Family Favorite Walnut Strudel Cookie Recipe (2024)

Already it's Day 11 of the 12 Days of Christmas blog hop, only one more to go. Today we are sharing something sweet recipe ideas. I'm sharing a family favorite walnut strudel cookie recipe.

If I don't make these cookies during the holidays, do I hear about it! They are always the first to go on the cookie tray.

Walnut Strudel Christmas Cookies

These jelly roll-style cookies are easy to make and freeze well so they can be made ahead of time. You may want to make two batches because they are just too good to resist.

Welcome to Day 11 of the Fourth Annual 12 Days of Christmas Series!

We have teamed up with 50 plus bloggers to bring you oodles of DIY Ideas and Recipes to make your holiday season merrier. There are 12 different posts in the series and we have spread them out over a four-week period with three posts per week. Now is the time to subscribe!

GO HERE for the complete list of Dates and Topics plus a collection of the most popular holiday ideas including ornaments, games, recipes, and more from all 50 plus talented bloggers!

It's Day 11 and we have been in the kitchen making something sweet to share!

12 Days of Christmas

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DIY Christmas Countdown -Christmas Countdown Santa Cottage
DIY Kid's Crafts -Easy Snowflake Craft To Make With Your Grandkids
Holiday Party Food -Spicy Cheese Ball Recipe
DIY Ornament Ideas -Three Unique Recycled Sweater Ornaments
Holiday Decor Ideas -Milk and Cookies Tray For Santa
Christmas In A Jar -Retro North Pole Christmas Diorama
Pretty Gift Wrapping Ideas -Eco-Friendly Holiday Gift Wrap and DIY Name Tags
Christmas Trees -Sparkly Red Burlap Tabletop Christmas Trees
Something Sweet - Family Holiday Favorite Walnut Strudel Cookies (You Are Here)
Stockings -Unique High Heel Christmas Stocking For A Fashionista

There's a funny story about these cookies. Many years ago (nobody remembers why), my family renamed these cookies. We have no clue what it means but when a family member says, Marie made her new-kin-knock-ins, everyone knows what they're talking about!

Maybe it's because when I make them, they come a-knocking.

I've included a printable recipe card further down.

How To Make Walnut Strudel Cookies

This post contains affiliate links so you can see what products I used or recommend for this project. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

Walnut Strudel Cookie Recipe Ingredients

These are the ingredients you'll need to make the walnut strudel cookies.

8 oz package of cream cheese (softened)
1/2 cup butter
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup of sugar
1/3 cup milk
1 cup of ground walnuts
1/4 cup powdered sugar

Walnut Strudel Cookie Dough

The dough is so quick and easy to make with just three ingredients and an electric mixer.

Cream the butter and cream cheese together. You can use margarine but I find it tastes better with butter. Add two cups of flour and mix until the dough crumbles and starts to stick together.

At this point, you can use the kneading hook attachment on your mixer. My preference is to knead the dough by hand.

Form the dough into a ball, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least one hour.

Can I double the recipe?

The dough is quite heavy for an electric mixer to double the recipe. It is best to make two separate batches of cookies.

Walnut Strudel Cookie Spread

While the dough is chilling is a good time to start the walnut spread. Grind whole walnuts fine with a food chopper or purchase ground walnuts.

In a small saucepan on medium heat add granulated sugar and milk, stirring occasionally until dissolved and starts to bubble. Add the ground walnuts and remove them from heat. Set aside to cool and thicken.

Roll the dough on a lightly floured surface into a 12 x 18-inch rectangle. Cut the dough in half lengthwise.

Spread the walnut mixture on both sides of the rolled dough. Don't spread it too close to the edges otherwise, the filling will seep outside of the cookies when baking.

Starting with the long side roll the dough as tightly as you can jelly-roll style and trim the ends. Gosh, looking at the photo below serves as a reminder that I need to replace my well-used air bake cookie sheets.

Cut the rolls crosswise in half so you end up with 4 rolls. Place them seam side down on a parchment-lined cookie sheet.

Cut each roll into 1/2-inch thick slices without separating the cookies.

Bake in 350℉ oven for 15 - 20 minutes until golden brown. Let cool slightly and remove them from the cookie sheet with a spatula to cool on baking racks.

Once they are completely cooled, dust with powdered sugar and separate the cookies.

Can these walnut strudel cookies be frozen?

Absolutely! These walnut strudel cookies freeze well for up to thirty days in air-tight food storage containers. Remove them from the freezer at least 30 minutes before serving.

As promised here is the printable recipe card below.

Recipe Yield: 60 Cookies

Author: Interior Frugalista

Family Favorite Walnut Strudel Cookie Recipe (14)

Walnut Strudel Cookies

If I don't make these cookies during the holidays I hear about it. They are always the first to go on the cookie tray!

prep time: 2 H & 15 Mcook time: 15 Mtotal time: 2 H & 30 M


  • 8 oz package of cream cheese (softened)
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1 cup of ground walnuts
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar


How To Bake Walnut Strudel Cookies

Cookie Dough

  1. Beat cream cheese and margarine with an electric mixer until well combined.
  2. Add flour and mix well.
  3. Shape into a ball and cover with plastic wrap.
  4. Chill in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours.

Walnut Filling

  1. Grind walnuts fine in a small food chopperand set them aside.
  2. Cook sugar and milk in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  3. Cook until the milk boils and sugar dissolves.
  4. Add ground walnuts.
  5. Remove from heat and cool until spreadable.

Baking Instructions

  1. Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface to form an 18 x 12-inch rectangle.
  2. Cut in half lengthwise.
  3. Spread each with nut filling.
  4. Starting from the long side, roll up each strip jelly-roll style.
  5. Cut rolls crosswise in half.
  6. Place seam side down on ungreased or parchment-lined cookie sheets.
  7. Cut into 1/2 inch thick slices without separating.
  8. Bake in 350º oven 15 to 20 minutes or until done.
  9. Let cool slightly.
  10. Remove and cool on racks.
  11. Dust with powdered sugar.
  12. Separate slices into cookies.
  13. Cover and refrigerate or freeze.


Fat (grams)

Sat. Fat (grams)

Carbs (grams)

Fiber (grams)

Net carbs

Sugar (grams)

Protein (grams)

Sodium (milligrams)

Cholesterol (grams)

Created using The Recipes Generator

All nutritional information is based on third-party calculations and is only an estimate. Each recipe and nutritional value will vary depending on the brands you use, measuring methods, and portion sizes per household.

Thanks for stopping by the Interior Frugalista today! If you try these walnut strudel cookies, I'd love to hear what you think of the recipe.

Almost all of our DIY ideas have step-by-step tutorials so why not get your budget DIY on and subscribe. You can also find us on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

If you have any questions about this recipe, please leave them in the comment section below or the Contact Me tab at the top to drop me an email. I love hearing from you!

If you enjoyed this walnut strudel cookie recipe, I'd be so thankful if you shared it with a friend and pinned it to your Holiday Baking Recipes or Cookie Recipes board on Pinterest.

There are several more something sweet recipe ideas below from the talented bloggers on this leg of the 12 Days Of Christmas Series.

I share my projects at these inspiring link parties.

Family Favorite Walnut Strudel Cookie Recipe (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.