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Scopes change the currently-selected entity where the effects should apply or which is checked by the triggers. Each one must follow the same formatting of scope = { <contents> }.

When a scope is used as for effects, each effect inside of the scope's block is executed. Conversely, when a scope is used as for triggers, it serves as a logical conjunction, requiring every trigger in the scope's block to be met for that scope to evaluate as true.

In addition to serving as blocks for effects or triggers, some scopes can also serve as targets of effects or triggers: e.g. transfer_state_to = ROOT or owns_state = 123.
However, only some dual scopes can be used as a target. For scopes that cannot be used as targets, PREV, Variables, or Event targets can be used to get around this limitation.


  • 1 Types
  • 2 Examples
  • 3 Settings
    • 3.1 Limiting
    • 3.2 Tooltip
    • 3.3 Priority
  • 4 Dual scopes
    • 4.1 Invalid event target
  • 5 Trigger scopes
  • 6 Effect scopes
    • 6.1 Effects with scopes
  • 7 Array scopes
  • 8 PREV usage
  • 9 Flow control tools

Types[edit | edit source]

Scopes can be thought of as divided into 3 types by purpose:

  • Trigger scopes - those that can only be used in trigger blocks, failing when put within an effect block.
  • Effect scopes - those that can only be used in effect blocks, failing when put within an trigger block.
  • Dual scopes - those that can be put in both trigger and effect blocks without issues.

It is to be noted that trigger or effect scopes cannot ever be used as targets. That is strictly limited to some dual scopes.

Most of the non-dual scopes follow one of these following patterns:

all_<name>Trigger scope, evaluated for each contained scope. Returns false when encountering at least one scope that is false, returns true otherwise.
any_<name>Trigger scope, evaluated for each contained scope. Returns true when encountering at least one scope that is true, returns false otherwise.
every_<name>Effect scope, executes the effects on each contained scope that meets the limit in order.
random_<name>Effect scope, executes the effects on a random contained scope that meets the limit.

Only some scopes that follow this pattern have equivalents with a different pattern. For example, random_owned_controlled_state exists, but every_owned_controlled_state does not. Each of these non-dual scopes cannot select a country that does not exist, with the exception of every_possible_country.

Additionally, scopes can be divided into 6 types by the targets of the scope for which effects are executed or triggers are checked:

  • Country scopes - Executed for countries.
  • State scopes - Executed for states.
  • Character scopes - Executed for characters. Some subsets exist, such as unit leaders and country leaders.
  • Division scopes - Executed for divisions.
  • MIO scopes - Executed for military industrial organisations.
  • Contract scopes - Executed for purchase contracts.

Only effects or triggers of the same target type can be used. For example, add_building_construction can only be used in a state scope such as random_owned_controlled_state = { ... }, as you can only construct buildings in states. For countries, offsite buildings are used instead.

Examples[edit | edit source]

Example scope with effects: all contained effects are executed for the scope. This adds 10% Stability and 20% War support to the Soviet Union:

SOV = { add_stability = 0.1 add_war_support = 0.2}

Example scope with triggers: all contained triggers must return true for the scope; otherwise, the scope returns false. This requires the state 123 (South-West England) to be owned by the United Kingdom and controlled by Ireland:

123 = { is_owned_by = ENG is_controlled_by = IRE}

Example use of PREV as target for non-targetable scope. Since random_country cannot be used as a target, add_to_faction = random_country is not valid syntax; instead, PREV can be used to get around this limitation. The following example adds random country to ROOT's faction:

random_country = { ROOT = { add_to_faction = PREV }}

Settings[edit | edit source]

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Scopes can have additional settings to narrow down the usage. This may change how many and which targets it's able to select or what the tooltip shows.

Limiting[edit | edit source]

Non-dual scopes that select unit leaders or MIOs, such as every_navy_leader, by default only include those that are visible to the player, i.e. those unit leaders whose roles do not have an unfulfilled visible = { ... } and those MIOs that do not have an unfulfilled visible = { ... }. By including include_invisible = yes, this can be changed. This will look as such:

random_army_leader = { include_invisible = yes set_nationality = SWE}

Within only effect scopes, limit = { ... } can be used as a trigger block, evaluated for each possible target contained by the scope. In case of the every_<name> pattern, this will ensure that the tooltip will function properly, which may not be the case when using if directly. In case of the random_<name> pattern, this will remove the possibility of scopes not meeting the triggers being chosen, limiting the selection. For party_leader in specific, the limit must contain has_ideology, while there are no requirements on other scopes. An example of limiting the selection is the following:

every_neighbor_country = { #Targets every neighbor country limit = { num_of_military_factories > 5 #Limit the scope to neighbor countries with more than 5 (at least 6) military factories } give_military_access = ROOT #Neighbor countries with more than 5 military factories give military access to the ROOT country}

In case of multiple triggers, limit acts like an AND block, requiring each one to be true. To reiterate, this cannot be used within trigger or dual scopes, only in effect scopes.

For scopes of the every_ type, an additional setting for limiting the selection is random_select_amount. In particular, it takes an integer and limits the maximum amount of chosen scopes to that number, picking a random sub-set if exceeded. It is used as such:

every_country = { random_select_amount = 3 # Selects 3 random countries country_event = lottery_win.0}

Tooltip[edit | edit source]

By default, using a scope of either of the any_, all_, and every_ types will show a title specific to that scope in the tooltip, such as Every country: or All neighbor states:. If scope limits are used, then this changes to the list of scopes that fulfill the limit, such as Corsica, Rome, Sardinia:. For countries, the order in which country tags are created is used in ordering; for states, the state ID is used. If the tooltip differs depending on the scope where it's executed, such as with if statements, then only the first-selected scope is used in the evaluation.

By using tooltip = loc_key within any non-dual scope, including of the random_ type, the tooltip shown to the player can be changed towards the value of the targeted localisation key in the currently enabled language. This will look like the following:

any_country = { hidden_trigger = { has_opinion = { target = PREV value > 50 } # Serves as a "limit" hidden from the player. } tooltip = any_friendly_country_tt # Replaces "Any country" with the localisation key has_war_with = ITA}

The localisation key will be defined as such in any localisation file:

l_english: any_friendly_country_tt: "Any friendly country"

This will appear in the tooltip as such:

Any friendly country:
Is at war with Italy.

In tooltips of the every_ type where scope limits are used, by default the tooltip unites it into a single scope, such as Germany, United Kingdom, Soviet Union:. By using display_individual_scopes = yes, this will make each selected scope appear in the tooltip separately. For example:

every_neighbor_country = { limit = { OR = { has_government = communism has_government = fascism } } display_individual_scopes = yes if = { limit = { has_government = fascism } add_war_support = -0.1 } else = { add_stability = -0.1 }}

Without displaying individual scopes, this will be shown as one effect block, such as the following:

Germany, Soviet Union:
Gain Base War Support: -10%.

By the nature of tooltips, the if statements for the first country are evaluated and the same tooltip is shown for both countries. This falsely implies that the Soviet Union will have 10% War support removed. However, adding display_individual_scopes = yes changes it to the following:

Gain Base War Support: -10%.

Soviet Union:

Gain Base Stability: -10%.

Priority[edit | edit source]

Within effect scopes of the random_ type, if it is aimed at states, it is possible to prioritize a certain state if possible, by using prioritize as such:

random_owned_controlled_state = { prioritize = { 123 321 } limit = { is_core_of = PREV } <...>}

In this case, the limit will first be evaluated for states 123 and 321. Only if neither of the states 123 or 321 meets the conditions of being owned, controlled, and cored by the country will the random_owned_controlled_state scope be able to select a state that isn't 123 or 321. States 123 and 321, in this case, have the same priority: if both have conditions fulfilled, which one will be picked is random. This only applies at scopes of the random_ type which target states, this cannot be done with countries or characters.

Dual scopes[edit | edit source]

The following scopes can be used either as effect or trigger scopes; some can also be used as the right side of some effects and triggers as a target. If usage as a target is possible, it's marked within the table.

Several dual scopes may have a scope that varies depending on where it's used, such as variables, which can be set to anything.

Dual scopes:
NameUsageTarget typeExampleDescriptionUsable as targetVersion Added
TAGAlways usableCountry scopeSOV = { country_event = my_event.1 }The country defined by the tag or tag alias. Tag aliases are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_tag_aliases, as a way to refer to a specific country (such as a side in a civil war) in addition to its actual tag. If the country with the exact tag doesn't exist, but a dynamic country originating from the specified tag does, the scope will refer to the dynamic country.1.0
<state_id>Always usableState scope123 = { transfer_state_to = SCO }The state defined by this id.1.0
<character>Always usableCharacter scopeENG_theodore_makhno = { set_nationality = UKR }On game versions prior to 1.12.8, the character must be already recruited by the country this is scoped from.1.11
mio:<MIO>Always usableMIO scopemio:AST_co*ckatoo_doe_organization = { … }The MIO identified by that ID as defined within the /Hearts of Iron IV/common/military_industrial_organization/organizations/*.txt file.1.13
ROOTAlways usableDepends on usage
ENG = { FRA = { GER = { declare_war_on = { target = ROOT type = annex_everything } } }} #GER declares war on ENG (if there is no scope before ENG)
Targets the root node of the block, an inherent property of each block. Most commonly, this is the default scope: for example, ROOT within a national focus will always refer to the country doing the focus and ROOT within a event will always refer to the country getting the event. However, some blocks do distinguish between the default scope and ROOT, such as certain scripted GUI contexts or certain on actions. If a block doesn't have ROOT defined (such as on_startup in on actions), then it is impossible to use it.1.0
THISAlways usableDepends on usage
set_temp_variable = { target_country = THIS }
Targets the current scope where it's used. For example, when used in every_state, it will refer to the state that's currently being evaluated. Primarily useful for variables (as in the example, where omitting it wouldn't work) or for built-in localisation commands, where some scope must be specified. More rarely, this may help with scope manipulation when using PREV. Since omitting it makes no difference in how the code gets interpreted, there is little to no usage outside of these cases.1.0
PREVAlways usableDepends on usage
FRA = { random_country = { GER = { declare_war_on = { target = PREV type = annex_everything } } }} #Germany declares war on random_country
Targets the scope that the current scope is contained in. Can have additional applications where the assumed default scope differs from the ROOT, such as in state events or some on_actions. Can be chained indefinitely as PREV.PREV. Commonly results in broken-looking tooltips: what's shown to the player doesn't always correlate with reality.

See also: PREV usage.

FROMAlways usableDepends on usage
declare_war_on = { target = FROM type = annex_everything}FROM = { load_oob = defend_ourselves}
Can be chained indefinitely as FROM.FROM. Used to target various hardcoded scopes inherent to the block, often a secondary scope in addition to ROOT. For example:

In events, this refers to the country that sent the event (i.e. if the event was fired using an effect, then it's the ROOT scope where it was fired).
In targeted decisions or diplomacy scripted triggers, this refers to the scope that is targeted.

overlordWithin country scope onlyCountry scopeoverlord = { … }The overlord of the country if it is a subject. Subject to the 'invalid event target' error.X1.3
faction_leaderWithin country scope onlyCountry scopefaction_leader = { add_to_faction = FROM }Faction leader of the faction the country is a part of. Subject to the 'invalid event target' error.X1.10.1
ownerWithin state, character, or combatant scope onlyCountry scopeowner = { add_ideas = owns_this_state }In state scope, the country that owns the state. In combatant scope, the country that owns the divisions. In character scope, the country that has recruited the character. Subject to the 'invalid event target' error when used for a state.X1.0
controllerWithin state scope onlyCountry scope
controller = { ROOT = { create_wargoal = { target = PREV type = take_state_focus generator = { 123 } } }}
The controller of the current state. Subject to the 'invalid event target' error.X1.0
capital_scopeWithin country scope onlyState scopecapital_scope = { … }The state where the capital of the current country is located in. Subject to the 'invalid event target' error in rare cases.X1.0
event_target:<event_target_key>Always usableDepends on usageevent_target:my_event_target = { … }Saved event target or global event target, with no space after the colon. Subject to the 'invalid event target' error.1.0
var:<variable>Always usableDepends on usagevar:my_variable = { … }
add_to_faction = my_variable or
add_to_faction = var:my_variable
Variable set to a scope.

When used as a target rather than a scope, the var: can be omitted in most cases.


Invalid event target[edit | edit source]

See also: Event targets

In regards to some dual scopes, a possible logged error to get while using them is "Invalid event target", as in common/national_focus/generic.txt:690: controller: invalid event target: controller, while the scope being used is not necessarily an event target.
This refers to the scope not having any defined target in the context that it is used, i.e. it is impossible to select any single target when it is used. In case of controller = { ... } as in the example, this means that the scope is checked or executed in a state that isn't controlled by any country. Such states are rather unstable and can cause crashes easily (such as if evaluated for an air mission by AI or if doing almost any effect on them), so if this happens for controller or owner, then this must be fixed only by making sure that every state has an owner or controller.

In practice, this gets skipped over entirely when evaluating the effects or triggers: none of the effects would be executed; as a trigger it'll not come up as either true or false. However, since this can be checked every tick, leaving it as is can result in cluttering the error log. To avoid this, it's possible to use the if statement in effects or triggers in such a manner that the dual scope would only be checked if the conditions for it existing are fulfilled, such as by checking that the country is indeed a subject before checking the overlord. An example of that being done is as such:

if = { limit = { is_subject = yes } overlord = { country_event = example.0 }}

While this has identical effects regardless of whether the country is independent or is a subject, this doesn't access the overlord scope for an independent country.

Trigger scopes[edit | edit source]

These can only be used as triggers; trying to use them as effects will result in nothing happening.

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Trigger scopes:
NameUsageTarget typeExampleDescriptionVersion Added
all_countryAlways usableCountryall_country = { … }Checks if all countries meet the triggers.1.0
any_countryAlways usableCountryany_country = { … }Checks if any country meets the triggers.1.0
all_other_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryall_other_country = { … }Checks if all countries other than the one where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.0
any_other_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryany_other_country = { … }Checks if any country other than the one where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.0
all_country_with_original_tagAlways usableCountry
all_country_with_original_tag = { original_tag_to_check = TAG #required … #triggers to check}
Checks if all countries originating from the specified country, including the dynamic countries created for civil wars and other purposes, meet the triggers. original_tag_to_check = TAG is used to specify the original tag.1.9
any_country_with_original_tagAlways usableCountry
any_country_with_original_tag = { original_tag_to_check = TAG #required … #triggers to check}
Checks if any country originating from the specified country, including the dynamic countries created for civil wars and other purposes, meets the triggers. original_tag_to_check = TAG is used to specify the original tag.1.9
all_neighbor_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryall_neighbor_country = { … }Checks if all countries that border the one where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.0
any_neighbor_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryany_neighbor_country = { … }Checks if any country that borders the one where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.0
any_home_area_neighbor_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryany_home_area_neighbor_country = { … }Checks if any country that borders the one where this scope is located, as well as being in its home area - meaning a direct land connection between the capitals of countries - meets the triggers.1.0
all_guaranteed_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryall_guaranteed_country = { … }Checks if all countries that are guaranteed by the one where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.9
any_guaranteed_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryany_guaranteed_country = { … }Checks if any country that is guaranteed by the one where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.9
all_allied_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryall_allied_country = { … }Checks if all countries that are allied with the one where this scope is located - meaning that they are either a subject of the country, its overlord, or that they share a faction - meet the triggers. Does not include the country itself.1.9
any_allied_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryany_allied_country = { … }Checks if any country that is allied with the one where this scope is located - meaning that they are either a subject of the country, its overlord, or that they share a faction - meets the triggers. Does not include the country itself.1.9
all_occupied_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryall_occupied_country = { … }Checks if all countries that are occupied by the one where this scope is located - meaning that the occupied country has core states controlled by the occupier country - meet the triggers.1.9
any_occupied_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryany_occupied_country = { … }Checks if any country that is occupied by the one where this scope is located - meaning that the occupied country has core states controlled by the occupier country - meets the triggers.1.9
all_enemy_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryall_enemy_country = { … }Checks if all countries that are at war with the one where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.9
any_enemy_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryany_enemy_country = { … }Checks if any country that are at war with the one where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.9
all_subject_countriesWithin country scope onlyCountryall_subject_countries = { … }Checks if all countries that are a subject of the one where this scope is located meet the triggers. Notice the plural spelling in the scope.1.11
any_subject_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryany_subject_country = { … }Checks if any country that is a subject of the one where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.11
any_country_with_coreWithin state scope onlyCountryany_country_with_core = { … }Checks if any country that has the current scope as a core state meets the triggers. Does not have an equivalent for other effect/trigger scope types.1.12
all_stateAlways usableStateall_state = { … }Check if all states meet the triggers.1.0
any_stateAlways usableStateany_state = { … }Check if any state meets the triggers.1.0
all_neighbor_stateWithin state scope onlyStateall_neighbor_state = { … }Check if all states that are neighbour to the one where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.0
any_neighbor_stateWithin state scope onlyStateany_neighbor_state = { … }Check if any state that is neighbour to the one where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.0
all_owned_stateWithin country scope onlyStateall_owned_state = { … }Check if all states that are owned by the country where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.0
any_owned_stateWithin country scope onlyStateany_owned_state = { … }Check if any state that is owned by the country where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.0
all_core_stateWithin country scope onlyStateall_core_state = { … }Check if any state that is cored by the country where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.11
any_core_stateWithin country scope onlyStateany_core_state = { … }Check if all states that are cored by the country where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.11
all_controlled_stateWithin country scope onlyStateall_controlled_state = { … }Check if all states that are controlled by the country where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.9
any_controlled_stateWithin country scope onlyStateany_controlled_state = { … }Check if any state that is controlled by the country where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.9
all_unit_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderall_unit_leader = { … }Checks if all unit leaders (corps commanders, field marshals, admirals) that are employed by the country where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.5
any_unit_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderany_unit_leader = { … }Checks if any unit leader (corps commander, field marshal, admiral) that is employed by the country where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.5
all_army_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderall_army_leader = { … }Checks if all army leaders that are employed by the country where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.5
any_army_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderany_army_leader = { … }Checks if any army leader that is employed by the country where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.5
all_navy_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderall_navy_leader = { … }Checks if all navy leaders that are employed by the country where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.5
any_navy_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderany_navy_leader = { … }Checks if any navy leader that is employed by the country where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.5
all_operative_leaderWithin country scope or operations onlyOperativeall_operative_leader = { … }Checks if all operatives that are employed by the country where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.9
any_operative_leaderWithin country scope or operations onlyOperativeany_operative_leader = { … }Checks if any operative that is employed by the country where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.9
all_characterWithin country scope onlyCharacterall_character = { … }Checks if all characters that are recruited by the country where this scope is located meet the triggers.1.11
any_characterWithin country scope onlyCharacterany_character = { … }Checks if any character that is recruited by the country where this scope is located meets the triggers.1.11
any_country_divisionWithin country scope onlyDivisionany_country_division = { … }Checks if any division owned by the current country meets the triggers.1.12
any_state_divisionWithin state scope onlyDivisionany_state_division = { … }Checks if any division within the current state meets the triggers.1.12
all_military_industrial_organizationWithin country scope onlyMIOall_military_industrial_organization = { … }Checks if all MIOs within the current country meet the conditions.1.13
any_military_industrial_organizationWithin country scope onlyMIOany_military_industrial_organization = { … }Checks if any MIO within the current country meets the conditions.1.13
all_purchase_contractWithin country scope onlyPurchase contractall_purchase_contract = { … }Checks if all purchase contracts within the current country meet the conditions.1.13
any_purchase_contractWithin country scope onlyPurchase contractany_purchase_contract = { … }Checks if any purchase contract within the current country meets the conditions.1.13

Effect scopes[edit | edit source]

These can only be used as effects; trying to use them as triggers will result in nothing happening.

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Effect scopes:
NameUsageTarget typeExampleDescriptionVersion Added
every_possible_countryAlways usableCountryevery_possible_country = { ... }Executes children effects on every country that meets the limit, including those that do not exist.1.11
every_countryAlways usableCountryevery_country = { … }Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit.1.0
random_countryAlways usableCountryrandom_country = { … }Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit.1.0
every_other_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryevery_other_country = { … }Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is not the same country as the one this is contained in.1.0
random_other_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryrandom_other_country = { … }Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and is not the same country as the one this is contained in.1.0
every_country_with_original_tagAlways usableCountry
every_country_with_original_tag = { original_tag_to_check = TAG #required … #effects to run}
Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and has the specified original tag.1.9
random_country_with_original_tagAlways usableCountry
random_country_with_original_tag = { original_tag_to_check = TAG #required … #effects to run}
Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and has the specified original tag.
every_neighbor_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryevery_neighbor_country = { … }Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and borders the country this is contained in.1.0
random_neighbor_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryrandom_neighbor_country = { … }Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and borders the country this is contained in.1.0
every_occupied_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryevery_occupied_country = { … }Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and has any core states controlled by the country this is contained in.1.9
random_occupied_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryrandom_occupied_country = { … }Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and has any core states controlled by the country this is contained in.1.9
every_enemy_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryevery_enemy_country = { … }Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is at war with the country this is contained in.1.0
random_enemy_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryrandom_enemy_country = { … }Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and is at war with the country this is contained in.1.0
every_subject_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryevery_subject_country = { … }Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is a subject of the country this is contained in.1.11
random_subject_countryWithin country scope onlyCountryrandom_subject_country = { … }Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and is a subject of the country this is contained in.1.11
every_stateAlways usableState/severy_state = { … }Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit.1.0
random_stateAlways usableState
random_state = { prioritize = { 123 321 } #optional … #effects to run}
Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit.1.0
every_neighbor_stateWithin state scope onlyStateevery_neighbor_state = { … }Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit and neighbours the state this is contained in.1.0
random_neighbor_stateWithin state scope onlyStaterandom_neighbor_state = { … }Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and neighbours the state this is contained in. Does not support prioritizing.1.0
every_owned_stateWithin country scope onlyStateevery_owned_state = { … }Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit and is owned by the country this is contained in.1.0
random_owned_stateWithin country scope onlyState
random_owned_state = { prioritize = { 123 321 } #optional … #effects to run}
Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and is owned by the country this is contained in.1.0
every_core_stateWithin country scope onlyStateevery_core_state = { … }Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit and is a core of the country this is contained in.1.11
random_core_stateWithin country scope onlyState
random_core_state = { prioritize = { 123 321 } #optional … #effects to run}
Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and is a core of the country this is contained in.1.11
every_controlled_stateWithin country scope onlyStateevery_controlled_state = { … }Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit and is controlled by the country this is contained in.1.9
random_controlled_stateWithin country scope onlyState
random_controlled_state = { prioritize = { 123 321 } #optional … #effects to run}
Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and is controlled by the country this is contained in.1.9
random_owned_controlled_stateWithin country scope onlyState
random_owned_controlled_state = { prioritize = { 123 321 } #optional … #effects to run}
Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and is owned and controlled by the country this is contained in.1.3
every_unit_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderevery_unit_leader = { … }Executes contained effects on every unit leader (corps commanders, field marshals, admirals) that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in.1.5
random_unit_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderrandom_unit_leader = { … }Executes contained effects on a random unit leader (corps commanders, field marshals, admirals) that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in.1.5
every_army_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderevery_unit_leader = { … }Executes contained effects on every army leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in.1.5
random_army_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderrandom_army_leader = { … }Executes contained effects on a random army leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in.1.5
global_every_army_leaderAlways usableUnit Leaderglobal_every_army_leader = { … }Executes contained effects on every army leader that meets the limit. Preferable to use every_army_leader unless necessary to use global_every_army_leader.1.5
every_navy_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderevery_navy_leader = { … }Executes contained effects on every navy leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in.1.5
random_navy_leaderWithin country scope onlyUnit Leaderrandom_navy_leader = { … }Executes contained effects on a random navy leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in.1.5
every_operativeWithin country scope or operations onlyOperativeevery_operative = { … }Executes contained effects on every operative that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in.1.9
random_operativeWithin country scope or operations onlyOperativerandom_operative = { … }Executes contained effects on a random operative that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in.1.9
every_characterWithin country scope onlyCharacterevery_character = { … }Executes contained effects on every character that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in.1.11
random_characterWithin country scope onlyCharacterrandom_character = { … }Executes contained effects on a random character that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in.1.11
every_country_divisionWithin country scope onlyDivisionevery_country_division = { … }Executes contained effects on every division that meets the limit and is owned by the current country.1.12
random_country_divisionWithin country scope onlyDivisionrandom_country_division = { … }Executes contained effects on a random division that meets the limit and is owned by the current country.1.12
every_state_divisionWithin state scope onlyDivisionevery_state_division = { … }Executes contained effects on every division that meets the limit and is located within the current state.1.12
random_state_divisionWithin state scope onlyDivisionrandom_state_division = { … }Executes contained effects on a random division that meets the limit and is located within the current state.1.12
every_military_industrial_organizationWithin country scope onlyMIOevery_military_industrial_organization = { … }Executes contained effects on every MIO within the current country that meets the limit.1.13
random_military_industrial_organizationWithin country scope onlyMIOrandom_military_industrial_organization = { … }Executes contained effects on a random MIO within the current country that meets the limit.1.13
every_purchase_contractWithin country scope onlyPurchase contractevery_purchase_contract = { … }Executes contained effects on every purchase contract within the current country that meets the limit.1.13
random_purchase_contractWithin country scope onlyPurchase contractrandom_state_division = { … }Executes contained effects on a random purchase contract within the current country that meets the limit.1.13
party_leaderWithin country scope onlyCharacter
party_leader = { limit = { has_ideology = liberalism } set_nationality = BHR}
Executes the effects on the party leader with the specified ideology type. Must contain a has_ideology in the limit that refers to a specific ideology type (e.g. Despotic), not a group that contain the type (e.g. Non-Aligned). The selected character must be the leader of a party corresponding to the ideology group.1.11

NOTE: Some of these scopes may have no countries/states that match the criteria

Effects with scopes[edit | edit source]

There are the following effects that also change the currently-selected scope:

Effects changing the scope:
NameParametersExamplesDescriptionNotesVersion Added
start_civil_warideology = <ideology>
The ideology of the breakaway country.

ruling_party = <ideology>
The ruling party of the original, player-led country. Optional.
size = <float>
The size of the breakaway country and the fraction of the original stockpile and military units it will receive by default. Optional, defaults to 0.5.
army_ratio = <float>
The size of the land army that the breakaway country gets. Optional, defaults to being the same as size.
navy_ratio = <float>
The size of the naval forces that the breakaway country gets. Optional, defaults to being the same as size.
air_ratio = <float>
The size of the airforce that the breakaway country gets. Optional, defaults to being the same as size.
capital = <state>
The capital state of the breakaway country. Optional.
states = { <state> }
The states included in the breakway country. Optional, defaults to random states based off size. all will result in all states that meet the filter going to the breakaway.
states_filter = { <triggers> }
A trigger block checked for the state that must be met to be transferred to the breakaway. Optional.
keep_unit_leaders = { <unit leader id> }
List of unit leaders to be kept by their legacy_id. Optional.
keep_unit_leaders_trigger = { <triggers> }
Trigger block checked for every unit leader that forces them to be kept if they meet the triggers. Optional.
keep_political_leader = <bool>
Controls if the promoted party leader (i.e. the one that'd take power if the country were to be switched to that ideology group) of the revolting ideology group will be kept by the country or join the revolt, yes resulting in the former. Optional, defaults to false.
keep_political_party_members = <bool>
Controls if non-promoted party leaders of the revolting ideology group will be kept by the country or join the revolt, yes resulting in the former. Optional, defaults to false.
keep_all_characters = yes
If true, the revolter will have no characters from the original country transferred to them. Optional, defaults to false.
An effect block executed for the breakaway country.

start_civil_war = { ruling_party = communism # Original country's ideology changes to communism ideology = ROOT # Breakaway gets old ideology of ROOT size = 0.8 capital = 282 states = { 282 533 536 555 529 530 528 } keep_unit_leaders = { 750 751 752 } keep_political_leader = yes keep_political_party_members = yes}
start_civil_war = { ideology = democratic size = 0.1 states = all states_filter = { is_on_continent = europe is_capital = no } set_country_flag = TAG_my_country_tag_alias_trigger # Sets a country flag that gets used in a country tag alias.}

(See country tag aliases)

start_civil_war = { ideology = neutrality size = 0.1 army_ratio = 0.5 navy_ratio = 0 air_ratio = 1 keep_unit_leaders_trigger = { has_trait = my_trait_name } keep_all_characters = yes PREV = { # Original country TAG_airforce_leader = { # Character set_nationality = PREV.PREV # Transfers to breakaway } } promote_character = TAG_airforce_leader}

(See usage for PREV and PREV.PREV)

Within country scope: starts a civil war for the current scope with the specified parameters, changing the scope to the dynamic country.states = all would include every single state controlled by the country. If the country's current capital state is set as one of the states that the revolt can gain, it won't fire. set_capital can be used to change the capital beforehand, with On_actions#on_civil_war_end being used to set it back to the default after the civil war ends.1.0
create_dynamic_countryoriginal_tag = <tag>
The original tag to be used by the country.

copy_tag = <tag>
If specified, copies stuff from this tag rather than the original tag.
Effects that will be executed on the new dynamic country.

create_dynamic_country = { original_tag = POL copy_tag = SOV add_political_power = 100 transfer_state = 123}
Within country scope: Creates a new dynamic country, akin to ones used in civil wars, adding every core of the original tag as core and changing the scope to the dynamic country.The reserve_dynamic_country effect can be used if the dynamic country does not yet exist in order to ensure that it does not get overwritten by other creations of dynamic countries.1.9

Array scopes[edit | edit source]

See also: Arrays

Arrays can be used to create a generic selection of scopes meeting the criteria. These scopes exist for checking conditions on elements of an array or executing effects on them:

Array-related scopes:
any_of_scopesTriggerarray = <array>
The array to check.

tooltip = <localisation key>
The localisation key used for the trigger.
An AND trigger block.

any_of_scopes = { array = global.majors tooltip = has_more_states_than_any_other_major_tt NOT = { tag = PREV } check_variable = { num_owned_controlled_states > PREV.num_owned_controlled_states }}
Checks if any value within the array fulfills the triggers, halting and returning true if that's the case, scoping into each element in the array.Appending _NOT to the tooltip's key (such as has_more_states_than_any_other_major_tt_NOT in the example) results in the localisation key used if this any_of_scopes is put inside of NOT = { ... }.
all_of_scopesTriggerarray = <array>
The array to check.

tooltip = <localisation key>
The localisation key used for the trigger.
An AND trigger block.

all_of_scopes = { array = global.majors tooltip = has_more_states_than_every_other_major_tt OR = { tag = PREV check_variable = { num_owned_controlled_states < PREV.num_owned_controlled_states } }}
Checks if every value within the array fulfills the triggers, halting and returning false if any one doesn't, scoping into each element in the array.Appending _NOT to the tooltip's key (such as has_more_states_than_every_other_major_tt_NOT in the example) results in the localisation key used if this any_of_scopes is put inside of NOT = { ... }.
for_each_scope_loopEffectarray = <array>
The array to check.

break = <variable>
The temporary variable that can be set to be not 0 to instantly break the loop.
An effect block.

for_each_scope_loop = { array = global.majors if = { limit = { NOT = { tag = ROOT } } random_owned_controlled_state = { transfer_state_to = ROOT } }}
Runs the effects for every scope within the array.Equivalent to a every_<...> effect scope type, with additional break.
random_scope_in_arrayEffectarray = <array>
The array to check.

break = <variable>
The temporary variable that can be set to be not 0 to instantly break the loop.
limit = { <triggers> }
An AND trigger block deciding which scopes can be picked.
An effect block.

random_scope_in_array = { array = global.countries break = break limit = { is_dynamic_country = no exists = no any_state = { is_core_of = PREV # Is core of the currently-checked country } } random_core_state = { transfer_state_to = PREV # Transfers to the currently-selected country. }}
Runs the effects for a random scope within the array.Equivalent to a random_<...> effect scope type, with additional break.

PREV usage[edit | edit source]

In order to understand PREV, it can be helpful to think back to the trigger/effect scopes such as every_controlled_state. In this case, if put inside directly, PREV can be used as the controller of the state. In fact, every_controlled_state is equivalent to every_state with a limit of is_controlled_by = PREV in most ways, although it is recommended to use every_controlled_state instead as it is better for optimisation. For example, the following will transfer every state to its controller, changing the owner:

every_country = { every_controlled_state = { transfer_state_to = PREV }}

If thinking of it as a tree, the scopes are in the order of [every_country,every_controlled_state]. Using it within every_controlled_state will refer back to the parent node, or every_country, specifically the country in the every_country list this is currently being executed for. This can be used in other ways, such as obtaining a wargoal against the owner of a state:

123 = { owner = { ROOT = { create_wargoal = { target = PREV type = take_state_focus generator = { 123 } } } }}

Diagram showing how PREV and PREV.PREV connect to other entries in the code example.

In this case, the tree is constructed with [123,owner,ROOT]. Using PREV within ROOT will refer to the previously-defined owner.

Chaining PREV can be done by separating them with a dot as PREV.PREV.PREV. This can be useful if the needed scope is more than 1 scope back.
This is an another example of PREV usage with an attached diagram showing how they connect to other scopes:

every_country = { limit = { any_country = { any_country = { has_war_with = PREV is_neighbor_of = PREV.PREV } has_attache_from = PREV } } country_event = my_event.0}

In this case, an event will be sent to every country that has sent an attaché to a country that's at war with a neighbour of the original country (i.e. the country that would receive the event). Using PREV.PREV is necessary in this case as all 3 countries don't have single defined tags or pointers and all interact with each other.

In many cases, using PREV can result in seemingly broken tooltips which'll work fine regardless when executing the effects in-game. This typically happens when using it pointing to scopes of the every_<...>/all_<...> types. A single effect or trigger's tooltip can only show one scope as a target at once, and the game would only pick the first possible scope in the tooltip. This can look like the following:

  • (Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily):
    • Switzerland:
      • Becomes owner and controller of Sardinia

This can not be avoided with traditional means while still using PREV. Instead, it's possible to use hidden_effect and custom_effect_tooltip or custom_trigger_tooltip in order to completely replace the tooltip in this case.

Flow control tools[edit | edit source]

While these aren't scopes, not changing where the effects are run or triggers are checked, they still function as blocks of code that can be used within any trigger and/or effect.

Flow control tools:
ANDWithin triggers
AND = { original_tag = GER has_stability > 0.5}
Returns false if any sub-trigger returns false, true otherwise. Evaluation stops at the first false sub-trigger.

Nearly all trigger blocks (including scopes) use AND by defaults, so its primary use is with OR and NOT, which affects their function.

Usually modifies trigger tooltips to include "All of the following must be true"
ORWithin triggers
OR = { original_tag = ENG original_tag = USA}
Returns true if any sub-trigger returns true, false otherwise. Evaluation stops at the first true sub-trigger.

By default, OR checks each contained trigger separately, AND can be used in order to check between groups of triggers.

Usually modifies trigger tooltips to include "One of the following must be true"
NOTWithin triggers
NOT = { has_stability > 0.5 has_war_support > 0.5}
Returns false if any sub-trigger returns true, true otherwise. Evaluation stops at the first true sub-trigger.

This is equivalent to logical NOR, as it returns true only if all contained triggers are false.
There is no direct form of logical NAND (true if any contained trigger is false), however NOT = { AND = { … } } emulates NAND, as does OR = { NOT = { … } NOT = { … } }, with each contained trigger in a separate NOT block.

NOT also allows emulating greater/less than or equals in comparisions that are normally strictly greater or less than.

NOT usually inverts trigger tooltips, though not always predictably or neatly. The inverted tooltip for scopes or custom_trigger_tooltip can be defined by appending _NOT to the localisation key of the tooltip.

count_triggersWithin triggers
count_triggers = { amount = 2 10 = { state_population_k > 100 } 11 = { state_population_k > 100 } 12 = { state_population_k > 100 }}
Returns true if the number of contained triggers which return true is greater than or equal to the value of amount
hidden_triggerWithin triggers
hidden_trigger = { country_exists = GER}
Hides the tooltips from all contained triggers
custom_trigger_tooltipWithin triggers
custom_trigger_tooltip = { tooltip = sunrise_invasion_tt any_state = { is_owned_by = JAP is_on_continent = europe is_coastal = yes }}
Replaces the tooltips from all contained triggers with the custom localisation set by tooltipIf the custom_trigger_tooltip is negated (within NOT or a <scripted_trigger> = no, the negated tooltip can be customized by appending _NOT to the localisation key of the tooltip (e.g. sunrise_invasion_tt_NOT).
hidden_effectWithin effects
hidden_effect = { declare_war_on = { target = PREV type = annex_everything }}
Hides the tooltips from all contained effectsCommonly used alongside custom_effect_tooltip, to avoid messy effect tooltips or hide precise effects from the player.
effect_tooltipWithin effects
effect_tooltip = { declare_war_on = { target = FROM type = annex_everything }}
Shows the tooltips of the contained effects, but does not execute them.Most often useful with event chains, where the actual effect is done in a follow-up event.
ifAlways usable
if = { limit = { original_tag = GER } has_political_power > 100}else_if = { limit = { original_tag = ENG } has_stability > 0.5}else = { has_war_support > 0.5}
If statements allow to conditionally check triggers or run effects. The limit block is used to define triggers that must be fulfilled for the effects to be run or triggers to be checked. The triggers in limit are never shown to the player: if they are unfulfilled, the if statement will have no tooltip, while, if fulfilled, the player will see the effects/triggers inside the if statement itself.

In addition, else_if and else can be optionally defined to run if the limit is considered false. They can be defined as both nested (i.e. directly inside of the previous if or else_if) or unnested (i.e. directly after, but not inside of the previous if or else_if). In case of overlap, the game will prefer the unnested variant, so using that is preferred.

else_if is optional and can be used as many times as desired. else is also optional, but can only be used once per if.

The main if as well as any else_if must have a limit, and else cannot use a limit.
If statements can be used to clean up tooltips on triggers: the limit can check if the country has a specific tag, while the if statement can contain an always false custom trigger tooltip. This will restrict it from being true for that country, while other countries will not see anything in the tooltip.

for_loop_effectWithin effects
for_loop_effect = { start = -3 end = 9 compare = less_than_or_equals add = 3 value = value_name break = break_name add_political_power = value_name # Adds -3, then 0, then 3, then 6, then 9, after which the loop breaks for 15 total political power.}
Runs the effect in a typical for loop, with the current value of the variable kept with the temp variable specified with value. break defines a temp variable that can be set to 1 to break the loop instantly.If unspecified, start and end are 0, compare is less_than, add is 1, value is v, and break is break. Can run for up to 1000 times before stopping automatically.
while_loop_effectWithin effects
while_loop_effect = { break = temp_break limit = { country_exists = GER } random_state = { limit = { is_owned_by = GER } random_country = { limit = { NOT = { tag = GER } } transfer_state = PREV } }}
Runs the effect as long as the trigger is true. break defines a temp variable that can be set to 1 to break the loop instantly.The trigger is checked at the start of each loop only. Can run for up to 1000 times before stopping automatically. If break is unspecified, assumes to be a temp variable with the name of break.
randomWithin effects
random = { chance = 80 add_stability = 0.8}
Simulates a random chance to either execute the effect or do nothing, with the chance used to define the chance.Chance is defined on the scale from 0 to 100.
random_listWithin effects
random_list = { 10 = { modifier = { factor = 0 has_stability > 0.9 } add_stability = 0.1 } 20 = { add_stability = -0.1 }}
Simulates a random chance to pick one of the listed effects.Chance for each section is proportional, doesn't have to add up to 100. Can use a variable as a chance. Modifiers can be used in the same way as in ai_will_do blocks.


DocumentationEffectsTriggersDefinesModifiersList of modifiersScopesLocalisationOn actionsData structures (Flags, Event targets, Country tag aliases, Variables, Arrays)
ScriptingAchievementsAIAI focusesAutonomous statesBalances of powerBookmarks/Scenarios (Game rules) • BuildingsCharacters and traitsCosmetic tagsCountriesDivisionsDecisionsEquipmentEventsIdeasIdeologiesMilitary industrial organizationsNational focusesResourcesScripted GUITechnologies and doctrinesUnits
MapMapStatesSupply areasStrategic regions
GraphicalInterfaceGraphical assetsEntitiesPosteffectsParticlesFonts
OtherConsole commandsTroubleshootingMod structureModsNudger
Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki (2024)


Does Hearts of Iron 4 ever end? ›

Bu konu kilitlenmiştir. what is the end date of hoi4? There is no real end date. You can go forever though you will run out of research and things to do eventually but technically you can keep on going.

What does Arms Against Tyranny DLC add? ›

Expansion features

Write a new history of the Nordic countries in HoI4: Arms Against Tyranny. The expansion adds new focus trees and alternate histories for the northernmost nations of Europe, customization of weapons manufacturers, and new ways to take advantage of neutrality to profit your own citizens.

How historically accurate is Hearts of Iron 4? ›

But lots of detail does not, in itself, mean a historically accurate experience. The beginning of a game as Germany. Like any game, HoI4 exists to give players an opportunity to experience its cool mechanics, especially those that portray the logistical and tactical side of warfare.

Is HOI4 banned in China? ›

The game was banned in the People's Republic of China because of the game's depiction of Taiwan under Japanese control and Tibet, Sinkiang, and Manchuria as independent nations (historically, Manchuria was a Japanese puppet state and Taiwan was under Japanese control for most of the time period depicted in the game).

What is the best nation to play as in HOI4? ›

New players should start with the 1936 bookmark to familiarize themselves with the game's many mechanics.
  • 5 Sweden. New players may want to seriously consider one of the historically neutral countries of WW2 (with Historical AI turned on). ...
  • 4 Portugal. ...
  • 3 Kingdom Of Hungary. ...
  • 2 Dominion Of Canada. ...
  • 1 United States.
Oct 14, 2022

How many years can you play in HOI4? ›

Gameplay. Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy wargame that revolves around World War II. The player may play as any nation in the world in the 1936 or 1939 start dates in single-player or multiplayer, although the game is not designed to go beyond 1948.

How long is the average playtime of HOI4? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Hearts of Iron IV is about 52 Hours in length.

What does "no step back" add? ›

This expansion adds greater detail for many nations in Eastern Europe, unique game systems to reflect Soviet politics, and many improvements to the military aspect of the game. No Step Back: Teaser trailer. Giants collide in humanity's greatest struggle. Build the ultimate war machine in a deadly battle for survival.

How good are arms against tyranny? ›

Hearts Of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny is a solid DLC. Adding a great slice of new content that more than just adds in a couple new focus trees and a crowbarred in mechanic like the previous one. The new focus trees are by and large great even if some feel a tad under cooked.

What does Man the Guns add? ›

Man the Guns is a new naval themed expansion that brings you closer to the swelling waves as you train and command large battle fleets or smaller flotillas better designed for your coastal shoals.

Why is HOI4 censored in Germany? ›

The video game was released on June, 6 2016. Due to German laws regarding Nazi symbols the German language setting censors the game.

Who has the most playtime on HOI4? ›

Most Hearts of Iron IV Playtime Ladder (Worldwide)
#Steam IDPlaytime (H)
2Kris (1-3) Monster Maximus Kris (1-3) Mons..21,277
4Wise Old Man Wise Old Man17,797
159 more rows

How to play the oldest version of HOI4? ›

Playing earlier versions
  1. Open Steam.
  2. Click on Library and then on Games.
  3. Right-click on Hearts of Iron IV and from the menu that just opened select Properties.
  4. Click on Betas, where you can click on the Beta Participation blue down arrow.
  5. Select the version you want to opt into.

What is considered a major country in HOI4? ›

A country is considered major by factory count: If a country has at least 35 factories and either is in the top 7 by factory count or has at least 0.7 of the average factory amount of the top 7 countries, it will be considered a major country. This means that there may be more than 7 major countries in the late game.

Is Brazil good in HOI4? ›

Brazil is a minor power located in South America, whose terrain is dominated by the jungles and forests of the Amazon. Although it starts out relatively weak, as the largest and arguably strongest nation in South America, it's in a prime position to expand into its many weaker neighbors and dominate the continent.

Can you switch countries in Hearts of Iron 4? ›

HOI4 Tag Command

This command switches your country to the specified country. 'tag ENG' would make you play as Great Britain, for example.


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