The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN WEDNESDAY MAY 13 1857 THE LATEST NEWS By Telegraph to the Springfield Republican AMEBIOAN TEL PR1NTIKG OPP DEPOT More amily Safe I There is great excitement at Danville Pa rel ative to the death of Catherine Ann Clark by poison supposed to have been administered by her husband The body has been exhumed and an analysis is going on by direction of the coro ner A Mrs Twiggs has also been arrested as an accomplice in this case and also on suspicion of having poisoned her own husband who died sud denly three weeks ince The bedy of the de ceased Twiggs will be exhumed and also analyz ed It is supposed that a criminal intercourse existed between Mr Clark and Mrs Twiggs which led them to dispose of their consorts in order to make way for a more perfect union Old The American anti slavery society commenced its annual session at New York city Tuesday morning William Lloyd Garrison presided and introduced the usual code of resolutions Speech es were made bv Rev Higginson of Wor cester Wendell Phillips Parker Pillsbury Lucy Stone Blackwell and others The annual report showed $38160 of receipts and $33970 expenses the past year The meeting will continue through Wednesday Mayor last Kick There was an immense meeting in the New York Park Tuesday evening of the opponents to the new police law speeches were made from several stands and much feeling was manifested Items of Interest Vondersmith who was arrested at Lancaster Pa several years since charged with pension frauds but absconded has been again arrested and is this time on his way to Philadel phia guarded against the commission of another like indiscretion The commission house of Tunstall Holmes and the turpentine factory of Burgess Collins at St Louis were burned last Monday loss $28000 insurance 18000 Udolphe encelet Belgian consul at Chi cago was drowned in lake Michigan ten miles south of Chicago on Monday with two other persons whose names are unknown Rev George Jewett of Nashua late of Amherst Mass has sued the Nashua and Lowell railroad for damages for the death of his child and the severe injuries suffered by himself and wife in an accident at a railroad crossing last year Mr Jewett sues for $40000 in his own case and has retained Messrs Choate and Durant of Boston and Otis Lord of Salem as bis coun sel the railroad company is represented by Butler of Lowell and John George of Con cord The case is now on trial at Salem before Judge Shaw of the supreme court The property of the American watch man ufac uring company at Waltham was sold to Koval Robbins of New York on Monday for $37500 Advertisem*nt) A What lady or gentleman would remain under theeurse of a disagreeable breath when by using the or A Thourano low as a ieutifrice would not only render it sweet bat lea ve the teeth white as alabaster Many persons do not know their breath is bad and the subject is so delicate their friends will never mention it Pour a single drop of the on your tooth brush and wash the teeth night and morning A fifty cent bottle will last a year A Beautiful miy easily be acquired by ing the of a Thousand It will remove tan pimples and freckles from the skin leaving it of a soft and roseate hue Wet a towel pour on two or three drops and waso the re night and morning Shaving Made Wet your shaving bruoh in either warm or cold water pour on two or three drops of tiALM of a Thousand rub the beard well and it will make a beautiful soft lather much facilitating the operation of shaving Price O'jly ifty cents A WILLI AMS CO 100 Wash ington street Boston General Agents for New Eng land and the British Provinces ETKIDGE CO ranklin Square New York Bb skv Aeent for Springfield Photographs 8PECIAL notices 5Vm Patton Importer of Watches wholesale Dealer in Jewelry and all kinds of No stiver Ware Guns Pistols 4c 4e Massasoit Jan2idtf THIS u( beautiful style of portraiture is now taken dl its perfection at SPOONER Gal of Art No 4 Pynchon Bank Block and see them tf Gabdien The Growth of 1856 0 can nd at the Agricultural Store every desirable i2d of Garden Seeds in any quantity by Lr the and best assortment ever offered in Spring aprl5 6wdaw8 A MoELWAIN Hiss Dress Making raoim are at 9 State st in charge of Mrs A from Brooklyn and 875dway New York Spring Styles are just re wanted to learn Dress Making at App Miss a No 9 State st Patent Ambrotypes Ambrotypes Spbereotypee and Daguerreotypes HO SPOONER 4 Gallery of Art marl if 4 pynohon Kank BIock pr ays Plays sttndard and Minor Drama and all other published pure for sale by BESSEY4C0 Maseaeoit House Springfield Maes Complete lists sent by mail on receipt of a threetni postage stamp Single PlayeLni cents each Boghd Volumes $1 Bent by mail on receipt of wire jfB New Plays published every week Imd Artificial Patent Manufactured at 19 Greene st Boston and878 Broad wy Jf Th BERT AHD ONLY RELIABLB LlMB jviB invented and 1h use in America and Europe adjudged by the scientific jurors at the ain at London and New York also by all the Sol aatlfic Institutes and first surgeons in America Blport of Afeuioan Institute for ha best Artificial Leg Gold Medal certified end PfiriphLts cent gratis on application Jani tfd Persian The Great Luxury Lira By using the Persian Balm as a dentifrice the teeth are rendered white the gums healthy and a delicious fragrance imparted to the breath lit Shaving it produces a copious lather softening the no one ing it can have a sore or chapped face The Persian Balm will impart to the complexion a fnsh and healthy glow and remove freckles and pim plea It is invaluable in the Nubseby and has al ready won the name of the Toilette" ull dLoctions accompany each bottle Price 25 cents feMdly JOHN OX Agent for Maseachusetta Chinese Sugar Cane (Holcus Sac We have this day received direct from KNtrs Vilmorin Co of Paris a large supply of this rateable Seed warranted genuine andfree from mix tare Packages containing One Pound securely peaked with directions for culture will be sent to any address in the Union east of the Rocky Mountains by mail post paid on receipt of Two Dollars Pack eta containing One Thousand Seeds will be sent by mail post paid on receipt of 25 cts in stamps Price at oar counter 75 cts per pound aprig lmdaw5 BUSS HAVEN Are you getting Bald? Is your hair turning gray! Do yon wish to cultivate good whiskers and moustaches? Your hair to be soft Iky and glossy? Your bead to be cool comforta ble and free of dandruff? Mothers? are your chil dren to have luxuriant heads of hair? Then use Bo Hyperion luid which nevebfaiis in its unerring effects Prices 2 cts 50 cts 75 cts and 91 50 per buttle Balm of Cytheria stands unrival ed for eradicating tan and pimples and beautifying the complexion Price 60 cts Inventor and propri or Bogle New Bazaar) 202 Washing ten street Boston and sold by Druggists everywhere 3md A Card to the Ladies Dr Golden Pills! or emales Dr Golden Pillai or emales Dr Golden Pills! or emales Dr Golden Pill's! or emales Price SI 00 per box Sold by BIGELOW General Agent Springfield Maes GB Reynolds Springfield Scott Worcester Dr Holbrook Palmar Kent Chicopee 8 Pareons Northampton Howland Greenfield Dr Htoh Amherst Bakh 4 Son Providence lagg Hclyoke Converse MD Windsor Ct James Hunter Thompsonville and Weeks 4 Potter Wholesale Agents 164 Washington street Boston All orders must be addressed to the above General Agents they will supply the trade at prices and send the ills confidentially to ladles by Mail by enclosing SI to either at treir respective Post Offices Dr Golden Pills Signature Duponco on every none other genuine or particulars get Circular of Agents mart daw New and Rare lower We tare Just received a very select tseoitment of English bend) and German lower feeds which in addi tion to many vaiieiiei of our own growth renders our Meorlment one of the meet complete in the coun ty The increased interest manifested in the culti vation cf ioweis has induced us to give particular attention to this branch of our business and we havepared no pairs to nder cur assortment as complete ud perfect possible by the addition of all new andJly desirable varieties together with all the im proved varieties of favorite old sorts We would call particular attention to our collection of rench Peony flowered Asters English Pansies Double Bal ttSM Double Hollyhocks German Carnation and Piootee Pinks co*ckscombs Chinese Primrose fringed Calceolarias and Cinerarias 4c saved from Prt lowers ach of which receive direct from the most successful growers and exhibitors of these kuvera in Europe and cannot be too strongly rec ommended lower Seeds by Mail or the accommodation of those who love the culti vation of lowers but who reside at a distance from where they can be procured we have selected from Hr large assortment of lower Seeds the most showy virietiee and those of eay and pnt them up io assortments which wi 1 be tent post paid to all pasta of the Ur ion at the following prices Assortment No 1 consists of twenty choice varie ties of Annuals 9100 Asscrtaeat No eousuts of twenty choice varie ties of Biennials and Peren nials 100 AsMitmeut No 8 oonsista of ten extra fine varie ties of Annuals and Perenni als embracing many of the new and choicest in cultiva tion ICO Awortiatnt No 4 consists of five very choice va riettas rejected from Prize lowers of English Pansies German Carnation and Pico tee luke Verbenas rench Asters and Double Holly hocks each of which are sold at 25 cents singly 1 00 Pihom tn ordering wDl please give the number of Afscrtment Any pereon remitting Three Dollars91 receive the four Assortments pottage free Re mittances can be made in bank bills or postage stamps Otr detcriptive Catalogue of upwards of Six Hun 4'i varieties of lower Seeds will he nt to all ap who enclose a stamp to pro pay postage BLISS HAVEN aprtS Imduwfi Springfield Mass MARSEILLBS An entirely new style of Goods Also a large assortment of new Lace Goods just opened at Lace and Embroidery Store Main st my 13 2 Girls to make Paper Boxes None but these acquainted with the business need ap ply 8 State st my 18 WILCOX BLK LACE AND BUGLE COLL a RS A verv pretty lot just opened cheap at Lace and Embroidery Store myl8 LAND WARRANTS PENSIONS pass ports AND PATENTS procured Government Claims prosecuted myl8a 8 NOYES MEDICAL NOTICE DOOT JACOBS for seventeen years a Practi cing Physician in Chkopee has located himself in this city on Maple street three doors from Stalest Office at Reaid nce Springfield May 18 1857 8md8w7 STOVE AND RANGE SIZE or Spring and Summer use Tro or ton Lackawanna Pittston Peach Mountain (Bed Ash ob bale at tbs lowest cash prices CHARLES CHAPIN Wert State street Office (and Yards) 3d Door from Block my 18 8d A good capable girl to attend to chll dren and do chamber work Good recommend ations required Apply to MRS OSMOND TIANY my 13 2d Maple street BTO Two Tenements on Summer st at $100 each Enquire at the Intelligence Office No 12 oot Block 2d JOHN COMSTOCK STOCKS OR SALE 10 Shares Chicopee Bank 20 Shares Springfield Bank 40 Shares Cabot Bank 20 Shares American Machine Company my 13 8 NOYnS No 6 Block GRAND MUSICAD ESTIVAL AT THE MUSIC HALL IN BOSTON ON THE 21ST 22D AND 23D MAY BY THE HANDEL HAYDN SOCIETY With a CHORUS SIX HUNDRED and aii ORCHESTRA SEVENTY IVE The estival will commence on the morning of the 21st (Thursday) at 10 with an Address ap propriate to the occasion by the HON ROBERT WINTHROP To be followed immediately by the ORATOBIO THE CREATION BY HAYDN In the afternoon there will be a GRAND MISCEL LANEOUS AND ORCHESTRAL CONCERT by the ull Orchestra cf more than Sevestv ive per formers varied with selections of Vocal Music com mencing at 8j riday Morning 22d at 10 1 2 o'clock the BY MENDELSSOHN and at 31 a MISCELLANEOUS CON CERT simih to the one of the day preceding On Saturday Morning 23d at 10 1 2 A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS AND ORCHES TRAL CONCEET and On Saturday Evening at 7 1 2 with which the estival will close irT The sale of Tickets for the Course with reserved seats at S5 each vvill commence on WednMday A 1 I I I AT I rt MOmiD I6LU met MV JM cooi 1 1 ARnanw Washineten street at 10 clock my 13 IM BARNES Secretary ROUSH CHILI POTATOES for Seed from sesd imported from Chili in 1850 for sale by 8 STEBBINS Longmeadow A few respectable persons can be ac commodated with board at th eastern tenement of Block on East Bridge street my 12 3d PIANO OR A good toned Plano of English manufacture in perfect order Price pl2fi Veiy cheap Enquire of 8ELOEN American Telegraph Office opposite Depot 6d REMOVAL rpoWNSLEY has removed his stock of Boots and A Shoes to the Old Brown House directly opposite his former place wt be will be pleased to see his frienns and all others in want of a goo article in his line TOWNSLEY Milliners Apply at No 7 State st Highest wages paid to first class hands Also 4 Apprentices my 9 Id Experienced Hands to make Pants Vests end Thm Coats Apply in person atG Clothing Establishment my8 tfd Twenty five good Bench Plane Mak ers COPELAND CO Huntington April 29th 1857 apr3J 2wdaw5 WANTED TO A good tee emnt near the center of the city Rent not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars Apply to 8 CHURCH my 12 3d Hampde street HORSE OR A good Business Horse BLI8S JR my 12 8d No 12 State st STONE BEER or sale by HAMILTON No 3 Block Springfield May 12 1857 tfd 10 Shares Hampden Paint 4 Chemical Co Stock for sale Apply to A BURT my 9 Hampden Block TRIMMINGS! The best assortment of Dress Mantilla and Basque Trim mings in Springfield are to be found at myS tfd 5 Block GARDENERS resh Garden Seeds ield and Garden Peas and Beans 800 Bean Poles for sale by STEARNS my9 SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP and the best lot of sweetening and Groceries for the cash on the brt terms for sale by STEARNS Corner Main and Bliss sts No 1 Block my9d and other Magazines bound in any desired style by SAMUEL L0WLE8 4 CO my2 dawfi Bindery cor Main and State sts VALUATION BOOKS for Town Assessors made to order at shert notice by SAMUEL BOWLES 4 CO my2 daw6 Bindery cor Main and State sts SHAKSPEARE This mag nificent work bound in the most approved style and at prices as reasonable as New York or Boston by SAMUEL BOWLE8 4 COMPANY my 8 Bindery cor Main and State sts MORE NEW STYLES PAPER HANGINGS Have just arrived at CHAEE CO'S BETTER THAN EVER Whale Bone Skirts with extra whale bones Also ex tra Bones for Skirts my 11 tfd HOWARD resh arrival of superior BOUTS AND Amoog which are a Jot ofbeautilul Gal'ers slightly imperfect which will be sold at abvut half price at Opposite Massasoit House Springfli Id May 12th dtf ANOTHER Entirely new lot of Beautiful ENGLISH 4 AMERICAN PAPER HANGINGS Just received and now OPENING At CHAER 4 my9 tfd Hampden Block MESSINA ORANGES AND LEMONS 100 Boxes received his day 2 Cases of igs WEBSTER Wholesale ruit Store cor of Main and Worthing ton sts my 12 6d SPRINGIELD ICE COMPANY THE Springfield Ice Company will furnish Ice at Wholesale or Retail for any length of time or in any quantity to suit purchasers Order Box at Palo er 4 Coal Office cor Court and Water streets Cards of Pricta furnished by application to either of the Proprietors Sylvester Day Mosblhv SYLVESTER DAY Agent for Company my 12 8wd COALS OR SUMMER USE I AM constantly receiving on care the Eoo and Stove sizer of Sugar Loaf Braver Meadow Pittston Lackawanna and other Coals of the best quality and the sa ne will be delivered carefully screened aad at low prices to any part of the city on application at mv office City Hotel Blcck near the Depot my 12 2wd 8 BfeMIS Commonwealth of Massachusetts HAMPDEN SS of Insolvency In the case of A Pease 4 A Pease both of Spring field in said county Inarlvint Debtors The suo ecriber has been duly appointed Assignee in said rase and the second meeting of the creditors of said insol vent debtors will be held at a Court of Insolvency at the Insolve) cy Court Room at the Court House in Springfield on Saturday the sixteenth day of May instant at three in the af'terneon at which meeting creditors may be prevent and prove their Claims BRAMAN Assignee May 11th 1857 PUBLIC Will be sold at Public Auoior a Heiiso and lot on which there is a va riety of ruit Trer a good well of water situated in South Hadley alls Village on the main road to South Hadley at 1 on Wednesday May 18 This is the same tate that has been advertised by Wight myfi if ALVAN MOODY Auctioneer BUILDING LOTS AT AUCTION WE shall sell on the premises riday May 15th at 2 4 building Lots on Riugold street fronting some 16 rodsoneaid street and run ning back about 6 rods to land owned by heirs of Chauncey Chapin bounded on the west by land for merly owned by Ripley on the east by Chestnut street The above lots will be sold separate or togeth er as may be desired Also at same time a lot of Land lying on the Cabot road just north of Round Hill and hounded on the north by land of Horatio Sargent and west by land of William Pynchon con taining about acre A MCINTOSH May 1867 my 9 ts COTTAGE HOUSE AT AUCTION WE shall sell on the piemisvs riday May 15 at 10 a the Cottage Hous? ana lot on Union street belonging to Mr George Margeiutn The House is very pleasantly arranged small comforta ble and compact supplied with good water out Souse shed? 4c It is built In the rear of the lot out of the way of the noise and dust on a pleasant popular street and in a good neighborhood and is but a few minutes walk from the business part of the citv The lot is lane well fenced and filled with ruit Trees nicking a snug cozy little place and the adm trs of such will do well to attend tl is sale my9 ts A McINTOSH ANOTHER ASSIGNEES? AUCTION SALE! ASTOUNDIJiO EXHIBITION AT SANDS NATHANS AMERICA CIRCUS The Wonderfully Educated ELEPHANTS VICTORIA AND ALBERT rom the Parisian London New York and Philadel phia Theatres' Having performed at the last named places for up wards of one hundred nights to crowded houses The astonishing displays of Animal Training and Instinct ever beheld! They have been taught to ascend an Inclined Plank only nine inches in width a distance of 30 yards where one of them will BALANCE HIMSEL ON HIS HEAD! Upon a Pedestal not over a foot in diameter 15 feet from the Ground They will also perform a great variety of EATS POSTURING GYMNASTICS DAN CING WALTZING MARCHING 40 Such as have never before been attempted in Amer ica and have been the onder and Amazement of the world for the last two years These perfectly and surprisingly trained Elephants both of whom are quite young were brought out to this country in March last by Mr SANDS personally having purchased thsm at an almost incredible Bidding over the greatest wild beast proprietor in while they were performing an engagement at the Port St Denis Paris Their indefatigable trainer MONS LAGRANGE accompanies the Elephants and superintends their performances PARTICULAR NOTICE! The Proprietors do most positively and unequivo cally assure the public that these extraordinary Ele phants WILL PERORM ALL That is announced or illustrated by cuts in their Ils? and that all the eats thus Illustrated in the Engravings and described ARE ACTUALLY DONE! Proprietors take great pleasure in announ cing the engagement and first appearance in this country of the very celebrated Parisian Artists MONS ERANTE And his elegantly instructed MASTER ERANTE 4 MASTER ERANTE Who will appear in their novel and brilliant gym nastics in what is called THE GREAT STILT PERORMANCE! Wherein the ERANTES will give an exhibition of their surprising skill in a variety of Equilibriums Posturings and Groupings on eats never before witnessed in this country THE JUVENILE ERANTES Will also go through a thri'lina perfrnianee upon Inclined Plane upon REVOLVING GLOBES RANK BROWER Clown His first appearance in this section of the country for several years WM AYMAR Grotestpie Jester These two original and refined wits will emulate each other in comicalities droll speeches puns and mirth provoking joies THE GERMAN ACROBATS HERR VOLKMANN and VON CASTLE In ail those astounding feats of physical training Classic Posturing Tabl aux Lofty Leaps 4c for which they are so justly celebrated MADAME LOUISE BROWER The elegant Equestrienne Will appsarin her graceful and energetio perform ance on Hoieebacr known as THE ENITI AN CARNIVAL A new and difficult feat on Horseback by AY MAR in which th? rider while lying upon his back will perform with astonishing rapidity THEERRA TIC SPHERES or REVOLVING 0RB8 The beautiful posturing act on two horses by MR NATHANS And his pupil PHILO An exhibition of art positively unsurpassed by any th ing of the kind ver witnessed in thg arena MASTER PHILO NATHANS Will appear also in his interesting act of Infantile horsemanship JESSE SANDS The favorite pupil of Mr Sauds in bis thrilling feats upon four highly Ponies SERGEANT The Graphic Scene Rider in his ORAND MASQUE RADE on horseback illustrrting the principal char acters of Shakspear comio changes 4c Amongst the C'mic features of the entertainment will be introduced the two celebrated PERORMING ZEBRAS Trained in a most wonderful manner by BAS SETT Beautiful displays of Vaulting Tumbling Sum mbrsbtting by the Troupe in which tne whole gymnastic strength of the company will appear The performances will accompanied with the music of OTTO NEW YORK CORN ET BAND Whose original compositions and brilliant execution are so widely celebrated for Brass Bands can be furnished to ap plicants by the Leader The entertainments will conclude with the romantic legend of MAZEPPA Ob tse Wild Horse of Tajitabt In full costume and splendid caste of character! the forenoon a splendid outside PROCESSION ELEPHANTS will be given to the public gratuitously in which a magnificent BAND CHARIOT DRAWN BY A TEAM SIX ELEPHANTS will parade through the principal streets Leader of the Band OTTO HORNE WILL EXHIBIT AT Springfield Thursday May 14th for one day only Chicopee Wednesday 13th Holyoke Tuesday 12th Northampton Monday 11th Doors open at 2 and 7 Performances com mence half an hour afterwards A gratuitous Exhibition will be given on a Single Wire on the outride flora the ground to the top of the Pavilion by Madam Leontim Immediately before opening the Doors i the Afternoon Performance weo ther permitting Admission Box and Pit 25 cts No deviation in price my6 7d Edwin Dkmond was admitted as a partner in our concern from the first day of April last my5 2wdaw6 JAMES HALE 4 TIME That keep time made to keep good time by SKI lo and well known in this city and vicinity as an excellent Watch maker Bring on your stek Watches to Sign of the Great Watch opp Court Square myfidaw SHAKERS! Can be fbuud at the MERCHANDISE AT PALMER DETOT fPHE undersigned beg to anuouuce to the people 4 I Palmer and its environs that they will continue the Sale which was commenced on the 27th ult and suspended on the 80th commencing on Monday the 18th inst at 10 a at Block" as heretofore and continue every day and evening with possibly the intermission of Thursday until fhe whole stock is disposed of loose persons who were so fortunate a to attei the last sale and availed themselves of the bargains which were then given will need ne urging to attend again but one word to those persons who did not come till the day after the Sale and others who did not hear of it This great Sale is made up of TWO BANKRUPT STOCKS One formerly belonged to James Claggett of Palmer the other is a Stock of a Boston House which recently failed making in all about $13000 worth of goods comprising a very gret variety of Just such articles as are needed by nearly all classes of custom ers It would be almost an endless task to enumerate every article therefore the leading articles only will be named in this bill Buch I Goods and Gro ceries Crockery and Glass Ware Carpetings Matting and Rug" Boom Paper Cloths Cassimeres Vestings and Trimmings Dress Goods Patches Shirtings Tickings White Goods Gloves and Hosiery Shawls Boots and Shoes Ready made Clothing 4c 4o The circ*mstances connected with this saleare such as to render it necessary that every article advertised or in the stock should be sold to the highert bidder No reservation whatevbb This sale will be well worth the attention of merchants and as the goods will be sold in quantities to suit the com pany Let there be a general turn cut to this great sale exceeding the last sale if possible Good ac commodations have been pnpsred for Ladles The rooms have been enlarged since ie previous sale Terms: all sums under 8103 Cash all sums of 8100 and upwards Sixty days credit with satisfactory en dorsed paper an interest DAVID McGILVRAY ll EMORY WRIGHT I AKigneea Palmer Mass May 6 1857 Goods will be bo vary cheap at private sale until the Auotkn as above my 12 fid LUCKY NUMBER NO 7 STATE STM At 40 44 cents ALL SIZES RECEIVED THIS DAY ROM AUCTION 40 Dot lats will be sold a 25 cents each Warranted equal to any sold at any other Store at double the money 25 DOZ LEGHORN HATS Your choice ut 3 0 cents all other goods equally cheap mylSBd BRONSON A BURT LIE IRE INSURANCE AGENT At Chaffee 4 Hampden Block my9 MISS RICHARDSON will comnvnci her pri vate school Lr children Wednesday of this week (May 13th) to continue eleven weeks Schoolroom on Stockbridge street formerly occupied by Miss Bliss or references enquire of the Rev Bucking ham or A Pease Dwight street my 11 3d Round hill motorpathic wa ter cure AND HOTEL Northampton alsted Proprietor and prin ipal Phyician It 13 well known that Dr Halstea makt ieeases inci ent jo Oman a speciality The Establishment combines the advantage of being a home for the treatment of chronic diseases of either sex and a resort for the seekers of pleasure Circulars tent gratis tion a pamphlet on the treatment on receipt of six postage stamps myll Imdawf ENGLISH RENCH AND AMERICAN PAPER HANGINGS BONDERS CURTAINS Among which may be found some very pretty patterns Please call and look at them it CR CHAEE 4 JUST RECEIVED At Io 4 Block 100 New and Elegant styles of MANTILLAS which will be sold cheap Also a large stock of DRESS GOODS received this week Ladies are particularly requested to call and exam ine our stock of Dress Goods AT THE OLD STAND CUTLER ROLLINS NO 4 BLOCK PARASOLS PARASOLS 500 New Styles PARASOLS this week reoelv NO 4 OOT 8 BLOCK OLD STAND CUTLER ROLLINS my 12 tfd BLARES KINSLEY SIMMONS BLOCK OOEITEE CONGRESS AND WATER STREETS BOSTON HAVB HOW IS fiTORB AND OB bALB THKIK A8SORTMEJST Spring and Summer Goods DOESKINS BLACK AND COLORED CLOTHS ANCY CASSIMERES COATINGS TRICOTS RAGLANS VELOURS VESTINGS BROCADE GRENEDINE VALENCIAS MARSEILLES' DRILLINGS SERGES SATIN DI CHINES VELVETS TRIMMINGS for Tailors and Clothiers A STOCK HEAVY WOOLENS! for Clothiers' WILLIAM BLAKZ CHABLIS BLAU KDWABD KIWOLEY mar24 iatjuly 1 NEW GOODS AGAIN Read mark and learn where to look for them No 999 Main st HORACE LEE No 999 New remh Muslins HORACE LEM No 999 Now Betage Robes HORACE LEE No 999 500 New Parasols a beautiful assortment HORACE LEE No 999 New EmbroHoriee CoBare Sleeves 4o HORACE LEE No 999 New rench Prints HORACE LEE No 999 New Shirting Prints HORACE LEE No 999 A beautiful assortment of LLle Gloves for Men Women and Children HORACE LLE No 999 A large assortment of Hosiery just opened HORACE LEE No 699 The latest styles of MautlDas a good assortment HORACE LES No 999 New Cheeked and Striped Cambrics HORACE LEE Ko 999 New ObalUa and Berege de Laines HORACE LEE Ko 999 Dow! luids HORACE LEE No 999 Oriental Lustre for Traveling Dreeses HORACE LEE No 999 New ancy Cravats and Ties just opened HORACE LEE Kc969 Come and see a $19 Sewing Maohine HORACE LEE Mo 199 Ticking Cottons Linens Shirting Stripe HORACE LEE Ko 999 Hnoabas Crash Seotoh HJRACEC LEE or anv kind of dseiraNe Dry Goods the beet the market aiffirds and low prtoe evil at 109 Main tL HORACE LEE BULLET NO 8 READ IT! READ There is a certain class of individuate BnrtDariy known as OLD OGIES Who say that all advertisem*nts are HUMBUGS And intended to deceive the public MALLEI Begs to differ in opinion from tie whole army of the above GENTLEMEN Who are constantly saying many hard things of No 7 State Street At last they are become nervous frightened say THEY LIKE US fee THIS QUARREL Is significant of one that THE CHEAPER A man sells his goods the more customers HE WILL HAVE Nothing since the Revolution has caused greater EXCITEMENT Than the cheap cash system of DOING BUSINESS Ii there a person in the city or neighborhood who doubts OUR ABILITY To give Better and C1m aper Bargains than any other store IN THE CITY? If so go go at onee te this celebrated establishment and see the CROWDS that daily congregate to partake of the Bargains and YOUR DOUBTS WILL BE INSTANTLY REMOVED WHO REDUCED THE PRICES? Who reduced the price of Cleaning Hats from 87c Who reduced the price of Ribbons from 18cto 19jc? Who reduced tlie price of Ribbons from 25c to 18a Who rec'uced the price of lowers one half? Who reduced the price of Boonets 50 per cent? Who reduced the price of all kinds of Millinery? Who reduced tne price of Shakers from 75 to 44? WHO BUT MALLEY Who is satisfied with a living profit? RECEIVED THIS DAY TOO Cambric Band at 86 £0 66 62 shd 75 bought at lets than half their value COLLARS! 1200 Muslin Collars 63 cts worth a Douab 800 Muslin $1 $150 to $2 Rich sets Muslin Sleeves Dimity Bands and lots ci Other Embroideries will be offered at a fearful redos) tion from former prices LADIES! Look to your and vi i' the only PuaorwAt Own Pricb Store in rpringfleld BRONSON Manager 1 8 Bronson is anxious to remind the many Ladies who have (last ten days) visited our store and been unable to get attention owln to the continual crowd pouring in upon us that hav ing engaged addi tional help they may rely upen every attention for tke future may4d RESH IMPORTATION LOOK OUT OR LOW PRICES ANO YOUNG 80 piece 26o Brilliants for 12)e Bareges one 75o Berages at 60c 50 Barege Robes reduced from $12 to Challies and Muslin 12jo Super Muslin Setts 8175 rench Embroidered Collars $1 Black Grenadine Robes $26 Kew Carpetings from to $10 per yard BEAUTIUL MESS GOODS HILLINERY hILKS HOSIERY BRAWLS GLOVES MANTILLAS LIKENS DJBEGES NAPKINS GINGHAMS QUILTS COTTONS MUSLINS BOY'S GOODS LANNELS MEN'S GOODS MOREENS LADIES' GOODS CLOTHS DRESS TRIMMINGS livr geese feathers We now offer a very large rtock of New Good bought at th profit low prie of oreign Gooda ONE PRICE ONLY A WILLIAMS SaMMwr to Rockwood 4 Cu Store fronting Main and Court rtreeta Ujptdt Hampden Hall I taaj id.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 6277

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.