Shinomiya Affairs focus tree (2024)

After the One Sith War, the coalition had thought there are bright days ahead. Everyone in the Sol System-ANIME, Galaxy Foxtrot-Foxtrot-Alpha, Teyvat, Aeras, Koprulu, the UED, the Void, and the other worlds have already found bright days ahead. Especially those in the Sol System-ANIME. The Terrans, Earthborn humans, voidwalkers, medieval fantasy races, and even mythological races would expect things to go right ahead for the brighter days ahead to come.

But that isn't the case, as on April 5, 2015, the Shinomiya affairs happened. The revelations of what the Yamato Foundation, Gan'an Shinomiya and all their affiliates had done years before led to the collapse of trust in the Japanese government and, in turn, the economy. This shocking turn of events have not only affected Japan but also impacted others as well. Russia, China, Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, the United States, and all of Japan's trade partners were affected heavily or lightly. And now the Novayan Expeditionary Force, located in Asia, will have to take matters into its own hands.

This focus tree included focus tree branches for the reforms implemented by the Novayan Expeditionary Force and the NEF-led Japanese government as well as finally allowing changes to take place after the previous government defaulted everything back to before the NEF's reforms a few times. The focus tree also allows the Novayan Expeditionary Force (and in turn the Novayan Stellar Commonwealth) to establish a military-led parliamentary democratic government headed by the Military Staff Committee of the Grand Marshal, whether the Command Staff or the Supreme Commander.

FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionThe Final StrawNoneGets event The Final Straw

Novayan Expeditionary Force:

  • Political Power: +150
  • Opinion of Japan: -100%
We thought bright days ahead are coming, and we thought we'll have the peaceful days, which would allow us to withdraw our forces after reconstruction. We were all wrong when the Shinomiya affairs occurred. Investigators affiliated with the Federal Police Service found that the Japanese government had reversed our reforms. TWICE! Even worse, the Japanese government colluded with conservatives, nationalists, ultranationalists and the Yamato Foundation - the latter of which is already a terrorist organization designated by the SCP Initiative - because they do not accept ANY forms of change or recognition of anything related to Japan!

The Japanese government, in an effort to make its nation great, dared to betray our trust by reversing what we did to make everyone aware, and then whitewashed their national history to make the Japanese people believe that what happened in the past did not happen. The fools who ran the Yasukuni Shrine dared to reintern the Class-A war criminals back there and even made slanderous claims and statements that the Lord Admiral colluded with the United States to wage war against Japan, saying they both "convinced" their nation "to launch the Attack on Pearl Harbor just in order to justify war with them, as well as claiming that Japan went to war with the intention of creating a "Co-Prosperity Sphere" for all Asians." The fools of the Yamato Foundation and Prime Minister Shinzo Mori conspired to take Dokdo and blame the planned events on the Korean Republic. And lastly, Gan'an Shinomiya had made a web and thread so extensively long that it wasn't even so damn f*cking funny. And now the Japanese government lost all the respect its citizens had.


What is that?The Final StrawUnited Nations of Earth, Tevyat, Aeras, Galactic Alliance Defense Initiative, Galactic Community, Armies of the Light, Armies of the Abyss, Void Coalition, Saiyanese Stellar Federation, New Roman Empire, and others:
  • Gets event Why do we all hear angry screaming?

Japan and Novayan Expeditionary Force:

  • Gets event Why do we hear boss music?
  • Gets event The Purge
"Excuse us, Secretary-General, but we have been receiving messages from the GADI, the Galactic Community, the Armies of the Light, the Armies of the Abyss, Tevyat and all others, all of which are pretty concerning and worrying. They want us to know why they can hear rage-induced screaming. Wait, why are we all hearing angry screaming?" - Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, probably

"Those meddling kids have ruined our plans to bring Japan back to its past, imperial glory! We will need to adapt our plans immediately before we--- Wait, why do we all hear boss music?" - Some Yamato Foundation scumbag, probably

"TRAITORS!" - The entirety of the Novayan Expeditionary Force as they spun stun batons and T-Pose to assert dominance, actually

Bring Order to ChaosWhat is that?Japan:
  • Gain Base Stability: +30%

We must bring order to the chaos already happening in Japan, we must bring an end to the aftermath that caused Japan to collapse! To all Japanese, they need something for a change, one that is worthy of Japan!

We'll give them a government of conservative and pragmatic yet progressive and honorable reasons, give them a government that is guided by the Novayan military, give them a government the Japanese people will follow! But we will give them help that would bring about order to them!


The Blue Order: First Days of JapanBring Order to ChaosJapan:
  • Popularity of Authoritarian Democracy is changed to: +35%
  • Popularity of Despotism is changed to: +15%
  • Authoritarian Democracy party is named: "Military Staff Committee of the Grand Marshal - Command Staff"
  • Despotism party is named: "Military Staff Committee of the Grand Marshal - Supreme Commander"
We have managed to impose a somewhat sense of stability, so it is high time that we must establish ourselves as a military government which would direct and guide the Japanese government to the write path.

We'll give them a government of conservative and pragmatic yet progressive and honorable reasons, give them a government that is guided by the Novayan military, give them a government the Japanese people will follow!


Emergency Economic AidThe Blue Order: First Days of JapanJapan:
  • The Poverty Rate Societal Development will improve by a small amount
  • The economic strength will be increased by a small amount
We need to focus on providing a comprehensive social safety net as well as economic aid to the Japanese people who were unfortunate to have lost their jobs. We must provide emergency economic aid to all those who needed it.Novayan-style Martial Law and CurfewsThe Blue Order: First Days of JapanJapan:
  • Gains base stability: +15%
Even though we have brought order to Japan, there are still many other places throughout the country that needed some fixing. It is time that we implement the Novayan sense of martial law and curfuews, and give the people the needed security and safety needed. For the good of all, we must make sure this will make the people understand what we are trying to achieve.Free Knowledge for All!The Blue Order: First Days of JapanJapan:
  • The Academic Base Societal Development will improve by a small amount
Remember what we talked about the Japanese government's defaulting on our educational reforms? Well, we will need to use the same educational reforms so that we can awaken anyone to what is happening. As soon as we send the traitors who reversed our educational reforms to the head librarian of the Knights of Favonius, Lisa, so she can electrocute them for denying knowledge to the Japanese people, that is.Free Food for All!The Blue Order: First Days of JapanJapan:
  • The Poverty Rate Societal Development will improve by some amount
Ever since the collapse of Japan, methods of buying food from markets, malls and departments have fallen as the Japanese Yen is irrelevant in post-collapse Japanese society. It was very fortunate that the Committee of 300, which had nothing to do with the Shinomiya affairs and just minding its own business, asked us if we will mandate that all food stores give food to the people for free. The Committee of 300, of course, also asks if the Red Cross and Indepol Group will be involved and if there are any food companies that can produce food products.

We'll just need to contact the former two and pay the latter for that.

To Do with the Words of the Gods (and anime)The Blue Order: First Days of JapanJapan:
  • Gains base stability: +5%
High Priestess Reyna Akirasaki of the Nova Constantinopolis Aagiokratia, a member of the Military Staff Committee's Support Staff, have suggested that we allow religious folks to preach to the Japanese people so that their spirits will be lifted. This is a suggestion we will regret not taking as an opportunity, but we'll have to be careful about some or most religious figures who may have unacceptable ideas in their heads.

Also we will need to bribe the Worm-in-Waiting with a lot of animes so that it can allow the Cult of the Loop to establish some cult sites to give the Japanese the feeling of being reinvigorated. The Worm really loves watching anime, doesn't it?

The New WorksEmergency Economic Aid, Novayan-style Martial Law and Curfews, Free Knowledge for All!. Free Food for All!, To Do with the Words of the Gods (and anime)Japan:
  • Unlocks Japanese Redevelopment - Stage One Decision branch
    • Unlocks Decision: Request Emergency Funds
    • Unlocks Decision: Request Emergency Food Donations
    • Unlocks Decision: Print New Unbiased History Textbooks
    • Unlocks Decision: Reopen Japanese Hospitals
    • Unlocks Decision: Provide Salaries to Farmers
    • Unlocks Decision: Establish Military Councils
    • Unlocks Decision: Soldiers as Teachers
    • Unlocks Decision: Invest in Infrastructure
    • Unlocks Decision: Invest in Agriculture
    • Unlocks Decision: Invest in Green Energy
    • Unlocks Decision: Reopen the Docks and Ports
    • Unlocks Decision: Appoint Officers as Military Governors
We have done what we can to ensure that the Japanese people won't be in perpetual poverty, unlike the astrologer Mona who is always like that. However this is just the initial step to bring Japan back from the wreckage it has been caused, for we are about to embark on the second step, the Redevelopment of the State of Japan! Or should we call it the Development of the Commonwealth of Japan.

And no, Paimon is not the Traveler's Emergency Food, that's just rude and mean! Do you want all of us to get thrashed about by Paimon in -DATA REDACTED-, do you, you weird memester?! And don't get us started on Lisa electrocuting anyone who tested her patience LONG ENOUGH!

The Finishing Move!The New Works
  • Gets event Completion of Stage One
  • Gains base stability: +35%
We have managed to complete Stage One of the reconstruction of Japan. Our efforts have finally been paying off: the Japanese people have grown out of their shell and have begun to accept the new things brought to them, people have learned much about the history of their nation as well as every war crimes the Imperial Japanese Army committed before and during World War II, and Japanese society is getting back on its feet with the help of Novayan progressive conservatism, compassionate conservatism and militarism!

However, while the Japanese people bathed themselves in the benefits we reaped to them, there were things we have yet to fix. More specifically, the bastards who were involved in questionable transactions between them, Gan'an, the Japanese government, conservatives, nationalists and ultranationalists, and the Yamato Foundation. They will answer before the court for everything they had done. For all the whitewashing, for all the shady deals, and for all the manipulations and dreams of a return of their nation to their past, imperial glory!

There is much work to be done.

FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionThe Search Begins!NoneGets event The SearchDuring the purge, we managed to get a hold of several important figures as well as those involved before the scandal broke out - among them were Gan'an Shinomiya, Prime Minister Shinzo Mori and several others. However, many others have escaped our attention and it is likely they have escaped Japan or moved into hiding. We must launch simultaneous raids in tandem with the Sith Containment and Pacification Initiative, the Committee of 300, and Interpol.The Shinomiya ZaibatsuThe Search Begins!Gets event The Shinomiya ZaibatsuThe Shinomiya Zaibatsu is one of the many megacorporations in Japan, headed by Gan'an Shinomiya, the ringleader behind the massive conspiracy that fell when the affairs was revealed to the world. It had two hundred trillions of yen as well as owned a large number of trains, cars, airplanes, banks and spaceplanes. It is the centerpiece of the Japanese economy as well as the focal point through which Gan'an can control Japan.

However, with the affairs done, we have captured him alongside everyone else affiliated with the Shinomiya Zaibatsu. At this time, our forces and allies have been conducting a careful search to find evidence of their crimes. It took witnesses and folks blackmailed by Gan'an's henchmen that we were able to find enough evidence to indict him and several others.

The Yamato FoundationThe Search Begins!Gets event The Yamato FoundationThe Yamato Foundation is a Japanese ultranationalist organization responsible for Operation Kagemusha: the strategic goal of Kagemusha is to militarily and politically defeat China through a US-Japan alliance, take the Diaoyu islands and expel the Chinese there; or have China avert war by allowing the Japanese government to take the Dokdo islands and crush the Federal Republic of Korea Armed Forces. The head honcho of the Yamato Foundation is Shinzo Mori, who is also the Prime Minister of Japan and is colluding with Gan'an and the Japanese conservatives, nationalists and ultranationalists.

However, with the affairs done, we have captured him alongside everyone else affiliated with the Yamato Foundation. At this time our forces and allies have been conducting a careful search to find evidence of their crimes. It took China to deliver us the evidence that we were able to mount solid ground to indict Mori and many others.

The Japanese GovernmentThe Search Begins!Gets event The Japanese GovernmentThe Japanese Government, or should we say the Shinzo More Cabinet, is the effective administrative entity which headed the State of Japan as well as the propagator of the secret Operation Kagemusha. Dominated by right-wing politicians, especially those of conservative, nationalist and ultranationalist types, they all want to see Japan return to her past imperial glory, the days of the Japanese Empire and of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. They dream of a resurgent Japanese Empire which would dominate all of Asia as well as stand against the United States of America and the European Union. Plus, it is headed by Prime Minister Shinzo Mori, who also leads the Yamato Foundation in secret.

Too bad they didn't get that far when the web of intrigue has been unveiled to all. The national traitors and imperial dreamers were being hunted down, and some of the more influential ones had been captured. Most fled or committed suicide, but the few who were initially in league with the Japanese government but later defected upon finding the web of intrigue to be horrifically longer and more shadier have provided us the ammunition with which we can destroy whatever plans the Japanese government cooked up. Oh, and also, we arrested many JSDF personnel, including high-ranking officers, who were in league with the Japanese government's plans.

Prepare the International Military TribunalThe Shinomiya Zaibatsu, The Yamato Foundation, and The Japanese Government
  • Gets superevent The Japanese Trial
  • Unlocks Fall of the Big Three
    • Unlocks Decision: Collapse of the Zaibatsu
    • Unlocks Decision: End of Traditions
    • Unlocks Decision: Forever Sets the Sun
With all the evidences, conspirators, accessories and witnesses collected, it is high time we must prepare a national military tribunal where the victims and witnesses will press charges against the three. A repeat of the First International Military Tribunal, but this time it's the troublemakers who will be judged.Inspections of the Political PartiesPrepare the International Military TribunalJapan:
  • Gets event Inspections of the Political Parties
    • Gets event The Japanese National People's Party
    • Gets event The National Democratic Front of Japan
    • Gets event The National Democratic Party of Japan
    • Gets event The Social Democratic Front of Japan
  • New Authoritarian Democrat party is named "Japanese National People's Party"
  • New Communist party is named "National Democratic Front of Japan"
  • New Liberal Democrat party is named "National Democratic Party of Japan"
  • New Social Democrat party is named "Social Democratic Front of Japan"
While we are in the process of putting the Japanese traitors to trial, Grand Marshal Borealis III has ordered the Novayan Expeditionary Force, the National Police Agency (which defaulted to our control upon learning of the affairs), and the Federal Police Service to begin inspecting the political parties, both the old and the new. In fact, we have already catalogued the old political parties, so we will begin cataloguing the new political parties.New Elections, A Fresh StartInspections of the Political PartiesJapan:
  • Gets event The Japanese Prime Ministerial Elections
  • Wakano Tokugawa becomes head of government of the Commonwealth of Japan
  • Renames State of Japan to Commonwealth of Japan
  • Gains national spirit The Military Staff Committee of the Grand Marshal which grants (Weekly support for Authoritarian Democracy: +0.50%, Weekly support for Social Democracy: +0.50%, Weekly support for Liberal Democarcy: +0.50%, Political Power gain: +0.25%)
After purging the taint of imperial sin, we can finally launch the ministerial elections through which a new civilian and democratic government, still under the auspices of the Novayan military, will be tasked with guiding the right path. While it would still follow the orders of the Military Staff Committee of the Grand Marshal it will no doubt be more transparent and not complacent unlike the pre-collapse administration.
FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionJapan's Fresh StartNoneGets event Japan's Fresh StartThe Grand Marshal and his Military Staff Committee have congratulated us on our successful performance in winning the elections and has allowed us to perform our work on rebuilding Japan from the ground up. While the effects of the affairs and eventual collapse still linger we must ensure that we are now different from the Gan'an-Mori administration which dominated Japan. The Novayans now own Japan, they can and should do whatever they wish in Japan, and yet they let us do the heavy load in conjunction with the Military Staff Committee. They are our overlords and overseers but also our helpers, after all!

As part of our efforts to regain the trust of the Japanese people we will make a speech that we promised to deliver all the promises we made to the people and that we will make things right to them. Gone are the days of the conservatives, ultranationalists, nationalists and corporatists having full control over Japan. Gone are the days that we are blind. Come are the days of a new Japan, a fresh new Japan, a fresh, brand new Japan!

FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionInternational AffairsJapan's Fresh StartGets event Meeting with the Military Staff CommitteeAs one of our campaign promises, we will launch a plan to recommence international affairs. This will give us the means by which we can interact with other nations - medieval fantasy, Earthborn, Terran or stellar.With EarthInternational AffairsGets event Dialogue with the Nations of EarthWe shall focus our attention on reopening communication with the nations of Earth. Major and minor trade partners who made economic deals with us will be notified that we are back in business and that we will do what it takes to rejoin the global community.Reparations for the VictimsWith EarthGets event Compensation to the VictimsVictims of Japan's war crimes during World War II won't forgive our nation for ruining their lives, and they still demand compensation from us. Even though they believed us to be no different from Gan'an and Mori, we will prove them wrong by giving them the compensations, which we will estimate up to $3 billion. Thankfully, the Military Staff Committee's efforts in recovering our economy should allow us to give the victims that amount of money.Reopen Trade RelationsWith EarthUnited Nations of Earth:
  • Trade relations of Japan: +50%
The collapse of Japan's economy also saw many nations trading with us experiencing economic downpours. The Novayan, Saiyanese and Roman expeditionary forces are holding these nations together but it is more likely they will not hold on forever. We must reopen trade with these same nations to prevent their collapse!Open Communications with AerasInternational AffairsGets event Communications with AerasAeras is one of the many medieval fantasy worlds where Grand Marshal Borealis III and his legions went to help seal the Rift caused by that funny blood gamer man Aeschraes and where the Worm resuscitated Aersanon (a goddess, of all things) who was put in a coma after the Godherja a few years ago. Even though it is some sort of a medieval dark fantasy world and it has the funny-looking magical Aversarinas Aautokrata, the magitek society of Adabyss and the tribal Sjalvolki Imperrech, it is good that the Grand Marshal himself put an end to the madness as well as putting every Aerasian in their place.

We have asked Nicenea 'the Black Sun' - we are not sure if she is Nicanoneus 'the Black Sun' but resurrected (and turned into a 23-year-old girl in a botched attempt at resurrection) or if she is Nicanoneus himself or whatever - if it is possible for Japan to open trade with the rest of Aeras, and she directed us to Aersanon and the Military Staff Committee.

Since the Novayans hold military watch, and maybe military occupation, over the damn Aautokrata, the Grand Marshal personally approved us to open up trade with the Aversarinas Aautokratia and the Adabyssans. After he finished putting the Aversarian magocracy in its place and after Legan Hecaeda finished setting up the Reformed Aversarinas Aagiokratia, which is a meritocracy, which is nice.

Trade Deals with AdabyssOpen Communications with AerasJapan and Adabyss:
  • Trade opinion of each other: +75%
Adabyss, the Congo-analogue magitek society, has learned of our and the other Earthborn nations' plans to open up trade with Aeras. They really liked it, and so they want to trade with us all the while being very sus towards the Europeans. I think we understand their fears, considering the European colonization of North America, Africa and Southern Asia is bad.Trade Deals with the SjalvolkiOpen Communications with AerasJapan and the Sjalvolki Imperrech:
  • Trade opinion of each other: +75%
The Sjalvolki, the analogue of the Migration period Germanic analogue tribes, has learned of our and the other Earthborn nations' plans to open up trade with Aeras. The Sjalvolki were suspicious towards us, and we understand that we did in the past is horrible. Not to mention, the Roman Empire's history and eventual collapse do make the Sjalvolkis glare at the Europeans, since they are the result of the Fall of the Western Roman Empire.Trade Deals with AversariaOpen Communications with AerasJapan and Aversaria:
  • Trade opinion of each other: +75%
Aversaria, the Hellenic analogue of a harsh chili of Greek cultures combined with the history and eventual collapse of the Roman Empire and the stereotypes of the Byzantine Empire post-Fourth Crusade, has learned of our and the other Earthborn nations' plans to open up trade with Aeras. A good majority of the Aversarian populace were very much skeptical and distrustful towards us since we Japanese are seen as weak and too honor-obsessed, even though the Shinomiya affairs, the eventual collapse of Japan and her rebirth as the Commonwealth of Japan humbled us. Regardless, Nicenea 'the Black Sun' - a Nicanonean or Black Sun or Nicanoneus Aagiokratian - have done much to gauge the Aversarian people's views so as to allow us to trade with them and them with us.Nicenea's DemandsTrade Deals with AversariaNovayan Expeditionary Force:
  • Gains national spirit Dog feces aversaria fight!
  • Gains national spirit The Novayan BRUH
  • Available as Commander
    • Nicenea 'the Black Sun'
      • Holy Warrior: +30% damage against religious enemies
      • Skilled Tactician
      • Heavy Infantry Leader: +20% Heavy Foot Troops
      • Cavalry Leader: +20% Mounted Troops
      • Flat Terrain Expert: +20% Plains, +20% Farmlands, +20% Steppes
      • Roughed Terrain Expert: +20% Forests, +20% Hills
      • Mountain Expert: +20% Mountains
      • Winter Soldier: +50% Winter Combat, +4 Supply
      • Desert Expert: +20% Deserts
  • Available as Field Marshal/General
    • Nicenea 'the Black Sun'
      • Adaptable: +30.00% Terrain Penalty Reduction, +0.1 Cold Acclimation Gain Factor, +0.1 Hot Acclimation Gain Factor
      • Old Guard: -25% experience gain
      • Cavalry Expert: +10.00% Cavalry Defense
      • Infantry Expert: +10.00% Infantry Division Attack
      • Thorough Planner: +10% Max Planning
      • Aggressive Assaulter: +10% Breakthrough, increased chance of executing Assault and Shock tactics
      • Defensive Doctrine: +30% Max Entrenchment
      • Winter Expert: +0.4 Cold Acclimation Gain Factor
  • Available as Leader
    • Nicenea 'the Black Sun'
      • Charismatic: -10% Edict Cost, +20% Edict Duration
      • Butcher: +10% Army Damage, +33% Collateral Damage
      • Charismatic: +25% Army Morale
      • Glory Seeker: +10% Army Morale, +5% Army Damage
  • Not long after we finished our negotiations with Aversaria, Nicanoneus 'the Black Sun' (so he's Nicenea's father?!) of Epavarion (to us a part of the Aversarinas Aautokratia) and Nicenea had approached us with demands, intended for the Grand Marshal, that the latter be sent to Japan alongside a detachment of legions under her command; said legions also come with magicians, too!

    Even though we wish to debate on that, we decided to send it to Grand Marshal Borealis III in hopes that he may be able to give an answer through us. Of course this was during the Grand Marshal's visit to his homeworld of Novaya IV, so he might be able to get it. Let's see if we can learn his response.

    Not even a friggin' minute he just responded back, embarrassingly approving Nicenea's demands and allowing her and her legions, composed of Aversarian legionnaires as well as holy warriors, to join the Novayan Expeditionary Force.

    What is this, Crusader Kings II, Crusader Kings III, or a crossover game

    Open Communications with TeyvatInternational AffairsGets event Communications with TeyvatWe have received full permission from the Military Staff Committee to open up communications with the nations of Teyvat (or Tevyat or whatever, dunno whether which is the right name) after other nations on Earth made plans to open trade with them. It is a medieval fantasy world yet more of a lite fantasy world unlike the dark fantasy world that is Aeras. Grand Marshal Borealis III has told us that we are permitted to choose which nation we want to open up trade with.

    Oh, and also, it turns out all nations on Tevyat were ruled by The Seven, a group of seven archons or gods who rule over each nation. That's...okay, I guess? Oh and also, since the gods requested us not to pollute Teyvat (considering Earth has also been polluted by us idiotic humans), the Grand Marshal have provided us the means by which we can trade with them - in this case, ZEPPELINS! Or airships, that is.

    Open Trade with MondstadtOpen Communications with TeyvatJapan and Mondstadt:
    • Trade opinion of each other: +75%
    Mondstadt, roughly translated as Lunar City (we don't know why it's called that) in German, is one of the seven (or maybe eight?) nations of Teyvat, and it is ruled by the archon Lord Barbatos. We were all surprised that Lord Barbatos took on the form of a trap (as in, girly-looking boys who look very girly in appearance and wear feminine attires). Regardless we will trade with them, and why is Lisa electrocuting a bunch of drunkards and entitled a-holes? And why is that weird bodysuit-wearing lady astrologer over there in constant, perpetual, permanent, undying poverty? And why is that little girl in red clothes blowing anyone and anything up all the while being chased by the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius?Open Trade with LiyueOpen Communications with TeyvatJapan and Liyue:
    • Trade opinion of each other: +75%
    Liyue, the Tevyatian analogue of China (more specifically, medieval China), is one of the seven (or maybe eight?) nations of Teyvat, and it is ruled by the Qixing. The Military Staff Committee has reminded us of what we did back in China many years ago, and we knew that to repeat the same mistakes would mean our Liberal Democratic government will be replaced by the MSCGM itself, and we must not want that to happen. Therefore, we will make sure to not make the same mistake.Open Trade with InazumaOpen Communications with TeyvatJapan and Inazuma:
    • Trade opinion of each other: -100%
    • Opinion of each other: -100%
    • Gets event An Unfortunate Incident
    Inazuma, the Tevyatian analogue of Japan (the new Japan, the Commonwealth of Japan), is one of the seven (or maybe eight?) nations of Teyvat, and it is ruled by the Inazuman Bakufu, a government similar to the Japanese shogunate of the past. Captain 1st Rank Wilhelmina Heinrike of the Military Staff Committee warned us, however, that the Inazuman Bakufu, headed by the Raiden Shogun, is not kind to any outsiders, who must behave or risk punishment from the Raiden Shogun herself. She reminded us of the Tokugawa Shogunate, which locked itself away from all others. Regardless, we know that we must not cause trouble, and we will do what Captain 1st Rank Wilhelmina Heinrike of the MSCGM instructed us: to prevent any trouble or incident, our diplomats and envoys must tread lightly.The Inazuma QuestionOpen Trade with InazumaJapan and Inazuma:
    • Gets event Interaction between Japan and Inazuma Prohibited
    • Gets superevent The Japan-Inazuma Crisis
    Our efforts to open up trade with Inazuma went disastrous despite our diplomats and envoys treading lightly as Captain 1st Rank Wilhelmina Heinrike instructed us, and it appears that something must have happened back in Inazuma; all we can learn from our diplomats and envoys who headed back to Japan is that something unrelated to the negotiations led to a bounty on their heads. We have been called by the Military Staff Committee for an explanation, which we will have to abide by their orders.Keep Calm and Let the MSCGM Handle ItThe Inazuma QuestionGets event MSCGM-Inazuma Bakufu NegotiationsThe Military Staff Committee lets us go back to our posts after we explained that we did listen to Captain 1st Rank Wilhelmina Heinrike's instructions and that something unrelated to the negotiations caused the incident. We have been asked to let the MSCGM do the work to put the misunderstanding down. While they're doing that, Vice Admiral Ushanka has allowed us to commence with Stage Two of the Japanese Redevelopment Program. Japan doesn't look very good since the One Sith War and the Shinomiya affairs, after all.Send in LumineKeep Calm and Let the MSCGM Handle ItGets superevent HERE'S LUMI!Captain 3rd Rank Ayano Tachibana's Report on the Progress of the Negotiations:

    "We have managed to ascertain the cause of the tensions. Several unknown individuals - possibly the Treasure Hoarders, the Fatui or the Abyss Order - had snuck into Inazuma City and stole several arts and artifacts before being spotted by the diplomats and envoys, who went to stop them. However, the unknown individuals managed to throw the objects at them and lied to the authorities, leading to the incident."

    This is bad. Really, really bad. The whole Bakufu didn't like what happened and that Raiden Shogun, the human form of Baal the God of Eternity, is very pissed about that. She demanded that we hand over the diplomats and envoys or she will cut Inazuma off from the outside world, permanently. We believed that she wants us to surrender the Japanese diplomats and envoys so she will have them executed, which does not bode well for all of us.

    A decision was and has been made by the Military Staff Committee of the Grand Marshal unanimously: we will agree to the request, but instead of the diplomats and envoys we will send here, we will ask Lumine, armed with a fireaxe and a letter (penned by an expert in the Inazuman language), to go to Inazuma and then chase Raiden, who is very scared of her because the former wants the latter's--- AHEM, if you pardon us, the latter's "booba sword".

    ...I'm not sure why many people talked about that.

    The ShogunSend in LumineInazuma, Japan, and the Novayan Expeditionary Force:
    • Gets event Raiden Pleads to Lumine for Mercy!


    • Gains national spirit The Traumatized Raiden Shogun which grants (Base stability: -50%) for seven days
    Hey, our chief negotiator has notified us of a message quickly written by Raiden. The handwriting is quite rushed but it is still comprehensive to us; Staff Sergeant Scarlet helped make it even more comprehensive and added a lot of punctuations. It says:

    "To all those who sent Lumine,

    Why did you send Lumine to chase me around Inazuma?! I did not intend to have them all executed and now with Lumine hot on my tail I am forced to run away from Inazuma, which I left in the hands of my subordinate Sara Kujou! She wants to have my "booba sword" of all things, or use me as a weapon!

    I'm at Mondstadt, hiding at the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius! They're trying to hide me from that "booba sword"-obsessed Lumine, and I don't want to be used as a sheath for the "booba sword"! I don't want that! I want to be the Raiden Shogun, not HER weapon! PLEASE YOU HAVE TO SAVE ME!

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! She's here, right outside the room I'm hiding! If you can read this please I'll do anything, everything to to clear the misunderstanding! SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!"

    Maybe it is time we intervene? Or should we ask the Knights of Favonius to do the negotiations for us?

    Open Trade with Inazuma, AgainThe ShogunJapan and Inazuma:
    • Opinion of each other: +50%
    • Trade opinion of each other: +75%
    We managed to clear the misunderstanding, although Raiden got too scared and traumatized as a result of Lumine chasing her with a fireaxe just so she want to use the shoguness as her weapon. The Military Staff Committee has allowed us to reopen negotiations on trade, of course.
    FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionDomestic AffairsJapan's Fresh StartGets event Meeting with the Military Staff CommitteeAs one of our campaign promises, we will launch a plan to recommence operations on domestic affairs. This will allow us to devise ways of fixing everything our predecessors have committed in the past whether it be military, economic, social and political.
    FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionEconomic AffairsDomestic Affairs
    • +150 Political Power
    • Gets event Review of the Japanese Economy
    We will begin with a review and survey of the Japanese economy and its budgets and see how fare they will go. Economic statisticians and reviewers will find any errors that needed reforms.Overall Austerity ProgramsEconomic AffairsEconomic strength will increase by a small amountOur review and survey of the Japanese economy and budgets have revealed that it is nearly hitting rock bottom despite efforts by the Novayan Expeditionary Force, Interpol, the various police agencies, and the Federal Police Service to get all the money back. Everything cost money to make, even industries.

    Fortunately, the Military Staff Committee has obliged to help out by sending us about 10 billion pesos (21.9 billion yen) to commence austerity programs. However, they will let us use the money needed on the condition that we must be moderate in our spending, otherwise they will have to do the work themselves.

    Public Works ProjectsOverall Austerity ProgramsJapan:
    • Economic strength will increase by a small amount
    • The Industrial Expertise Societal Development will begin to improve
    • Every owned state: 1 Infrastructure
    During the One Sith War, the Godom Empire and later the Sith Godom Empire launched a series of bombings, airstrikes and cruise missile strikes in an attempt to shatter the Novayan Expeditionary Force, the Asian Expeditionary Force, United States Forces Japan and Korea, and the Japan Self-Defense Forces and bring an end to the coalition; the attacks destroyed many homes, buildings, industries, roads, railways, airports and spaceports, and docks by the time reinforcements from the Traction City Federation Army and the Outer Territorial Army came to save the day.

    Efforts to rebuild them were already underway during and even after the war, but the Shinomiya affairs had just put a stop to that. Even worse, the fat cats take whatever money is left of the Japanese economy and deposited them in offshore bank accounts; add that to the affairs and the whole country fell in two swift strokes. This would have ended us had the Novayans didn't intervene.

    The Military Staff Committee had already been aware of it, and it has already ordered the formation of local labor battalions and the deployment of combat engineer units, combined with the arrival of several NSC, SSF, and Indepol-based construction companies, to assist local construction companies in public works projects.

    Reform the Bank of JapanPublic Works ProjectsJapan:
    • Economic strength will increase by a small amount
    • Popular support will increase by some amount
    Ever since the fact cats took away the money Japan had been struck harder than it had been during the One Sith War. The Bank of Japan was disbanded after the purge, leaving our nation with no way of ever encouraging commerce. But the Military Staff Committee had plans to recover Japan, and they have provided us some of them.

    They have provided us the plans for a reformed Bank of Japan, or the Commonwealth Bank of Japan, and told us that we are free to make changes to the reformed Bank of Japan as long as it goes by the boundaries of the recovery efforts. This will imbue our currency with actual material backing and and legitimacy, and we already know it will allow us to regulate interest and price rates. This will give the Japanese people hope.

    Provincial BanksReform the Bank of JapanJapan:
    • Economic strength will increase by a small amount
    • Popular support will increase by a small amount
    The Military Staff Committee has graciously provided us with more plans to help the Japanese economy recover. These plans were about establishing provincial banks. These provincial banks will serve as the bridge between the central government, the rural populace and the urban populace. And despite the name, provincial banks were actually posted in rural, suburban and urban areas. It is very useful, and it would tie the people and the government together!Adopt Digital CurrencyReform the Bank of JapanJapan:
    • Gets event Digital Currency adopted
    • Economic strength will increase by a small amount
    Captain 1st Rank Wilhelmina Heinrike has sent us her plans to have Japan adopt digital currency which would allow people to spend their money without needing to give traditional money in malls. We will have to establish a digital banking system for that.Adopt CryptocurrencyReform the Bank of JapanJapan:
    • Gets event Cryptocurrency adopted
    • Economic strength will increase by a small amount
    Staff Sergeant Scarlet has sent us his plans to have Japan adopt cryptocurrency which would allow people to spend their money without needing to give traditional money in malls. We will have to establish a cryptocurrency banking system for that.Start of the RecoveryProvincial Banks, Adopt Digital Currency, and Adopt CryptocurrencyJapan:
    • The Poverty Rate Societal Development will begin to improve
    • Gains base stability: +10%
    I say we should all call this a team effort. Thanks to the Military Staff Committee providing us plans to help recover the economy we should be able to launch new projects that would boost our economy in lengths greater than before!The Economy SystemStart of the RecoverGets event Debates on the Economy SystemAs we are launching economic projects to help boost the economy, we were approached by Admiral Borealis II, who wishes to discuss with us about what economic system we will intend to use and then ask us if we intend to use said economic system to exploit the people. We should bring in experts and the Military Staff Committee to debate on that.About DistributismThe Economy SystemGets event DistributismDistributism is an economic system where productivity is widely owned than concentrated on a few.About CapitalismThe Economy SystemGets event CapitalismCapitalism is an economic system where productivity is concentrated on a few instead of widely owned.Choose Both!About Distributism and About CapitalismJapan:
    • Gets event Wakano Chooses Both
    • Economic strength will increase by some amount

    Novayan Stellar Commonwealth and Novayan Expeditionary Force:

    • Gets event Admiral Borealis II isn't amused
    We know that capitalism is needed to improve the economy, but Admiral Borealis II wants Japan to use distributism. After heavy thinking Prime Minister Wakano decided to choose both: capitalism will be at the national level, and distributism will be at the local level.

    Admiral Borealis II is not amused when he heard of that, but he lets it slide.

    FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionSocial AffairsDomestic AffairsGets event Review of Japanese SocietyWe will begin with a review and survey of the Japanese society at large. Statisticians and NEF personnel will help with seeing how fare the Japanese people have been doing.Vegetable Gardens!Social AffairsJapan:
    • Gets event Vegetable Gardens!
    • Gains national spirit Vegetable Gardens which grants (Consumer Goods Factories: -10%)
    The Japanese government has reversed our policies that all households must have vegetable gardens, which is to say the MOST unacceptable thing to do! If there's a food shortage crisis then they will realize their folly! We must reimplement the vegetable gardens so that everyone will have all the food in case of such crisis.Expand Renewable Energy PoliciesVegetable Gardens!Japan:
    • Random owned controlled states:
      • Adds 1 Synthetic refinery
      • Adds 1 Civilian factory
    We had a meeting on expanding renewable energy policies with the Military Staff Committee, which is so concerned with pollution of the air, ozone layer and water. We can clearly see that, and we know that we will have to expand our refineries to begin churning out renewable energy sources.Green VehiclesExpand Renewable Energy PoliciesJapan:
    • Random owned controlled states:
      • Adds 1 Civilian factory
    Staff Sergeant Scarlet has ask of us to produce green vehicles that can be powered by renewable energy sources - preferably, ethanol and methanol fuels. Dr. Anatoly Stukovich Petrenko, the director of the Support Staff's technical affairs committee and known by the name of Stukov Petrenko, has provided us insights on the green vehicles common in different worlds throughout the Void.Electric VehiclesExpand Renewable Energy PoliciesJapan:
    • Random owned controlled states:
      • Adds 1 Civilian factory
    Guardswoman Aurora Buenpacifico, a member of the Grand Marshal's Black Guard and the personal guardswoman of Borealis III (and maybe the Command Staff) in the MSCGM's Support Staff, has approached us and asked us if the automobile manufacturing sectors will produce electric vehicles. When we ask why, she simply answered that her family owns one, a jeepney in fact, which her father and uncle used to drive passengers to and from different areas of New Agusan when she was little. We don't see any reason why we should ignore this.Hybrid VehiclesExpand Renewable Energy PoliciesJapan:
    • Random owned controlled states:
      • Adds 1 Civilian factory
    High Priestess Reyna Akirasaki, a member (or maybe head?) of the Nova Konstantinopolis Aagiokratia and the director of the Support Staff's religious service committee director, has demanded to us why our automobile sector isn't developing hybrid vehicles. From what we can understand about her, Nova Constantinople, a continental world in the Sigge system, has hybrid vehicles being commonplace throughout its cities. Once we promised we will have the automobile sector produce these vehicles, she immediately turned from religiously righteous to being meek. According to Vice Admiral Ushanka whenever there's no business to attend to she usually stays quiet, only talking if she wants to.Unlimited Rail WorksExpand Renewable Energy PoliciesJapan:
    • Random owned controlled states:
      • Adds 2 Infrastructures
    Captain Heinrich von Stauss and the Tachibana sisters have approached us and provided us plans for rail networks throughout Japan, courtesy of the technical affairs committee under Dr. Stukov Petrenko. From what we know about them, Novaya Vd and Novaya IV have rail networks that connect each population centers. They provided us engineers and a bunch of thaumaturges should we need to imbue each rail network with thaumaturgic power.Unlimited (Electric) Power!Green Vehicles, Electric Vehicles, and Hybrid VehiclesJapan:
    • Gets event Reports on the Automobile and Energy Sectors
    We have done everything to give everyone the benefits of using these things, so our statisticians compiled a series of reports on the automobile and energy sectors.I Will Have Order (on Electricity!)Unlimited (Electric) Power!Japan:
    • Gets event Plans for Electric Power Generators
    Dr. Stukov Petrenko has delivered to us plans for the construction of wind turbines (land-based and airborne), space solar power stations, molten salt reactors, batteries, zero-energy buildings, zero carbon housings, and solar panel arrays. They also provided us 3D printers and construction 3D printers, which various Void states (especially the more conservative ones) use for production and construction.Build Molten Salt ReactorsI Will Have Order (on Electricity!)Japan:
    • Random owned controlled states:
      • Adds 2 Civilian factories
    Molten Salt Reactors have been used by conservative societies in lieu of nuclear, thaumic or black hole reactors. A few (five of them, according to the Grand Marshal) can be found throughout New Agusan.Provide Solar PanelsI Will Have Order (on Electricity!)Japan:
    • Consumer Goods Factories: -5.0%
    We have already seen solar panels throughout the world, but we have been requested by Vice Admiral Pina that we are to provide solar panels for households including solar panel fuel cells to any families at a low cost. Apparently villages (or barangays, in the Novayans' case) and towns, especially those in Novaya IV and Riccinda III, have solar panels and fuel cells for each household, and it is said that it helped save and maybe lower the amount of money needed to pay for the bills.Home Fuel CellsI Will Have Order (on Electricity!)Japan:
    • Consumer Goods Factories: -10%
    • Gets event Home Fuel Cells for Everyone!
    While already in research and commercialization, the Saiyanese, Romans, Logresians and Novayans have provided insights on researching, developing and commercializing home fuel cells that allow Earth and its colonies to have them, but some nations on Earth, such as Japan and the Terran States, are still in the process of doing those things. It isn't hard to ask Dr. Stukov for insights on those things.Space Solar Power StationsI Will Have Order (on Electricity!)Japan:
    • Consumer Goods Factories: -10%
    Blueprints and insights for space solar power stations were provided to us by space construction companies and organizations responsible for building and orbiting space solar power stations. Some of them made themselves available for contract on constructing and orbiting those things!Wind Turbines!I Will Have Order (on Electricity!)Japan:
    • Random owned controlled states:
      • Adds 2 Civilian factories
    • Consumer Goods Factories: -7.5%
    A few construction companies from the Void has offered their services to construct land-based, airborne and offshore wind turbines, saying they have the know-hows on building them. Let's contract them.Zero-Energy Buildings and Zero-Carbon HousingsI Will Have Order (on Electricity!)Japan:
    • Random owned controlled states:
      • Adds 1-3 Civilian factories
    • Consumer Goods Factories: -20.5%
    Some construction companies from the Void have forwarded their services to us to help modify every non-traditional buildings to be independent from having to use energy. They also offer to build new buildings of these kinds.3D Printers and Construction 3D PrintersI Will Have Order (on Electricity!)Japan:
    • Random owned controlled states:
      • Adds 1-2 Civilian factories
    • Consumer Goods Factories: -20.0%
    Remember the blueprints for the 3D printers and construction 3D printers given to us? Well, we might have to study them and then adopt them. We can also make sure our own construction companies get to use them to aid in constructing buildings faster.Promote Family ValuesVegetable Gardens!Japan:
    • Ideological drift defense: +0.5%
    • Support for Conservative Democracy: +0.5%
    The Novayans are a militaristic society known for their pragmatism and conservatism but also for their rather open-minded and progressive mindset. Basically the militaristic progressive conservatives and compassionate conservatives, they also have a value system and one of those values in a Novayan's life is the family. We have been asked by Grand Marshal Borealis III to help promote Novayan values, including the Novayan family value, into Japanese culture to let them know that they have a family, a family whose bonds can NEVER be broken!Traditional ValuesPromote Family ValuesJapan:
    • Gets event Traditional Values of Japan
    We discussed a number of things with Captain 1st Rank Akane Tachibana, and one of them were the traditional Japanese values. When we discuss the traditional values (especially one of family) she looked at us with a mortified look, and we realized that the director of the advisory committee hold the same rights men have.Progressive ValuesPromote Family ValuesJapan:
    • Gets event Progressive Values of Novaya
    We discussed number of things with Captain 1st Rank Akane Tachibana, and one of them were the progressive Novayan values. When we discuss the progressive values (especially one of family) we learned that such values were also present through out representative and/or direct democracies; even the NSC is a democracy (Authoritarian Democracy by Thompson-Newman-Oliver standards).Coexistence Between Novayan and Japanese ValuesTraditional Values and Progressive ValuesJapan:
    • Gets event Novayan and Japanese Values Intertwined
    After more discussions with Captain 1st Rank Akane on social values we soon learned that some worlds in the Void did not abandon their traditional or progressive values but instead intertwined them to form a unique form where women hold equal rights, people can pursue their hobbies in private or in public, and that some divisive parts of these values had to be abandoned or reformed. Even so, some societies have opt to combine modern attire with traditional attire, too!Fund! Fund! Fund!Coexistence Between Novayan and Japanese ValuesJapan:
    • $5 billion is added to the GDP
    Once we got that out of the way, we can finally focus on the Fund! Fund! Fund! project that have been meticulously designed and delivered to MEXT, MLIT, METI, and ME by members of the civil construction committee. In addition to 5 billion dollars as loans by the NSC and SSF, we will be able to improve our nation.Fund the SchoolsFund! Fund! Fund!Japan
    • $250 million is removed from the GDP
    • The Academic Base Societal Development will improve by a large amount
    We will fund the old and new schools (as in, schools that were closed and ready to be reopened) that would help increase education and give the Japanese people the knowledge, the ideas, and the thinking.Fund the HospitalsFund! Fund! Fund!Japan:
    • $250 million is removed from the GDP
    • The Healthcare Societal Development will improve by some amount
    Because of the issues regarding our nation's public health services, we will need to provide them a significant boost to make them get all the things needed for all the medical emergencies and whatnot.Fund the IndustriesFund! Fund! Fund!Japan:
    • $250 million is removed from the GDP
    • The Industrial Expertise and Industrial Equipment will improve by some amount
    There are some closed-down industrial sectors that needed to be reopened, so let us convert them into something useful and fund them so as to get the economy roaring again!Fund the Agricultural SectorFund! Fund! Fund!Japan:
    • $200 million is removed from the GDP
    • The Agriculture Societal Development will increase by some amount
    Guardswoman Aurora Buenpacifico has told us that we must not forget the agricultural sector, for it is they who provided the food to those who needed it the most.The Yasukuni ShrineVegetable Gardens!Federal Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China, and various Southeast Asian countries:
    • Gets event Old Guard Ministers visit the Yasukuni Shrine
    • Gains national spirit The Yasukuni Shrine Controversy which grants (Opinion towards the Commonwealth of Japan: -100%)

    Commonwealth of Japan:

    • Gets event Old Guard Ministers visit the Yasukuni Shrine
    • Gains national spirit Shades of Japan's Past
    Okay, we have been receiving a disproportionately large number of complaints from the Novayans, Saiyanese, Koreans, Chinese and Southeast Asians on the Yasukuni Shrine and its recent visit by the Japanese old guard.End of the Old GuardThe Yasukuni ShrineCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event End of the Old Guard
    • Replaces Shades of Japan's Past with End of the Old Guard which grants (Stability: -50%, Political Power gain: -50%) for three weeks
    • Gains national spirit Anti-Imperial Countermeasures which grants (Daily Ultranationalism Support: -2.50%, Daily Fascism Support: -2.50%, Daily Reactionism Support: -2.50%)

    Federal Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China, and various Southeast Asian countries:

    • Gets event The Massacre of the Japanese Old Guard
    • Gains national spirit Horrified by the Novayan Brutality
    This event has caused the nations victimized by Japan's war crimes to hate the Commonwealth of Japan historically, and this still enrage them! We have sent requests to the old guard to stop visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, as visiting it only earns the rage of all the victims of Japan's crimes.

    If these old guard assholes refuse to stop then they will be arrested or KILLED!

    Shut Down the Yasukuni Shrine!End of the Old Guard

    Mutually exclusive with: Remove the War Criminals

    Commonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Closure of the Yasukuni Shrine

    Federal Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China, and various Southeast Asian countries:

    • Modifies The Yasukuni Shrine Controversy with The Yasukuni Shrine Resolution which grants (Opinion towards the Commonwealth of Japan: -25%) for 365 days
    • Gets event Closure of the Yasukuni Shrine
    Now that we got it out of the we can finally begin the act of shutting down the Yasukuni Shrine. The Novayans don't really care about what you say, fellow Japanese; the Novayans will shut it down for the greater good of all, to remove the stain that tainted Japan!

    Even though there are many Novayans calling for the removal of the war criminals, though....

    Remove the War CriminalsEnd of the Old Guard

    Mutually exclusive with: Shut Down the Yasukuni Shrine!

    Federal Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China, and various Southeast Asian countries:
    • Modifies The Yasukuni Shrine Controversy with The Yasukuni Shrine Resolution which grants (Opinion towards the Commonwealth of Japan: -25%) for 365 days
    • Gets event Establishment of the Tomb of the War Criminals
    The Novayans have been sending demands that we remove the war criminals non-stop, and even though we really want to shut down the shrine for the better.Promote the Chinreisha ShrineEither Shut Down the Yasukuni Shrine! or Remove the War CriminalsGets event Promotion of the Chinreisha Shrine

    Commonwealth of Japan:

    • Gets event Ceremony at the Chinreisha Shrine
    • Gains national spirit The Chinreisha Shrine which grants (Weekly Stability gain: +0.10%) for 365 days
    With the Yasukuni Shrine out of the way we have been tasked by High Priestess Reyna on promoting the Chinreisha Shrine, because it housed all those who fought against the Imperial Japanese Army and were victims of Japan's crimes. Priests affiliated with the Chinreisha have invited various members of the Cult of the Loop and other religious bodies to commemorate all those who fell victim to Japan's crimes as well as those who fought against the IJA.A New Faith Has Formed!Promote the Chinreisha ShrineCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Formation of the Japanese Aagiokratia
    Hey, have you heard the news? We have received reports that a new faith, or denomination, of the Cult of the Loop has formed! Apparently composed of Gnostikisimos Aagiokratians, Orthodoxitos Aagiokratians, Nea Gnostikisimos Aagiokratians, Novayanas Aagiokratians and even the Nova Konstantinopolis Aagiokratians, they are becoming the 6.0% of the Japanese religious population. They called themselves the Japanese Aagiokratians and their religion the Japanese Aagiokratia, since they are formed from emigrating Novayan aagiokratians to set up shop here. Really weird, yeah?
    FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionGovernmental AffairsDomestic AffairsGets event Review of the Japanese GovernmentWe will begin a review of the Japanese government, the political parties, and their functions.Wakano ReformsGovernmental Affairs
    • Gains +250 Political Power
    The old Japanese government is an absolute mess here. We have historical revisionism spread around, corruption and graft between various government ministers and employees, run-of-the-mill idiots stalling everything, and even ultranationalists, conservatives and nationalists still hold power over the broken government! We need to implement reforms in order to transform the old Japan into the new Japan!Purge the Old GuardWakano ReformsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Purge of the Old Guard
    • Gains national spirit How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old guard?!
    We received reports that the old guard are at it again DESPITE the recent purge that happened during the controversy regarding the Yasukuni Shrine! How many times do we have to teach them old guard folks this lesson for f*ck's sake?!Allow Some Old Guard FolksPurge of the Old GuardCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Reformist Old Guard Joins our Ranks
    • Gains Stability: +2.50%

    This will reduce the administrative strain.

    While we do not like what the old guard did in their shady deals, there are some old guard folks who are already aware of what is happening before Japan's collapse and the Shinomiya affairs and thus announced their resignations publicly. It seems they are aware that a group of Merdinan soldiers, Japanese police officers and JSDF personnel, and even a few government ministers and NSC military personnel were unraveling the whole string. Even though they do not want to be involved in government businesses we can still beg for them to join our growing ranks of reformists.The Status of JapanAllow Some Old Guard FolksCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Meeting on the Japanese Question
    We have managed to start a new by getting rid of the more problematic of the old guard and recruiting the more reformist of the old guard into our ranks. However, while the Japanese people enjoy the new life they have now began asking on what would the fate of the Japanese nation be.

    The Japanese Question, the question on the fate of our beloved nation, has only cause the many nations who suffer under Japan's hands to fear that the Novayan sense of militarism is similar to the Japanese sense of militarism and will creep into the Japanese populace, resulting in fears of another war where an NSC-backed Japan will cause even more turmoil and destruction than in World War II or even the One Sith War.

    Even the Japanese people fear that their nation's fate will be one of militaristic ambitions and whatnot. We will be taking the Question to the MSCGM for advice.

    The Guiding Hand of the Grand MarshalThe Status of JapanCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event In the Name of the Worm and the Gods
    The Grand Marshal and his Military Staff Committee have discussed with us on the Question on the Fate of Japan, and while every nations believed that a resurgent Japanese Empire would spell doom for the whole world, it turns out that even the Novayans do not want their militarism to be seen as a huge threat to all.

    Under the Grand Marshal's guidance we will send assurances to all those who believed we will become a looming threat that the Novayan military spirit had nothing to do with Japanese imperialism and that even the militaristic Novayans wanted to be seen as good friends.

    ...why does this sound like the Pavel Batov/Authoritarian Democracy path for Sverdlovsk in TNO? A-Are we the Sverdlovsk of Real-Life like in TNO's Sverdlovsk?!

    Establish the Council of the Prime MinisterThe Guiding Hand of the Grand MarshalCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gains national spirit The Council of the Prime Minister which grants (Mobilization speed: +0.10%, War Support: +0.10%, Daily Political Power gain: +0.05%, Stability: +10.0%)
    We have been planning to establish a council through which the Prime Minister will receive all the advice they could get. Even a powerful leader can't handle the massive strain of running the government. So, we will establish a council of civilian and military advisors - Japanese and Novayan - to help provide us the means by advising the Prime Minister and carry out their directives in international and domestic affairs as well as on the front lines. They may also serve as a check for the Prime Minister should they go wonky.Allow the MSCGM to ResideThe Guiding Hand of the Grand MarshalCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Modifies The Military Staff Committee of the Grand Marshal with The Military Staff Committee of the Grand Marshal which grants (Weekly support for Authoritarian Democracy: +0.10%, Weekly support for Social Democracy: +0.10%, Weekly support for Liberal Democarcy: +0.10%, Political Power gain: +0.05%, War Support: +10.0%)
    Even though they have been here for at least three months and a half Grand Marshal Borealis III and his Military Staff Committee - Command Staff and Support Staff included - have proven their worth in helping shape the new Japan that would rise like a phoenix from the ashes of the old Japan.

    And because Borealis III of the NSC and Kaede Takagaki of 346 Production were in a relationship and of the fact they set up their headquarters at 346 Production's main office, I think that we can give the MSCGM a residence here. We all know they have families, so we let them do their thing.

    Of course, they will overthrow us if we do anything considered insane, stupid or, in the Novayans' eyes, unacceptable.

    Ease Martial LawThe Guiding Hand of the Grand MarshalCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Replaces Regulated Public Meetings with Allowed Public Meetings
    • Daily Political Power gain: +0.02%
    • Stability: -2.50%

    This will reduce the administrative strain

    Japanese StratocracyEstablish the Council of the Prime MinisterCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gains national spirit Novayan-style Japanese Stratocracy which grants (Recruitable population factor: +5.0%, Supply consumption: -10.0%, Division recovery rate: +5.0%, Reinforce Rate: +10.0%)
    • The Army Professionalism Societal Development will begin to improve.
    Even though Japan is a peaceful country who renounced war as an instrument and a last resort and had a small well-trained and well-equipped military, it has been made clear to us that the people who were involved in the Shinomiya affairs weren't acting for Japan's security and stability but to return it to its imperial glory. In the end of it all, though, it is a few groups of loyal government officials, military officers and groups of loyalist soldiers who refuse the path of glory, and some of the retired JSDF personnel reenlisted to help maintain stability and order.

    The loyal men and women of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, what with their being brave and unafraid and their regimented attitude, were the cream of the crop; the Novayan military, on the other hand, were not just the cream of the crop but also trustworthy and effective they really were when they occupy, rebuild and reform any world or region they had to invade. It would be best if we asked the Novayans for help on reserving certain positions for former military and government personnel, as doing so would not just ensure both efficiency and the legitimacy of government but also give these important government positions to those who served in some capacity.

    We just need to train the government officials who remain loyal and dedicated to preserving the post-WWII order in Japan on the regimented attitude and culture of the military with extra help from some Novayan military advisors.

    Calm Their UneaseAllow the MSCGM to ResideCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Stability: +20.0%
    • Political Power: +25
    • Change in popularity of Authoritarian Democracy: +2.50%
    • Change in popularity of Communism: +2.50%
    • Change in popularity of Conservative Democracy: +2.50%
    • Change in popularity of Liberal Democracy: +2.50%
    • Change in popularity of Market Liberalism: +2.50%
    • Change in popularity of Social Democracy: +2.50%
    • Change in popularity of Socialism: +2.50%
    Many of the Japanese were still wary of military rule despite the successes of the MSCGM and the coalition government in the recent days or weeks (or whatever), but those have gotten used to it by now; still though, they are still getting uneasy since they have to follow military rules ever since the writ of habeas corpus, civil rights and civil law have been suspended and military law and military justice applied to civilians. Let us assuage their unease - anxiety, depression, and nervousness - to the public and assure them that the Japanese government and its NSC partners knew what they are doing and were working for the state's betterment.

    A combination of propaganda, advertisem*nts, commercials and booklet distribution on how to adapt to anything - like the Novayans, Asians and anyone else who are socially and societally adaptive - will help provide the Japanese people the need they will have so that they will be able to conform to military rule. They were also provided means by which they can go to hospitals and mental wards for help on assuaging their anxiety, depression and nervousness.

    A Better LifeEase Martial LawCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Political Power: -85
    • Replaces 12 Hour Work Day with 8 Hour Work Day
    • Stability: +2.50%
    • Production Efficiency growth: +10.00%
    • Factory Output: -2.50%
    • Shipyard Output: -2.50%
    Both the Prime Minister and the Grand Marshal were strict and serious leaders, but even they aren't cruel. They both understand the plight of the common worker, and to see them suffer from stressful work for hours longer than accepted is unacceptable. A series of regulations and reforms are to be implemented across industry (especially those involving anime and manga) and across the national economy to improve worker conditions.

    Work hours will be reduced and safety reforms will be big, and that way people won't have to dissent, protest or even do a walk-out, thereby shoring up support for the government. Hey, even the NSC really cared for its common workers; it is still mindful of taking care of the common worker after the Capital Commissariat workers' riots, after all!

    Enlistment BenefitsJapanese StratocracyCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Political Power: -25%
    • Replaces Low Pensions with Acceptable Pensions
    • Stability: +2.50%
    • Proportional GDP Cost: -2.00%
    • Poverty Monthly Change: +0.75%
    The Japan Self-Defense Forces may be technologically advanced alongside the rest of the world, but even it needed more men. Sure, the Novayan Expeditionary Force and the United States Forces Japan provided the nation with more men, but even the JSDF needs to have a lot of personnel. We need to entice young men and women to join the force we will have to increase recruitment in order to sweeten the deal.

    Implementation of a guaranteed pension system for veterans (designed by a group of Japanese and Novayan military personnel), respect for active and former military personnel, an option to be a part of the political machine, and a military reserve force system will be the benefits a soldier can reap if they voluntarily enlist.

    Establish Provincial Civil-Military GovernorsCalm Their FearsCommonwealth of Japan:

    This will remove the administrative strain.

    A lot of local lower level bureaucrats and elected governors were giving us and our administration various headaches of variable intensity and magnitude by being very slow like a snail to implement new laws we pass, opposing the ruling council and military staff committee in every turn and every way on various occasions, and have been encouraging anti-military treason and headaches. Only some didn't do those things as they really want Japan to stabilize, and even a few of the non-troublesome folks declared their neutrality (sometimes alone and sometimes together) because they don't want to be dragged into the whole mess until it is resolved.

    Well, too bad for the more troublesome folks, because this situation will no longer be tolerated! From this day forward, as opposed to locally-elected leaders or party officials who caused us so much trouble all provincial governorships and political positions at other subdivisions of government will be filled with military officers. Also, while this removed the headache-causing troublesome party officials and leaders we also made sure that the party officials and leaders who WERE NOT INVOLVED in the whole mess, whether by staying neutral or following the edicts of government, still stay in power. After all, only the good leaders were those who wanted to make a change. We might also have to the good leaders who'll complain about it, too.

    Rewarding the Loyal and Hardworking and AdaptiveEase Martial LawCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Change in popularity of Authoritarian Democracy: +2.50%
    • Political Power: +75
    Despite the efforts of the government and its partnership with the Novayans, there are still those who didn't like the military rule the MSCGM helped the government implement, maintain and adapt. They say and argue that military interference in Japanese society is no different from how the Imperial Japanese Army interfere militarily in the various colonies they thought they were liberating but actually were continuing to colonize and that it is corrupt, inefficient and immoral. Even worse, they also say that military interference banned political participation of all things, which caused some Novayan civilians and tourists to riot. We'll let the Japanese people know that ain't the case, y'all!

    Citizens are actually allowed to participate should they be loyal, hardworking and adaptive. Sure some powerful positions got filled by military officers, but if they still clamor about that then they as the average citizens will have some lower level bureaucracy jobs who haven't joined in order to satisfy them. I think a system where they need to pass a series of tests in order to become a part of the political machine, plus lots of registration forms, will help satisfy the people.

    Embrace Novayan-style Military TraditionsJapanese StratocracyCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Change in popularity of Authoritarian Democracy: +2.50%
    • Army Manpower: +50
    • Modifies Novayan-style Japanese Stratocracy by the following:
      • Recruitable Population factor: +5.0%
      • Supply consumption: -5.0%
      • Division recovery rate: +5.0%
      • Reinforce rate: +5.0%
      • Max planning: +10.0%
    The NSC Armed Forces, JSDF and their traditions (Novayan cultural traditions included) helped win us battles and defeating our enemies back in the One Sith War. Initially the Japanese were wary of the militaristic Novayans and reminded them of their own nation's militarism, but the battles fought in the One Sith War gave an immense impact that not only affected the Japanese government but their culture and society as well.

    The courage, discipline and togetherness of the soldiers who fought, bled, lived and died together in the battles is what Japan saw during its darkest days on the eve of the One Sith War and of the Godom War (a part of the OSW, of course), and the Japanese people already took note of this. And now that we have established a coalition government and partnered with the NSC we will make sure that the military traditions of the Novayan military were respected by the people and copied by the JSDF and veterans were respected. Many lives saw their comrades die in the war only to be disrespected by some people on the streets. The troops will receive the respect they reserved.

    For the Better GoodEnlistment Benefits, Establish Civil-Military Governors, and Rewarding the Loyal and Hardworking and AdaptiveCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Political Power: +50
    • Daily Political Power gain: +0.10%
    • Stability: +2.50%
    • Ideology drift defense: +25.0%
    Military rule in the government is what made it necessary to protect from corrupt and ineffective politicians. While some politicians have stayed true to their promises they made to the people, most are more problematic and wanted nothing more than political power and glory and even some are heavily leaning towards far-right and extreme right politics; now the Shinomiya affairs shattered the power structure, and now the military and the coalition government have run the state.

    Even though it is best that we get ourselves a list of political parties that will get banned, we will not ban any political parties but we will register them in different lists which would detail how problematic they may or may not be and how competent and helpful they really were. We're not going to choose the pro-gamer moves, of course.

    All Useful HandsA Better LifeCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Political Power: -25
    • Replaces Minimal Safety Regulations with Limited Safety Regulations
    • Monthly Population: +5.00%
    • Production Efficiency cap: -7.50%
    • Change in popularity of Authoritarain Democracy: +2.50%
    During the One Sith War and the Godom War, working conditions were awful ever since the Godom Empire invaded Japan. The Godomese cared very little for those they see as "vermin" and that they were willing to force those to follow their cultures or be punished severely; the peoples they conquered were exploited and oppressed for such things. Even worse the Godom Empire that defaulted to Sith leadership have greenlit the exploitation of the conquered nations' peoples as cannon fodder.

    Unlike the One Sith, Godom Empire and later the Sith Godom Empire, the United Nations of Earth, Galactic Alliance Defense Initiative, Imperial Remnant, New Republic (we don't know if it's modern and enlightened or not, though), voidwalker nations and other states are modern and enlightened states which refuse to accept unnecessary losses. In light of this, we have greenlit further regulations to improve safety and prevent future accidents as well as ensure that all those who have jobs were treated well. No man are expendable for not only their skills were needed but also that their lives are still lives; their lives are precious and yearning for meaningful lives.

    The Defenders of JapanEmbrace Novayan-style Military Traditions, For the Better Good, and A Better LifeCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event The Leaders and their Councils
    • Political Power: +100
    The Novayan Expeditionary Force is one of few things that kept Japan from spiraling out of control when it collapsed into anarchy. They secure Japan and under their leadership they helped restore the nation's stability and peace, and ensured that we all have our safeguards. We, and the Novayan forces, are the guardians of Japan and the sentinels of freedom. We will watch out for any trouble that may brew, and we will go abroad to help those in need. We will welcome all those who suffer.

    ....we really are the Japanese variant of the Russian People's Union from TNO, we guess.

    FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionMilitary AffairsDomestic AffairsGets event Review of the Japan Self-Defense ForcesWe will begin a review of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and all their budgets, branches, personnel, equipment, et cetera. We will need make changes to the JSDF if it wants to be seen as a regional power.Inventory ChecksMilitary AffairsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Reports on the Inventory of the JSDF
    We have ordered a few Japanese officers to assist NSC military personnel in checking the JSDF's inventory. We may know that they are capable of defending themselves, but their military needs some tweaking. We will also need statisticians and surveyers on the military spending Japan have. Let's hope it is 2-3%, because it isn't then we will riot. Literally.Increase Military SpendingInventory ChecksCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Proportional GDP cost: -2.00%
    Unfortunately, Japan's military spending is at an all-time low (that is, 1% of its total GDP). A lot of NSC military personnel, especially those belonging to the Novayan Army, began rioting after learning about the constitutional limitations that it must not maintain a military despite the fact the JSDF IS a military of all things. Even worse, they don't even have combat divers AND tankers, which agitated the rioting Novayan Army personnel even further! It's time we have to add another 1% into the spending.Reinterpreting Article 9Increase Military SpendingPeople's Republic of China and Federal Republic of Korea:
    • Opinion of Commonwealth of China -50.00%

    Commonwealth of Japan:

    • Gets event Reinterpretation of Article 9
    We're going to have the National Diet to reinterpret Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, as that needs to change. After all, we all know that everyone were caught off-guard by the Godom Empire, and even the JSDF would get utterly crushed by the Godomese Armed Forces; everyone is lucky the 1st through 4th Novayan Armies and Air Expeditionary Forces were present throughout Japan. It isn't hard convincing the folks at the National Diet to reinterpret Article 9, considering the war is still fresh in their minds.Assuage Their FearsReinterpreting Article 9People's Republic of China and Federal Republic of Korea:
    • Gets event Reassurances from the MSCGM and Japanese Government
    The Chinese and Korean governments have protested the reinterpretation of Article 9, claiming that it is just another attempt of the Novayans at resurrecting another Japanese Empire and another Godom Empire. The memories of the previous wars were still fresh in their minds, but we will let them know that we are not building a second Japanese or Godom Empire.

    We will assure them that the Japan Self-Defense Forces will and forevermore always have the right to national defense and self-defense and to aid her allies in potential wars; failing to do so will weaken alliances and endanger Japan. They will be assured that the JSDF will also have the right to participate in peacekeeping operations and humanitarian missions, for all militaries can do the same things. We will also promise that the JSDF will never go on the offensive (going to war against another nation), for that will be the task of the US and NSC Armed Forces.

    The Rebuilt JSDFAssuage their FearsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets national spirit The Rebuilt JSDF which grants (Division attack: +5.00%, Division defense: +5.00%, Division recovery rate: +10.00%, Division reinforce rate: +5.00%)
    We have finally managed to rebuild the JSDF by increasing its military numbers, reinterpret Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, and provide it necessary changes. However, there is much work to do in order to get the JSDF to stand as one of the many equals. We must include new changes so as to make the JSDF very unique and very good.

    We will begin a reexamination and modernization programme that would allow Japan to stand up to any enemies and help its allies but also have several other things included. Lessons from Operation Sovereign Justice and the One Sith War, alongside World War III back on Earth, Uiverse Golf-Foxtrot-Lima, will help along the way.

    The Cream of the CropThe Rebuild JSDFCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Unlocks Decision: Improve Training Methods
    • Gains national spirit The New Japanese Military which grants (Division training time: +8.50%, Division organization: +7.50%, Reconnaissance: +5.00%, Infantry division attack: +2.00%, Experienced soldier losses: -25.00%, Planning speed: -2.00%
    • The Army Professionalism Societal Development will begin to improve.
    The officer corps have been up to the standards of the modern world, but what about the soldiers who can be brought up to the same standards? Sure, there exists a military reserve force of about 300,000 or 400,000 but they have yet to be brought up to the same standards. Even worse is the fact that it is still reeling from the memories of the One Sith War and the recent War against the Godom Empire. Well, guess what? Grand Marshal Borealis III ordered that the men and women of the Self-Defense Forces be introduced to not just the culture of the NSC, US and GADI militaries but also that of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

    As we all know, the Philippine military has shown its competence in the Second World War, Korean War and the recent wars, and its military culture shows that the Filipino soldiers use outdated equipment dating back to World War II and the Cold War but they have experience in using them, just like how the girls of Ooarai Girls Academy use a mixture of different WWII-era tanks! Not only that, but the Filipino soldiers have also that they are more happy, courageous, brave and very friendly, were true survivalists, were very experienced and oppose all oppressors and aggressors - facts which makes even us Japanese and even the SDF blush! We should ask the Filipino government if we can send some of the JGSDF's troops for a joint military exercise between the JSDF, AFP, US Armed Forces, and NSC Armed Forces.

    NOTE FROM GRAND MARSHAL BOREALIS III: "Publicly I find the Filipino soldiers good, but personally and privately I am incredibly shocked at how the Filipino soldiers were true warriors - what with the fact they are happy and lacking sophisticated weapons and equipment but were more experienced. I need to be honest with you all, though: while it is true the Novayan Army may lack sophisticated weapons and equipment (as per the cautious technological research and improvement mindsets) and is also very experienced and brave, the sad fact of the matter is that the Novayan Army never achieved the same ways the Filipino soldiers do, that is, knowing how to raise their own morale and being true survivalists.

    "Even the rest of my Military Staff Committee were shocked at this, and knew the abysmally sorry state of the Novayan Army: always having the experience and bravery but never to the levels of the Filipino soldier. Thus, it is this reason that I requested Prime Minister Wakano to ask the Filipino government for a joint military exercise, so that the Novayan Army soldiers sent alongside a contingent of NSC Army soldiers can learn what it is like to be the Filipino soldiers - what it takes to be truly human like them.

    ...I'm crying a lot already at this brutally sad fact, to be honest with you all."

    Combined Arms TrainingThe Cream of the CropCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Creates a Mechanized Division template
    • 1x 50% research bonus for APCs and IFVs
    • Gets event Exercise Renewed Spirit
    During the Godom War the JSDF, in spite of never wanting to go to war, have been on the offensive fighting alongside allied forces in a blitzkrieg campaign to shatter the Sith Godom Empire. Some of the allied soldiers, NSC in particular, have commented at our severe lack of combined arms experience in spite of already experiencing those from multilateral military exercises. And with the Commonwealth of Japan now established by the MSCGM, Grand Marshal Borealis III wants the JSDF to begin a joint exercise between it and the NSC Armed Forces.

    On the his request to Kriegsmarschall Heinrich von Kobold the entirety of Schwarzkopf III, a literal war world, halted all its battles to participate in Exercise Renewed Spirit, which is to take place at Military Staging Ground Aleph. According to Kriegsmarschall von Kobold the folks of Schwarzkopf III were known for their mighty war experiences and the forces of the mobile cities have all the experience in combined arms warfare. This is so shocking that it makes even the Wehrmacht and the US Armed Forces look like amateurs! In fact, Schwarzkopf III made Earth look like paradise!

    The Start of Modern TacticsThe Rebuilt JSDFCommonwealth of Japan:
    • 2x 50% research bonus for Land Doctrines
    • 2x 50% research bonus for Air Doctrines
    • 2x 50% research bonus for Naval Doctrines
    The Godom War is still fresh in our minds, but the combat reports during the invasion of the Sith Godom Empire helped tell us that we need to improve our military tactics and strategies. We might have to ask the various voidwalker states for help in this one, as we need to know how best we can get the JSDF to be stronger in combat.Adaptive CommandThe Start of Modern TacticsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • The Army Professionalism Societal Development will begin to rapidly improve
    We may have the officer corps but their talents will usually be restrained, needlessly and unnecessarily. Through advise from some void states' military advisors we can opt to implement a broad adaptability within the command chain to cut away the needless and unnecessary red tapes and allow our forces to function very properly.

    With this way, the JSDF will be able to adapt to various situations. They will be more effective in battle, and they will always take the initiative. At the same time, whenever a battle isn't going in our favor we will have to withdraw and adapt our plans in order to prevent the same mistake again.

    The Guardians of the PeopleThe Start of Modern TacticsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gains national spirit The People's Guardians which grants (Reconnaissance: +5.00%, Entrenchment speed: +7.50%, Division defense: +3.50%, Interception detection: +5.00%, Interception Mission efficiency: +5.00%, Sortie efficiency: +7.50%, Radar detection efficiency: +10.00%)
    Ever since the allied bombings of Japan, we always fought that atomic bombs or nuclear weapons will devastate our nation. But the Godom War shows us that, even if it isn't nuclear weapons, it is the powerful air forces and cruise missile attacks, especially those from the Godom and later Sith Godom Empires, that pummeled us the most. As a result much of the Japanese people were ordered to evacuate into the wilderness or underground to survive.

    To prevent this repeating occurrence we will be devising new ways with which we can defend our nation and our people. Radars, improved fighters, Aegis systems, whatever it is. We will make it clear that we will defeat our enemies before they even bomb our cities.

    Legacy of Wars and AffairsAdaptive Command and The Guardians of the PeopleCommonwealth of Japan:
    • All generals and field marshals: Add 1 level skill
    When we were defeated by the Americans through the atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they helped rebuild our nation from the ground up and helped establish the Self-Defense Forces. When we were beset by the Godom Empire and then the Sith Godom Empire, the Novayans, Americans, Asians and Russians stood alongside us and weathered the storm before going on the offensive. When the Shinomiya Affairs caused the collapse of our economy and the downfall of our nation, the Novayan Expeditionary Force helped rebuild us into something new, one free from the past mistakes.

    The Self-Defense Forces the Americans built and the Novayans rebuilt is more than just an elite but it is also the symbolic defenders of the Japanese nation but also a reminder of our imperial past. While we can never or can always live down the war crimes we took, we were given a human face and a place in the modern world. We must learn to learn from and embrace our mistakes, lest we fall together.

    The Japanese ShipyardsThe Rebuilt JSDFCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Yamaguchi, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Nagasaki, Mie, and Aichi: Adds 1 dockyard, 3 civilian factories and 1 military factory
    It was decided that Japan's historical and modern shipyards be rebuilt and modernized in order to build ships that would not only raise commercial income through trade but also allow for the defense of Japan and its allies. The Novayans were very persistent that we do so, and even members of the NSC Naval Admiralty wants us to do so! They also want us to form our own admiralty staff, which we already have one - in the form of the MSCGM itself. No longer will we sit idle as the world around us is thrown in a turbulent storm, for we stand alongside our allies and we stand along all as equals!Quality MaterialsThe Japanese ShipyardsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • 2x 100% research bonus for armor improvements
    • 2x 100% research bonus for air improvements
    • 2x 100% research bonus for ship improvements
    Elements of the NSC and SSF Armed Forces and other void state militaries have provided us with a large amount of high quality materials needed to improve our military arsenal. Apparently, these comes with thaumaturgical improvement designs that allows for less impact on the environment and on our military arsenal.The Reformed Military AcademiesCombined Arms Training, Legacy of Wars and Affairs, and Quality MaterialsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gains national spirit Reformed Military Academies which grants (Daily Army Experience gain: +0.05%, Division attrition: -10.00%, Training time: -10.00%, Planning speed: +20.00%
    • Unlocks Decision: Promote New Officers which grants (New generals, field marshals and admirals: Add 2 level skills, gains trait Career Officer)
    • Unlocks Decision: Establish the Borealis Military Academy
      • Gets event Borealis III's Meltdown, MSCGM's Greater Meltdown
    • Unlocks Decision: Establish the MSCGM Military Academy
      • Gets event MSCGM's Meltdown, Borealis III's Greater Meltdown
    • Gets event The MSCGM's Mental Breakdown if both were activated
    The wars we fought and the experience we gain helped provide us with ideas on how to properly fight and deal with situations, and this helped secure the safety of our people and turned the tables on those who dare threaten the existence of the human species. The fact we also fought alongside our allies and that the Novayan forces have young officers with more experience and talents meant that we are all woefully unprepared, even in military exercises and wargames. It turns out the Novayans have a penchant for learning, being the quick learners they are. Even some of the more eccentric ones have ways to beat us in exercises and wargames.

    To help with this we asked a few visiting members of the NSC Naval Admiralty for advice on how to help our officers beat the Novayans in war-games and rubber-bullet live-fire exercises, and they suggested that we reform our military academies to do so. We made sure the military curriculum would allow for junior and even senior officers to learn more about the lessons the Novayans gave us back in the exercises and war-games. We'll just have to learn everything about them and then beat them in their own game.

    NOTE FROM THE MILITARY STAFF COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND MARSHAL: "On the personal request of Grand Marshal Borealis III, he wishes that you do not establish the Borealis Norsoutha Military Academy (Borealis Military Academy, Borealis III Military Academy and so on, not EVEN Borealisople Military Academy) as it would not only cause the Grand Marshal himself to suffer a meltdown but also cause a grand majority of the MSCGM to have a greater meltdown. The same will happen if you establish the MSCGM Military Academy, with the Grand Marshal himself suffering a greater meltdown. And don't even think of doing both; you'll cause all of us in the MSCGM to suffer a mental breakdown of epic proportions."

    The Fine Additions to the CollectionsThe Reformed Military AcademiesCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event The Fine Additions to our Collections
    Ever since the interdimensional refugee crisis, Earth had a number of fantasy species (fantasy worlds), modern humanity (Earth-GFL, Earth-HONKAI, Earth-D3E2 "Steel Terror", Earth-TIAMHS, and Earth-D3FB) through her nations and their colonies. The Novayan Expeditionary Force helped keep the peace but they (fantasy races and modern humanity) are still adapting to the modern civilizations. Even so, there are some who wish to join the JSDF as they see the benefits one can reap from if they enlist for military service.

    Grand Marshal Borealis III and the MSCGM have agreed that the time has come to include these folks into the SDF so that everyone gets the benefits. We might also have to employ the others in civil services and whatnot, too!

    Establish the Corps of MagiciansThe Fine Additions to the CollectionsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Modifies all preexisting division templates with: Adds 1 Magical Infantry battalion, 1 Magi Support company
    The Military Staff Committee have provided us papers on a corps made to accommodate magicians--I mean, thaumaturges--who were more likely to join us. The Corps of Magicians, or Japan Self-Defense Forces Magi Service, that's the name we'll choose.

    NOTE FROM THE MILITARY STAFF COMMITTEE OF THE GRAND MARSHAL: "We are offended that you use the word magic instead of thaumaturgy, and magician instead of thaumaturge. Magic and thaumaturgy are two different things: magic is temporary, but thaumaturgy is forever."

    Elite MagiEstablish the Corps of MagiciansCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Elite JSDF Magi
    There are a lot of magi to choose from, but we can't waste them all away. Instead, we should separate them into two groups: the regular magi and the elite magi. The regular magi were those who will serve as regular grunts in the field, and the elite magi are the more powerful ones. A lot of people are concerned about necromancy but a few thaumaturges provided training on summoning undead-y creatures without having to use literal corpses.


    Establish the JSDF T-Doll ServiceThe Fine Additions to the CollectionsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Modifies all preexisting division templates with: Adds 1 T-Doll Infantry battalion, 1 T-Doll Reconnaissance company
    • Creates Combat Android Division (2 T-Doll Motorized Infantry battalions, 1 T-Doll Mechanized Infantry battalion)
    • Population change: +12,000
    • Daily population gain: +50
    The Tactical Dolls, T-Dolls for short or Combat Androids by Earth, Galaxy FFA and Void military standards, were AI-piloted androids designed for various purposes, ranging from combat roles to armed civilian roles to even civilian roles. Coming from Earth-GFL, they are quite capable, flexible and whatnot. Might as establish a military sub-service for them.Commonwealth of Japan's The DivisionEstablish the JSDF T-Doll ServiceCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event The Division
    A lot of AIs, ranging from civilian to military ones and whether organic or robotic, and even some normal folks had began a large-scale protest throughout Japan, crying against denying the T-Dolls equal rights. Some proponents of military services wanted them to serve in the military and only the military. Welp, we have a crisis to work on and lots of proposals to read on.The First Order WayCommonwealth of Japan's The Division

    Exclusive with: The Griffon and Kryuger Way

    Commonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event The Division V2.0
    We have been reviewing a lot of proposals on how best to combat this crisis, and one of them is about adopting the First Order's way of using tens of thousands of androids to supplement a much smaller core of organic soldiers at every operational level. They will fill the role of supply or auxiliary personnel, or heavy weapons teams.

    To all automatons and automaton-supporting folks, you may begin nationwide protests and demonstrations.

    The Griffin and Kryuger WayEstablish the JSDF T-Doll Service

    Exclusive with: The First Order Way

    Commonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event The Calming
    We have been reviewing a lot of proposals on how best to combat this crisis, and one of them is about adopting Griffin and Kryuger's way of having T-Dolls in their ranks. To make the summary short, all the T-Dolls under Griffin and Kryuger's employ happen to have the same rights as organic personnel and it really shows. We might as well adopt G&K's way, that is.

    To all automatons and automaton-loving folks, you can now cry in gladness about this.

    Funds for the SSABThe Fine Additions to the CollectionsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Additional Funds for the SSAB
    The Special Sword Administration Bureau has been doing quite well despite what happened in Operation Sovereign Justice and the One Sith War. However, the aradama were all being gigantic a-holes and usually wreck havoc every time. Even worse is that the SSAB's Storm Armor (or S-Equipment) lasts only for an hour even with rechargable batteries. Well okay we will provide additional funds for the SSAB to collect so they will refine their Storm Armor.Esoteric MaterialsFunds for the SSABCommonwealth of Japan:
    • 2x 100% research bonus for thaumaturgical improvements
    • 2x 100% research bonus for Storm Armor improvements
    • 2x 100% research bonus for Storm Armor
    • 2x 100% research bonus for paratechnological improvements
    While they were busy refining the Storm Armor, the Federal Institute for the Study of Thaumaturgy has offered to us esoteric materials for free. The reason? Grand Marshal Borealis III has ordered the FIST to deliver said materials to us so that the SSAB will be able to improve those stuffs; the NSC bankrolled FIST to do so.Debates on the TojisEsoteric MaterialsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event The Great Toji Debates
    • Unlocks the Roles of the Toji Decision branch
      • Unlocks Decision: Joint Roles for the Tojis
      • Unlocks Decision: Defensive Roles for the Tojis
      • Unlocks Decision: Military Roles for the Tojis
      • Unlocks Decision: Socioreligious Roles for the Tojis
    A lot of civilians and personnel began talking about the future of the Tojis themselves, and we are unsure on what roles they will have. People wants them to take defensive roles, military wants to give them active combat roles, religious folks wants them to have socioreligious roles, and finally some voidwalkers want joint roles. We'll gather the various parties at the National Diet for the great debates; Grand Marshal Borealis III will also be involved, and he'll be the one to choose which roles will the Tojis have.Expand the Special Sword Administration BureauDebates on the TojisCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Modifies national spirit The Special Sword Administration Bureau with (Stability: +5.00%, 50%research bonus)
    • Proportional GDP cost: -7.50%
    • Gets event The Earthborn Techs Experience: Novayans Lose Consciousness Live!
    We have decided that the expansion of the Special Sword Administration Bureau is necessary to make it more functional and flexible. An entire civil-military staff dedicated to handling anti-aradama operations being expanded, a few labs dedicated to the construction of new Storm Armor built, and military-grade gadgets (like the HoloLens-based Integrated Visual Augmentation System equipment) for the Tojis to use.

    NOTE FROM GENERALFELDMARSCHALL FREDERICK SCHORNER: "Why didn't we all think of developing these kinds of gadgets?! Several of the NSC Army's core armies have fallen behind and were already getting their gears together, but now I see why the Novayan Army has fallen very far behind, even with all the technologically cautious stance of theirs - they didn't even think developing high-tech headsets! We REALLY need to get some priests to invent these things for us."

    NOTE FROM CAPTAIN 1ST RANK WILHELMINA HEINRIKE VON GEBAUER: "Exactly, Herr Schorner. Well okay, looks like we need more priests to invent all these high-tech headgears for us - it's all there in the Aagiokratia's books somewhere."

    NOTE FROM VICE ADMIRAL USHANKA ZOBOROV: "How is it Eon-U 5SB144 and we haven't invented the high-tech headgears yet?! Please! We're so far behind! This Worm-damned technologically cautious mindset is holding us back!"

    The Aerasian Expeditionary ForceThe Fine Additions to the CollectionsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event The Aerasian Expeditionary Force
    We will begin discussing on the Aerasian Expeditionary Force, an Aversarian-led expeditionary force from the continental world of Aeras. Composed of Aversarians, Sjalvolki, Adabyans, Marchers and several others, these are very medieval and tribal in nature but they have different magic systems, exclusive only to Aerasians. We all know that Nicenea 'the Black Sun', the daughter of Nicanoneus the Black Sun, is the leader of this expeditionary force that had just recently arrived.Stations for the Aerasian Expeditionary ForceThe Aerasian Expeditionary ForceNations of Aeras:
    • Gets military access from Commonwealth of Japan
    Nicenea is very adamant that the Aerasians have military access, less because the Aerasians want to have the same things but more because Nicenea herself is supposed to be under the leadership of Grand Marshal Borealis III, who commands the Novayan Expeditionary Force. Well okay, they can stay.The Terrans
    FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionRebuilding JapanDomestic AffairsCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Preparing for Reconstruction
    The recent wars and events of yesteryear and this year - the Arume invasion of Earth, Ra's attempts to annihilate a woman and a human-looking alien (literally), the emergence of Exegol-2 and the One Sith War - have caused quite a disruption here, not to mention that Japan got badly hit by the Godom Air Force and Navy in spite of the efforts of Novaya, Asian, American, and Japanese forces beating back the odds even before reinforcements arrive to destroy the besiegers besieging Japan. As if to cause us more problems the Shinomiya affairs undo whatever reconstruction efforts we contribute.

    This will not stand. As of today, the Military Staff Committee of the Grand Marshal will be ordering all remaining NSC military units awaiting withdrawal throughout Japan to change mission and assist in reconstruction efforts. Any tools, equipment, raw materials, resources and materials needed will be sent forth to help rebuild as well as rebuilding factories and roads (and even build new ones at that), financial aid be distributed to those who lost all their livelihoods, and camps, vessels (including those from the Traktionstadtfoederation-Armee-Marine's present naval groups) and starships will house the displaced temporarily. We will be able to resettle the people and get the factories, roads and transit networks up and running again.

    ...we're still an imitation of the Russian People's Union from TNO again, yes?

    Taking InventoryRebuilding JapanCommonwealth of Japan:
    • 300K amount of Godom Empire Infantry Equipment will be added to the national stockpile.
    • 20K amount of Godom Empire Anti-Tank Equipment will be added to the national stockpile.
    • 15K amount of Godom Empire Anti-Air Equipment will be added to the national stockpile.
    • 12K amount of Godom Empire APCs and IFVs will be added to the national stockpile.
    • 381 amount of Godom Empire MBTs will be added to the national stockpile.
    • 216 amount of Godom Empire Self-Propelled Artillery will be added to the national stockpile.
    • 500K amount of Sith Godom Empire Infantry Equipment will be added to the national stockpile.
    • 10K amount of Sith Godom Enpire Anti-Tank Equipment will be added to the national stockpile.
    • 5K amount of Sith Godom Empire Anti-Air Equipment will be added to the national stockpile.
    • 250 amount of Sith Godom Empire All-Terrain Combat Vehicles will be added to the national stockpile.
    We still have a lot of leftovers from the Godom War, what with all the Godom Empire and Sith Godom Empire's military equipment being the leftovers here. Grand Marshal Borealis III has ordered that all these stuffs are to be added to the national stockpile. Who knows when will they be needed for another war?Increase Reconstruction EffortsTaking InventoryCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gains national spirit Increased Reconstruction Efforts which grants (Construction speed: +15.00%, Production Efficiency growth: +10.00%, Factory Repair speed: +50.00%) for 730 days.
    • Removes No Unemployment Subsidies
    • Changes Unemployment Law to Low Unemployment Subsidies which grants (Proportional GDP cost: -6.00%)
    • Random owned controlled states: Adds 1 infrastructure
    Okay, we are now seeing progress. Reconstruction efforts are going on nicely, but it is taking very much longer than expected. Cities were still in ruins, the rural areas got absolutely whacked beyond the grave, lack of infrastructure into and through them also got bombed, and even the mines were closed or bombed to heck! Even worse, over half of the expenditures were for reconstruction of roads and other infrastructure, and even not meeting the people's needs!

    It is time we get them up and running by redoubling our efforts, then! Mining companies and communities from certain parts of the Void are gathering to help reopen and rebuild those mines, cargo companies were also brought in to provide much needed resources, tools, equipment, raw materials and manpower to assist in reconstruction, and even some karakals from the Kerstien system also joined in to help out! Even funding and manpower were increased for this! Now this is team work!

    The Best and Brightest FolksTaking InventoryCommonwealth of Japan:
    • The Academic Base Societal Development will begin to improve.
    History always shows everyone that better technology and knowledge always wins. Like how Lord Admiral Borealis I secretly sent some guy to the Ottomans (despite Mehmed II's respect for the Byzantines) to build big-as-heck cannons that blasted Constantinople just because there are some significant Sith presence there, the Brits colonizing Africa, and even people who did their studies long enough to be intelligent. Let's get all the best and brightest folks and give them all the resources needed (while under surveillance, of course) to help rebuild Japan!Temporary Fully-Controlled EconomyTaking InventoryCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Removes Civilian Economy or Early Mobilization
    • Changes Economic Focus Law to War Economy which grants (Consumer Goods factories: 5.00%, Production Efficiency cap: +5.00%, Factory output: +10.00%, Dockyard output: +10.00%, Military Factory construction speed: +30.00%, Civilian Factory construction speed: +20.00%)
    Reconstruction is going fine as clear as day, but unfortunately that is still not enough. We need to produce so many stuffs needed for the reconstruction efforts. The Military Staff Committee has ordered us to temporarily and fully control the economy so that we may be able to get all the resources, materials, equipment and tools needed for the Japanese reconstruction efforts.
    FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionEstablish the COVID-14 Containment and Research Task ForceNoneCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Formation of the COVID-14 Containment and Research Task Force
    We will have to reestablish the previous COVID-14 containment and research agency that Gan'an and his cronies shut down while we weren't looking.Vaccinations are Optional!Establish the COVID-14 Containment and Research Task ForceCommonwealth of Japan:
    • Gets event Optional Vaccinations
    • Gains national spirit Optional Vaccinations which grants (Weekly stability: +0.10%
    We've been told of horrific abuses of power through vaccinations, and we can tell they are tearing the community apart. This is something even the Travelers of the Void condemned, as mandatory vaccinations is just the death penalty for government support.
    Shinomiya Affairs focus tree (2024)


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