The Best Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe (2024)

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One thing I miss most about living in Germany is the Hot Chocolate! No matter where we went, they always served the best Belgian Hot Chocolate! It was full of a rich chocolate flavor, extra smooth and oh so amazing! I miss it dearly. I absolutely love my Gourmet Hot chocolate with all the flavors, but the Belgian hot chocolate completely takes the cake!

The Best Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe (1)

When I’m missing my Germany Home, I love to curl up with a warm cup of the traditional decadent Belgian hot chocolate recipe. So I spent the afternoon reading, researching, and experimenting in the kitchen. I have come up with a great Belgian Hot Chocolate recipe! This recipe gets my homemade hot chocolate as close as possible to the same amazing Belgian Hot Chocolate I used to enjoy in Europe! I hope you will enjoy it as much as we do!

Table of Contents hide

1 Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe

2 DIY Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe

2.1 Ingredients

2.2 Instructions

2.3 Do you love Belgian hot Chocolate?

2.4 What is your favorite Belgian Hot chocolate recipe combinations?

The Best Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe (2)

Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe

Place half of the milk, chocolate pieces and salt in a small saucepan. Warm on medium low heat. Heat until the chocolate is melted. Be sure to stir frequently. Add in the remaining milk, vanilla and a small squirt of Reddi Whip whipped cream.

If you like spice add in the Cinnamon. If you prefer a sweeter hot chocolate you will also add in the white sugar. If you prefer the richer Belgian style hot chocolate, no additional sugar is needed.

Turn heat up to medium high. Stir rapidly as you mix the remaining ingredients together. Do not boil. Once all ingredients are well mixed, pour into your hot chocolate mug.

The Best Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe (3)

Top with more whipped cream and chocolate flakes. Serve warm.

The Best Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe (4)

Picking Ingredients for Belgian Hot Chocolate.

Most recipes I found suggested using a special hot cocoa machine. Although they are nice, they are not necessary. But who are we kidding, if I had one; I would totally use it! Lol! But all you need to really remember is to stir frequently and quickly. You don’t want the chocolate or milk to scald.

The most important factor in this hot chocolate recipe is the selection of your chocolates. You will not want to skimp on the quality. You will find the best quality chocolates in bar form. If possible find imported Belgian dark chocolate. It will give the most authentic flavor. The lowest % you will want to use is 53% dark. The highest is around 72%. Anything less or more will be off from the authentic flavor.

When selecting the milk chocolate, again you want a quality bar. Lindt, Ghirardelli, Milka, or other European brands of milk chocolate are your best choices.

For a more creamy Belgian hot Chocolate you will want to use a richer milk. Even use half and half! But for those looking to cut calories or for a lighter taste; you can use regular milk. Or skim milk. Because of the Dairy allergy in our family, I used Lactaid fat free milk. It turned out amazing. If you need full diary free; I highly suggest using the Almond milk or Coconut milk. It will be slightly different; but still a very decadent treat!

The Best Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe (5)

Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe Alterations

For even more fun, try using flavored milk chocolate squares. I tried using some Ghirardelli Coconut Rendezvous milk chocolate bar pieces in place of the milk chocolate. It turned out amazing! I bet the Raspberry or mint chocolate flavors would too!

If you like more flavor choices, don’t forget the Torani Syrups I talked about using the last time I shared my Gourmet Hot Cocoa recipes! Those are great for changing up the flavors!

Yield: 1

DIY Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe

The Best Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe (6)

Prep Time5 minutes

Cook Time5 minutes

Total Time10 minutes


  • 1 cup milk
  • 3 ounces Quality Dark Belgian chocolate 56% min; 72% max.
  • 1 1/2 ounces Quality Milk chocolate
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • Whipped cream such as Reddi Whip in the can
  • Dash of cinnamon (optional)
  • 1 Tablespoon White sugar (optional)


  1. Add half milk, chocolate and salt in pan and heat on low heat.
  2. Stir until all chocolate is melted.
  3. Add remaining ingredients.
  4. Heat on Medium High heat.
  5. Stir rapidly
  6. Do not let boil
  7. Once all ingredients are dissolved, serve warm.
  8. Top with whipped cream and Chocolate curls/shavings.
  9. Enjoy!

The Best Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe (7)

Do you love Belgian hot Chocolate?

What is your favorite Belgian Hot chocolate recipe combinations?

The Best Belgian Hot Chocolate Recipe (2024)


What is the secret ingredient in gourmet hot chocolate? ›

Marshmallows: The Unsung Hero

Believe it or not, the secret ingredient in gourmet hot chocolate is none other than marshmallows. These fluffy, sweet confections are the unsung heroes of the hot chocolate world, adding a delightful creaminess and hint of sweetness that takes the drink to a whole new level.

What makes Belgian chocolate better? ›

The percentage of cocoa in Belgian chocolate is higher than that of chocolate produced elsewhere. In addition, Belgian chocolate contains 100% cocoa butter. In combination with the traditional fillings from Ovidias, this ensures a delicious taste experience when eating our Belgian chocolates.

What's the best milk to use for hot chocolate? ›

The best type of milk for making hot chocolate is whole milk. This is because the higher fat content in whole milk creates a creamier and richer hot chocolate. However, if you are looking for a healthier option, almond milk or oat milk can also work well as they add a subtle nutty or oaty flavor to the hot chocolate.

What is the difference between Parisian and Belgian hot chocolate? ›

Both are made with real, high grade couverture chocolate however a Parisian hot chocolate is generally sweetened with a little extra sugar while a Belgian one is not. (Please note that neither style can be considered low in sugar as they are both made with real chocolate.)

How do you make hot chocolate more flavorful? ›

The 15 Best Things To Add To Hot Chocolate
  1. Add an extract. A quick and easy way to add flavor to your hot chocolate is by adding a splash of your favorite extract. ...
  2. Sprinkle in warm spices. ...
  3. Mix in Nutella. ...
  4. Swirl in caramel. ...
  5. Spike it. ...
  6. Infuse it with orange. ...
  7. Swap regular sugar for maple syrup. ...
  8. Add a shot (of coffee)
Dec 4, 2023

What makes hot chocolate taste better? ›

Although hot chocolate doesn't necessarily need an even more creamy, decadent taste, using milk certainly enriches the experience. We suspect that milk adds a creamier taste than water alone, and when combined with the notes of chocolate, the smooth undertones of the milk simply add a delicious backdrop.

What is the secret of Belgian chocolate? ›

The secret of Belgian chocolate lies in what goes into it, and the know-how of the Master Chocolatiers. Chocolate 'made in Belgium' is characterised by a higher chocolate content than in other countries. The minimum level is 43%. Plus, the chocolate has to be 100% pure cocoa butter, with no added vegetable fats.

What is the most famous Belgian chocolate? ›

Godiva. The Godiva Chocolatier story is the story of a craftsman chocolate maker, whose name has become a symbol of luxury and prestige the world over. It all started in Brussels in 1926, when Pierre Draps senior created his first praliné chocolates in the small workshop of his Brussels home.

What are the ingredients in Belgian chocolate? ›

The only ingredients in Belgian chocolate are cocoa power, cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla, and soy lecithin, and in the case of milk or white chocolate there is also milk powder. This is another difference with Swiss chocolate which often includes Malt, and if so, is not gluten free.

What is the best cocoa powder for hot chocolate? ›

Unsweetened cocoa powder: a high-quality cocoa powder or cacao powder is essential. I highly recommend using Ghirardelli's 100% cocoa. I think it has the best flavor for hot chocolate (and trust me, I've tried quite a few!)

Which chocolate is best for hot chocolate? ›

Homemade hot chocolate recipes contain very few ingredients, and the largest ingredient is chocolate, so be picky. Use dark or bittersweet chocolate. Milk chocolate will be too sweet, at least for most European tastebuds.

Should milk be boiling for hot chocolate? ›

Heat the Milk: In a saucepan, warm the milk over a medium heat. Be sure not to boil it. If you're using a thermometer, aim for 65-70°C. Add the Chocolate: Once the milk is warm, start adding the chopped chocolate a bit at a time, stirring continuously to ensure it melts smoothly into the milk.

What is the oldest Belgian chocolate brand? ›

Meurisse — Belgium First Chocolate Co - Est. 1845.

Which country hot chocolate is best? ›

Switzerland is famous for its rich and indulgent hot chocolate. Swiss hot chocolate tends to be thick, creamy, and often made with high-quality chocolate. It is known for its velvety texture and intense chocolate flavor.

What are the benefits of Belgian hot chocolate? ›

Uncover the Health Benefits of Belgian Dark Chocolate
  • Rich source of nutrients.
  • Improvement of cognitive functions.
  • A powerful source of antioxidants.
  • Reduce heart disease rate.
  • Protect our skin from the sun.
Apr 4, 2023

How to make gourmet village hot chocolate? ›

Place 2 tbsp (30 ml) hot chocolate mix in a mug. Add 170-230 ml (6-8 oz) boiling water or very hot milk. Stir well & enjoy!

What makes gourmet chocolate better? ›

Gourmet chocolate refers to high-quality chocolates produced with exceptional care, using superior-grade ingredients (like Cluizel, which has the “Noble Ingredients” certification, guaranteeing the use of only pure cocoa butter, Bourbon vanilla pod, no soy lecithin or added flavors).

What is indulgent hot chocolate? ›

Indulgence Collection Original Hot Chocolate 2kg

A traditional smooth, velvety hot chocolate, with 25% cocoa and suitable for vegans. Instructions: To make a 12oz drink, use 25g of hot chocolate powder and either: Mix with a splash of hot water to form a smooth paste.

What does Starbucks put in their hot chocolate? ›

Starbucks makes its hot chocolate with mocha syrup that's used for a variety of other drinks in the store. A barista combines mocha syrup with a couple squirts of vanilla syrup and heated milk, and he then finishes off the drink with a sweet pile of whipped cream.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.