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Addressing Gaps in the Maturity of Judgment Literature:Age Differences and Delinquency

Kathryn Lynn Modecki

Published online: 2 June 2007

� American Psychology-Law Society/Division 41 of the American Psychological Association 2007

Abstract Over the past decade, a majority of states have

legislated to expand their capacity to try adolescents as

adults [Griffin (2003). Trying and sentencing juveniles as

adults: An analysis of state transfer and blended sentencing

laws. Pittsburgh, PA: National Center for Juvenile Justice].

In response, researchers have investigated factors that may

affect adolescent culpability [Steinberg and Scott (Am

Psychol 58(12):1009–1018, 2003)]. Research on immature

judgment posits that psychosocial influences on adolescent

decision processes results in reduced criminal responsibil-

ity [Cauffman and Steinberg (Behav Sci Law 18(6):741–

760, 2000); Scott, Reppucci, and Woolard (Law Hum

Behav 19(3):221–244, 1995); Steinberg and Cauffman

(Law Hum Behav 20(3):249–272, 1996)]. The current

study utilizes hypothetical vignettes and standardized

measures of maturity of judgment (responsibility, temper-

ance, and perspective) to examine gaps in previous matu-

rity of judgment findings (Cauffman and Steinberg 2000).

This work suggests that adolescents (ages 14–17) display

less responsibility and perspective relative to college stu-

dents (ages 18–21), young-adults (ages 22–27), and adults

(ages 28–40). Further, this research finds no maturity of

judgment differences between delinquent and non-delin-

quent youth, but does find significant maturity of judgment

differences between high and low delinquency male youth.

Finally, results show that maturity of judgment predicts

self-reported delinquency beyond the contributions of age,

gender, race, education level, SES, and antisocial decision

making. Implications for the juvenile justice system are


Keywords Adolescents � Maturity of judgment �Decision making � Juvenile justice � Delinquency �Adolescent and adult differences

The Supreme Court recently ruled that the juvenile death

penalty was ‘‘cruel and unusual punishment’’ in Roper v.

Simmons (No. 03-633). Yet voters continue to advocate

juvenile punishment over rehabilitation (Griffin 2003)

based on the notion that an adult crime compels an adult

punishment (Scott and Grisso 1997). Lawmakers may

justify punitive trends based on their belief that adolescents

have adequate moral judgment and self-control to be held

fully culpable for their crimes (Scott and Grisso 1997). In

contrast, numerous developmental theorists maintain that

adolescents, ages 13–18, may lack the judgmental maturity

to make decisions based on their own inclinations and

principles (e.g., Reppucci 1999; Scott et al. 1995; Steinberg

and Cauffman 1996). Further, adolescent inclinations and

principles may differ from those of adults and thus may be

considered ‘‘misguided.’’ The maturity of judgment per-

spective argues that adolescents are confronted with psy-

chosocial factors (i.e., emotional and social influences)

(Cauffman 1996) that are unique to their developmental

period (Scott and Woolard 2004). These psychosocial

influences contribute to immature judgment, which affects

adolescent decision making, particularly in antisocial

contexts (Cauffman 1996). Accordingly, due to immaturity

of judgment, adolescents’ antisocial decisions should be

viewed through a lens of mitigated criminal culpability

(Scott et al. 1995; Steinberg and Scott 2003).

This research was conducted in partial fulfillment of the M.A degree

in Psychology from the University of New Hampshire.

K. L. Modecki (&)

Psychology, University of New Hampshire, Conant Hall, 10

Library Way, Durham, NH 03824, USA

e-mail: [emailprotected]


Law Hum Behav (2008) 32:78–91

DOI 10.1007/s10979-007-9087-7

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Although several landmark empirical studies have

investigated adolescent maturity of judgment in relation to

antisocial decision making (e.g., Cauffman and Steinberg

2000; Fried and Reppucci 2001), this work has compared

adolescents to college students or has lacked age-based

contrasts beyond age 18. Yet physiological research sug-

gests that age-based brain maturation, which may be linked

to maturity of judgment factors (Bennett and Baird in press),

does not occur until the early twenties (Sowell et al. 2001).

Thus, college students may not be equipped for mature

judgment themselves. Further, although preliminary work

has linked adolescent immature judgment to antisocial

decision making, this work has lacked measures of criminal

involvement, such as self-report delinquency (Cauffman and

Steinberg 2000). Finally, although the maturity of judgment

perspective suggests that adolescent offending may be ac-

counted for, in part, by immature judgment (Cauffman and

Steinberg 2000), only two studies have investigated maturity

of judgment in delinquent youth (Fried and Reppucci 2001;

Grisso et al. 2003). The aim of the current study is to address

these gaps in previous maturity of judgment research.

Juvenile crime, physiology, and maturity of judgment

literature will be reviewed within the framework of

extending past maturity of judgment research.

Juvenile Crime

In recent years, juvenile crime has been approached from an

increasingly punitive direction, as evidenced by increased

transfers of juveniles to criminal court and increased formal

processing of juveniles within the justice system. This

punishment perspective is based on the assumption that

adolescents are sufficiently mature and should be held fully

accountable for their crimes (Slobogin 1999; Steinberg and

Cauffman 1996). However, some authors argue that the

juvenile justice system was created based on an altogether

different idea: adolescents and adults differ in maturity

(Scott and Grisso 1997). Yet this view has increasingly been

called into question, since the Supreme Court ruling, In Re

Gault, in 1967 (Scott and Grisso 1997).

Although rehabilitative efforts continue to exist, since

1967 courts have held adolescents increasingly liable for

their crimes (Scott and Grisso 1997). Between 1987 and

1994, there was a 73% increase in the number of juvenile

cases waived to adult court (Snyder and Sickmund 1999).

Today, over 200,000 adolescents are tried in criminal court

annually (Allard and Young 2002).

At the same time, the juvenile court system’s caseload

has grown overloaded in recent years (Snyder and Sick-

mund 1999). The court’s inundation is the result not only of

increased juvenile crime, but also increased prosecution of

juvenile crime (Snyder 2003). For instance, between 1987

and 1996 there was a 78% increase in formal processing of

delinquency cases (Stahl 1999). Currently one in five

juveniles who encounter police for delinquent behavior is

processed through the legal system (Snyder and Sickmund


The punitive orientation towards adolescent offending is

particularly striking given that most adolescents will par-

ticipate in at least a few delinquent acts, such as drug use,

school truancy, vandalism, or petty theft (Moffit 1993). In

fact, problem behavior is considered by some theorists to

be a distinctive component of adolescent development

(Baumrind 1987; Moffitt 1993). Many developmental

researchers consider moderate amounts of delinquent

behavior to be typical for adolescents, who attempt to gain

adult-like status through risk-taking behavior (e.g., Moffitt

1993). For most adolescents, delinquency desists on its

own, potentially precipitated by the maturation process

(Moffit 1993; Scott and Grisso 1997).

Moffitt’s (1993) work is consistent with the aggregate

age curve in offending that is seen across cultures and

countries (Gottfredson and Hirshi 1990). In general, the age

curve shows crime rates escalating rapidly between ages 14

and 15, topping out between ages 16 and 20, and promptly

deescalating (Farrington 1986). Although this curve is an

aggregate and not all individuals show desistance, this

criminological trend seems to reflect adolescents’ natural

maturation. However, proponents of adult criminal sanc-

tions and formal processing argue that adolescent decision

making skills are mature enough both to commit crimes and

to pay serious consequences for such decisions (Scott and

Grisso 1997; Scott et al. 1995). Thus empirical work that

investigates judgmental maturity in relation to antisocial

decision making is germane to arguments that both support

and oppose reduced criminal culpability for adolescents.

Physiological Research

Recent physiological research offers some support for the

hypothesis that adolescent judgment may be relatively

immature as compared to adults. Although this work is in

its initial stages, research suggests that adolescents and

college-aged individuals may have yet to fully develop

neurologically (Bennett and Baird in press; Sowell et al.

1999) and thus may not be equipped for mature judgment.

Brain maturation between adolescence and young adult-

hood has been spatially and temporally mapped using MRI

imaging, indicating that the brain may not mature to adult

capacity until the early twenties (Giedd et al. 1999; Reiss

et al. 1996). This research shows that the brain is signifi-

cantly remodeled during adolescence, which may lead to

increased emotion in information encoding and decision

making (Spear 2000; Yurgelun-Todd 2002). The adolescent

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pre-frontal cortex, an area involved in goal-directed

behaviors and emotional processing, is altered appreciably

during this time (Spear 2000). In addition, the frontal lobe,

a region typically utilized by adults for decision processing,

may not reach full maturity until the early twenties (Davies

and Rose 1999). As a surrogate, adolescents may utilize

the basal ganglia for decision processing (Yurgelun-Todd

et al. 2003). This area, part of the amygdala, is frequently

associated with emotion. As adolescent physiological

development favors more emotional processing, such

changes may well be associated with immature judgment.

It is important to note, however, that much work remains to

be realized in this area. Indeed longitudinal research is

currently underway that attempts to link these two devel-

opmental trajectories (T. Grisso, personal communication,

March 9, 2006).

Maturity of Judgment

Although research associating physiological development

and maturity of judgment is only in its initial stage,

developmental research suggests that adolescents’ decision

processes are unduly affected by a variety of social and

environmental factors (Scott et al. 1995). For instance,

adolescent risk decisions are influenced by social pressure,

emotional experiences, and peer norms (Steinberg and

Cauffman 1996). Although adults may experience these

psychosocial factors, adult decisions are thought to reflect

their own choices and preferences, whereas adolescent

choices may not (Steinberg and Scott 2003). The term

‘‘maturity of judgment’’ has been coined to reflect the

influence of such psychosocial factors on the cognitive

decision process (Cauffman and Steinberg 1995; Steinberg

and Cauffman 1996).

Past research has varied in its operationalization of

maturity of judgment. The Scott et al. (1995) judgment

framework encompasses decreased risk perception and fu-

ture-time perspective, and increased peer influence. Stein-

berg and Cauffman (1996) posit that three more general

factors may comprise maturity of judgment and thus affect

adolescent decision making: responsibility (the ability to act

independently and to be self-sufficient), temperance (the

ability to evaluate a situation before acting), and perspective

(the ability to consider different viewpoints when making

decisions) (Steinberg and Cauffman 1996; Cauffman and

Steinberg 2000). The current study is based on the later,

more expansive maturity of judgment framework of

responsibility, temperance, and perspective.

In all, factors of maturity of judgment have been con-

ceptualized as dispositions that interact with decision

contexts; thus an individual’s judgmental maturity may

vary from one circ*mstance to the next (Steinberg and

Cauffman 1996). However, adolescents are especially

likely to face risky choices (Baumrind 1987), wherein peer

norms, sensation seeking, and future time perspective may

unduly affect their decision processes (Scott and Grisso

1997). Consequently, maturity of judgment is most ger-

mane to such risk-laden contexts.

Thus, maturity of judgment research informs the on-

going legislative debate regarding adolescent culpability

(Steinberg and Cauffman 1996), based on the thesis that

without mature, competent decision making, adolescents

should not be held as accountable as adults for their crimes

(Woolard et al. 1996). However, the maturity of judgment

perspective suggests a developmental inclination towards

immature reasoning in antisocial decisions making; this

perspective does not argue for a lack of criminal culpability

(Steinberg and Scott 2003). Instead, maturity of judgment

suggests reduced culpability based on developmental dif-

ferences between adolescent and adult antisocial decision

making (Cauffman and Steinberg 2000). Further, this per-

spective acknowledges significant within group variability,

such that individual adolescents may display judgment that

is relatively mature and such that individual adults may

display judgment that is relatively immature (Cauffman

and Steinberg 2000).

Next Steps

Social science research has only recently focused

empirically on maturity of judgment and its influence on

adolescent decision making (Fried and Reppucci 2001;

Grisso et al. 2003; Woolard et al. 2001). While a number

of empirical works have provided significant grounding

within the maturity of judgment framework several

gaps remain, a number of which the current study seeks

to fill.

The first gap in previous maturity of judgment research

is a lack of adult judgment comparisons. For instance,

Cauffman and Steinberg’s (2000) landmark research on

maturity of judgment suggests that maturity of judgment

predicts antisocial decision making and that adolescents are

less psychosocially mature and more likely to make anti-

social decisions than college students. Yet physiological

research suggests that college-aged individuals themselves

may continue to undergo brain-based maturation that could

conceivably be linked to immature judgment (Bennett and

Baird in press). Thus, inclusion of samples beyond college

age is central to informing questions of maturation beyond

adolescence. In addition, Cauffman and Steinberg found

that antisocial decision making remains relatively stable

after age 19. Yet it is unclear whether this result is due to

their college-student sample, which had a mean age of 25.

Both physiological (Giedd et al. 1999; Reiss et al. 1996)

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and sociological (Farrington 1986) research would suggest

that antisocial decision making should continue to decline

for many individuals through the early twenties. Thus, one

direction for future research includes investigating maturity

of judgment in adult samples beyond the age of 25.

A second gap in current adolescent maturity of judgment

literature is a need for indices of criminal involvement. For

instance, past work has utilized antisocial decision making

vignettes that are couched in psychosocial contexts to as-

sess decision outcomes (Cauffman and Steinberg 2000).

However, because the maturity of judgment perspective

attempts to account for age-based differences in crime

(Steinberg and Cauffman 1996), maturity of judgment re-

search should also focus on involvement in illegal acts.

Responses to decision making vignettes may be correlated

with engagement in delinquent acts, but empirical evidence

in this area has been inconsistent. For instance, in a study

comparing judgment factors in adolescents and adults in

pre-trial detention, a different pattern of results was found

for hypothetical peer-focuses vignettes versus what indi-

viduals stated that they, themselves, would do (Schmidt

et al. 2003). Age did predict recommendations to a peer

regarding communication with an attorney, but did not

predict participant self-reports regarding their own com-

munication with an attorney. Thus, future research would

benefit from self-report measures of delinquency, in addi-

tion to antisocial decision making vignettes.

A third gap of critical interest to maturity of judgment

research involves adolescent within-group variability. De-

tained adolescents, those individuals who are most likely to

come before the courts and who are most affected by ques-

tions of criminal culpability, are often excluded from

empirical decision making research (Mulvey and Peeples

1996). Normative adolescent samples are useful for making

age-based judgment comparisons with normative adults

(Woolard et al. 1996). However, inclusion of institutional-

ized delinquent samples would allow for maturity of judg-

ment comparisons that reflect within-group differences,

potentially based on delinquency status (Grisso 1996; Mul-

vey and Peeples 1996; Woolard et al.), though few studies to

date do so (Fried and Reppucci 2001; Steinberg et al. 2003)

Only a single study has investigated the relation between

psychosocial judgment factors and antisocial decisions in

detained and non-detained adolescents (Fried and Reppucci

2001). This work, based on a sample of 56 adolescents,

found that delinquent youth displayed increased future-

orientation and diminished peer influence as compared to

their non-detained peers, but found no differences in risk

perception. Yet these findings are of questionable gener-

alizability based on the study’s small sample size.

A more extensive study included measures of psycho-

social judgment factors in detained and non-detained

adolescents and adults, although this work investigated

competence to stand trial, as compared to antisocial deci-

sion making (Steinberg et al. 2003). Research based on 927

adolescents in juvenile detention facilities and community

settings and 466 young adults in jails and the community,

found that judgment factors affected individuals’ func-

tioning as defendants, regardless of their detained status.

While this work is highly comprehensive in its sampling,

the investigational focus does not allow for a comparison

of maturity of judgment factors between adolescent groups,

nor does this work examine the relation between maturity

of judgment factors and antisocial decision making.

The present study speaks to these gaps in the literature.

Based on recent physiological research (Bennett and Baird

in press), college students should display more mature

judgment than adolescents, but less mature judgment than

young-adults and adults. Similar age-based differences

should be found for antisocial decision making (Cauffman

and Steinberg 2000) and delinquency, such that adolescents

are most likely to engage in antisocial decisions and

delinquency, followed by college-student, young-adults,

and adults. Since past research suggests that maturity of

judgment predicts antisocial decision making as measured

by vignettes (Cauffman and Steinberg 2000), it is hypoth-

esized that maturity of judgment will predict self-report

delinquency scores above and beyond antisocial decision

making. Finally, the current study compares male adoles-

cent and delinquent youth samples on facets of maturity of

judgment. It is hypothesized that delinquent youth will

display less mature judgment than male adolescents.



The current study consisted of five samples: adolescent,

college-student, young-adult, adult, and delinquent indi-

viduals. The samples differed in terms of their population

characteristics: the adolescent sample was drawn from a

high school, the college students from a state university,

the young-adult and adult samples were drawn from a

community sample collected by undergraduate researchers,

and the delinquent youth were drawn from a state juvenile

delinquent facility. Thus, the groups may have differed in

terms of eligibility to attend post-secondary education. In

order to minimize such differences between groups, the

analyses in set one included only adolescents with a C

average or above (n = 9 excluded). Young-adult and adult

individuals with lower education levels were not excluded,

as inclusion of these individuals might provide a lower

threshold for comparing adolescents’ relative immaturity.

The adolescent sample (ages 14–17) consisted of 56 male

(Mage = 16.00; SD = 1.09) and 80 female (Mage = 15.71;

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SD = 1.16) students enrolled in an urban public high school.

As seen in Table 1, socioeconomic status (SES), as mea-

sured by parents education level, was high school or less

(30.1% mothers, 31.3% fathers), college degree or some

college (49.1% mothers, 47.9% fathers), and graduate

school (20.9% mothers, 20.9% fathers). The adolescent

participants were freshman (37.0%), sophom*ores (5.5%),

juniors (33.5%), and seniors (23.8%). Grades for the last full

year completed in high school (average grade) was all A’s

(15.1%), A’s and B’s (54.2%), all B’s (5.4%), B’s and C’s

(22.3%), and all C’s (3%). The high school was selected

based on its socioeconomic diversity and it status as the main

school district associated with the delinquent facility. All

students present in selected classes on the day of the survey

participated in the study. Classes were chosen to incorporate

students with a wide-range of academic abilities.

The college student sample (ages 18–21) consisted of

116 male (Mage = 18.71; SD = .93) and 139 female

(Mage = 18.33; SD = .74) college undergraduates who

participated in the research for course credit. SES was high

school or less (25.1% mothers, 22.3% fathers), college

degree or some college (54.9% mothers, 55.9% fathers),

and graduate school (20.0% mothers, 21.8% fathers). The

college participants were freshman (78.2%), sophom*ores

(14.1%), juniors (6.0%), and seniors (1.6%). Grades for the

last full year completed in high school (average grade) was

all A’s (17.8%), A’s and B’s (64.0%), all B’s (7.1%), B’s

and C’s (10.7%), and all C’s (0%). The undergraduates

attended the largest public university in the same north-

eastern state from which the adolescent and delinquent

samples were drawn.

The young-adult sample (ages 22–27) consisted of 73

male (Mage = 24.35; SD = 1.75) and 72 female

(Mage = 23.91; SD = 1.90) participants. Education level

for the young-adult participants was less than high school

(5.0%), high school (38.3%) some college (48.2%), college

degree (5.7%) and some graduate school (2.8%).

The adult sample (ages 28–40) consisted of 71 male

(Mage = 34.19; SD = 4.27) and 75 female (Mage = 34.23;

SD = 3.87) participants. Education level for the adult

participants was less than high school (9.6%), high school

(18.5%) some college (43.2%), college degree (12.3%) and

some graduate school (16.4%).

Both the young-adult and adult samples were attained as

an upper-level undergraduate class research project,

wherein students were each assigned to distribute surveys

to 10 willing adults between the ages of 22 and 40. The

majority of young-adult and adult participants were rela-

tives, co-workers, bosses, and teachers associated with the

undergraduate researchers.

The male adolescent sample (ages 14–17) consisted of

61 male (Mage = 16.00; SD = 1.08) students enrolled in an

urban public high school. The male adolescent sample was

taken from the larger adolescent sample used above.

However, this sample included adolescents with less than a

C average. As seen in Table 2, SES as measured by parents

education level was high school or less (27.6% mothers,

30.5% fathers), college degree or some college (62.1%

mothers, 52.5% fathers), and graduate school (10.3%

mothers, 17.0% fathers). The adolescent male participants

were freshman (24.0%), sophom*ores (10.2%), juniors

(42.4%), and seniors (23.4%).

Finally, the delinquent sample consisted of 91 male

youth (ages 14–17, Mage = 15.67; SD = .75) detained in

the state delinquency facility. SES, as measured by parents

education level, was high school or less (79.9% mothers,

91.0% fathers), college degree or some college (15.7%

mothers, 6.8% fathers), and graduate school (4.4% moth-

ers, 2.2% fathers). The delinquent participants education

level was junior high school (6.7%), freshman (16.7%),

sophom*ore (40.0%), junior (25.6%), senior (5.6%), and

GED (5.4%) level.

As seen in Tables 1 and 2, the subjects’ race was pri-

marily Caucasian, a lack of racial diversity that is consis-

tent with the demographics of the New England state from

which the data were collected. Also seen in Table 1, for the

adult, young-adult, college, and adolescent samples, mul-

tivariate analysis of variance found significant differences

Table 1 Sample demographic information analysis set 1

Adolescent College student Young-adult Adult

Gender (% male) 41.2% 45.5% 50.3% 48.6%

Race (% Caucasian)* 91.1% 92.2% 93.0% 85.6%


% £ high school degree 35.2% 31.6% 5.3% 10.9%

% some college education 47.8% 44.6% 49.6% 28.9%

% college degree 7.3% 14.8% 42.1% 41.5%

% ‡ some graduate education 9.7% 9% 3% 18.7%

Note. SES is a proxy based on parents’ education level

* P £ .05

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in race and SES among groups. Thus these variables were

controlled in subsequent analyses. As seen in Table 2, for

the second set of analyses, comparing male adolescent and

delinquent groups, a multivariate analysis of variance

found significant differences in average grade, education

level, and SES. Thus, these variables were controlled

within this set of analyses.


Maturity of Judgment

Three factors employed by Cauffman and Steinberg (2000)

to assess psychosocial maturity (Cronbach a = .94) were

utilized. Responsibility was measured with the Psychoso-

cial Maturity Inventory (PSMI Form D; Greenberger et al.

1974), which consisted of 30 items such as ‘‘I often don’t

finish work I start’’, measured on a four-point Likert scale,

a = .88. Perspective was measured with the Consideration

of Future Consequences Scale (CFC) (Strathman et al.

1994) which consisted of 12 items, with responses indi-

cated on a five-point Likert scale. An example of items

included in this measure is: ‘‘I am willing to give up my

happiness right now in order to gain something in the fu-

ture.’’ Perspective was also measured via the Consideration

of Others subscale from the Weinberger Adjustment

Inventory (WAI; Weinberger and Schwartz 1990), which

consisted of seven questions, with responses indicated on a

five-point Likert scale. An example from this measure is:

‘‘I often go out of my way to do things for other people.’’

The two scales were transformed to standardized units and

averaged to generate a combined perspective measure that

was used in all analyses. For the combined perspective

measure, Cronbach’s a = .86. The final component of

maturity of judgment, temperance, was measured with two

subscales of the Weinberger Adjustment Inventory

(Weinberger and Schwartz 1990), Restraint and Impulse

Control, which were averaged to generate a combined

temperance measure. The Restraint sub-scale consisted of

seven items, such as ‘‘I say something mean to someone

who has upset me,’’ and the Impulse Control sub-scale,

which consisted of eight items, such as ‘‘I should try harder

to control myself when I’m having fun.’’ Responses from

both measures were indicated on a five-point Likert scale;

for the combined temperance measure, Cronbach’s a = .90.

A comprehensive measure of maturity of judgment was

Table 2 Sample demographic information analysis set 2

Male adolescent Delinquent youth

Mean age 16.00 (1.08) 15.67 (.75)

Race (% Caucasian) 90.2% 62%


% £ high school degree 38.2% 85.7%

% some college education 42.1% 11%

% college degree 10.7% 1.1%

% ‡ some graduate education 9% 2.2%

Average grades for most recent year in school*

All A’s 13.3% 0%

Primarily A’s and B’s 51.7% 15.9%

All B’s 6.7% 1.1%

Primarily B’s and C’s 16.7% 25.0%

All C’s 3.3% 3.4%

Primarily C’s and D’s 8.3% 14.8%

All D’s 0% 1.1%

Primarily D’s and F’s 0% 25%

All F’s 0% 12.5%

Highest grade-level completed in school*

9th grade 23.7% 17.9%

10th grade 10.2% 42.9%

11th grade 42.4% 27.4%

12th grade 22% 6%

GED 1.7% 1.2%

Note. SES is a proxy based on parents’ education level

* P < .05

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created by averaging scores across factors of responsibility,

temperance, and perspective, Cronbach’s a = .79.

Antisocial Decision Making

The antisocial decision making scale was utilized by

Cauffman and Steinberg (2000) to gauge antisocial deci-

sion making, based on the Youth Decision-Making Ques-

tionnaire (Ford et al. 1990), Cronbach’s a = .90. The

questionnaire included nine vignettes, five of which were

utilized in the present study. An example includes ‘‘You’re

out shopping with some of your close friends and they

decide to take some clothing without paying for it. You

don’t think it’s a good idea, but they say you should take

something too.’’ Each vignette was followed by three

consequence scenarios: ‘‘Suppose that nothing bad would

happen to you (such as getting arrested)’’ (no conse-

quences), Cronbach’s a = .74, ‘‘Suppose that you didn’t

know whether something bad would happen to you’’

(uncertain consequences), Cronbach’s a = .76, and ‘‘Sup-

pose that something bad would happen to you’’ (definite

consequences), Cronbach’s a = .76, followed by the like-

lihood of engaging in the antisocial act, measured on a

four-point scale.


The delinquency measure was based on the delinquency

component of the National Youth Longitudinal Survey

(USBLS, n.d.), Cronbach’s a = .92. This measure asked:

‘‘In the last year (12 months) have you ever,’’ and con-

sisted of 16 items that pertain to three different areas of

delinquency: stealing offenses, property offenses, and as-

sault offenses. Delinquent youth were asked to consider

their last 12 months outside of their institution. Responses

are indicated with Yes/No answers. Data from the measure

was rescaled to a 100 point continuum to create a total

delinquency score that was utilized in all analyses.


Appropriate IRB approval was obtained through the Uni-

versity. This approval allowed for passive consent from

parents of adolescent and delinquent participants.

For adolescents, permission was obtained from an urban

high school to survey students in a classes selected to in-

clude students on both lower and higher-level academic

tracks. Passive parental consent was obtained from the

youths’ parents and informed assent was obtained from the

adolescents. Students were told that their participation and

responses would not affect their academic status, and were

given a debriefing form upon completion of the survey.

College students participated in the experiment for class

credit. Students gave informed consent and were given a

debriefing form upon completion of the survey.

A community sample of young-adults and older adults

was obtained by assigning students in an upper level Psy-

chology class to survey 10 adults between the ages of 22

and 40 over the course of 2 weeks. The community sample

participants gave verbal consent and were given a

debriefing form upon completion of the survey.

The delinquent facility had custody of the program

youth; thus parental consent was not required. Nonetheless,

passive consent was obtained from the youths’ parents.

Informed assent was also obtained from the adolescents.

For the detained youth, each participant was given an as-

sent form, which was read aloud and explained. The

measures were administered to small groups of subjects

and read aloud as necessary, with an emphasis that par-

ticipation and responses would not affect legal status.

Youth were given a debriefing form upon completion of the



The analyses were first conducted utilizing data from

adolescent, college student, young-adult, and adult sam-

ples. These analyses focused on age-group and gender

differences in maturity of judgment, followed by age-group

and gender differences in antisocial decision making and

delinquency. Finally, hierarchical regression analyses were

employed to assess the predictive utility of maturity of

judgment on total delinquency, above and beyond age,

gender, race, education level, SES, and antisocial decision


The second segment of analyses focused on data from

male adolescents and delinquent youth. All adolescent

male participants were included in these analyses, regard-

less of school grades. Other age groups were not included

in these later analyses as they were expected to differ from

delinquents in a variety of ways (both age and delinquency)

which were beyond the scope of this research. This set of

analyses focused on delinquency group differences in

maturity of judgment, and the predictive utility of maturity

of judgment on total delinquency, above and beyond age,

race, average grades, education level, SES, and antisocial

decision making.

Gap 1: Adolescent vs. College Student, Young-Adult

and Adult Samples

First, age-group and gender differences on components of

maturity of judgment were assessed. Thus, a 4 · 2 MAN-

COVA was conducted, utilizing age-group (adolescent,

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college student, young-adult or adult) and gender as the

independent variables, components of maturity of judg-

ment (responsibility, temperance, and perspective) as the

dependent variables, and race, education level, and SES as

the covariates. Maturity of judgment was significantly re-

lated to age-group, although the strength of this association

was small (multivariate F(9, 1863) = 3.91, Pillai’s

Trace = .06, p < .001, g2 = .02). Significant univariate

differences were found for responsibility (F(3,

621) = 7.02, P < .001, g2 = .03) and perspective (F(3,

621) = 6.63, P < .001, g2 = .03), but not for temperance

(F(3, 621) = 2.51, ns, g2 = .01). As seen in Table 3, pair-

wise comparisons indicated age-based differences between

adolescents versus college students, young-adults, and

adults on responsibility and perspective, such that adoles-

cents displayed less responsibility and perspective than the

older age-groups. Further, on measures of temperance,

adults were significantly more mature than young-adults,

college students, and adolescents. Components of maturity

of judgment were also significantly related to gender, al-

though this association was small, as well (multivariate

F(3, 619) = 13.97, Pillai’s Trace = .06, P < .001,

g2 = .06). Females showed greater responsibility (univari-

ate F(1, 621) = 9.46, P < .01, g2 = .01), temperance (uni-

variate F(1, 621) = 30.64, P < .001, g2 = .05), and

perspective (univariate F(1, 621) = 30.86, P < .001,

g2 = .05) than males. However, maturity of judgment was

not significantly related to the interaction between age-

group and gender (multivariate F(9, 1863) = 1.37, Pillai’s

Trace = .02, ns, g2 = .01).

Next, age-group and gender differences on antisocial

decision making and delinquency scores were examined.

First, in order to assess age-group and gender differences

on each of the antisocial decision scenarios, a 4 · 2

MANCOVA was conducted. Age-group (adolescent, col-

lege student, young-adult or adult) and gender were utilized

as the independent variables, decision making scenarios

(responses to antisocial vignettes with no consequences,

uncertain consequences, and definite consequences) as the

dependent variables, and race, education level, and SES as

the covariates. Antisocial decision making was signifi-

cantly related to age group, although this association was

small (multivariate F(9, 1872) = 7.85, P < .001, Pillai’s

Trace = .11, g2 = .04). Univariate analyses indicated an

effect of age-group on the no consequence (F(3,

624) = 11.85, P < .001, g2 = .05), the uncertain conse-

quence (F(3, 624) = 16.59, P < .001, g2 = .07), and the

definite consequence (F(3, 624) = 11.38, P < .001,

g2 = .05) scenarios. Young-adults had the highest levels of

antisocial decision makings in the no and uncertain con-

sequence scenarios, whereas adolescents had the highest

level of antisocial decision making in the definite conse-

quence scenario. Pair-wise comparisons indicated that

adults were less likely to make antisocial decisions in the

no, uncertain, and definite consequence scenarios than any

of the younger age groups: adolescents, college students, or

young-adults. Further, adolescents were more likely to

make antisocial decisions than college students in the

definite consequence scenario (see Table 4). Antisocial

decision making also was significantly related to gender,

Table 3 Adjusted and unadjusted group means for components of maturity of judgment for adolescents, college students, young-adults, and


Maturity of judgment Group Mean Adjusted meana Pairwise comparisons significant at P < .05

Responsibility Adolescentb 2.68 2.68 College; young-adult; adult

Collegec 2.93 2.95 Adolescent

Young-adultd 2.92 2.91 Adolescent

Adulte 3.09 3.04 Adolescent

Temperance Adolescentb 3.21 3.22 Adult

Collegec 3.29 3.28 Adult

Young-adultd 3.28 3.30 Adult

Adulte 3.55 3.50 Adolescent; college; young-adult

Perspective Adolescentb 3.16 3.16 College; young-adult; adult

Collegec 3.44 3.46 Adolescent

Young-adultd 3.38 3.36 Adolescent

Adulte 3.52 3.45 Adolescent

a Mean adjusted for race, education level, and SESb n = 132c n = 244d n = 131e n = 125

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though this effect was small (F(3, 622) = 8.23, P < .001,

Pillai’s Trace = .04, g2 = .04). Univariate analyses indi-

cated an effect of gender on the no (F (1, 624) = 9.63,

P < .01, g2 = .02), uncertain (F (1, 624) = 17.50, P < .001,

g2 = .03), and definite (F (1, 624) = 23.66, P < .001,

g2 = .04) consequence scenarios, with females showing

less antisocial decision making in these contexts than

males. Antisocial decision making was not significantly

related to the interaction between age-group and gender

(multivariate F(9, 1872) = .85, Pillai’s Trace = .01, ns,

g2 = .00).

Gap 2: Delinquency Measure

To determine whether delinquency was significantly asso-

ciated with age-group and gender, a two-way analysis of

variance (ANCOVA) was conducted, utilizing age-group

(adolescent, college student, young-adult or adult) and

gender as the independent variables, total delinquency

score as the dependent variable, and race, education level,

and SES as the covariates. Delinquency was significantly

related to age-group, although the strength of this

association was small (univariate F(3, 624) = 12.59,

P < .001, g2 = .06). As seen in the bottom of Table 4,

pairwise comparisons indicated adults showed less delin-

quency than the adolescent, college student, and young-

adult samples, whereas young-adults showed less delin-

quency than adolescents or college students. Delinquency

was also significantly related to gender, though the strength

of this relation was small (univariate F(1, 624) = 27.19,

P < .001, g2 = .04), with females showing less delin-

quency than males. However, delinquency was not signif-

icantly related to the interaction between age-group and

gender (multivariate F(3, 624) = .21, ns, g2 = .00).

A final analysis assessed the predictive usefulness of

maturity of judgment on total delinquency, above and be-

yond age, gender, race, education level, SES, and antisocial

decision making. A hierarchical regression was conducted,

entering age, gender, race, education level, SES, and

antisocial decision making on step one and the composite

measure of maturity of judgment on step two. If age,

gender, race, education level, SES, and antisocial decision

making differences in delinquency were attributable to

differences in maturity of judgment, then any significant

Table 4 Adjusted and unadjusted group means for antisocial decision making components and delinquency for adolescents, college students,

young-adults, and adults

Antisocial decision making Group Mean Adjusted meana Pairwise comparisons significant at P < .05

No consequences Adolescentb 2.38 2.42 Adult

Collegec 2.53 2.56 Adult

Young-adultd 2.57 2.50 Adult

Adulte 2.13 2.11 Adolescent; college; young-adult

Uncertain consequences Adolescentb 2.05 2.09 Adult

Collegec 2.05 2.07 Adult

Young-adultd 2.14 2.10 Adult

Adulte 1.71 1.69 Adolescent; college; young-adult

Definite consequences Adolescentb 1.30 1.30 College; adult

Collegec 1.57 1.55 Adolescent; adult

Young-adultd 1.51 1.51 Adult

Adulte 1.60 1.63 Adolescent; college; young-adult

Delinquency Adolescentf 18.52 18.93 Young-adult; adult

Collegeg 17.26 17.48 Young-adult; adult

Young-adulth 12.83 12.67 Adolescent; college; adult

Adulti 10.27 8.64 Adolescent; college; young-adult

a Mean adjusted for race, education level, and SESb n = 132c n = 247d n = 130e n = 126f n = 133g n = 247h n = 131i n = 124

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effect at stage one should become non-significant at stage

two. As seen in Table 5, on step one, age, gender, race,

education level, SES, and antisocial decision making were

significant predictors of delinquency, with a moderate

relation between the variables (F(6, 624) = 43.84,

P < .001; Adjusted R2 = .29). Once maturity of judgment

was entered into the second step of the equation, maturity

of judgment, age, gender, and decision making were sig-

nificant, moderate to strong predictors of delinquency (F(7,

623) = 51.27, P < .001; Adjusted R2 = .36). However, re-

sults indicated that maturity of judgment (b = –.33) rather

than age (b = –.13), gender (b = –.09), or decision making

(b = .26), was the most powerful predictor of delinquency;

R2 = .30 for Step 1; DR2 = .07 for Step 2 (P < .001).

Gap 3: Adolescent vs. Delinquent Samples

The final set of analyses was based on two male adolescent

samples. One sample was drawn from the high school

group utilized above, with the exception that adolescents

with below a C average were included for this set. The

second sample consisted of male adjudicated adolescents

drawn from a state juvenile delinquency facility. In order to

assess delinquency group differences in maturity of judg-

ment, two analyses were conducted, one based on delin-

quency group (male adolescent or delinquent youth) and

the other based on cut-score delinquency group (low or

high). For the latter analysis, total delinquency scores were

used to form two cut-score delinquency groups, low

delinquent (MDelinquency = 23.45, SD = 14.92) and high

delinquent (MDelinquency = 80.64, SD = 12.35).

First, a t-test was run to confirm that total delinquency

score differed by delinquency group (male adolescent or

delinquent youth). Results suggested that male adolescents

(MDelinquency = 22.34, SD = 17.73) engaged in a signifi-

cantly fewer delinquent behaviors than delinquent youth

(MDelinquency = 73.30, SD = 20.70) (t(151) = –15.77,

P < .001). Next, to test whether maturity of judgment was

significantly related to delinquency group, a multivariate

analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was conducted, uti-

lizing delinquency group (male adolescent or delinquent

youth) as the independent variable, the three separate

components of maturity of judgment (responsibility, tem-

perance, perspective) as the dependent variables, and age,

race, average grade, education level, and SES as the co-

variates. Results indicated that maturity of judgment did

not significantly vary by delinquency group, (multivariate

F(3, 127) = 2.14, ns, Pillai’s Trace = .05, g2 = .05).

Due to significant within-group variation in delin-

quency, as seen in the standard deviations of the delin-

quency groups: male adolescent (SD = 17.73) and

delinquent youth (SD = 20.70), both groups were com-

bined to form two categories based on delinquency cut-

score. Those youth (whether high school youth or delin-

Table 5 Summary of hierarchical regression analyses for variables predicting total delinquency for adolescents, college students, young-adults,

and adults and male adolescents and delinquents

Variable Adolescents, college students, young-adults, and adults Male adolescents and delinquents


Step 1

Age –.28 .08 –.14* 2.17 2.49 .06

Gender –3.62 .93 –.13*

Race 1.54 .78 .07* –2.82 1.88 –.09

Average grade 4.04 .85 .31*

Education level –.03 .02 –.08* –3.88 1.78 –.16*

SES –.68 .31 –.08* –3.00 1.14 –.17*

Antisocial decision making 11.50 .96 .43* 20.67 2.9 .46*

Step 2

Age –.27 .08 –.13* 2.38 2.48 .07

Gender –2.34 .90 –.09*

Race 1.43 .74 .06 –2.96 1.87 –.09

Average grade 3.67 .87 .29*

Education level –.03 .02 –.06 –3.38 1.79 –.14

SES –.33 .29 –.04 –2.38 1.18 –.13*

Antisocial decision making 7.01 1.06 .26* 18.09 3.25 .40*

Maturity of judgment –7.69 .93 –.33* –5.69 3.31 –.14

Note. Average grade is scored such that higher grades are equated with lower numbers. SES is a proxy based on parents’ education level

* P < .05

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quent) with delinquency scores above the 50th percentile

were labeled high delinquent and those youth (whether

high school youth or delinquent) with delinquency scores

below the 50th percentile were labeled low delinquent.

To test whether maturity of judgment was significantly

related to cut-score delinquency group, a multivariate

analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was conducted, uti-

lizing cut-score delinquency group (low or high) as the

independent variable, the three separate components of

maturity of judgment (responsibility, temperance, per-

spective) as the dependent variables, and age, race, average

grades, education level, and SES as the covariates. Overall

maturity of judgment was related to delinquency group,

although the strength of this association was small (mul-

tivariate F(3, 121) = 5.78, P = .001, Pillai’s Trace = .13,

g2 = .13). As seen in Table 6, univariate analyses indicated

an effect of delinquency group on temperance (F(1,

123) = 16.64, P < .001, g2 = .12) and perspective (F(1,

123) = 6.35, P < .05, g2 = .05), such that low delinquency

youth displayed higher temperance and perspective than

high delinquency youth.

The final analysis assessed the predictive usefulness of

maturity of judgment on total delinquency. A hierarchical

regression was conducted, entering age, race, average

grade, education level, SES, and antisocial decision making

on step one, the composite measure of maturity of judg-

ment on step two, and total delinquency as the dependent

variable. If age, race, average grade, grade level, SES, and

antisocial decision making differences were attributable to

differences in maturity of judgment, then any significant

effect at step one should become non-significant at step

two. As seen in Table 5, on step one, average grade, grade

level, SES, and antisocial decision making were significant

predictors of total delinquency (F(6, 129) = 31.13,

P < .001; Adjusted R2 = .57). However, once maturity of

judgment was entered into the second step of the equation,

only average grade, SES, and antisocial decision making

were significant predictors of delinquency (F(7,

128) = 27.50, P < .001; Adjusted R2 = .58).


The present study extends previous findings of age-based

differences in maturity of judgment, linking immature

judgment to antisocial decision making and delinquency

in male and female adolescents, college students, young-

adults, and adults, and male delinquents. Results suggest

that adolescents are less mature on the judgment factors

of responsibility and perspective relative to college stu-

dents, young-adults, and adults. Further, maturity of

judgment predicted total delinquency beyond the contri-

butions of age, gender, race, education level, SES, and

antisocial decision making. In addition, findings suggest

there are no significant maturity of judgment differences

between incarcerated delinquent and non-delinquent

youth. However, in a sample of male high school

students and incarcerated delinquents, low and high

Table 6 Adjusted and unadjusted group means for maturity of judgment components for male adolescent and delinquent youth and low and high

delinquency groups

Maturity of judgment component Group Mean Adjusted meana

Responsibility Male adolescentb 2.49 2.14 a

Delinquentc 1.92 2.18 a

Low delinquencyd 2.37 2.14 a

High delinquencye 1.97 2.18 a

Temperance Male adolescentb 3.07 2.81 a

Delinquentc 2.01 2.26 b

Low delinquencyd 3.07 2.80 a

High delinquencye 1.94 2.17 b

Perspective Male adolescentb 2.95 2.73 a

Delinquentc 2.17 2.42 a

Low delinquencyd 2.90 2.71 a

High delinquencye 2.14 2.31 b

Note. Adjusted means with different letters differ at the P < .05 levela Mean adjusted for age, race, average grade, education level, and SESb n = 58c n = 79d n = 63e n = 72

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delinquency youth differed on measures of temperance

and perspective.

The first set of analyses consisted of adolescent, college

student, young-adult, and adult samples. Similar to past

research (Cauffman and Steinberg 2000), overall age-based

differences were found on maturity of judgment. The

current study found adolescents displayed less responsi-

bility and perspective than college students, young-adults,

or adults. Although it was hypothesized that college stu-

dents would display less mature judgment than young-

adults and adults, this was not the case. However, on

measures of temperance, adults were more mature than

adolescents, college students, and young-adults. This

finding suggests that maturity of judgment factors of

responsibility and perspective may remain relatively stable

beyond the age of 18, but that emotional temperance may

continue to improve through the mid to late twenties. In-

deed, recent physiological findings support brain-based

maturation in college students, which may be linked to

emotional and behavioral regulation (Bennett and Baird in

press). Such results underscore the importance of adult

sampling in maturity of judgment research, delineating the

differences between college students, young-adults ages

22–27, and adults ages 28 and above.

In addition, the current study found several age-based

differences in antisocial decision making and delinquency.

First, in situations with no, uncertain, and definite negative

consequences, adults were less likely to make antisocial

decisions than adolescents, college students, or young-

adults. Results of the no and uncertain consequences sce-

nario suggest that college students and young-adults may

be more akin to adolescents than adults in their inclination

to engage in antisocial decision making. This finding dif-

fers from Cauffman and Steinberg’s (1996) work, which

posits that antisocial decision making does not increase

past the age of 19. However, the current study’s results are

in-line with physiological (Giedd et al. 1999; Reiss et al.

1996) and sociological (Farrington 1986) research which

suggests that some individuals may be prone to engage in

antisocial decision making through their early twenties.

At the same time, results from the definite consequence

scenario, wherein negative consequences are certain to

occur, show that adolescents were more likely to make

antisocial decisions than either college students or adults.

Making an antisocial decision when it is known that neg-

ative consequences will definitely result may be considered

the least ‘‘rational’’ or ‘‘mature’’ choice available. It is

unclear whether this decision is based on a failure to

consider negative consequences, an underestimation of

such consequences, or an over-emphasis on positive con-

sequences. In all, this pattern of results highlights the need

for continued research on age-based differences between

adolescents, college students, young-adults, and adults.

The current study also extends previous works through

its inclusion of a self-report measure of delinquency

(Cauffman and Steinberg 2000; Fried and Reppucci 2001).

Results showed that adults engaged in significantly less

delinquency than adolescents, college students, and young-

adults, and showed that young-adults engaged in less

delinquent behavior than adolescents and college students.

These findings partially support the age-based delinquency

hypothesis. Indeed, the finding that adolescents and college

students were most delinquent runs parallel to recent

physiological research (Giedd et al. 1999) and again

emphasizes the potential comparability of adolescents and

college students relative to older adults.

Further, the current study found that for adolescents,

college students, young-adults, and adults, maturity of

judgment predicted total delinquency above and beyond

age, gender, race, education level, SES, and antisocial

decision making. This finding is in-line with the study’s

hypothesis and shows strong support for the robust asso-

ciation between immaturity of judgment and delinquency.

Although the current study is cross-sectional, this result

further supports the thesis that psychosocial factors may be

highly predictive of delinquent behavior.

The second analysis set compared male adolescent and

delinquent youth samples on measures of maturity of

judgment, antisocial decision making, and delinquency.

This analysis set is useful for describing adolescent within

group differences. The maturity of judgment thesis sug-

gests that adolescents make antisocial decisions based in

part on psychosocial influences that are characteristic of

their age group (Scott and Grisso 1997). Yet because

delinquent youth make more antisocial choices than their

non-delinquent peers, it was hypothesized that delinquent

youth would be less mature in their judgment than male

high school students.

Delinquency group (male adolescent versus delinquent

youth) differences were not found on maturity of judgment.

The lack of significant differences between delinquent and

non delinquent youth on maturity of judgment was unex-

pected. However, the delinquency group variable is likely

impacted by extraneous factors that determine who is

caught, prosecuted, and convicted. Whereas the self-report

measure of delinquency likely provides a more accurate

assessment of antisocial behavior. Indeed, when two

groups were formed based on delinquency cut-scores, the

individual temperance and perspective factors significantly

differed between the two groups, such that heightened

involvement in delinquent acts was associated with less

temperance and perspective. These results suggest that

emotional temperance and perspective may play an

important role in delinquent behavior. This outcome war-

rants attention, as well, based on Cauffman and Steinberg’s

(2000) finding that of the three judgment factors, temperance

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showed the most significant developmental changes, which

occurred between ages 16 and 19.

There are a number of limitations to the current study.

First, the current study is cross sectional in nature, and thus

does not allow for conclusions regarding prediction and

change in maturity of judgment over time. Further, al-

though this study’s hypotheses are based, in part, on recent

neurological findings of adolescent and post-adolescent

maturation, this work attempts to link the two trajectories

only in theory, and cannot empirically investigate this

hypothesized association. At the same time, the current

study excluded younger adolescents, age 12–13, a sample

that would be useful for tracking maturity of judgment in

conjunction with the onset of delinquent behaviors. Finally,

this research does not control for cognitive ability, and past

research has indicated that IQ is associated with decision

maturity (Grisso et al. 2003; Schmidt et al. 2003). Instead,

in an attempt to control for cognitive ability in age-based

comparisons, the analyses in set one excluded adolescents

with high school grades that were below a C average. In an

attempt to control for cognitive ability in male adolescents

and delinquent youth, all analyses in set two controlled for

current average grade and grade level. Although male

adolescents and delinquent youth did not differ in their

maturity of judgment, the samples did differ vastly in their

academic achievement.

In light of the study’s limitations, the current research

continues to offer worthwhile insight into maturity of

judgment and its relation to delinquency. In all, the results

of this study replicate and extend the immature judgment

hypothesis (Cauffman and Steinberg 2000). These findings

suggest that adolescents show reduced maturity of judg-

ment in comparison to college students, young-adults, and

adults, and that even college student and young-adult

samples (ages 22–27) may display reduced temperance in

comparison to adults. Further, adolescents were more

likely to make antisocial decisions than college students or

adults, but not young-adults, in contexts where negative

consequences were certain to occur. Again, the endorse-

ment of antisocial choices under such circ*mstances sug-

gests a less rational or logical decision process in

adolescents and perhaps young-adults, as compared to

adults. In addition, adolescents and college students were

most delinquent as compared to young-adults and adults.

Finally, analyses that were based on both detained and non-

detained samples support the notion that immaturity of

judgment may play an important role in delinquent


If future research replicates the current findings, this

will provide support for policies within the criminal

justice system that view adolescents as differing in

developmental maturity from adults. Such policies may

hold youth accountable, but less culpable than adults for

their crimes (Woolard et al. 1996). In addition,

researchers may be inclined to investigate youth inter-

vention programming with potential to improve maturity

of judgment. However, caution must be taken with such

applications. If intervention programs are conceived such

that psychosocial maturity is improved, this does not

suggest that more psychosocially mature youth should

then be tried as adults in criminal court. Instead, it must

be underscored that immature judgment is one of many

facets of adolescent development that potentially should

be taken into account when creating criminal sanctions

for youth.

Acknowledgments Special thanks to Ellen Cohn for help with

study design and data collection, to two anonymous reviewers, Vicki

Banyard, Cesar Rebellon, and Jen Woolard for their helpful com-

ments on earlier drafts of this manuscript, and to Becky Warner for

feedback on statistical analyses. Many thanks to Kara O’Connor and

Heather Budrewicz, for their research assistance. This research was

funded in part by a Grant-in-Aid from the American Psychology-Law



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