News Journal from Mansfield, Ohio (2024)

1 THE MANSFIELD NEWS, SATURDAY. MARCH 6, 1915. TEN The Wants of Mansfield Are Listed Here: News Want Ads. Bring Quick Results Read in More Than 7,000 Homes Daily THE RATES Twenty or words or cents. One cent word less tree consecutive imes less, 25 for each additional word.

Cash with the order. Employment Wants free. 'FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE must be Telephone either office by 1 Loon' order phone received at this to appear that same day. JOB PRINTERS Harbaugh LindeALWAYS TO. BE Job HAD Printing; at 21 specialty, E.

Third office stationery. man. SITUATION WANTED (Female) No Charge for Publication. Work cleaning or, will washing wash and at WANTEDironing, Call by srans. day; phone 509-X.

Mrs. Gruhome. baugh. lady desires position In doctor's office, answering phone calls and WANTED--Young books; would also assist with care housework. Address M.

taking wife lirht 8 care News. Washing and ironing: will call WANTED deliver. Mans. phone 1010-L. 6 for and place to care for children and or assist housework after school WANTED--A Saturdays.

Bell phone 6 on SITUATION WANTED (Male) No Charge for Publication. WANTED -Work on farm by an understands experfenced C. T. care News. 8 farm band, one who farming.

WANTED--Position on farm by with the family; month or can year give by reference. experienced man Address Mansfield R. D. 3, Box 13, or call Mans. phone 8 13-on-15.

WANTED -Collecting to do by young under- married man: can furnish bond: can stand and speak several different languages. Box 50, care News. WANTED -Work on farm by experienced Mans. phone 258-R. 8 man.

WANTED--Young man wants any kind of Address Box News. 6 Office work; bookkeeper, cashWANTED- der. correspondent, give good references: 14 years experience. Address Box 2, care News. 8 AETNA-IZE Accumulative WeekThe new Indemnity Accident Policy.

Pays total 1y disability so long 88 insured lives. LEROY PARSONS. Agt. HELP WANTED (Female) Twenty words or less 3 times 25 cents; 1 cent per word in excess. PAYING EMPLOYMENT for women full sell guaranteed cotton, lisle, hoslery to user; experience unnecessary; large profits; spring business now on.

International Mills, 2050 Chestnut Philadelphia, Pa. sat-tf WANTED--A competent girl for general housework: 110 girl under 18 need apply. Sturges ave. Mans. phone 957.

8 WANTED- Workers to sell Belgian Relief Calendars, 50c each; earn 10c for each calendar sold; net proceeds used to purchase food and clothing for starving Belgian women and children: your work may save the lives of many Innocent sufferers. Write Belgian Calendar Committee, 18 W. 34th New York. 6 WANTED--Girls to learn cigar making; to paid earn good wages by willing workers. $3 while learning; fine opportunity American Cigar Fifth and Adama, tf WANTED--Ladies, immediately; Alling 1 labeling boxes: home- evenings; steady; no experience; absolutely for no canvassing; excellent opportunity willing worker; enclose stamp.

Erina Toronto, Ont. 0 DO EASY, PLEASANT coloring work at home; good pay, no canvassing; no experience required. Write Gleason Wheeler 337 Madison, Chicago. 6 Reinhardt Hering The Insurance Men Glass. Steam Boilers, Surety Bonds.

Rooms 107-108. Mohican Bullding Fire, Life, Health and Aceident, Burglary, Tornado, Automobiles, Liability, Plate HELP WANTED (Male) Twenty words or less 3 times 25 cents; cent per word in excess. co-operate with me evenings at home: everything furnished: worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb.

6 WANTED -Experienced canvasser: also heavy spring wagon and corn plow for sale. Mans. phone 1854-Y. 6 SALESMAN--A live energetto man to handie line of oils and greses: good connection to producer. Address, stating qualifications and references.

The Robinson Oil Coraopolls, Pa. WANTED -Experienced man to work on farm by the month. Inquire at 101 N. Main st. 6 WANTED--We want salesman to this territory to sell our guaranteed line of paints, varnishes, soaps, experience unnecessary; write for details.

Sun Paint Varnish Cleveland, 0. 6 WANTED--AGENTS Twenty words or less 3 times 25 cents; 1 cent per word in excess. BILLY SUNDAY'S Message, authorized: we will pay you $120 to distribute it in your neighborbood: 60 days' work; great opportunity for man or woman; spare time may be used: particulars and ple free. Universal Bible House, Philadelphin, Pa. AGENTS -Either sex sell guaranteed cotton lisle, silk hostery: full or part time: big profite: spring business now on.

International Mills, 3030 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. -tf Houses for Rent List the houses you have for rent in our vacant house register; If you find your house is going to be vacated soon, call us by phone and you will come in touch with many people desiring to rent houses, flats or rooms. COTTER'S Transfer and Storage Co PHONES 68 FOR SALE- -PROPERTY Twenty words or less 3 times 25 cents: 1 cent per word in excess. FOR SALE- acres with house and barn, acre of raspberries and young fruit: 2 miles on st. road.

A. E. Calver, R. D. 3, Mansdeld, 0.

8 FOR BALE -Several new homes 111 central part of these homes are all modern. W. H. Rebuck. FOR SALE modern ou west side, large lot; will sell $3,000.

W. H. Rebuck. FOR SALE- An eight-room house in the center of the factory district; this property has lot large enough to build 3 additional houses; price only $2,000. W.

H. Rebuck. FOR SALES. Foster st. 6-room house with bath, gas, electric lights, city and cistern water, cemented cellar; $1,800.

Mrs. A. G. Borehardt, Mans. phone 1809.

6 FOR SALE- -On Newman 8-room house, trade 011 farm. Mrs. A. G. Borchardt, Mans, phone 1 1809.

FOR SALE--Double house, ginall 5-room house and 37 acres, village of Lucas. L. E. Parry, Lucas, 0. 9 FOR SALE-8 rooms, halls, open stairway: strictly modern: owner has left elty.

Phone Oblo 011 Station. Mrs. Edward Kaffer tf For Sale Farm of 107 acres, two of 80 acres, one of 14 acres; al good land and well improved. Also some village dwellings. Gilbert Swaney LUCAS, O.

FOR SALE- -FARMS Twenty words or less 3 times 25 cents: cent per word in excess. FOR SALE -37 acres land; house, barn, well of water, 4 acres timber: near Bangorville, on Lexington-Fredericktown road, R. D. 4 Bellville. Inquire of J.

Niles Moree, Bellville, 0. 12 TO LET--HOUSES Twenty words or less 3 times 25 cents; 1 cent per word in excess. TO LET--An apartment in Niman flata on Park ave, west, Call Mans. phone 2019-J. 8 TO LET-8-room modern house on W.

Fourth st. Inquire at 277 W. Fourth st. Mans. phone 1111." 6 TO LET -Brick house, corner Fourth and Mulberry, opposite postoffice.

Apply to The J. A. Rigby Cigar 9 E. Third st. 6 TO LET Vine-room house, modern, at 91 E.

Fourth also gas range and heating stoves. Call 91 E. Fourth st. 6 TO LET-2 fate 41 Library court, 6 rooms and bath; modern and newly papered. Dr.

Stewart phones 275. WANTED Property owners and Real Estate men to list the houses they have for rent in our vacant house register. Many people coming to town are calling at our office daily wanting to rent houses. No charge. COTTER'S Transfer and Storage Co.

PHONES 68 TO LET--ROOMS Twenty words or less 3 times 25 cents; 1 cent per word in excess. TO LET--Four rooms at 182 Newman German family preferred. Mans. phone 1233, LET--All or parts of 3-story metal TOO covered factory butiding, 45x150 In good location. 1.

K. Umbarger Son, 41 W. Fourth Mans. phone 1084. 6 TO LET -Two single rooms, desirable for office or club, 1 facing Main near Third; also room for light bousekeeping.

Mans. phone 480. tt TO LET- -College Place 8-room suite, $8: pleasant and close du; single rooms or suites, furnished or unfurnished at the Windemere: most central and best in city. See Janitor. tr TO LET-5-rooms, 191 N.

Diamond st. Inquire Joe Herring, blacksmith, 14 W. Fifth st. SHADE TREES fn varlety, from $1.00 up. We have a fine line of Ash Leaved Norway and Sugar Maple trees, also fruit trees, vines, bery, raspberry, strawberry plants; leading varieties.

Call up and get estimates. C. B. TINGLEY SON Mans. 1303 Bell 756-W FOR SALE (Household Goods) Twenty words or less 3 times 25 cents; 1 cent per word in excess.

FOR Household goods, gasoline stove, gas refrigerator; buggy, almost new: owner leaving city. 481 Wayne st. Bell phone 756-R. 6 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Twenty words or less 8 times 25 cents: cent per word in excess. FOR SALE- Fully equipped restaurant.

ready to open and commence business Immediately, established restaurant location at 146 N. Main City: can be bought for $600. Jas W. Galbraith, Assignee. 8 FOR SALE-1913 Model 30 Butek roadster, demountable rims, motorborn and trunk; just repainted; want larger car.

Buick, care News. 8 FOR SALE Home baked goods at guild room of Episcopal church, from 2 to Saturday afternoon. 8 FOR SALE--Outside closet for less than lumber would cost to build It. P. M.

Hoover, 263 Harker st. Mans. phone 1450-X. 6 FOR SALE-G0-cart, in good condition: cheap. Inquire 40 W.

Arch Mans, phone 1764-R. Typewriters Sold on one year's guarantee, -fifth to one turers' prices; Underwood, 01- Ivere, Smith Premiers, Remingtons, Blickensderfers, L. Smith and Fox. Others $10.00 to Typewriters rented, per month, TYPEWRITER REPAIR SHOP, 27 W. Third street; Frank Lamneck.

POULTRY AND PET STOCK Twenty words or less 3 times 25 cents; cent per word in excess. FOR SALE Several White Plymouth Rock co*ckerels. Mane. phone 550. 6 FOR SALE, -S.

C. W. Leghorn egga, Young strain; per 15. Geo. G.

Dodge, 159 Penn Mans. phone 1966-W. 6 FOR SALE- -LIVE STOCK Twenty words or legs 3 times 25 centa; cent per word in excess. FOR SALE- -Five-year-old draft mare, weight 1300 sound and all right. Bell phone 410.

8 FOR SALE- roan draft horse weighing 1700 also 1 cow. be fresh HOOD. El Teeter, near Hastings; Hastings phone. 8 FOR SALE -Five- year -old Jersey cow. Call Mans.

phone 1003-R. 340 W. Sixth st. 8 FOR SALE A sorrel driving mare, welghs 1200 lbs. Inquire at 277 W.

Fourth st. Mans, phone 1111. 0 FOR SALE -0. I. C.

male hogs, ready for service, Address W. A. Menchan, Box 53, Shelby, 0. Phone 384. 6 FOR SALE -My driving horse, carriage and harness; can be seen at Vail's barn; price $250.

J. A. Yoder, M. D. 6 FOR SALE -Pair of horses, good farm workers, serviceably sound, price $125; a 6-months bankable note will be accepted on this transaction; also have the family horse formerly owned by Win.

Hout, at 8 reasonable price and on above terms. Ford Delivery Co. 6 LOST OR FOUND Twenty words or less 3 times 25 cents; 1 cent per word in excess. LOST book, call name book Andrew Vogel. Finder Mans.

phone 1404-Y or 1003-R. 8 FOUND--Pair of gloves, Wednesday noon, Park are. east between Franklin and Adama. Finder to Identifp and pay for thie ad. at News office.

8 LOST -Small brown purse containing billa and allver, within 1 mile north or mile west of Five Points, north of Manafield. Reward. Mans. phone 3-on-17 Sub. 6 Farm Auction March 16th, 1915; 150-acre farm, 50 acres of the best marketable oak timber in county, land is of the bighest fertility, tilled, buildings complete, large springs of soft water with flow and fall enough for power and lights in any of the buildings; see this farm for other advantages; value $85 per acre, Terms to suit purchaser.

Unable to operate farm must sell. 4 miles east of Mansfield on Wooster road. J. R. NISSLEY MANSFIELD, OHIO MISCELLANEOUS words or less 3 times 25 cents: Twenty, word in excess.

WANTED- -Building west side tween Second and Fourth, and west of Mulberry; must be class and cheap for cash; principles only. Lot, care News. 8 BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL MARCH 15TH for the purchase and removal of the house located at 55 No. Street. Can easily thirteen make two houses of it.

Bids should state the price that will be given for the house removed from the lot. The J. A. Rigby Cigar 9 E. Third st.

8 WANTED -300 men and women, boys and girls to hear the Lou J. Beauchamp leeture nt St. John's church, March 8. Tickets 25c. 6 WANTED--To borrow from private party, $50.00 for 6 months, on chattel mortgage; will pay 8 per cent.

Address Money, care News. START YOUR incubators with epgs from Parsons' White Wyandottes special price on 50 or 100 eggs; also have 8 few nice co*ckerels for sale. E. F. Parsons, 20 Western ave.

Phone 1848-J. 6 WE ARE A LITTLE long on Flour White Middlings; will make a special price of $30 per ton until cleaned up. Central Fruit Co. 6 WILL TRADE my 8-passenger automobile for Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Call Mans.

phone 1150-R between 3 and 4:30 p. m. 8 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER--Your patronage solicited: work guaranteed, duplicating a specialty. Jennle Ritchey, N. Main Mans.

phone 748-R. 6 SUITS CLEANED, $1 and skirts, 50c and 76c: trousers, 50c; dyeing pressing: work guaranteed. G. W11- cox. Mans, phone 1915-L.

Goods called for and delivered. 6 CONCRETE WORK--Machine mixing; cheap, quick, efficient: cellars, foundations, sidewalks, ete: excavations. No Job too big, none too small. Get my fl ures. T.

A. Gruber, 98 E. Third st. Mans. phone 1182-J.

ATTENTION--Best Petaluma self-regulator incubators and brooders for sale: ordera promptly filled for batching chicks. Sigmund Shoembaer, 204 Sycamore st. Mans, phone 518 Bell phone 498- -2. th-f-8-13 WHITE ROYAL Soap, lathera freely in city water; one bar equals two bars of any other soup. Ask your grocer for 1t.

WANTED- You to know all kinds of fish 150 lb. this week, and we will deliver: also want ducks, geese and chickens. Wilson That's All, 178 N. Main st. Mans.

phone 1273-Y. 8 DEAD HORSES and Cows promptly removed within ten miles of city, free of charge; $3 paid for old -out horses delivered at factory, miles north of Mansfleld on Bowman st. road. Richland Fertilizer Mana. phone 2-on-27.

Bell 1055-W-1. tr WANTED- WIll trim your grape vines, repair your arbor, furnish and set sugar trees in your lawn; terms to sult. Call ManA. phone 1206. WE ARE PAYING highest market price for corn and oats at farm located half way to Lucas on Pennsylvania tracks.

Carpenter Ross. tr WE WANT Automobile Owners to get more service from their tires, We will apply big heavy Non-Skid Tread to your old casing for about one-half the cost of a new one. Our re- will give you as good service AS a new tire. Stop to have your tires inflated and let us show you. You can buy Gasoline bere for 13c.

Mansfield Vulcanizing Works 100 NORTH MULBERRY STREET TODAY'S WANTS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR One 5-year-old mare, weight 1275; 1-year-old-colt; 2 cows, fresh in March: 20 good boats. Geo. Mentzer, 3 miles east on lower Lucas road. 9 PUPILS OF J. E.

Sturgis have privilege of band and orchestra practice: also some I time for piano tuning. Mans, phone 1599. 9 FOR SALE--Household goods at 270 W. First Monday, March 8, at 9 a. oak chamber set, sideboard, etc.

SANITARY PLUMBING and Tinning Co. solicits your work at reasonable prices; work guaranteed: repair work a clalty. Connected with 0. P. Crouse 21 N.

Park st. Mans. phone 1134 9 We are offering some of the latest built of the new modern, choice -which we are not which we believe will please you; make an appointment to see them. You will like the newly built and modern "Sowers" home, combining all the latest ideas in home building, with very large lot, located in the most desirable part of Mansfield, No. 666 Park Avenue West, for which we are asking but $7,500.

A very Choice modern property, newly built, on West Third Street, for $6,500, that should also please you. The modern "Balliet" property, finely finished and very complete which we are offering for $9,0.00, with very large lot, fruit, garage, will take smaller property as part payment. The modern "Colwell" home, No. 131 West First Street, which you will have to gee to appreciate, at will take a good building lot as part payment. A very Choice modern residence on Marion Avenue, with stable, that you can buy will make you a very comfortable home.

Look at the well located 11-room "Hardgrove" home, with very large lot, 60x130 feet, at No. 265 West Fourth Street; be sure and see this, as you can buy it right. I A good four terrace apartment on the West side, which we are offering at $10,000, and has very large grounds, sufficient for additional terraces; a good investment. A very choice modern home on West Fourth Street, newly built, at also one at $4,500, that are worth saving that rent. Why not buy the $5,000 property, No.

215 West Fifth Street, with fine corner lot at can you do better? Be sure and inspect the new modern 7-room residence, No. 4 Summit Court, close to Summit Street; will try and make terms to suit. Another bargain in the 8-room residence, No. 207 South Mulberry Street, very modern with nice lot, which you can buy Right. Another good 7-room house, No.

438 South Main Street, with large lot, 59x180 feet, at see this, then see us. A double house of 12-rooms on East Fourth Street, in good condi- tion with large lot, for $2,600. A good Investment. $2,100 the 7-room residence with lot feet at No. 73 Johns Avenue, and worth more money; buy this, Inspect the 5-room house with good lot, No.

242 East Third Street, at why pay rent? $1,750 will buy the large lot 55x 180 feet with house on same, No. 209 North Mulberry Street: you can build three houses on this lot. Make us your better offer on the new 6-room residence with bath, No. 33 Ford Avenue, -Just opposite Lex- WANTED experienced -Work in shop of any kind by watch polisher. Address H.

Fulwider, 227 E. Arch st. 9 TO -Large furnished front room, either lady or gentleman, at 91 8. Main at. Mans.

phone 1662-R. 9 TO LET--Half of modern house, 7 rooms, $15 per 110. without water rent. 21 Rowland ave. Mans, phone 1880-L.

9 FOR EXCHANGE -A number of -edge farms for elty property, ranging in price from $2,000 to $20,000 G. W. Cupp, 209 Citizens Bldg. 9 FOR SALE--Antique clock, 8-day, in Ane running order; also old woven coverlid. 67 Bartley ave.

9 TO LET Two modern flats, centrally 10- cated; rent for $12 and $16 per month. Mans. phone 1292. 9 TO LET-2 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, or will board 2 steady reliable gentlemen; private family; centrally located. Mans.

phone 1101-W. 9 FOR SALE Partridge Plymouth Rock eggs (Noftzger strain), $2 C. H. Browning, 89 Poplar Mans, phone 1402. 19 WANTED--To buy 7- or 8-room house, located; price and terms must be right.

Address P. 0. Box 211, City, Owners only, no agents. 9 YOU CAN DO BETTER in buying through The Richland Realty Company from their Choice' list of modern properties and desirable building lots; look over the following: If some of you desire to farm, raise chickens, buy the acres, with 8-room house, good barn and outbuildings, on McPherson I Street, at $3,000. The "Morris" property, No.

270 Park Avenue West, has great possibilities; let us tell you about this property, as it can be bought right. The 6-room house, No. 18 Lida Street, newly bullt, with conveniences, lot 50x57 feet, can be bought for see this. Good double house of 12-rooms, No. 93-95 Lida Street, for good investment.

A real bargain in a business location, No. 305 North Main Street, and cornering on Erie Railroad, at is worth more money. The 7-room "Hughes" property with large lot No. 45 Pleasant Avenue, at $2,500, is worth buying. 6-room house with barn and large lot, No.

24 Arlington Avenue, for $1,200. The splendid 7-room house with bath, No. 267 Park Avenue East, at $3,600, should interest you. The 7-room modern home No. 577 West Fourth Street, with good corner lot, at $3,500.

Let us show you this. New modern 8-room residence, hard wood finished, large lot, No. 479 South Main Street, at a great -and possession at once. Look at No. 45 Stewart residence, with good is a fine location, for then see us.

$2,000 will buy the 7-room residence, with good lot 55x120, No. 124 Grace Street. Look at this at once. You will pay no more rent, when you look at No. 109 West Sixth Street, and decide to purchase it, for it can be bought for $1,600.

A Very Choice Bullding Lot feet front, facing on Blymyer Avenue, by 160 feet in depth, on West First Street, for this is a Choice location for a beautiful home. A Park Avenue Lot in the Sherman tract, very Choice, which we would like to show you, if you are considering building. $1,000 will buy a fine lot on South Main Street and the corner, -and you will do well to cure this 30-foot frontage. Choice West Fourth Street lot, 30 feet front, corner Willow Street, very reasonable. Some Choice building lots in the Briggs -at prices, -that will interest you.

Our New Addition--Carpenter Allotment, located very close to -will save you car will interest every home seeker in Mansfield, as the Lots are very Large, with all Improvements In and Paid For, and located on Marion Avenue, Carpenter Road and Linn Avenue. Every Lot unsold is marked with a Card showing Size of Lot, Price and Terms, so You can Inspect each Lot, -and bring the Card of the Lot You Our Office. Visit this ington Avenue. allotment at once, then see us. THE RICHLAND REALTY CO.

G. W. BAHL, Mgr. North Main St. Both Phones 29 FOR SALE-12 head of horses have any kind of horse you want, from $50 to $200, 1000 to 1400 will sell on a guarantee and give 6 mo.

time to any respon sible party. Call Mans. phone 21-on H. J. Carew, Fleming's Falls.

9 Leonard Bowers Realestate Agency ESTABLILHED 1891 FOR SALE--HOUSES We offer today a first-class residence on W. Third this home strictly modern in every detail: an attractive price will be made to parties mean business. House near Fourth street car line, with large lot and up-to-date construction: this pretty residence destrable in every particular: you can buy cheaper than to build. Houses S. Mulberry Greenwood, Henry, West Second and North Benton near Park ave.

FARMS We offer today the MeNaul estate farms on the Black Fork in Weller Township, near Pavonia station, 234 acres in one tract and 70 in another; desirous of selling at once to close estate. bave 50 acre farm with good lugs and good land, miles from city; you seldom have an opportunity to purchase a farm of this kind near city. LOTS In every section of the city: 2 desirable lots Bowman near Fourth. MONEY Always have plenty of money to loan. Leonard Bowers OVER LOGAN GAS OFFICE.

WANTED- German woman wants washing or housework by day. Call Mans. phone 1560-Y. 9 FOR SALE--On Sturges 12-room modern home, can arrange for two families: 2 lots in rear facing Arthur or can be bought separate. Ed Schnitzer, 40 Arthur phone 1144-F.

9 FOR SALE--Two fresh cows: 10 or 12 pigs; 1 sow with 8 young pigs. John Desebler, R. D. 2. Mansdeld, 0., near infirmary.

For Sale Or Lease April 1, my home on corner of Church court and Richmond drive. Miss Ella Wingert MANS. PHONE 1627-Y. WANTED- Experienced stenographer, experienced applicants only will be considered: state experience and furnish references. Box 316, City, 9 FOR SALE--Small farm on Woodville road, good water, barn, good house young fruit coming on; 2 miles from court house.

Call Mans, phone 21-on-16, Bell 842-W-3. For Sale One $75 gasoline tank, like new, of 125 gal, capacity, with pump and all attachments; if sold at once, $22.50. 2 Auto tires, size straight side, run 150 miles, for $7 each. 1 American Speedometer, with all attachments, complete for $6.50. CALL MANS.

PHONE 1981-L. FOR SALE House at 235 Home Avenue, corner of Jeanette Avenue, five rooms and bath; hot and cold city water in bath room and kitchen. Sewer, gas, cistern. Small barn on lot. Enquire at 235 Home Avenue, or of Ed.

Millington Plumbing, Heating and Gas Fitting. Both Phones 81 Park Ave. W. RAILROAD TIME TABLES SOUTHWESTERN LINES Eastern Standard Time. Effective Sept.

10, 1914. Cars leave Mansfield for Ashland, West Salem, Lodi, Seville, Creston, Wooster, Medina, Berea and Cleveland, and all intermediate points at 7:40, 9:00, 9:40, 11:40 8 1:40, 3:00, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40, 9:25, 11:25, 12:50 m. Cleveland limited trains leave at 7:00, 9:00 a and 5:00 Cars leave Mansfield for Crestline, Galton and Bucyrus at 6:20, 7:45, 10:05, 11:45 8 In 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 6:05, 7:45, 0:30. 11:33 and 1 a m. Bucyrus limiteds leave at 11:05 a and 2:00 and 10:05 Limited trains leave Cleveland for Mans.

field at 6:48 and 2:48 and 7:48 and 9:00 a m. THE CLEVELAND. SOUTHWESTERN COLUMBUS RAILWAY COMPANY. L. R.

STRAUB, Agent, Phones- -Mansfeld 108, Bell 941-W. ERIE (Trains run on Eastern Standard Time) EASTBOUND a $8:38 8 $3:04 $9:02 WESTBOUND- A $5:20 m. B. 0. a a 14:55 m.

a 19:53 a :08 m. PENNSYLVANIA EAST a a $5:50 a $10:15 a $4:07 mn 4:30 $5:27 4:35 m. A $8:54 a 111:52 m0; m. Toledo Division. $2:17 a a m.

NORTH, SOUTH--Ar. $1:00 a a 1:80 $8:00 m. Marietta Division 17:00 a m. NORTH--Ar. 15:20 m.

BIG FOUR Going Enst AT a $5:25 a 16:00 A a a In $4:20 $6:30 $8:40 $11:40 m. AT a 10:10 a a $10:25 a 06:41 10 AT a $4:36 a 16:29 A In a a 1:56 7:35 $9:00 m. Going West AT a $1:30 7:30 $10:53 m. AT a $1:45 p. 11:12 m.

AT a $5:45 a :27 a $9:37 a 11:05 $9:23 $8:00 m. Daily. Dally except Sunday, Sunday only, 1. TO LET- -6 rooms and bath, 18 Bently $15 per to. Inquire 242 Park ave.

east. E. W. Spitler 9 WANTED -Barber wants position. Address care News.

9 WANTED -Position as waiter: have had Some experience 08 short order cook. D. L. care News. 9 -Housework or washing by German woman.

Call Mans. phone 1006-W. The North American Realty Corporation Offers for Sale the following BESIDES OTHERS NOT LIST. ED HERE. The fine Park avenue residence with large grounds, No.

499 Park avenue West, almost an acre of ground with this property and for sale at a very reasonable price. Some other very modern and most up-to-date properties on the West side. The fine new 8-room modern house on McCarthy avenue, close to Helen avenue. One of the prettiest locations on the West side. Price 000.00.

New House with fine finish and every modern convenience. Summit court. Practically new modern 8-room house, 4 bed rooms, bath, attic, comented cellar, furnace, oak-finished and open stairway downstairs, located on West side with lot 60x158 feet for $2,800.00. Can you build it for this price? The fine new double house, 7 rooms and bath on each side, oak finish, attic, good cemented cellar and other desirable features, located on West Side. 9-room modern house on Sturges avenue with lot extending back to Arthur avenue, price reasonable.

Good house on Superior street near Foster. House on Miller good location, cheap at $1,900.00. Two good houses on Park avenue East. Modern and good 7 room house No. 35 Glessner avenue, will sell at reasonable price.

House on South Adams street, $1,850.00. Have a good new modern house, 7 rooms and bath, in rear of South Mulberry street. House on Wood street, $2,800.00. You cannot afford to miss these bargains. Will sell 9 room house with bath, rear W.

6th street, close to B. 0. railway and close to shop district with two 60-foot lots for $1,650.00. Large house on Orchard street, $2,400.00 Other good properties on north side. Large, almost new, double house on South Main street, close to Square with large lot and another house in rear.

Three other good properties on South Main street. Some Business property at reasonable prices. Building lots on West side, including one on Glenwood Boulevard, close to Park Avenue, $1,000.00. Also the finest and cheapest lot on West side of Parkwood boulevard, close to Park avenue, $1,000. Good lot on Spring Mill street, $725.00.

Building lot on W. Fifth street, $600.00. Two dandy lots on Shadyside avenue, right next to West Fourth St. Will you give $500.00 each? Good lot, Prospect Heights, close to Main, only $225.00. FARMS.

2 acres of land on McPherson street, 6 room house and stable, other buildings, $2,000.00. Will change this for 40 or 50 acres and pay the difference for a good farm. 5 acres close in, with fine buildings and level land, $2,400.00. 9 acres on Pike and near corporation line. Large house and fruit, nice level land and fairly good barn.

30 acres west, 3 miles out, 500.00. 51 acres west with good buildings, well tiled level land and young fruit orchard, $4,000.00. 105 acres East, good productive soil, good buildings, 8 good farm, $6.300.00. 60 acres east, miles, good soil, no buildings, $4,500.00. 166 2-3 acres miles east on Main road with 2 sets of buildings timber and nice laying land, $90 per acre.

324 acres north 9 miles, two sets of buildings, blackfork land, plenty good timber, $50.00 per acre. city, 12-room house a and other good 190 acres, miles southwest of improvements. Nice land, good timber. It will pay to buy this at $60.00 per acre, Other good farms. SEEHoward S.

Twitchell Manager, Ford Block. Both Phones..

News Journal from Mansfield, Ohio (2024)


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Article information

Author: Corie Satterfield

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.