Related Papers
EABS Annual Conference
"And Adam knew Eve, his Wife". Reflections on Sexuality in the Primaeval History (Gen 1-11)
2022 •
E. Macarena García García
García García, E. M., “‘And Adam knew Eve, his Wife’. Reflections on Sexuality in the Primaeval History (Gen 1-11)”. EABS Annual Conference. Toulouse, Francia, 5 de julio de 2022.
EABS Symposium Syracuse 07 2023 Program
Marcin Kowalski
EABS Annual Conference will take place at Sofia University, Bulgaria,15–18th July 2024
Paradise Decorated with a Pomegranate tree of life in Umayyad Stucco Art
2024 •
siyana georgieva
The pomegranate appears in Mesopotamian iconography from the fourth millennium B.C.E. and later in Egypt, where it was used for its therapeutic properties in some tombs dating from 2500 B.C.E., as well as the funeral monument of Ramses IV (1145 B.C.E.). Later, in the Safavid era, it became a symbol of fertility and a good omen for numerous offspring in Persia, where it appears in the Zoroastrian cult as a solar image. The Qur'an mentions the pomegranate as one of heaven's trees; its fruits are listed among God's good things in another verse. However, it is found in the Bible as one of the seven fruits mentioned in Deuteronomy as abundant in the Promised Land: The God-given land is rich because ... In addition to wheat, barley, grapes, figs, and pomegranates, the land of olives, oil, and honey is one of the fruits that the twelve scouts report to Moses: “They came as far as the valley of Escol, and there they cut down a branch with a bunch of grapes, which they carried in half with a rod, and also took pomegranates and figs.”(Num13:23) ThepaperfocusedontheOrient, where the pomegranate was associated with the tree of life and paradise from ancient times. During pre-Islamic times, vine stalks and pomegranates were considered elements of the Tree of Life. The pomegranate branches representing the symbology of paradise are also part of the general decoration of the palaces of the later Umayyad period, namely Qasr al-Gharbi, Khirbat al-Mafjar, whose figural stucco-rich details again comprise a different iconography of princely power. There's a link between the tree of life and paradise in the facade of Mshatta's palace. In later times, though, for example, in the tenth century, the walls of the Salon Rico in Madinat al-Zahra were covered with representations of the Tree of Life in the same way in which they can be seen in the mihrab of the great mosque of Cordoba.
EABS Annual Conference 2024
Preliminary Session Programme EABS Annual Conference
Sel lam El Ammari Alonso
EABS Symposium Syracuse 10-13.7. 2023
Ivan Mileković
The use of singular and plural: some examples from the lexical field of the substantives of "idol" in ancient Hebrew - 2019, SBL International Meeting, Rome 1-5.07
Alessandra Pecchioli
The intervention proposed here aims to provide a picture about the use of the singular and plural number of some nouns belonging to the lexical field of the lexemes describing idols in ancient Hebrew (for example ṣlm/ṣlmym or ʾšrh/ʾšrwt/ʾšrym. Regarding the latter lexeme, in the plural form, there is also evidence of a gender difference issue). We will take into consideration the following functional languages from which it is composed ancient Hebrew: Archaic Biblical Hebrew; Standard Biblical Hebrew; Late Biblical Hebrew; Hebrew of Ben Sira'; Hebrew of Qumran. Starting from the most ancient occurrences (Archaic Biblical Hebrew) and arriving at the later ones (Qumran) we note a progressive abandonment by the authors of the singular form of the nouns in favor of the plural one. This phenomenon does not involve only a change of form, but, even more important, it also implies (maybe) a semantic transformation. We will carefully analyze the context in which such nouns occur, noting all the phenomena related to the change of number and trying to draw the necessary conclusions about the language as well the ideological convictions that shape these texts.
When Satan came down to the garden: The myth of the Watchers and the apocalyptic references to Adam and Eve’s story
2019 •
E. Macarena García García
García García, E. M., "When Satan came down to the garden: The myth of the Watchers and the apocalyptic references to Adam and Eve’s story", The European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) Annual Conference 2019, Warsaw, Poland, August, 13 2019.
2019 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Conference Speaker (July 03) - Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy
2019 •
Gregory Lamb, Ph.D.
I presented my paper, " PAULINE PNEUMATOLOGY IN PHILIPPIANS: REDEMPTION, FELLOWSHIP, AND SERVICE," on Wednesday, July 03 in the Pontifical Gregorian University's room Lucchesi 210. This lecture was a part of the Paul and Pauline Literature program unit (chairs, Edward Pillar and Kar-Yong Lim) at the 2019 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) in Rome, Italy (July 01-05, 2019). The Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Pontifical Gregorian University were the host institutions. Description: The unit provides a forum for presentation and discussion of original scholarly research on all facets of the interpretation of the Pauline Corpus in the New Testament. This includes consideration of exegetical, socio-historical, history of religions, theological, literary, history of interpretation, and methodological questions. Call for papers: The unit provides a forum for presentation and discussion of original scholarly research on all facets of the interpretation of the Pauline Corpus in the New Testament. This includes consideration of exegetical, socio-historical, history of religions, theological, literary, history of interpretation, and methodological questions. Papers that focus on how the cultural experiences of present-day readers contribute to a fuller understanding of texts are also encouraged.
2019 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Conference Speaker (July 05) - Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy
2019 •
Gregory Lamb, Ph.D.
I presented my paper, "THE REDISCOVERY OF CODEX BEZAE CANTABRIGIENSIS AND ITS SUBSEQUENT EFFECT ON THE RECEPTION OF LUKE 16:19-31" in room Central 214 of the Pontifical Gregorian University on Friday, July 05. My lecture was part of the Synoptic Gospels program unit (chairs: J. R. C. Cousland and John P. Harrison), which met for presentation at the 2019 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) in Rome, Italy (July 01-05, 2019). The Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Pontifical Gregorian University were the host institutions. Description: The Synoptic Gospels, which have formed a coherent unit since antiquity, have played an important role in modern scholarship. This section provides an open forum for the presentation of papers, from a variety of perspectives and using a variety of methods, on these seminal religious texts. Call for papers: This year’s primary focus will be on the parables in the Synoptic tradition. The Synoptic Gospels Section will have three sessions: i) a session for invited papers only on the parables; ii) a general invitation for papers related to the parables in the synoptic tradition, with particular focus on matters of material culture and methodologies; and iii), a general invitation for papers on the Synoptic Gospels. There are plans to publish a selection of studies on the parables.
Opening session of the 2019 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), Rome, July 1, 2019. Discussion: "The Importance of Biblical Studies"
Michel Segatagara S Kamanzi
Opening session of the 2019 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), Rome, July 1, 2019, Aula Magna - Pontifical Gregorian University. Discussion: The Importance of Biblical Studies Dominik Markl SJ, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Presiding Benedetta Rossi, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Presiding Jihad Youssef, Panelist Ho Wan Julitta Hui, Panelist Leonardo Pessoa, Panelist Martina Korytiaková, Panelist Michel Kamanzi SJ, Panelist