The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

8 8 8 1 26 Springfield Union, Lethargy Stymies Market Springfield, Thursday, March 4, 1971 New York Exchange Sales(hds) High Low Close Cho 8034 80 804 471 143 481 481 113 18 857 75 261 563 57 4818 1056 1058 'a 30 113 137 136 136 115 23 31 75 41 11 223 201 21 28 135 198 293 42 42 231 3 10 32 31 32 Va 18 32 z10 28 316 165 59 25 25. 28 18 173- 63 63 29 281- 24 42 42 175 117 110 109 110 116 151 27 22 99 63 291- 185 43 48 10 180 3558 20 20 54 38 38 6 14 783 28 150 2890 46 30 189 37 162 302 32 32 21 14 34 62 33 294 173 235 90 30 30 301 25 25 163 86 56 26 26 804 286 135 z100 z170 .17 1678 17 3078 9 ENS: 303 296 20 16 129 NES 42 21 2315 228 19 62 z10 59 59 59 21 21 x16 139 28 187 53 40 26 249 z10 145 12 02. 184 .1000 53 8 3 137 15 15 44 33 152 135 89 201 18 18 230 721 z50 29 16 105 63 46 231 19 70 70 386 56 1 44 99 99 23 24. 42 24 12 57 57 33 33 2100 60 60 787 609 12 47 47 18 18 305 75 75 2 205 267 231 717 45 12 36 2580 118 10 61 61 217 10 128 35 35 21 26 26 01 0 26 62 62 62 12 61. 22 625 109 114 59 35 765 141 13 210 12 21 69 232 39 61 181- 68 68 27.

23. 34 34 23 23 212 473 671 61 76 67 20 268 17 50 28 28 28 113 71 62 165 21 39 5 5258 269 41 241 2414- 1314 62 263 21 55 82 10 76 Sales(hds) High Low Close Cho. Sales(hds) High Low Close Cha Chl Chi Ill MilStPP Ry 9 1198 161 Gem Gemini In Cap 1,40 3 Pill 1.4 LincolnNtI 81 804 PioNGas 80 ChiMilw5 pt 2134 GnAlnv 221 22 pf 83 83. Pliney .68 ChiRI ChiPneum c1 UP 39 3 21 38 21 GenATr 1.60 Ling Ternco 273 134 Pit Forg .80 ChiRict NW pf Lina Tem A 13 13 Pit ston 312 13 21 91 21 GnAT GenBanc .56 13 1318 Ling Lionel TV5pf Corp 61 633 27 28 Plan Plessty Resrch 12 1638 ChockF Chris ChrisCof Craft 1A 78 32 83a 32 GenCor GnCable 20 .80 221 373 Litto In 1302 Po'arold .32 184 851 ChrC ChrisCitpt pt 11 Gen GenDevel Dynam 2i 36 72 Littonin 32 PorIGE 1.3 13 Littn cv pf 64 26 1.20 Chromul 215 Gn 2.60 x368 10834 Lockheed 656 10 10 Potlatch 19 331 Chromi pf .50 Gn Filec 13 117 LoewsC 713 PotEl Pwr 189 15 Cin Chrysler Bell 2.40 ,60 374 461 274 GnFood GenFood 2.80 wi 188 LoneSCem 87 28 PotE1 pt 2540 58 London Mfu 50 1458 PI EIPwr 1228 15 Cin Gas 1.56 17 Gen HostCp 53 18 18 Lone Sot 117 PotElpt 2.44 CinG pt 9.30 210 120 120 120 Gen Instr 21 188 LongiLt 1.34 25 Premind .60 32 35 293 LoneSG 1.24 105 PPGInd 1.0 Cin CinMila pt 1.40 z110 17 391 Geninst GenMills pf 8 333 LIL pf 100 971 Prem pt .90 191 A CIT Fin 1.80 159 433 8 425 pt 57 57 Loral Corp 61 1,40 119 595 CitiesSv 2.20 286 475 Gen Mot 488 801 80 1.95 74 a ProdRes .10 73 City City Inv invs pf ,50 2 243 188 38 2 GenMot GnMotpf pf 6034 Lou Nush 96 1.64 262 LouGas 1.6 39 39 PUS Col 1.12 112 City GenPCm .80 29 28 29 Lowenst 36 36 9.62 2220 120 120 Clark Stores 1.40 10 41 PubU 1.60 23 Lubrizol .70 777a 78 PSE 1.40 Clark Oil 1.80 .40 GenSig An 58 SEESS Ludlow 0 28 21 20 21 Ind 2.16 43 Gen Refract 13 Lucky St .90 56 4,18 280 58 57 CleveEl 2.24 40 Gen Sig 101 LuknsStl .80 14 20 20 NHa 1.64 23 39 Gn Steel Ind 14. 14 Lums 0 Incro Corp 43 .2 Clorox Cluett Cluet1P pf .90 67 13 2 GTE pt Lyke Young 259 GTE 1.52 636 CNA Fin .50 363 Gen 1.30 1g 2120 314 pf -M.

29 20 20 Pullmanin Lykes Ya 1.76 32 CNA Coastst pf Gas 1.10 x142 49 53 27 Genesc 1.70 .200 89 24 Purex Co CstSGpt 1.19 53 Gnstar MacDonid 19 Purolat 1.60 82 CocaCol CocaBotl 1.58 148 88 30 8714 877 Ga Pac 59 Macy 290 Quakr Oats GenPart .87 Macke .30 12 12 12 0- Colgp Colgate pf 40 z100 60 58 49 58 58 Gerber 1.20 Mad Square 1073 Questor Ga- pi 1.64 83 83 Mad Fd 45 18 sol 88 CollinsAik 202 4 Getty 1.13b 79 I MadSare wi Collin Radio Gettypf 1.20 MagicCh Raiston 1 0 124 Colintst 1.60 52 GiantPt Magnav 1.20 150 pf ColoSou pf 4 39 49 49 Gibraltr Fin Mallory 1.80 .24 158 710 49 Gidd Lewis 13 Manind Ranco In .92 ColtptA Coltindust 1.60 90 20 Gillette 1,40 470 48 Man Hn 3.12 69 Rapid Amer 265 Gimbel Br 40 40 Mopcoln 108 Raybestos pr 1.40g 11 36 A Ginos Incor 19 Mar Oil 1.60 Raython Raymond In Col Pic Gas 1.76 1079 GlenAld pf 3 61 Marcor pt 2 x26 Rayth pf Col Glen Alden 8 Marcor .80 ColS Oh 80 Global Mar 195 Maremont RCA Corp Comb ComSolv 1.30 44 SEES Goodrich .40 159 MarionL .32 130 34 RCA 1.80 37 295,8 GlobeUn 36 MarMid 1.70 32 RCA of 79 .40 95 51 1958 GoodyrT .85 408 Marlen 105 Reading CmwE 2.20g Marqtt CwEdpf 9.44 2 Gordon .24 Mariott Cem 17 2pf CwEdpf 1.42 26 26 Grace Gouldin 1.40 48 3214- 1.10 169 33 .25 Comwou .60 119 171 Granby 1.60 21 MartMr 1.10 108 Redmn .056 125 CwOilpt 1.7 Grand .80 Md Cup .50 Computr' Sci .50 204 767 GraniteC St 130 31 MascoCo .28 Reichold Cone ConnMt Mills 21 25 254 Grant Granitvlle 83 3. Massey Fer 64 Rel Elec 45 Masonite .72 69 27 27 'MassM Republic 213 ConrocC .60 6 GrayDr 1.20 1.30 Mattel Mtg 103 50 49 25 Rep St 1.60 176 ConsEd 1.80 268 2550 May DS 1.60 RevcoDS .28 Cons Ed rts 3407 15 14 GtLkDr GtNolron 1.20 MayerOs .56 114 23 ConsEd pi 88 88 G1NNek 1.60 1d MayJW 28 28 75 173 48 48 Maytag 1,10 124 Revion ConsFd 1.20 44 Gt GtNoNpf WsUn .40 MC A in .60 57 25 Rex Belt ConFdpf 6 110 110 -1 .90 McCror 1.20 25 2.36 41 56 33 GtWs GrtWash pf .50 1,88 23b1 McCr of 2200 77 23 58 23 Re Ind 2.40 163 Con Leasing 27 658 McCrrypf 6 2100 58 Reyin pf 119 ConsNG 1.88 47 GreenGt .96 26 McDermo1 161 ReyMet 1.10 28 Consm Pw 451 33 Green Greyhd 1.20 1120 34 337 34 McDonid Cp 229 32 ConsPpt z130 Cp McDnD 58 pf 36 Cont Air Ln 66 16 Grolier McGr 1.40 Rheingld Conti Corp GulfM 2.800 McGregr 1.20 1 234 Riegel CnCopp 23 10 10 Gulf Lif 39. McGHil .60 621 3 ConCan 1.60 298 42 Grumman 11 Richr Co MGHipf Cnt1Cp 46 Gulf Oil 560 Mc Inty RiegelTx 19 CtCppf8 Gulf McKeeG .80 1.60 135 135 135 RioGr In 19 CntM 157 GIfRespf .20 16 McLen .800 20 RioGr pf 12 Conti Oil 264 GIfRepf 1.30 McLouth St 55 Rite Aid Cont Oil 80 15 47 GUSUpf 4.40 z100 McNelIC .70 RivianaFd 1 29 ConStecl 22 22 .50 MeadCoro 77b Cont Contri Tfl .80 GulfWof 817- Meadpf 2.80 19 .70 Da a 103 103 103 MeaBof 1.10 ConDtpt 57 57 GulfWpf Medusa 2.80 RobinAH Conwod 1.90 Gu1fWpf ME 1.20 37 RochG 1.20g Cook Un .50 32 Gulton Ind 27 MelvilSh Corp 8 Roch TI 1.32 46 Coop In 1.40 Melv Shpf .80 47 Rockowr .24 15 Cooper Tire 36 15 15 Memorex 220 65 65 65 Rockwl 1.40 CoopTof 315 19 -1 Merc St 134 RomHa 1.60 95 Copelnd 1.20 32 Merck 1.40 92 92 Rohr Cp Copwl Stel SEES Handlem Meredith 27 28 Ronson CoppRng .50 32 32 HamdCp 13 13 2.20 95 Rollinsin Corinth 37 33 Handy 21 MesaPet Roper Co 36 CornGI 210 Mes Sof 2.20 Rorer A Cowles Com 215 10 Mesa of 2.20 84 CP Cintl 1.70 37 24 Harris HarcourtB Int MestMach Royal Ind 10 Cox Brd Mesabi 186 31 10 RoyalDut 2d Crane 1.60 Harsco Cp 22 inc RTE Co Credit FI .72 HartSMx .80 28 28 Metrom .50 499 Rubbmd Crocker 1.60 Harv Al MetEpf 3.90 z30 52 Rucker Cramp MGIC In .20 48 RussTog CrouseHin 24 Hayes Alb Mich Gas 13 16 16 RyderSy CrowliCol 125 Hazeltine MichS Tub CrColpf 1.20 27 27 HCA Indust Microdt .106 98 21 Safewy 1.30 316 Crown Cork 186 17d MidCTel .88 6: St Joe Min CrownZ 1.20 Heinz HJ MidSoU 1.02 109 StJoLtP 1.04 CrnZpf 4.20 290 Helene Curt 93 Midi 1.40 28 4 StL SnF 2.40 Cudahy 5k Hellr pf In 4.07 MilesLb 1.20 SanDGs 1.08 CTSCorp Heller Midwstoil 95 95 St Regis 1.60 CudCopf Helme MiltBrad 29 Sander Asso Culligan .20 1.85 353 Sang Ele .40 Cummin .88 Hemisp Cap MinnPI 1.30 21 SoF Ind 1.60 Cunn Drug Hemiln .106 Missn 2.40d 113 112 112 SFeln pf Curt Curtiswr Wr A .60 2 Hercule MissRivr Pac A 6k I SaFelnti .30 CutlerH 1.20 Hershy Heublein 1.10 MPCem 1.60 17 2 SavEIP 1.12 18 5 Sarg Wel Cyclops Hewlft 36. Saxon Indus CyprusMn High Volt MobilO! 1.10 Schaefer Co CyprusM HiltonHotl Mohawk Dt Schnley 1.40 Hobart 1.20 45 1.40 Dan Dana River Co Horner .90 Moly Molyb Schnlypf Dart In Hoff Electn pf Scher .80 Hol Inns Monarch 19 19 19 Schlitz Data Dartind pf Proces 2 HollySu Monogram 13 Schlum 1.40 DaycoC 1.14 Homestk Monon 31 31 CM Corp DayPLt 1.60 Hoover Hospital Mons of Scott Ftz .80 Dayton .50 19 Honywl MonrocA I .60 33 33 Monsan Scot Lad DPLpfB 250 Host Intl MontDk 1.88 68 35 35 ScottFor .60 DPLofd 7.48 z130 Houdaile MontPr Scovill 1.40 Deere 122 42 Hough Housef Moore McC 16 16 Scovil Papr of 102 102 MONY 12 Scoff Del Mnt 1.10 1.12 Housepf 2.37 70. 70 MorseSh Moron 2.72 ScudderD 47 DeltaAir .50 224 38 27 HousLP HousFpf 1.20 MtgGro Sbd Scud Cst of So Deltec Intni .80 Mor Nor Seab Airl Dennisn of .60 27 HONG pf 5 Motorola .60 Seagrv Dennisn DennysR 150 10 How Jnsn 27 Mt Fuel 1.80 SearleG 1.30 67 Dentsply 29 Hubbrd Howmt MSL Ind .40 Seatrain 1.200 Lin 15 MtStTel 1.36 Sears Dereco Dereco.

pf of HudBay Munsingw 23 SEDCO 23 HughesH MurpCo 1.20 Servomn .08 DetEdis DeSotoln Hunt Ch Murphin 20i ShellOil 2.40 DetE pf 9.32 1220 117 MurOpf Murphol ShellerG .80 DetEdof 2. 877 Idaho 1.60 MurOhio 18 Sherwin Shellrpf 1.35 Dextr Cp 19 I deal Bas ShrW pt 4.40 Dia Diat Intl Fin It Cen of Nalco Shulton I dealBpf Diam Shm 1.14 Narco Sc Siegel DiaShm NICen pf Nashuac Airl Signal DiaShpf 1.20 IM Pwr 2.20 Nat Not Av Sig Diebold Dictaphn MIPwof Imperial 2.10 Cp NatBisc Signode 1.10 DiGiorgo INA Cp 1.40 Nat Can Simm Prec 701 Eapt 67 Income Cap NatCash NtCanpf 1 SimnCo SimoPat 1.40 Dillingh IncCinc Nt Chem DillingpfB 2 31 31 31 IncHead 28 NatChem 81 Singerof 70. DillonCo .64 24 24 3 Ind Gas Nt CitYL Skely on Disneyw 97 IndPwLt NatDistil .90 Skil Diversin 12. 12 Ind Natl .90 NDist pf SkylinCo Corprin DivMtg Ing Rand 2 1 48 Nt Fuel 63 1.40 .20 DrPeppr IngR pt 2.35 Nat 1.68 Sm A DomeMn Inland Stl 2 3 Gen .20 Smithint .40 DomFd Inmont Natl NotGyp 1.05 Donelley 24 Insiico Nat Indust Smucker Doric Cp .32 Insilcvpf 24 24 Natl IpfB Lead 15 Sola Sonesta Bas Intl Dorr Oliver InspCopper 42 43 176 2138 67 DoverCp .75 Interco 1.20 46348 Nat NatPresto SonyCo .036 315 Dow Ch 2.60 179 Intriake 1.80 Serv 2658 26 SooLne 40 Dresser 1.40 33 5.20 336. Nt NtStorch Stand CorEl 1.33 17.

Dres pf 2.20 Corp 178 Dresser 2 IntFlav .60 32 NotSteel Southan Inc 37. DreyfusCo 28 In Harv 1.80 215 Not NtUnEI Tea .80 Sawn pf 1.80 DukeP 1.40 241 Inthold SoestPS 1.28 19 Duke of 8.70 2400 112 Internat Ind Neptune Natomas .25 293 SoJ Ind 1.5 DukP Intnd of 1.70 Nev Pw 18 SoCalEd DunBrd 1.20 IntMin Ch 3 1.16 39 39 SouthCo 1.26 25 DuplonCp Mining 13 NEngE1 'Newberry 1.56 1918 SoNatG DuPont 136 In Nicki 1.60 2.36 Sov Pac 1.80 DuPn pf Int Pop 37. So Rwv DuaneL 1.65 In Rectifier Newmn SoUnGs 1.26 DuqLpf 2.10 1.15 NY Hondr 1.04 89 SwstAirm 31 Dymo Indus pfE 2120 171 170 170 NYSEG 2.08 108 Sowstos Dynamic Co pfH NiggMo NiaMpf 3.60 1.10 261 EaglePi pfJ 2310 52 52 Rand EascoCo 23 ofk NioMpf NiaMpf 5.25 4.85 Sprague Eastern ITT ofN 69 Ning 280 75 SpringMill EastGsF 117 int Util 1.40 Norfolkws Sh SqureD .800 East Ut 1.40 Intl Util Norlin 74 Squibb 118 Kod IntU of 1.32 Norris Ind 2 Eaton 167 Interpace NoACoa 30 St Staley 1.40 chlinM Interpocof 5 NA Mt .60 24 Brnd 1.60 48 EckerdJ IntsBrnd .90 NoAmPhil 1.79d StdBrof 3.50 250 58 EG .10 113 In rstate Str 116 NOA Rk 1.20 150 2434 Intl .28 26 19 EdisonBro IntstPw 1.28 27 StB Point 40. 218. 51 Elect Assoc lowa Beef 626 NOAR NARkpf pf Std Kollsmn 858 Data Sys 76 lowa El 1.30 Noeastu 1.35 StOICal 2.80 5554 Elect Memo loalliGs 1.38 NoCntGs .94 124 StdOind 2.30 Memopf IowaPL 25 25 .60 S1OUNJ Nati Ipco Hsp NollIGs 34 StdOhio 2.70 EIPasoNG lek ITE Imp .60 Pr Stool EltraCo 52 27 Corp NoNGpf 2.60 129 53 Std Prud .66 Emersn 1.16 612 Jock At NoStPw 1.70 .48 11014 1.60 59 EmeryAir 68.

Stanray Emhart 1.20 39 39 JockAtpf NgateE 4.10 57 57 Starrett .80 EMI Lt 35 Jantzen JafgerM Northropc Stauffer 1.80 43 Empire Gas JaponF 23 23 Nthrpof 1.45 241- SterchiB .48 Engelhd 696 NwstAirl 26 26 SterlDrg .80 Engle pf 170 168 168 267 Dof EnnisBF CnPpf 9.36 112 Nw Ban 1.40 Stevens 2.40 Life 35 Jer JewelCi CPLof Nwst Nowstinpt Indust 159 3 Stokely StewWn Vn 1.80. 2au Fd JimWalt Nwstipf 65 Stokely, of Esq Inc JohnMv 1.20 Nwstst! 76. 1.90 1034 ESB in JimWpf Nwstinpfc 33 Essx Essxint 1.20 2.84 John John In Svc .80 Norton Norton Si Si 52 StudeW StorerBr .50 235 50 50 NortSpf 52 1.20 Esterin .076 JonLogn .80 58 NVF 1.60 503 Stuw of 1.40 Ethyl Cp .84 Jones LofA Comp 10 SubPGs 1.6 Ethylpf 2.40 13. 39 Sun Chm 40 23 225 Eurofd 20 Jos Jorgson ens 1.30 .70 22 Oak OakitePr Elec .16 .80 16 81- SuCrest .80 .60 24 JoyMto 1.40 Occid Petr 1014 1954 Sun SunOilof Oil Co 5134 ExCeli0 105 23 OccidPt 445 Kalser AI 1 262 pf 3.60 18 621 633 2338 Faberge 16 KaAl z100 2.16 155 60 Sunstrne .80 25 FactorM KaAl Ooden SunshM 16 Fairch Com Ogdn Corp Sup Oil 1.40 179 178 FairHil KalserCt Ohio Ed pf 1.87 SuprGen 40 Fairmont KaCoref OhEdpf 3.90 1.54 Supr Val 1.10 27 Falstaff Brg Cane 56 56 56 SurvFd .1 Family .60 15. KCPwL 2.08 OhEdpf OKIOGE 4.56 1.24 6434 Swank .600 Fonsteel Wst Fin So Ind OklaGas rts 4245 Swift Co x119 A Forah Fedders Inti Mfg 15 Kan KanNeb GE Omark OklaNG OlinCorp in 1.24 .88 16 23 Sybron Sybrnpf Systron Don 3 KonPLt OneidaL FedriCo FedMog Katy Indust OpelikaCi Talcott 1.10 .60 FedNMg Katy Or Otis Rock El Co 1.20 Fed Poc Talley Indst Fed Paper Kowecki Outbord 31 Talley pf Fed Sign ziso Keebler OverTrn 29.

Tandy. Corp KayserR OutletCo Tampa Fed Dev Kelsy-H Owenlpf 102 62 Technicon Federals Keller KellogaCo In OwenCF 43 SE Tech Tappan Mat 2k Depst Owenill Ferro Co Kendall Oxfrdind .60 20 Tektronx In Kenmeti Kennecott Teledyn Teledyne pf 3k 6 1.40 Pac Gas 32 FiltriCp 1.40 26 KyFChic 676 175- PocinEx 26 Teledypt Pinci Feder KY Util PacLtC 234 Telex Corp Fst FstMig Bos x53 KiddeW PacSwst 1.20 Air 76 20 Tenec of 1013 10034 Fst Firestn FstNCy Charter 2.64 1,60 Kerr Kiddew KeyCns Mc 1.20 74 122 Pc PacPet PacPwr 1 28 49 211 301- Texaco Tennec Teneco Templel Awt 1.60 1.32 FstNtSt .506 45 KIngsDS Palm Bh 25 210 TexETr 1.52 pt .80 Kinneys PnASul 206 1.52 Fishr Kinny pf 120 Pan Am WA 16 Tx Fisher Sc .16 Panhdl 1.80 36 TxGuSul FleetEnt Kirsch Co Papercrt .60 35 35 Tex Indust Fleming 2.220 52 Porgas Texinstr Flintkotec KnghtN Para pr 2.64 Tex OH Gas Flintk pf Co PorkerH Tx PL 50b Fla Kopper Pork Pen .60 TexUtit 1.92 Fla Gas Kopper of Penn Centri 174 Textron Flapwr 1.60 Koracorp Penney JC 651 Textrot 1.40 FlaPwL 2.12 Kraftco 1.70 PenDix Thiokol .40 Florida StI Kresge Penn Fruit ThBetts 1.04 Krochler Penn Co pt Thomind Fly Tiger roger 1.30 PennPL Tho JW FlYT pf PoPLot ThriftvD FMC Laciede 1.45 PoPLpf TI Corp 311 FMC of PaPLpt TideMar FdFairs Lane Br Pennwi Time In FooteCB LonvinR Penwipt Times Foote Minri Latrobe 1014 Pennroll Timken FMin of 2.20 Lear Sle .50 143- Penzipt 1.33 423 Tishmn 25 FordMt 2.40 58 Leor of PeopGs 2.00 3734 3714 Tobin Pk .60 191 For Mck 165 Leosco PepsiCo Todd Sh 25 25 ForMot L.eascof Perk El 557 37. TolEdis 1.80 311 FosterW .8 22. Pe tinc 1,20 371 185 181 FosterWof 1 293 Pet Inc pf 1 .90 Foxboro 203 40 Leesona PeterPI 1.20 26 Transom Frankist 13 Val Ind Petroine .20 Frecorts 325 Leh Len Petri 1.3 .66 Inv Fruehut 1.70 60 33 pf PetrIC pf 1.196 Transitron Fuqualna 41 166 20 Lehm 1.10b Pfizer 201 TronUn 1.20 401 Lenox In Trons Air GAC CO 264 Lev LevrFd .750 Cop Phelo PhilaEl 2.10 1.64 55 218 40 Acvot 171 GAF 45 LFE 231 TrnsWFin 111 GAF 1.20 LEE Corpn Phil EI 1 2100 110 1097 Traviers Gom Sk 1.30 433 Libbyo 50h nt 1100 62 961- Trovirs Gambipf LOr pf PhE PhEppf pf 4.40 3.80 760 53 1 do GamSof 60 43 43 Libby McNI PhilipM 1.20 710 188 TriCon 1.21b Gannet! 4014 LibrtvC 2234 .80 3814 3A14 Gardon 1.30 36 4718 471 LibrtyL Phil Philipsin Ind .16 08. Trionale Tropicana Garlock .80 20 20 Liber of 197 PhilPet 708 Gateway 1n 71 Liga My 527 PhilVnH 1.30 TRW TRW inc 10 209 GCA Corn 52 Lipg Mypf 105 105 105 PiedNG 1.20 A 881 86 241 241 1 Sales(hds) High Low Last Cha.

Salesthds) High Low Close Cha. Su'es(hds) High Low Close Che. TucsonG .12 50 20th Cen Fox 366 Tyler Corp 21 -U UAL UALInC orp 330 Var ptA .40 1,10 264- 853- UGI Co Cp 1,28 10 227 UMC Ind 34 Unarco .40 UniNV 1.28d a 281 15 Un Camp 22 308 4138 37 441 58 Union Corp 28 Elec 1.28 146 3 El pf 2100 Un 51 UnEl pf z130 66 66. UnOCal 1.60 UnPac Cp 2 47 49 48 53 Un Pacif 10 Unamr 1.40 30 54 4514 120 Uniroyal .70 136 Uniroyalpt 2240 57 Unishops .40 Aircr 1.80 2.56 93 34 36 33 34 UnBrand .60 34 pt 3.20 230 133 73 UnBr pt 1.20 20 Utd 32 Un Fin Corp Corp .50 24 Un Gas .80 10 Un Ind 22 82 Unind pf .42 Un Jersey 474 47 UtdMM 1.30 38 Un Nuclear 86 USFIdel 2.20 US Fin 140 42 USFoS 3.84d 53 Frht 1,40 331 3314 Gypsm 3 379 98 25. USG pf US Indus .60 1,80 32 US Leas 754 25 .84 15 183 US USPI Shoe pr 1.

.88 0 USSmit 83 25 79 USSteel 2.40 30 30 US Tob 1.20 222 UtdUtilit .92 50 Utd Util wts 22 22 UnUtilpf UnvLeaf 34 Univ .40 35 35 Univ Compt 116 Upjohn 1.60 475 183 25 UrisBidg 5T USLIFE 97 59 18 173- USM Cp 61 26 25 UtahCn pf 2.10 37 37 USM UtahPL 1.92 53. 413 60 36 32 41 VCA Cp AS50 205 16 Varian VCA pt 658 28 VendoCo Veedrin 1.60 Cp 1.10 16 43 16 10 36 Viacom wd 34 VictorCC 20 193- Villager .50 Ind 120 65 VaC Bnc .80 Elec 4.04 1.12 175 2 pf 5 z10 56 VoEl pt 7.72 z70 71 71 71 z100 VS! Corp Inc 253 25 Vulcan 21 181 VWR Un .7 W- Wachov 1.20 WachRI 2.20 69 69 Wall WalkH Bus 28 194 19 Walworth 22 Labs 33 Ward Warnaco Foods WarL.m 1.20 ,60 43 Sw 169 WashGs 1.80 1. 48 303,8 30 WashSt 30 Wash 1.36 Watkins Jsn .76 30 14 95 g- WeanUn 1.60 29 29 29 Inc Weather Un 10 10 10 Wean WebbDel Cp 10 10 WeisMkt .92 Welbilt Corp Wells 1.60 WescoFn 5k 26 26. WstcstTr WPeP of z10 24 24 65 24 65 WPE 4.10 2200 58 18 WestAir. 10k 27 27.

58 27 A WsBanc 1.30 24 Ws Md 1.60 Wst Pac RR WestUn WUnion pf 1.40 6 69 WsUnpf 4.90 115 109 82 WsUnpf 4.60 94 110 --5 17 West El 1.80 80 3.80 Wstvac 1.05 WeyenS 1.20 25 Weyerpf Weyerhs .80 103 60 125 60 WhelPit StI 14 125 -134 26 WhfelSt5pf Whirlpl 1.60 78 Wh Cons .40 275 WhitCpf WhitCof 38 38 38 WhitCpf 67 White WhCross Mo .44 or 101 Whittakr 15 15 Wickes Co Cp 13 50 WIll Williams Bros Br wt 258 284 WilIB of .80 WinnDx WinnDx CIB 1.68 Va Winnebago WisEIP WisElpf 23 8.90 1105 1.16 18 Wi Witco Ch Wolvww 2.65 123 68 28 Womtco Wool Woolwh of 2.20 1.20 769 70 World WriglevC Airw Wurltzer 162 161 50 XeroxCo .80 YoSti XTRA Dr 1.20 Inc 18 153- ZaleCopf ZaleCorp .80 .64 116 32 18 a Zapata Nor ZapataNpf 2 36 Zavre Corp 39 70 70 17 ZenithR 1.40 37 Zurn Ind .28 106 New York Exchange Sales: 14.680,000. Close Cha. Su'es(hds) High Low Close Che. Local. Regional Securities Quotations from the N.A.S.D.

are representative approximately 11:30 inter-dealer prices as of Prices markets do change not throughout the day. a. m. Inter markdown. or include, commission.

retail markup, LOCAL NATIONAL LIST Boystate Corp. Div. Bid Asked Bid Bk. Tr. Co.

$1.76 $1.00 43 First Not. Bk. $2.10 First Softd. Tr. FEW FEW Geri-Care $3 N.V.

Nursing dat '47 stat Center Sec. Nat. Bk. $2 Pitts. Pkge.

Not. Mach. Bk. $1 Shawmut Asso. 56 Sofid.

Gas Light Co. $1.24 Stan. He. Prod. Inc.

$3A 255 255 Third Not. Sk. of Hampden 8: Com. .70 West. Bk.

aTr. 46 Wm. E. Wright Co. .28 Dividend 39 381 -plus stock.

or paid '-cash extra. so far this REGIONAL LIST A cushnet Process Co. 25 2512 Anheuser Busch 85 Baird Atomic 534 Boston Capital 1034 Farrington 11 First Boston Corp. tonics, Inc. 1631 Friendly Ice Cream Corp.

34. Pabst Brewing 56. Reece Corp. 3414 Southern N. E.

Tele. 40 NEW YORK BOND SALES Approx final total $22,560.000 Previous day 23,490,000 Week ago 27,174.000 Month ago 27,018.000 Year 0go 16.320,200 Jan. to date 1,252.521,000 1969 date 676,950,200 1970 88- date 636,318,500 NYSE Most Active' Stocks AbacusFd 21 AbbottL 1.10 ACE In 2.40 AcmeCly .80 AcmeMk 2g Ad Exp AdamMI .20 Adress Admiral Cp AetnaLi 1.60 Acinal I pf 2 Aguirre Co Aileen Incp Air Prd AirPr pi Alr Red A Industrs Akonaln 10 Ala Alaska Gas Intst 1.10 Albertos .36 AlcanAlun Alco Std .30 Alexan AllegCp All Lud 2.40 Allg Ludof 3 Allg Pw 1.36 Ch 1.20 Alld Mnt .40 AlldMills .75 AlldProd .68 AlliedSt 1,40 AlliedSt 14 Alld Supmkt AllisChi .056 AllrAuto .60 Alpha Cm Alcoa 1.80 AmalSu 1.60 Amboc ,50 Amerac 1.20 A Es pf 2.60 AHesspt A AirFilt .80 Am Airl .80 AmBak ABrand 2.20 Am 2.20 Brest 1.20 A Can pf Am Cement A Chain 1.60 AmCISg 1.40 AmCyan Am Distil AD Tel Vst ADu AmElec pf 1.70 Am Export pf AmGBo Am Gen .50 A Gn of 1.80 AmHoist .40 A Home 1.70 .26 AmHosp Am Inv Am Med .12 AMetCx 1.40 Motor AmNGs 2.10 APhoto Am Seat .72 AmShip A Smelt 1.90 AmS Afr .70 Am Stand 1 AmStdpf AmSteril .48 2.60 wts AmWatr .60 AWatrpf AWtr pr Am zinc Ameron Ametek .60 .90 Amfacin .80 AMP Inc .64 Ampco Ampex Cp 1.70 Astarpf 2.65 1.60 Amtel In .32 Anacon Anchor AncorpNtI Ho AndClyt 1.20 Apco Oil 4k APL Corp APL pf8 .50 APLofC Sv 1.06 Arcata Arcat pfc 2 ArcherDnl 1.08 Arians St Arlen Rity Armco StI ArmSpf 2.10 Armurpf Ck .80 Armc pf ArmstR 1.60 Ar Corp Ind .90 Ashi Oil 1.20 AshiOpf 2.40 Assoc Brew AsDryG Aso 1.20 Assoc Trans Athlone Ind AtICtyE 1.36 At 2 AtIR pf 2.80° pr f3 Atlas Chm Corp 1 AtisCof .080 Aurora Pro Data Autort Inds AvcoCo Avco 3.20 Cp. wts AveryPd .20 Inco AvonPr 1.10 Aztec Oil 6i .50 BakerOil BaltGas 1.82 BItGs pf Bangor Pun BkCalif 1.34 BankofNY BankTr 2.84 BarberOI 2k Bard Basictnc .250 .80 Bates Mfg BatesM pf Ind .20 Bathl nf BoxterL .11 50 Bearings BeatFoods BeatFd of BectonD BeechAr BeicoPet 1.60 BeldoH .60 Bell Intern .40 Bendix 1.60 BenC pf 4.30 Benguet Inc Berkey Pho Beth Stl 1.20 Big 3 Ind .88 Blairjon .48 BlissLahln BlockHR Bel 1.20 BlueB pt Bobble Brks Boise Indust .25 Book Borden 1.28 1.20 Borg Bormans Wr 40 Bost Ed 2.24 BostEpf 8.88 Bourns Inc Braniff Airy Briggs 2.400 1.20 Bristmpt 2 BdwyHi pf Brock Gl BrUnGs 1.72 Brown Com Brn Shrp Brn0Shoe Brunswk .12 BucyEr 1.2 Budd Comp BuddCo pt 5 Budget ind .68 BunR pt Burlind 1.4 Burt No BuriN pf .55 BurndyC .70 Univr Cabot Cadence Cp Ind .70 Cadence Ind Calif Financ Callahn Min ComRL 450 Camp 1.10 Canada So 3. Can Brw 0 ConPac 3.30 Canal 1.10 Cap Cit Brd Carb Co Carlisle .60 CaroPL 1.46 Carp Te 1.60 CarricrC .60 CarrCof 214 Cartrw Castlec CaterTr 1.20 Ceco Cp of Corp Celanese Celanspf Concolns .30 Centl Found CenHud 1.48 Con INC 1,56 CenlILpf 1 20 Cen La El 1 CaMPw 1.20 Sow 2 Sova CentTel Cerro Cp Certain-1 .80 .90 Cessna ,60 CFISteel Chodbrn Inc Chadb pf .46 ChmSP 11.20 Chartr NY2 ChaseMan 2 ChasMtg Checkr Mot Chelsea .24 Chemetrn ChmNY 2.88 Chmwy Chos Cp 1,60 Ches Ohio Che Pd 1.04 NEW YORK (UP!) The 15 active stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange Widnesday.

Sales Clise Cng. Fd Nt Mg 308,700 6141 Arlen Rity 231,500 Plessey 163,800 Tatt Brdcst 132.400 327 Litton Ind 130,200 Greyhound 112,000 Mad Sa Gon 108,500 Colum Gas 107,900 Occdntl Pt 101,400 Automat Ind 100.000 Pun A Air 90,400 A Addresso 80,400 Benguet 78.700 NEW YORK (P) Key stock market scarcely moved Wednesday in what was virtually a mirrow image of the previous session. Industrials Off The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials was off 0.62 to 882.39 at the close. Advances con the New York Stock 1 Exchange led declines 677 to 688 out of issues traded. The New York Stock Exchange indicator of some 1200 common stocks vanced 0.01 to 53.35.

Mail-order-retail and electronic issues were higher. Farm and metals were lower. All other groups were mixed. Big Board volume dipped to 14.68 million shares from 14.87 million Tuesday. Await Assault Analysts said institutional investors were staying on the sidelines waiting for the market to build a base for an assault on the 900 level' of the Dow industrial average.

Analysts said the market's news background provided little incentive for investors to buy or sell. One of them said tremendous offerings in the bond market lately had diverted capital that might otherwise have entered the stock market. The market's stand-pat performance was almost a carbon copy of Tuesday's session, when the Dow average advanced 0.48 and the New York Stock Exchange index closed unchanged at 53.54. Yearly Highs The Associated Press 60- stock average rose 0.2 to 307.9. Industrials were off 0.2, rails were up 0.6, and utilities, were off 0.2.

Standard Poor's 500-stock index dipped .03 to 96.95. New yearly highs were reached by 85 Big Board issues and lows by four. The number of blocks of 10,000 shares or more on the Big Board declined to 92 from 96. On the American Stock Exchange, there 171 blocks df this size. The largest Big Board block was 133,300 shares of Arlen Realty Investments, which traded at The issue closed off at Big Blocks Other large Big Board blocks included 107,600 shares of Taft Broadcasting, which closed off at 99,800 shares of Greyhound, off at 96,700 shares of Columbia Gas, up at and 80,000 shares of Litton, unchanged at The most-active Big Board issue was Federal National Mortgage, off at on a volume of 308,900 shares.

4 Other issues on the most active list included RCA, up at Benguet, up -at Automation Industries, up 1 at 8 and Addressograph Multigraph, up at Amex Climbs The American Stock Exchange index climbed .04 to 25.33. Of the 1122 issues traded, 450 declined while 427 advanced. Volume rose to 5.02 million shares from 4.89 million shares Tuesday. Prices on the Amex's mostactive list included Loew's Theatres warrants, up Syntex, up at General Battery, up at and Teleprompter, off at Corporate bonds were slightly lower while ments were higher. Dow Jones Index 4 United Priss International 3-Ind 11 a.m.

082.94 Noon 883.21 p.m. 883.42 Net che. Close 6 882.39 p.m. p.m. cha.

15-UtIl 291.14 197.57 121.07 291.27 197.75 121.10 291.39 121.13 197.78 121.23 291.29 197.48 121.58 291.28 0.25 Dividends Declared by United Press International Beatrice INCREASED 4-1 3-15 Rich Food INITIAL. 4-15 A EL CO 20 3-30 4.15 3-19 3.16 REDUCED Ludlum 8 331 USUAL Cent UtIl 9 BideMoin New Deon Foods .25 Food Fair Str Gannett Co .12 3.19 Cable GRI New .03 3-26 Hompton Shirt Co .08 3-30 12, Lewis Bus Forms .05 3.12 Lowenstfin 3.29 3.15 Manhattan Midland-Ross Ind .14 312 Nowest Airlines 8 3-31 Pillsbury Co .36 .25 6-1 5.7 RCA Corp Coro 3 15 Scot Lad Foods 3-19 Shakespeare Co .05 4-30 Sauare Co 4.1. Sunshine Mining ,13 3-31 Torin 3 3 16 verme Shoe Mutual Companies 1 4 11 A New York Am 13.1374.39 -Following is a listiny Guid bid and asked inv Bos 12.40 prices on MutualINVEST Funds 05 quoted. by IDSND the NASD IDSPr WEDNESDAY Mut Aberdn 2.12 2.32 Select 19.20 9.13 20.87 Bid Ask Stock ADMIRALTY: Vor Pov 7.24 Gwth 6.66 7.30Inv Res 4.79 Inc Ins 4.16 4.56 1stel Fd 20.73 Adv Fnd 9.05 9.92 8.11 8.11 Actna 5.48 5.99Jhnstn 21.29 21.29 Affil Fd 9.69 10.59J Hanck 7.70 8.46 Future 7.42 8.03KEYSTONE: 9,10 9.10 Apollo 9.91 10.87 Allstate 10.76 11.57 Cust 18.89 19.71 Alpha AMCAP 11.56 12.63 Cust 19.86 21.67 Am Am Bus 3.33 3.61 Cust 7.87 8.99 6.22 6.80 Cust 83. 8.36 9.13 Am Eat Div 10.76 11.75 Cust 5.10 5.57 AM 5.18 5.66 Cust 18.36 20.03 FUNDS: EXPRESS Cust 10.46 11.43 Cap Cust 8.60° Inc Inv 9.41 10.28 Polaris 3.75 4.11 8.69 9.49 Cust 5.1/ Spec 8.81 9.63Knikr 7.37 8.07 Stk 8.97 (z) Knk Gth 9.62 10.54 Am Grth 9.11 9.96 Lenox Fd 6.50 Am Inv 6.66 5.29 7.28 5.29Lex Lex Gth 9.50 10.31 4m Mut Res 15.54 16.98 Am Nat 9.19 10.01 Librty 6.19 6.71 ANCHOR 3.27 3.57 Life Gr 5.65 6.18 Cap Fnd 8.30 9.10LInc Ins Nat 10.64 7.72 11.53 6.43 GROUP: Life Inc Gwth 11.22 12.30 Ling Fd 4.42 (r) Vent 8.10 8.88LOOMIS SAYLES Fod Inv 41.29 45.25 Can Int 30.62 30.62 Astron 8.93 9.79 Cap Dv 11.21 11.21 AXE 4.77 5.21 Mut 14.25 14.25.

Luthern 1:1.83 12.93. Fnd Magna 8.74 9.35: Fnd A 7.86 8.54 6.20Manhtn Mkt Gwt 5.08 5.55. 5.70 Stk Fnd 6.09 6.66MASS COMPANY. 6.67 6.67. Axe Bobson Sci 4.65 5.05 Freedm 9.38 9.38 Ind 6.95.

9.15 8.35 Beacon 8.24 Mass Fd 11.29 12.37. Bayrock Berger 13.93 13.93 Mass 15.19 16.60 Berkshr 6.47 (z) Mass 12.00 13.11, Blair Fd 6.61 7.22 7.07 Mass Mates Tr 14.15 4.37 Bnd Bost Stk 6.43 7.03Mather St 8.16. 8.92 Mid Am 13.44 13.44. Bost Fdn 11.31 12.37Mdy's Cp 12.13 13.26. 6.10% Bost Brown Fd 8.26 9.03Mdy's Fd 12.86 BULLOCK 3.68 4.02MfdGv 10.82 10.98 Buick FUNDS: 14.45 15.82 Gth 5.50 5.95 MIF 8-82 .9.54 Cdn 19.18 21.00MUOm MuOm Gr 5.57 6.05 Div Sh 3.74 4.10Mut Shrs In 10.91 11:42.

Not 10.59 11.50Mut Tr 1.98 16134 NY Ven 17.32NEA Mut 10.45 1.98 Fnd 7.30 8.00Nat Ind 10.70 10.66 Capomer Fund 7.97 9.55 10.32NAT SEC 8.77 Balon Cap Cop Inv Shrs 6.38 3.42 3.75 6.99 Bond 5.05 5.52• Cent Shr 12.41 13.56 Pf Divid Stk 4.40 4.80 CHANNING Incom 7.40 5.39 8.09 FUNDS: Stock 8.23 5.89 Balan 11.53 12.60 Gwth 9.99 Com St 1.72 1.88Nel Gr 9.29 10.15 Gwth 5.21 5.69Neu Cent 5.97 9.15 9.95• Incom 7.59 Neuwth 10.30 6.52 Spect 1.80 1.97 New Wid 13.02 10.30" Cap BOSTON: 7.80 Newton Nichlos 15.02 CHASE Fnd Bos 9.40 10.27 Neast IT 13.09 13.07" Front 83.15 86.840cean ST Bos 11.51 12.58 Omega 6.35 7.35 Speci Chem 9.07 9.91101 Fnd Fd 17.42 19.04 100 Fnd 14.05 9.46 COLONIAL One Wm 14.84 15.36 FUNDS. ONeil 12.76 14.84 Col Eat 4.20 4.590ppAim 11.47. Gwth 10.97 11.990pph 7.94 Inc 6.25 6.830TC Sec 10.30 Vent 9.87 5.02 10.79 5.49 Pace Fd 7.99 Colum Paul Rev 8.49 CmStFd 12.76 5.05 12.75 Penn Sa 8.23 COMMONWLTH 5.49 Penn 4.70 Pilorm Fd 14.48 15.87 1.40 1.52 Pine St 9.86 10.78 9.85 1.73 10.79 1.87 Pion Pion Ent 7.50 11.82 8.20 Comp 6.81 7.46 Planned Fd $10.78 11.94 13.05 Comp 9.18 9.91 9.98PLI Gro 12.88 Comp Comstk 2382 PRICE ROWE: 14.06. Concra 12.89 4.40 12.89 4.91 Gwth 24.78 24.87 Cons Inv 11.37 11.87 Nw Nw Hor Era 9.95 9.95. ConMt In 7.99 7.99Pro Fd 10.43 26.73 26.73, Corp Ld 15.36 9.74 9.84 15.86Providt Prof Port 7.00 7.65.

Contrail 10.43 Cntry 12.95 14.00 Prudent 4.89 5.34 Cwn Dal 7.03 7.68PUTNAM 110.46 11.43. deVghM Div 6.02 6.58 Equity 7.69 Cwn 68.70 68.70 Geo 14.04 15.34 GROUP: DELAWARE Inc Gwth 10.06 10.59; Dela 13.00 14.21 Inv 8.11 8.85 Decat :12.04 13.16 Vista 7.62 8.33 Delta Tr 7.25 7.92 Voyg 6.75 8.14 Drexel DodgCx 14.16 15.23 15.23 Revere 10.69 Dreyfus 11.97 14.16 13.12Schustr Rinfrt 15.52 16.00 Dryfs EATON Lv 13.54 14.84SCUDDER FOS: HOWARD: Int Inv (z) Bal Spec 33.23 Gwth 12.54 9.93 10.85 Bal 15.48 Income 13.70 Com 10.15 Spec Stock Fd 8.90 9.73 FUNDS: 6.19 6.77 SECURITY Eberst 14.13 13.55 15.44 14.82 Inv Equity 8.00 3.0 Egret 12.89 14.01 Ultra Energy 12.92 6.20 12.92Sel 6.78Sel Am Spc 9.65 10:45 6.98 Equity Fd 6.38 9.28 6.97 10.14Shamrk Sentinel 8.47 15.97 Gr 8.66 9.40 Shearsn 29.14 (2) Fairfld Prog 10.49 4.28 1:1.46 4.69Sh Dean 17.61 17.61 Bur 10.29 SIGMA FUNDS 10.71 GROUP: FIDELITY Cop 9.45 Essex 13.69 14.96 Inv Trst 11.28 12.33 10.33 Everst 13.19 14.42Smith 9.11 9.961 Cap 12.10 13.22Swstn Inv 9.22 9.78 Dest 9.46 10.34Sw Inv 6.81 Contra Fund 15.89 7.15 (z) Sovr In 13.43 Trend 23.70 17.37 Spectra 7.03. 7.70 Puritan 10.45 11.42State Farm St 46.06 4.13 Salem 5.34 STEADMAN FUNDS Dyn 4.33 Am Ind 3.78 Ind 4.75 Assoc 3.8T 4.18 Fidcy In Vent 4.38 5.89 6.45STEIN ROE Vo 11.30 12.35 4.79 Bal 19.77 Inv Ds Cap 9.01 in 9.00 8.33 9.13 Stock 13.91 In 9.86SIS GROUP Multi 9.83 9.02 10.76 9.16 Gr Sum 7.22 Not 7.64 8.35 Tech 7.49 10.43 Fletchr Sierr 6.30 44.38 48.5 Syncro 9.60 Fletchr 5.56 (z) Tchers Ap 10.12 12.70 (z) TMR Gr Grth 5.91 4.41 6.48 4.82T Technic mpltn 3.69 4.03 FOUNDERS Tower 24.56 Growth GROUP: 15.27 16.69 Transm 7.51 Income 13.19 14.47 Trov Tudor Ea 10.20 11.15 Mutual 8.60 9.4020th CG 12.35 13.50 Special 1.10 11.0420th 2.91 319 Foursa 10.30 11.26 Unified 4.02 FRANKLIN CUSTODIAN: UniTund 10.12 11.04 DNTC 8.69 9.52GROUP: UNION SERVICE Util Gwth 6.29 6.17 6.89 6.76 Broad 14.02 Inc Nat Inv 7,66 Am 2.15 2.36 Un Cap 9.99 FUNDS INCP 8.56 9.38 Whthi 12.76 GROUP: UNITED FUNDS: com 9.50 10.38 Accu 7.29 Impact 7.81 8.54 Cont 12.58 Ind 12.67 13.85 Scien Incom Pilot 7.40 8.09 Van 9.61 7.67 Gatewy Sec 9.15 9.99Un Cn 7.32 9.91 9.91 VALUE LINE GROUP SEC: 7.48 7.55 Val Val Lne 6.60 Apex 8.12 8.88 Val Inc Soc 8.85 9.68 Vance Com St FdAm 12.95 8.61 14.16Vnarbit 6.91 Ind 9.41 Vangrd 4.71 Guard 19.96 19.96 Varied In 4.91 HDA 25.64 25.64 Viking Gr 6.35 Gr 4.68 5.12Wall St 9,82 Harbor' 7.61 8.34 8.32Wash Mt 12.85 Hartwel 12.44 9.11 WELLINGTON Lv Fnd 10.08 7.95 10.08 Explr 20.32 Heritge 7.95 Ivest 15.76 2.49 2.72 Moron Horace Hubshn 15.44 16.08 Tchniv 3.60 3.93 Trust Fin GROUP: 7.60 0.33 Welsly 12.47 Gwth 4.03 Welltn x11.62 4.40 Wndsr 9.07 4.35 4.75West ind uts 3.23 Wincap Shr 12.01 13.13 Winfld Cap 9.48 10.36 Wiscon Gr 7.21 7.88 Worth IncFd Am 14.25 Bost 6.90 7.56X Am 5.19 9.58 10.39S Stack 5: 58 56 19 45 34 179 271 243- 231 4 271 101 355 25 3811 4 241 VALLEY SOUND A Division of Valley Cinema and Valley Photo Supply SINK 945 Chicopee, Opposite Schine Inn At Springfield Exit 6, Mass. Pike TEL. 592-4136 Total COMMUNICATION Through TELL Security Systems Closed Circuit TV Systems Inter Communications Systems Video Tape Systems "All Installed Serviced by Professionals" LARGEST SERVICE DEPARTMENT THROUGHOUT NEW ENGLAND.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.