comparative study of P-Y curves-based methods (2024)

The tables of contents are generated automatically and are based on the data records of the individual contributions available in the index of the TIB portal. The display of the Tables of Contents may therefore be incomplete.


Measurement of material damping with bender elements in triaxial cell

Karl, L. / Haegeman, W. / Pyl, L. / Degrande, G. et al. | 2003

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Applications of multistation surface wave testing

Foti, S. / Fahey, M. et al. | 2003

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An innovative facility to measure shear-wave velocity in centrifuge and 1-g models

Ismail, M. A. / Hourani, Y. et al. | 2003

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Development of measuring method for axial and lateral strain distribution using CCD sensor in triaxial test

Kishi, M. / Tani, K. et al. | 2003

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Monitoring displacement distribution within the rock mass during a plate load test

Huang, A. B. / Liao, J. J. / Pan, I. W. / Lin, C. P. et al. | 2003

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Characterization of deformation process of CPT using X-ray TV imaging technique

Kobayashi, T. / f*ckagawa, R. et al. | 2003

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Sample disturbance of soft organic Oostvaardersplassen clay

Haan, E. J. D. et al. | 2003

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A non-resonance method for dynamic soil properties

Rix, G. J. / Meng, J. et al. | 2003

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Linear dynamic properties of sandy and gravelly soils from large-scale resonant tests

Menq, F.-Y. / Stokoe, K. H. et al. | 2003

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Automating G~m~a~x measurement in triaxial tests

Mohsin, A. K. M. / Airey, D. W. et al. | 2003

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Derived stress-strain-strength of clays from seismic cone tests

Elhakim, A. F. / Mayne, P. W. et al. | 2003

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Vieillissem*nt des sols reconstitues utilises sur les modeles physiques en centrifugeuse Ageing of remoulded soils used in geotechnical centrifuge modelling

Thorel, L. / Gaudin, C. / Rault, G. / Garnier, J. et al. | 2003

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A fundamental study on the strength measured by in-situ rock shear tests

Nishiyama, T. / Hasegawa, T. et al. | 2003

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Experimental characterization of multi-directional cyclic p-y response of soft clay

Mayoral, J. M. / Pestana, J. M. / Seed, R. B. et al. | 2003

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Microscopic observation of shear behavior of granular material

Towhata, I. / Lin, C.-E. et al. | 2003

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Behaviour of a tropical residual soil

Sivadass, T. / Lee, C. Y. / Karim, M. S. A. et al. | 2003

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Interpretation of side-mounted bender element results using phase shift and group velocity

Theron, M. / Clayton, C. R. I. / Best, A. I. et al. | 2003

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A new temperature controlled triaxial apparatus

Cekerevac, C. / Laloui, L. / Vulliet, L. et al. | 2003

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Identification et prevision du gonflement des sols expansifs

Bekkouche, A. / Djedid, A. / Mamoune, S. M. A. et al. | 2003

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Stiffness of Onsoy clay

Long, M. / Lunne, T. et al. | 2003

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Continuous loading oedometer testing on three Swiss lacustrine clays

Trausch, J. G. / Basler, C. / Weber, T. / Springman, S. M. et al. | 2003

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Cyclic deformation characteristics of cemented calcareous soil

Sharma, S. S. / Fahey, M. et al. | 2003

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Multiscale analysis of the shear behaviour of soil-inclusion interfaces

Baylac, B. / Masson, S. / Martinez, J. / Hellou, M. et al. | 2003

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Effects of fabric anisotropy and stress condition on small strain stiffness of sands

Yamash*ta, S. / Hori, T. / Suzuki, T. et al. | 2003

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Change in microstructure of Pleistocene clays due to one-dimensional consolidation

Rito, F. / Ohmukai, N. / Tanaka, H. / Tanaka, M. et al. | 2003

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Judging fabric bonding of natural sedimentary clay

Li, D. J. / Shibuya, S. / Mitachi, T. / Kawaguchi, T. et al. | 2003

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Evaluation of deformation modulus of clay at small strains based on isotropic elasticity

Kawaguchi, T. / Mitachi, T. / Shibuya, S. / Sato, S. et al. | 2003

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Experimental behaviour of Parco del Cilento silty sand under different loading histories

de Magistris, F. S. / Parlato, A. et al. | 2003

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Sand-structure interface behaviour under cyclic loading from constant normal stiffness direct shear tests

Ghionna, V. N. / Mortara, G. / Vita, G. P. et al. | 2003

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Frictional behaviour between clay and steel by direct shear type apparatus

Sun, D. A. / Matsuoka, H. / Morichi, K. / Tanaka, Y. / Yamamoto, H. et al. | 2003

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Cyclic triaxial tests on residual deformation and small strain properties of soft rocks

Koseki, J. / Indou, H. / Hayano, K. et al. | 2003

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A comparative study on shear modulus and damping ratio of cohesive soil from laboratory tests

Cavallaro, A. / Lanzo, G. / Pagliaroli, A. / Maugeri, M. / Presti, D. C. F. L. et al. | 2003

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Small strain stiffness from in situ and laboratory tests for the city of Noto soil

Cavallaro, A. / Maugeri, M. / Ragusa, A. et al. | 2003

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Modelling quasi-elastic deformation properties of sand

HongNam, N. / Koseki, J. et al. | 2003

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The anisotropy of Leighton Buzzard sand under general stress conditions

Naughton, P. J. / O Kelly, B. C. et al. | 2003

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Resilient modulus of hydraulic mechanically stabilized slag base-course material

Yoshida, N. / Sugisako, Y. / Nakamura, H. / Hirotsu, E. et al. | 2003

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Variation of experimental results of oedometer testing due to the changes of pore fluid

Ouhadi, V. R. / Sedighi, M. et al. | 2003

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Anisotropic deformation properties of dense granular soils by large-scale true triaxial tests

AnhDan, L. / Koseki, J. et al. | 2003

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Small-strain stiffness anisotropy: relationship between continuum model and micromechanics model

Yimsiri, S. / Soga, K. et al. | 2003

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Effect of average straining rate on shear modulus at small cyclic strains

Vucetic, M. / Tabata, K. / Matesic, L. et al. | 2003

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Small strain behaviour of a lime-treated silty sand

D Onofrio, A. / Penna, A. et al. | 2003

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Influence of compaction variables on the small strain behaviour of a clayey silt

D Onofrio, A. / Penna, A. et al. | 2003

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Permanent deformation behavior of airport pavement granular layers

Tutumluer, E. / Kim, I. T. et al. | 2003

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Dynamic and cyclic loadings on sands: results and modelling for general stress-strain conditions

Geoffroy, H. / Di Benedetto, H. / Duttine, A. / Sauzeat, C. et al. | 2003

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Effect of strain rate on the behaviour of dry sand

Van Bang, D. P. / Di Benedetto, H. et al. | 2003

Stiffness and damping parameters for 1D non-linear seismic response analysis

Presti, D. C. F. L. / Pallara, O. et al. | 2003

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Comparison of shear wave velocity measurements in different materials using time and frequency domain techniques

Greening, P. D. / Nash, D. F. T. / Benahmed, N. / Ferreira, C. / da Fonseca, A. V. et al. | 2003

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A study on skin friction properties of SIP by direct shear tests

Chun, B. S. / Lim, H. S. / Choi, J. K. et al. | 2003

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On the resilient modulus and permanent deformation characteristics of stabilized recycled aggregates

Gnanendran, C. T. et al. | 2003

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Shear modulus and damping of natural sands

Tika, T. / Kallioglou, P. / Papadopoulou, A. / Pitilakis, K. et al. | 2003

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A study of the effect of wave velocity on solubility of limestone and chalk

Sadeghi, H. / Khosravi, F. et al. | 2003

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Stress-strain relationship for weak rocks

Nassif, A. et al. | 2003

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Laboratory characterization of Hostun RF sand at very low confining stresses

Gay, O. / Boutonnier, L. / Foray, P. / Flavigny, E. et al. | 2003

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Time-dependent stress-strain behavior of natural soft clay

Zhang, D. M. / Hicher, P. Y. / Huang, H. W. et al. | 2003

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Effect of simultaneous consolidation and creep on interpretation of test results

Krogsboll, A. / Foged, N. et al. | 2003

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Strength and deformation characteristics of a saturated residual soil profile

Reis, R. M. / Vilar, O. M. / Azevedo, R. F. et al. | 2003

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The dilatant behaviour of overconsolidated clays

Scarpelli, G. / Sakellariadi, E. / Fruzzetti, V. M. E. et al. | 2003

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Stress dilatancy relationship of various granular materials obtained by the newly developed in-situ direct shear tests

Liu, S. H. / Matsuoka, H. et al. | 2003

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The omnipresence of localizations in particulate materials

Santamarina, J. C. / Cho, G. C. et al. | 2003

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Some factors affecting deformation and strength of coal ash

Shibuya, S. / Mitachi, T. / Kawaguchi, T. / Ogasawara, H. et al. | 2003

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Quantitative assessment of thermal acceleration of time effects in one-dimensional compression of clays

Shimizu, M. et al. | 2003

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Pre-failure behaviour of a sandstone residual soil

Martins, F. B. / Bica, A. V. D. / Bressani, L. A. et al. | 2003

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Experimental investigation and constitutive modelling of pre-failure deformation of a very densely compacted gravel

Modoni, G. / Flora, A. / Dan, L. Q. A. / Tatsuoka, F. et al. | 2003

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Basic research on mechanism of the residual strength of clay

Okawara, M. / Mitachi, T. et al. | 2003

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Effect of K~0-condition on liquefaction characteristics of saturated sand

Sawada, S. / Takeshima, Y. / Mikami, T. et al. | 2003

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Effect of anisotropy on drained and undrained shear behavior of in-situ sandy soils

Hatanaka, M. / Uchida, A. / Taya, Y. et al. | 2003

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Undrained monotonic and cyclic behaviour of a coarse sand from undisturbed and reconstituted samples

Ghionna, V. N. / Porcino, D. et al. | 2003

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Normalization of stress-strain relationship for aged and cemented natural clay

Watabe, Y. / Tanaka, M. / Tsuchida, T. / Tanaka, H. et al. | 2003

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Impact du temps de vieillissem*nt sur les caracteristiques rheologiques et physico mecaniques des ciments alleges destines a la cimentation petroliere

Khodja, M. / Bouziani, T. / Kasdi, C. / Benmounah, A. et al. | 2003

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Estimation du comportement mecanique de formations superficielles instables

Martins-Campina, B. / Riss, J. / Fabre, R. / Clement, B. et al. | 2003

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Significance of viscous effects in the development of residual strain in cyclic triaxial tests on sand

Ko, D.-H. / Itou, H. / Tatsuoka, F. / Nishi, T. et al. | 2003

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Viscous effects coupled with ageing effects on the stress-strain behaviour of cement-mixed gravel

Kongsukprasert, L. / Tatsuoka, F. et al. | 2003

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Viscous stress-strain properties of undisturbed Pleistocene clay and its constitutive modelling

Komoto, N. / Tatsuoka, F. / Nishi, T. et al. | 2003

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Residual deformations by creep and cyclic loading of reinforced-gravel backfill and their relation

Hirakawa, D. / Shibata, Y. / Uchimura, T. / Tatsuoka, F. et al. | 2003

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Shear banding characteristics in plane strain compression of granular materials

Oie, M. / Sato, N. / Okuyama, Y. / Yoshida, T. / Yamada, S. / Tatsuoka, F. et al. | 2003

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Shear banding characteristics of granular materials and particle size effects on the seismic stability of earth structures

Okuyama, Y. / Yoshida, T. / Tatsuoka, F. / Koseki, J. / Uchimura, T. / Sato, N. / Oie, M. et al. | 2003

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Viscous stress-strain behaviour of clay under unloaded conditions

Li, J. Z. / Tatsuoka, F. / Nishi, T. / Komoto, N. et al. | 2003

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Effects of ageing and viscosity on the stress-strain behaviour of cement-mixed soft clay

Sugai, M. / Tatsuoka, F. / Uchimura, T. et al. | 2003

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Strength and deformation characteristics of cement-mixed gravel for engineering use

Lohani, T. N. / Kongsukprasert, L. / Tatsuoka, F. / Watanabe, K. et al. | 2003

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Viscous effects on the shear yielding characteristics of sand and its modelling

Nawir, H. / Tatsuoka, F. / Kuwano, R. et al. | 2003

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Experimental study of sand behaviour at low stresses

Lancelot, L. / Shahrour, I. / Mahmoud, M. A. et al. | 2003

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Strength and stress-strain behaviour of saprolitic granite soils from Guarda - sampling effects

Rodrigues, C. M. G. / Lemos, L. J. L. et al. | 2003

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Modelling in triaxial cells of the behavior of a soil of a retaining structure

Gaudin, C. / Thorel, J. L. / Garnier, J. / Serratrice, J.-F. et al. | 2003

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Shear characteristics of the reconsolidated clay remolded under low water content

Yagi, N. / Yatabe, R. / Bhandary, N. P. / Fujiwara, M. et al. | 2003

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Strength characteristics of cement-mixed gravel evaluated by large triaxial compression tests

Watanabe, K. / Tateyama, M. / Jiang, G.-L. / Tatsuoka, F. / Lohani, T. N. et al. | 2003

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Pre-failure behaviour of the tropical clay soils of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Toll, D. G. / Hossain, A. T. M. S. et al. | 2003

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Effect of water on particle breakage for decomposed granite soils

Nakata, Y. / Hyodo, M. / Murata, H. / Hyde, A. F. L. / Ham, T. G. et al. | 2003

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Effect of particle characteristics on drained shear properties of sand

Kato, Y. / Nakata, Y. / Hyodo, M. / Murata, H. et al. | 2003

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Effects of structural bonding and particle physical property on one-dimensional compression behaviour of bonded granular geomaterials

Katsuki, D. / Nakata, Y. / Hyodo, M. / Yoshimoto, N. / Murata, H. et al. | 2003

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The role of fines in the flow deformation and liquefaction of a volcanic soil Shirasu

Hyodo, M. / Nakata, Y. / Yoshimoto, N. / Hyde, A. F. L. / Okabayashi, T. et al. | 2003

The effects of stress path history on the undrained behavior of saturated loose sands

Finge, Z. / Boucq, S. / Doanh, T. et al. | 2003

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Strain localization extent in sand under drained triaxial tests

Suzuki, K. / Yamada, T. et al. | 2003

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Deformation behaviour of anisotropic and isotropic compacted soils due to wetting

Romero, E. / Gens, A. / Lloret, A. / Barrera, M. et al. | 2003

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Evaluation of the macrostructure influence on compressibility tests results

Ciurea, C. / Chirica, A. et al. | 2003

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The effects of total stress path's direction on stress-strain-strength characteristics of soft marine Bangkok clay

Sambhandharaksa, S. / Aimdee, W. / Kurojjanawong, Y. et al. | 2003

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Assessment of mechanical behaviour of rockfill materials using triaxial and direct shear tests

Rayhani, M. H. T. et al. | 2003

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An experimental investigation of creep processes in a crushable sand

Gasparre, A. / Coop, M. R. / Cotecchia, F. et al. | 2003

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Experimental study of the mechanical behavior of plastic concrete by triaxial apparatus

Mahboubi, A. / Ajorloo, A. M. et al. | 2003

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Behavior of loose sand at very high strain rates

Yamamuro, J. A. / Abrantes, A. E. et al. | 2003

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Progressive failure and scale effect of anchor problem in two-layered sand

Sakai, T. / Tanaka, T. et al. | 2003

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Prediction of deformation of soft rock foundations for embankment dams considering nonlinear deformability

Yamaguchi, Y. / Akamatsu, T. / Okabe, N. et al. | 2003

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Deformation behavior of structure-sand deposits subjected to cyclic loading and FE analysis

Yokohama, S. / Miura, S. / Kawamura, S. et al. | 2003

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Ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations and contained yielded zone

Kobayashi, Y. et al. | 2003

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Laboratory test of bearing capacity of model pile with nodes

Iwasaki, Y. / Nagaya, J. / Yao, S. / Ito, A. et al. | 2003

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A field study of induced slope failure in poorly cemented rock

Pan, Y.-W. / Lin, C.-P. / Liao, J.-J. / Huang, A.-B. et al. | 2003

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Dynamic behavior of railroad ballast in shaking table tests

Ishikawa, T. / Sekine, E. et al. | 2003

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Stiffness values and deformation behaviour of soil for the settlement analysis of foundation

Berardi, R. / Bovolenta, R. et al. | 2003

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Behaviour of near-saturated soils under cyclic wave loading

Schwab, R. / Kohler, H.-J. et al. | 2003

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Three-dimensional consolidation of clay ground improved by vertical drain

Baek, W.-J. / Moriwaki, T. / Kikuchi, Y. et al. | 2003

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Implementation of a time-dependent constitutive model "TESRA" into the nonlinear FEM scheme

Siddiquee, M. S. A. / Tatsuoka, F. / Tanaka, T. et al. | 2003

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Class "A" footing response prediction from seismic cone tests

Mayne, P. W. et al. | 2003

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Estimation of the horizontal resistance of a rubble mound based on the results of an inverse analysis with in-situ loading tests on piles

Kobayashi, N. / Yosh*take, Y. / Murakami, A. / Kikuchi, Y. et al. | 2003

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Horizontal loading of piles: comparative study of P-Y curves-based methods

Bouafia, A. et al. | 2003

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Several considerations on a two-dimensional consolidation inverse analysis

Nishimura, S. / Murakami, A. / Fujii, H. et al. | 2003

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Seismic 3-D effective stress analysis: constitutive modelling and application

Cubrinovski, M. / Ishihara, K. / Shibayama, T. et al. | 2003

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Symmetry breaking bifurcation in various soils under shear

Ikeda, K. / Terada, K. / Yamakawa, Y. et al. | 2003

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Modelling deformation of thawing soil under vehicle loading

Shoop, S. / Affleck, R. / Janoo, V. / Haehnel, R. et al. | 2003

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Three-dimensional finite element analysis of footing resting on sand

Ahadi, A. et al. | 2003

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Stability of rock slopes in complex rock formation

Singh, T. N. / Pandey, A. / Puri, S. et al. | 2003

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Determination des modules de deformation des sols a partir d'un essai en place avec un penetrometre

Arbaoui, H. / Gourves, R. / Bode, L. / Bressolette, P. et al. | 2003

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Influence of sample geometry on shear wave propagation using bender elements

Rio, J. / Greening, P. / Medina, L. et al. | 2003

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Elasto-plastic finite element computations for a model of L-type retaining wall

Tanaka, T. / Imada, M. et al. | 2003

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Characteristics of settlement and bearing capacity of ground improved by granular pile

Chun, B. S. / Yeoh, Y. H. / Kim, C. K. et al. | 2003

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A comparison between observed and predicted behaviour of a deep excavation in soft Bangkok clay

Kovacevic, N. / Hight, D. W. / Potts, D. M. et al. | 2003

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Strength and compressibility behavior of composite geomaterial developed for application as retaining wall backfill inclusions

Ghani, A. N. A. / Ahmad, F. / Hamir, R. / Mohd, S. et al. | 2003

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Multiscale modelling of mechanical behaviour of a tree subjected to a rock impact

Quetel, C. / Berger, F. / Nicot, F. / Cambou, B. / Danescu, A. et al. | 2003

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Neural network based prediction of silty sands behavior

Yasrobi, S. S. / Banimahd, M. et al. | 2003

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Experimentation and modelling of unsaturated soils behaviour in non-isothermal conditions

Jamin, F. / El Youssoufi, M. S. / Saix, C. et al. | 2003

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An illustrative model for assessing the influence of elastic non-linearity on the residual behaviour of a platform subject to traffic loading

Abdelkrim, M. / de Buhan, P. et al. | 2003

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Cyclic behaviour of soils, a prediction of permanent deformations

Vincens, E. / Dubujet, P. / Cambou, B. et al. | 2003

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Bifurcation analysis on soil specimens exhibiting diffuse deformation modes and localized slip planes

Yamakawa, Y. / Ikeda, K. / Terada, K. / Torii, K. et al. | 2003

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Application of time-dependent model in tunnelling

Purwodihardjo, A. / Cambou, B. et al. | 2003

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Simplified method based on plasticity for the permanent strains of unbound granular materials for flexible pavements

Habiballah, T. / Chazallon, C. / Petit, C. et al. | 2003

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Validation of an elastoplastic model to predict secant shear modulus of natural soils by experimental results

Santos, J. A. / Correia, A. G. / Modaressi, A. / Lopez-Caballero, F. / Gomes, R. C. et al. | 2003

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Application of fractal dimensions to examine the frictional behavior of granular materials

Yang, Z. Y. / Wu, T. J. / Yang, G. L. et al. | 2003

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Discrete numerical simulation, quasistatic deformation and the origins of strain in granular materials

Combe, G. / Roux, J.-N. et al. | 2003

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A thermomechanical model for clays

Einav, I. / Puzrin, A. M. et al. | 2003

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Shear behavior of sand under cyclic loading in general stress systems

Nakai, T. / Hinokio, M. / Korenaga, Y. / Nagai, H. et al. | 2003

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Numerical analysis on liquefaction-induced progressive deformation with a pore water migration

Uzuoka, R. / Sento, N. / Kazama, M. et al. | 2003

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A simple constitutive model of sand based on strain-path controlled tests

Asaka, Y. / Tokimatsu, K. / Iwasaki, K. / Shamoto, Y. et al. | 2003

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Bounding surface formulation of a unified critical state model for clay and sand

Yu, H. S. / Khong, C. D. et al. | 2003

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An elasto-plastic constitutive model at the overall strain ranges (10^-^4 to 10%) for weathered soils

Oh, S. / Kweon, G.-C. / Kim, D.-S. et al. | 2003

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New strain energy hardening functions for sand based on the double yielding concept

Yasin, S. J. M. / Tatsuoka, F. et al. | 2003

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A framework for modelling of the time effects on the stress-strain behaviour of geomaterials

Tatsuoka, F. / Di Benedetto, H. / Nishi, T. et al. | 2003

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Use of Generalized Plasticity to describe the behaviour of a wide class of non-active natural soils

Tonni, L. / Gottardi, G. / Cola, S. / Simonini, P. / Pastor, M. / Mira, P. et al. | 2003

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A Cam clay-type model for structured soils

Liu, M. D. / Carter, J. P. / Airey, D. W. / Liyanapathirana, S. et al. | 2003

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Application of Mohr-Coulomb yielding criterion

Mircevska, V. / Bickovski, V. et al. | 2003

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Non-linear deformation behavior of granular materials by Elliptic Microstructure Model

Maeda, K. / Miura, K. et al. | 2003

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Influence of particles shape on the macroscopic behavior of granular material

Claquin, C. / Emeriault, F. / Nouguier-Lehon, C. et al. | 2003

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Identification of an elastoplastic model parameters using laboratory and in-situ tests

Lopez-Caballero, F. / Modaressi, A. / Elmi, F. et al. | 2003

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Unidirectional non-linear stress-strain relationship for sand

Ibraim, E. / Cazacliu, B. et al. | 2003

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A rheological model for the viscous behaviour of sand

Sauzeat, C. / Di Benedetto, H. / Chau, B. / Van Bang, D. P. et al. | 2003

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Anisotropic effects in hypoplasticity

Niemunis, A. et al. | 2003

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Methods to calculate strain in discrete element modelling

O Sullivan, C. / Bray, J. D. et al. | 2003

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A numerical study of shear band formation in anisotropic sand

Wu, W. / Huang, W. / Bauer, E. et al. | 2003

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Simplifications related to dynamic measurements of anisotropic G~0

Arroyo, M. / Wood, D. M. et al. | 2003

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Particulate mechanics considerations as an aid in understanding the mechanical behavior of geomaterials

Kolisoja, P. et al. | 2003

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A simple model of shear stress-shear strain relationship for liquefied dense sand

Ishihara, M. / Okamura, M. / Osh*ta, T. et al. | 2003

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A new constitutive relation for rock joints calibrated by means of a discrete element method

Nicot, F. / Lambert, C. / Darve, F. et al. | 2003

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Modelling of mechanical behaviour of a coarse soil subjected to rock impact using a discrete element method

Kecili-Laouafa, S. / Nicot, F. et al. | 2003

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A general framework for constitutive models adaptation to unsaturated states

Pereira, J.-M. / Wong, H. / Dubujet, P. et al. | 2003

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Observational approach for settlement predictions

Lansivaara, T. T. et al. | 2003

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Settlement control for railway's roadbed foundation using soilbags

Matsuoka, H. / Liu, S. H. / Kachi, T. et al. | 2003

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Modelling anisotropic deformation characteristics of gravelly layer in Hualien, Taiwan

Tanaka, Y. et al. | 2003

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Normalization of displacement rate for roughly predicting time to failure in rock slope

Shoji, Y. / Sugawara, N. et al. | 2003

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Anisotropy in bearing capacity-lateral deformation behavior of sand ground

Kawamura, S. / Miura, S. / Yokohama, S. et al. | 2003

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Soil properties and site characterization through Rayleigh waves

Roma, V. et al. | 2003

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Aging effect of sandy soils on liquefaction strength

Yasuda, S. / Shimizu, Y. / Koganemaru, K. / Morimoto, I. et al. | 2003

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Stress-strain behaviors of soil under construction

Sahara, M. / Akino, N. et al. | 2003

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Shear-wave velocities from multi-station analysis of surface wave

Lin, C.-P. / Chang, T.-S. / Cheng, M.-H. et al. | 2003

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Modelling of track foundation behaviour at Zig Zag tunnels near Lithgow, NSW

Haque, A. / Chan, K. / Stone, P. / Christie, D. et al. | 2003

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Long-term residual deformation of prototype geotextile-reinforced gravel structures

Uchimura, T. / Tatsuoka, F. / Tanaka, I. et al. | 2003

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Compression characteristics of stiff clay to support a bridge foundation evaluated by field and laboratory tests

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.