room and attacked her Officers found the body of Mrs Brand 43 in her bed She had been killed by a 22 caliber rifle bullet On the blood stained floor lay body wrapped in sev nad SEE THE DAYTON DELUXE rozen ood Compartment and Every Other Convenient Built In eature ONLY $15950 COME TODAY! RETONGA DESERVES THE PRAISE IT GETS THE EAGLE URNITURE co 425 31 Columbia St THIRD ANNUAL BARN DANCE PERSONAL APPEARANCE little Green Valley Radio Artists STATION WIBC INDIANAPOLIS Tipton Hot Shots Huskers Chorus Texas' Joe and His Tennessee i EIE MAE IHI Eg! i Bsl ri r' 'J' 7 'Ip ''V IM HB I HU jTiT ft fniTrfttiWa MH Im ir mi Mfe fl? ertilizer Industry He Wants to Die 3 THRU SATURDAY TODAY RCTWtr BOTTOM THE SEA! re ig CdwM lctBra 1 THRILLING ADVENTURE AS MOTO TRAILS A KILLER TO THE (The government is offering farmers seedling trees for as little as 2a thousand in its reforesta tion and land conservation pro gram eij day session awav The house of representatives scheduled a session later as a committee of the whole to con sider the $84000000 state budget for the next two fiscal years The for outlays in a pdriod which Governor Townsend has warned may put the state in the red is contained in two ap propriation bills which under the constitution originate in the house jOne bill is for departments and institutions supported by the state aihne The ways and means com mittee reported this bill originally for into the house yes terday after cutting it more than a million dollars The other bill is for state money tq match federal funds for old age assistance social security and the like This in its original form was for $19603900 I A MOtWIlAM PlCTVKt Js rg' SORE MUSCLES ACHES PAINS OMEGA OIL GOV TOWNSEND SIGNS LIQUOR REORM BILL i (Continued rom Page One) With Robert Paige and Jacqueline Wells I IOWA t)IGS OUT tES MOINES Iowa March 1 (UP) air weather returned to Iowa today facilitating the task of digging out of the worst bliz zard in three years Trains bus ses and airplanes resumed normal schedules oline tax from 4 cents a gallon thb present rate to 3 cents Senate democrats overrode a minority report oh the bill to re duce the gross income tax on retailers and redrafted the meas ure by providing a sliding scale ranging from three tenths of one cent to a flat two per cent inf the higher income brackets Republican members of the fiiiance committee submitted a plan under which retailers would pay three fourths of one per cent on all income above $2000 I WARNS ABOUT BUDGET legislature struggled today with the twin problems of state revenue raising and state spending with adjournment of the 61i day session only four days for the concordat with Germany signed after Pacelli had become papal secretary of state When regular diplomatic rela tions were established between the Vatican and the third reich in 1920 Monsignor Pacelli was sent to Berlin as the first apostolic nuncio for all of the German con federation except Bavaria 'T WINS GOOD WILL In his new post Monsignor Pa zeal won for him the good wll and the sympathies of the German government later destin ed to stand him in good stead in Rome during the concordats ne gotiations His outstanding achievement was that he succeeded in bringing about the concordat treaty with Bavaria as well as with Prussia He worked for this end from the very beginning of his appoint ment to Berlin and was finally atye to bring it to a successful conclusion with the additional sat isfaction that he was able to ne gotiate the treaty himself as sec retary of state It was about that time that he made the concordat treaty With Austria as well Several years ago he made a tour of the United States after which he made a minute report to thie late Pope Pius on his Ameri can observations To Be Probed by Government WASHINGTON March (UP) The department of justice today began a nationwide investigation of the commercial fertilizer in dustry and announced that illegal combination will be dissolved The department said that one of the objectives the Inquiry would be to eliminate dangers' to the national defense It pointed out that nitrate of soda an es sential ingredient of common fer tilizer i is a strategic war material I many it said have been continuous complaints of monopolistic practices in com mercial fertilizer from farm co operatives farm organizations mixers dealers and unorganized farm groups These complaints have come from sources so liable that they cannot be COINCIDENCES? I The department said that prices Jn the Industry been main? Jtained with such uniformity as ito constitute corroboration of those complaints and to compel this jIt added that is difficult to believe that such prices are the result of a series of I Reliable sources indicated that more than 50 operatives already had been assigned to the inquiry I About 8000000 tons of mixed fertilizers are used every year by American farmers Annual sales amount to more than $200000000 TODAY RI LUNA2 IRST RUN il if uyr Your Car Greased or Washed 3C SHELL SUPER SERVICE ourth and South Sta Dial 2070 me to the electne chair orive me life was request of George Hreben (above) 29 in Scranton Pa court where he was tried on four charges of break ing and entering one charge of lar ceny and two charges of auto theft Judge obliged with 30 to 60 years in Eastern Penitentiary (Central Prtst) Two Extortionists Receive Sentences ST PAUL Minn March 1 Mathew Stegbauer 31 year old convicted hijacker was sentenced to from two to five Action packed! With RICARDO CORTEZ VIRGINIA IELDS GEORGE SANDERS JOHN CARRADINE It Brings Results a low priced remedy that is powerful yet harmless that is highly medicated and penetrating good for easily reached aches pains soreness and lame ness effective it gets results a 35 cent bottle of Omega Oil and know all this mil lions already know it Rub it in good for backache for sprains and strains for stiff neck and sore arms for painful burning feet and all surface aches and pains feel better quick or relief of the pains of rheuma tlem sciatica neuritis neuralgia and lumbago it Is famous all over America 1 1 A I I A 5 1 1 lOigM I 4 1 I years in prison today as the al leged instigator of an attempt to extort $15000 from Charles A Ward millionaire St Paul busi ness man philanthropist and ex At the same time Harold Mc Evoy 29 former law student was handed a five year suspended sen tence as confederate in the extortion attempt Both men pleaded guilty to blackmail charges 'and sentence was passed by District Judge Hugo Hanft Learn the Late Dances By Enrolling in Our New Advanced Class Tonight LATEST DANCES TAUGHT Including the Chestnut Tree S1S0 6th and erry Journal and Courier Want Ads Bring Best RI SAT MEN WHO IGHT OR EMPIREWOMEN WHO IGHT OR LOVE A cavalcade of conquest in the SABU (Elephant Boy) RAYMOND MASSEY VALERIE HOBSON AND CAST 3000 MrMTd I fiv today DRUMS IN GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOR with it periioviiQnQucyvriu Yivi in Technicolor I 9 TODAY RI 2 DAYS only )RIS KARLO NEDDA HARRIGAN It took a century to reveal it but the hushed up story is out at last! Blistering in its revelationsblasting to high heaven the tortured truth about 56000 men without women in prison without a tir ring! sensational! screened for the first timel 4 7 MARS the tentn like Mai NOW SHOWING THE GREATEST SCREEN THRILL YOUR LIE! Roaring for battle or ready for loyal swaggering sons of the thundering guns of storied Indiathe lustiest devils who ever manned a cannon or plagued a heart in W6ADIN jtarrag CABT GBAKT VTCTOB McLAGLEX DOUGLAS MHBAIKS Jr tmhs ndUrffft ssmw SajnJaffe EdnardoClanBeni Joaaontalng it plundered tor RKO SHOW SHOWSI migMy picture! 1 i Mai.

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Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.