Harry Potter and the Multiverse - Chapter 18 - andromeda543 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Draco slowly wakes up, he stretches and feels someone behind him. He looks around and recognizes the room, he is at Grimmauld Place. His head is pounding, he takes the sober-up potion on the nightstand and he feels better. He turns around and locks eyes with his bed partner, “Did we have sex?”


Draco is relieved, “Good.” He can see the look of hurt in the other’s eyes, “I didn’t mean it like that.” He scoots closer, “I just meant that I didn’t my first time be a drunken night I wouldn’t remember. I just remember getting drunk on Kreacher's wine and nothing after.”

“We just kissed and got naked but you passed out as soon as your head hit the pillow. I put boxers on both of us.”

“I’m glad you stayed.”

“You had a tight hold on me and wouldn’t let me go.”

Draco murmurs, “I don’t remember kissing you.” He looks into Remus’ eyes, “I want to remember kissing you.” He presses his lips to Remus’. They kiss slowly, savoring it. Draco runs a hand over Remus’ face and kisses him again. His hand runs down until he finds Remus’ boxers. He slips his hand inside and strokes Remus’ co*ck, “I want you.” He can feel Remus harden in his hand.

“Are you sure?” Remus moans into Draco’s neck after a firm tuck.

“Yes,” Draco kisses Remus again, “I’ve had a crush on you since third year. I was angry at first at myself but I accepted my crush after it didn’t go away in fourth year.” He removes his hand from Remus’ co*ck. “All my life I’ve done what my father wanted me to do. I bullied others, was mean to Harry, acted superior towards half-bloods and muggle-borns because my father expected it of me. I made friends with the likes of Parkinson, Goyle, Crabbe, because my father wanted me to be surrounded by like-minded people. I joined Umbridge’ squad because my father ordered me to. I was forced to take the dark mark and kill someone because of my father’s failure. I was tasked to kill Dumbledore because my father told Voldemort I could do it. I have tried for years to live up to his expectations but I realised nothing I do, will ever be good enough for him. Since I was a child I did what he told me to do trying to make him proud but I never did. I am no longer a child.” He shows Remus his arm, “I have a mark because of him, I got tortured because of him. I had to kill because of him.” He huffs, “You know what he told me? That once the war was over I would marry Astoria Greengrass because it would look good for the Malfoy name if I married someone who was neutral in the war. He told me he already has written up a marriage contract. He made sure to drill it into my head to save myself for marriage. That it would be a stronger marriage if I was untouched.” He looks into Remus’ eyes, “I am done letting him dictate my life. For the first time in my life I am going to do something I want.” He runs a hand through Remus’ hair, “I want you. I want to go out with you and show everyone that you’re mine. I want to have sex with you. I want to scream your name when you are inside me. I want to suck your co*ck and swallow your cum. I want to be covered in your marks. I want to feel you for days.”

“Using me to rebel against your father?” Remus smirks, “I can live with that.” He runs a finger down Draco’s neck, “I want those things too. There were times when I wanted to bend you over and f*ck you.”

“That it will drive my father mad is just a bonus,” Draco removes his boxers, “f*ck me.”

Remus strokes Draco’s co*ck, “You’re big,” he leans down and tastes him, “Delicious.” He summons a vial of oil. He takes Draco into his mouth and bobs his head up and down while his finger is moving in and out of Draco. He adds another finger, scissoring him open, “Contraceptive spell?”

“Yes, I don’t think we are ready for children just yet,” Draco moans when he feels another finger inside him, “I want your co*ck.”

“Patience,” Remus keeps opening Draco up, “It’s your first time, there is no rush,” he takes Draco back into his mouth, he really tastes good. After a few moments he sits up, “Turn around.”

Draco rolls onto his stomach and gets on all fours, “Like the view?”

“Yes,” Remus parts Draco’s cheeks and runs his tongue along the rim before darting his tongue inside.

Draco is clenching the sheets, “f*ck.” He almost comes undone.

“Always wanted to do that,” Remus strokes his co*ck, “Ready?” At Draco’s nod he pushes inside, “f*ck, you feel like a furnace.” He keeps pushing until he bottoms out, “Alright?”

Draco pushes back, “Yes,” he never felt like this, he feels so full, “f*ck me.”

“I am,” Remus slowly pulls out and pushes back in, “You feel so good around me.” He keeps his pace slow, “Touch yourself.”

Draco starts to jerk himself off, “Harder. I am not made out of glass.”

Remus snaps his hips hard, sending Draco forward, “I don’t want this to be over too soon.” He snaps them hard again, “Your first time should be good and enjoyable.” Not like his, he hated his first time.

“It already is because it’s with you,” Draco screams when Remus hits his prostate, “What was that?”

“Your prostate,” Remus makes sure to hit the spot on every thrust, “Does it feel good?”

“Yes,” Draco whimpers, “I’m sure you know.”

“I don’t,” Remus pulls out and turns Draco around, he slides back in, “You are the first man I am having sex with. I only ever slept with women, and those I can count on one hand.” He kisses Draco, “You’re my first in some ways. First time I am having anal sex,” he slowly pulls out and pushes back in, “First time I sucked a co*ck and rimmed,” he bends down and sucks a nipple into his mouth, “First time I am doing this to a man.”

“Oh,” Draco nuzzles his throat, “I am glad,” he pulls him in for a deep kiss and rocks with Remus. They keep rocking, their pace quickening. Draco groans when he feels Remus’ hand on his co*ck, “I’m close.”

“I got you,” Remus watches Draco come undone, it is the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. “Holy sh*t,” he is surprised by the steel grip of Draco’s muscles around his co*ck, “So good.” He thrusts a handful of times and spills deep inside Draco. He keeps rocking until his co*ck is soft then pulls out. He lies next to Draco and pulls him into his arms.

“That was perfect,” Draco rests his head over Remus’ chest and yawns. Sleep soon claims them again.


“You got a letter from your father,” Sirius hands it to his cousin then takes a good look at him, “You look like you’ve had sex the whole day.”

“I did.” Draco opens the letter and screams out in pain. A black vein runs up his arm, Draco is crying, “I hate him.”

Sirius helps Draco up, “What is happening?” He takes the letter and reads it, “f*ck.”

“What is going on?” Hermione walks into the kitchen, “I was in the library when I heard a scream.”

“Lucius cursed Draco,” Sirius hands Hermione the letter, “Bastard put the spell on Draco when he was a child. As soon as Draco opened the letter the curse was activated.”

Hermione reads the letter, “I am confused.”

“My father put a spell on me that would tell him when and with whom I was having sex with. I had sex with Remus multiple times and the spell told my father. He is mad that I gave myself to a halfbreed and that I violated the agreement he has with Greengrass.” Draco screams out in pain again.

“What is the curse?” Hermione takes Draco’s arm and inspects the black vein, “It’s covered your neck.”

“A nasty curse, it shocks him when he is happy,” Sirius rushes off to the library, he knows he read about something like that in one of the Black books.

“You’re father is a piece of work,” Hermione runs some scans, “So you and Lupin?”

“You and Black?” Draco gulps down the glass of water Hermione has handed him, “Where is everyone?”

“Harry threw everyone out who was not family before midnight,” she hands him a sandwich, “Molly threw up a stink and Ron was mad when I was allowed to stay.”

“He doesn’t know that you and Black are shagging?” Draco groans, “I hope there is a cure.”

“I think Ron has blinders on and ignores what is in front of him. Ginny told me Ron thinks that she is dating Harry. She didn’t dare tell him that they were not because he was already mad that Snape was not arrested for killing Dumbledore. He would have blown a gasket if she told him Harry was married to Snape.”

“They are wearing matching rings and I am sure Ron was in the room when they were snogging,” Draco sees Remus enter, “My father knows about us and he cursed me.”

“WHAT?” Remus reads the letter, “I am going to kill him.” He is ready to leave when Draco stops him, “Don’t. He’s not worth it.” Draco kisses him and screams out in pain, “f*ck.”

“I am going to blood adopt you,” Severus enters, followed by Harry and Sirius, “The curse is based on blood, Malfoy blood to be exact.” He sits down, “Once I blood adopt you, you have to accept me as your father and it will override the curse.”

“Or I can blood adopt you, you already have Black blood in you through your mother,” Sirius shows them what they have found, “This is the spell he used. It will eventually drive you to suicide. It will send you into depression since it disallows happy thoughts.”

“This says he could remove it,” Draco huffs, “Like he would.”

Hermione has been reading, “It’s better if Sirius adopts you. Black blood is already strong, another dose and it will be even stronger.” She looks at Snape, “Sorry Professor but we need pure or strong blood in this case to drown out the Malfoy blood. Plus is his mother does something he is protected by Sirius’ blood.”

“Wouldn’t my blood be the strongest? I am from the Peverell line,” Harry reads over Hermione’s shoulder, “Oh, it says that pure blood is better. Less deluded.”

Another shock runs through Draco’s body, “This is getting old real fast.”

“Put up your occlumency shields,” Severus walks over to Draco and taps his temple, “Put your feelings in a box and lock it. You did it during the war. I am afraid you’ll have to again.”

Draco does and kisses Remus, “It worked,” he smirks, “You know if we have sex again, father will think his spell failed.”

“It’s weird, I can feel the lack of emotions coming from you,” Remus kisses Draco back who smiles and screams out in pain.

“I don’t think it will work,” Draco kisses Remus again, it still hurts but less. He locks his feelings away again, “This is going to suck.”

“Do you really want to enrage your father further?” Snape sits down, “I know first hand how devious and vengeful he can be.”

“He can’t kill me. He can make my life unpleasant but there is only so much he can do,” Draco looks down at his hands, “I want to know what mother is feeling about this.”

“I can write to her,” Sirius rubs his chin, “So, you okay with me blood adopting you?”

“Sure,” Draco lets out a bitter laugh, “I am sure you will be a better father. The bar is really low.”

“Won’t that change how he looks?” Harry frowns, “You have your father’s hair and complexion.”

“That is actually all Narcissa. She is dying her hair black. Not all Blacks have black hair. We even had a red head in the family.” Sirius looks at Draco, “You can always dye your hair back if you change. You have Lucius' eyes and his height.”

“I don’t care how you look,” Remus kisses Draco’s cheek, leaning close, whispering, “As long as your co*ck stays the same I am happy.”

Draco bursts out laughing, “Merlin, I love you.” His eyes go wide, realising what he just said, “I do. Love you, that is.” A moment later he is gasping in pain, “I don’t think occlumency is helping.”

“I love you too,” Remus takes Draco’s hand in his, “I’ve fallen in love with you over the years we’ve been working together.” He rubs his back, “Take strength from me.”

“Now that you confessed your love, we can take care of business.” Sirius looks at Snape, “You brew the potion.” He looks at Harry and Hermione, “You prepare everything for the ritual.” He looks at the pair, “You need to go to Gringotts and get the paperwork. Then you can go back to shagging.” He claps his hand, “We’ll do the adoption once the potion is ready.”

“It will take a week,” Severus hands Sirius a vial, “I will need your blood,” he also hands one to Draco, “Yours too.” He looks at Harry, “Go to our room, in my potions cupboard there is a pink green potion,” he looks at Draco, “It will block your emotion for a day. I am pretty sure I read about a spell that does the same.”

“I will look through the books. I think it’s in a book about healing,” Hermione writes something down, “I think we should tell Kingsley about this.”

“We’ll go see him,” Draco drinks the potion and shudders, “I feel weird.”

“It will be temporary,” Snape hands Draco a note, “Give this to Kingsley.”


“You got another letter from your father,” Hermione hands it to him, “I checked, it is clean.”

Draco sits down and opens it, he reads it and laughs, “He has cut me off from the Malfoy money and banned me from the Manor.”

“Cissy wrote back,” Sirius hands a letter to Draco and kisses Hermione, “Molly has tried to get in.” He smirks, “I am glad we put on a new fidelius charm. Keeps the nasty bugs out.”

Draco is crying, “Mother, she is siding with father. She is disappointed in me and thought I would have better sense. She wrote that I am sullying both the Black and Malfoy name by giving my body to Remus. She says she didn’t lie to the Dark Lord so I could degrade myself and shame them.” He wipes away his tears, “I thought she would support me.”

“I am afraid that Cissy always was a staunch pure blood supporter. She hated it when Andy married Ted and she hates Tonks. She was the one who burned Andy off the tapestry.” Sirius squeezes Draco’s shoulder, “I am sorry.”

“Me too,” Draco gets up and goes looking for Remus, “I will need to get a job,” he shows him the letters, “I am broke.”

“I am sorry about your mother,” Remus pulls him into his arms, “You’ll have to move in with me. I own a small cabin in Wales that Sirius, Lily and James bought me for my birthday,” he nips on Draco’s earlobe, “You told me you wanted to be a healer, you can be one now,” he starts to stroke Draco’s co*ck, “I have enough money to get us by for a while.” He murmurs several spells and they are naked, “And I am sure Sirius is going to give you some once he’s officially your father,” he guides his co*ck into Draco’s tight hole, “Merlin, you’re always so tight,” he slowly bucks up into Draco, “I wish we could take Lucius to court.” He starts to leave bite marks on Draco’s skin, “I want to see him in Azkaban,” he suckles on Draco’s nipple, “I want to take him down for hurting you.” He strokes Draco’s co*ck and adds a finger to his own co*ck, stretching Draco open wider, “I want him destroyed.” He cups Draco’s balls, “I want to rub it in his face that he lost,” he licks the black vein on Draco’s throat and sucks on the adam’s apple, “I want him to see how happy we are,” he looks into Draco’s eyes, “That no matter what he does, you will rise above him,” he kisses Draco softy, “I want him to stew in a cell while we are happily married with kids, sparing no more thought to him.”

Draco c*ms with a cry, tears are streaming down his face, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Remus f*cks Draco through his org*sm, “I want to run into your mother in Diagon Alley, watching her face when she sees her grandchildren for the first time but is not allowed near them,” he holds Draco’s hips and thrusts up into him hard and fast, “I want her to beg us for a chance to reconcile and deny her,” he can feel his balls tighten, “f*ck Draco,” he erupts inside his lover.

Draco is panting, “Did you just ask me to marry you?”

“No,” Remus kisses his sweety temple, “It’s too soon for that. But I do want to marry you in the future.”

“Good. I will say yes when you ask me.”


Lucius is furious, “Draco is still sleeping with that halfbreed. They had sex no less than five times yesterday! He keeps disrespecting us.” He frowns, “I know the spell is working. He should not be f*cking around.”

Narcissa sighs sadly, “I am afraid he made his choice,” she shows him a spell, “Let’s see if the wolf still wants Draco after this.” She takes his hands in his, “Severus is with him. He must have given Draco something to help him.”

“I knew there is a reason I fell in love with you,” he kisses his wife, “I will cast it and you’re probably right.”


Draco grunts,” What?”

Remus has been shaking Draco awake, “You’re body. It’s covered in scars and burns.”

Draco looks at his arms, angry red scars are looking back at him, “What the hell?” He gets up and looks at himself in the mirror, from head to toe, his body is scarred and burned, he notices that something is written on his chest. He can make out the word, Traitor. “My father did this.” He starts to cry, “He knows I always loved my looks. I admit that I am vain and made sure to always look good.”

Remus wraps his arms around Draco, “You are still beautiful to me,” he kisses the scar on his shoulder, “He is doing this to hurt you.” He turns Draco around, “You don’t care about my scars and I don’t care about yours.”

“Why does he hate me so much?” Draco sighs into Remus’ neck, “We need to show the others.” They head to the kitchen, “Surprise!” Draco turns around, “Woke up like this. Courtesy of my father.”

“This is a Black spell,” Sirius looks at the scars and burns, “It’s a Black family punishment. I am sure Narcissa showed the spell to Lucius who cast it on you.”

“How did he do it when Draco was here?” Harry touches one of the scars, “And why didn’t it hurt him?” He touches another one, “Do they hurt?”

“Because the spell is not meant to hurt physically,” Sirius casts a spell on Draco, “Lucius used family magic to cast it on Draco.”

“They don’t hurt. My skin just feels a bit tight,” Draco lets out a long sigh and looks at the ceiling, “I hate them.”

“Why hasn’t he killed him then?” Harry smiles when he sees Severus enter.

“Because he can’t,” Severus hands Draco a salve, “The Malfoys can’t kill each other. Family magic prevents that.”

“Will the scars go away once Siri adopts him?” Harry kisses his husband on the cheek, “I missed you this morning.”

“I’ll make it up to you later,” Severus puts two vials on the table, “I finished the potions this morning. We can do the ritual at dusk. As for the scars and burns I do not know.”

“I will prepare the room,” Hermione is about to get up when an owl arrives, “It’s from Ginny and Charlie.” She quickly reads it, “Ron and Molly are mad that they can’t get in anymore and are accusing us of being corrupted by snakes.”

“I see two snakes and four lions. If anything you are corrupting us,” Draco gets up, “Do you need anything? I want to go out and show my face. I won’t hide. They will expect me to hide.”

“I also believe they did it thinking Remus would leave you,” Hermione huffs, “Your parents are shallow.”

“Go to HoneyDukes and get some sweets,” Sirius hands him a list, “Go to the muggle world and get this.”

“Will do,” Draco takes it and returns to his room to get dressed.

“I’m proud of you,” Remus squeezes his hand, “Muggle world first.”


“I don’t feel any different,” Draco looks at himself in the mirror, “My hair is a bit darker but still blond. Oh my eyes are dark gray now.”

Severus and Hermione cast several spells, “The spell Lucius cast on you is gone. The black vein is gone. You can lower your barriers again.” Severus runs another spell, “I am afraid some of the scars will remain. The burns are gone.”

Draco bites his lip, “About that. My shields have been down since I took the potion. I put the pain in a box and locked it away. That was easier. It was only a mild pain, like a small undercurrent running through my body when I was happy. And when we had sex I barely felt anything.”

“Hm,” Severus runs his spells again to make sure, “You’re fine. I can see about making a stronger salve for your scars.”

“I just checked the tapestry,” Harry enters, “You are now on it as Draco Black.”

“I don’t mind the scars,” Draco smirks, “Do you think they know?”

“They will when they get the Gringotts letter,” Sirius hands Draco a folder, “I have several Black properties that have been sitting empty,” he smirks and points at a picture of a seaside house, “Your mother had hoped to inherit this one day, my mother promised it to her but nothing was officially done. It’s yours.”

“I was going to move in with Remus.” Draco looks at the pictures, “Mother, she told me about this place.”

“My cabin is small. It only has four rooms. This place is big enough for our future children.” Remus strokes Draco’s hip, “It has a potions room and a big backyard for me to run around on the full moon.”

“Okay,” Draco keeps going over the other files, “You’ve given me Regulus’ vault.”

“Yes. It will be enough to let you live comfortably while you study to become a healer. And if you two ever run out of money I’ll give you some. Harry doesn’t need the Black money, he and Severus have enough money to last ten lifetimes.” Sirius hands him a box, “Black family ring. It’s passed from father to son.”

“What about when you have your own children?” Draco takes it and puts it on, “Thank you.”

“This is Reggie’s, I still have mine.” Sirius claps him on the back, “You do know this means that Hermione will eventually be your mother-in-law.” He laughs at the look on Draco’s face.


“That little brat disowned me!” Lucius throws a glass against the wall, “I can no longer punish him! I can’t believe he did this!”

“I heard he was walking around Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley not hiding his scars,” Narcissa soothes her husband, “I am still connected to him. I can punish him.” She makes a disgusted face, “Pansy told me Draco and Remus were walking around holding hands and kissing. Such behavior is not becoming a Malfoy!”

“I am afraid you cannot,” Lucius pulls her into his lap, “Sirius is now his father and his blood is protecting him. Even from you. His claim on his is stronger because he is a male.”

“Draco is not the son I thought he was. I am sorry that he is such a disappointment.” Narcissa wonders where she went wrong, “Maybe I should have been stricter.”

“Me too.” He strokes her arm, “I know he always wanted to be a healer. I will make sure he has difficulties achieving his dreams.” He wants his son to come crawling back to them only so Lucius can send him away.


Ron is laughing, “Malfoy, you look like an ugly f*cker! Who did this to? I want to shake their hands. Pretty Malfoy is now disfigured.” He is holding his stomach, “No one wants you now. I bet your future wife ran for the hills when she saw you.”

“Looks aren’t everything and my boyfriend doesn’t mind my scars.” Draco smirks, “I may look less handsome now but I still get laid. Same can’t be said for you. I heard Bell dropped you like a hot potato. Something about your off putting behavior.”

“Shut up Malfoy.”

“It’s Black now,” Draco moves past Ron, “Have a nice day.”

Ron grabs his arm, “What have you been doing to Hermione? Did you kill her? And who is your boyfriend?”

“He’s been doing nothing to me Ronald,” Hermione joins Draco, “I got everything,” she looks at her former friend, “I have been busy helping Sirius and Draco.”

“Well now that you are done you can come to the Burrow. I miss you. It’s time you are in better company.”

“I won’t be coming to the Burrow and I like the company I keep.”

“But there are snakes and evil.”

Hermione rolls her eyes, “The war is over Ron and it’s people like you why there was a war in the first place. Grow up.”

“Draco and Snape are corrupting you. Who knows what they are doing to you!” Ron tries to grab her, “Come with me!”

“NO!” She swats his arm, “I am dating Sirius and he would never let them do anything to me.”

“WHAT? You’re dating Black?” Ron feels hurt, “But I thought you loved me!”

“Oh Ron,” she pities him, “I love you as a friend but Sirius has my heart. We’ve been dating over a year now.”

Ron looks at Draco, “This is your fault! You weren’t supposed to change sides!” He is ready to punch Draco when Tonks clears her throat.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Tonks looks at him, “Move along Ron.”

Ron leaves in a huff, he needs to tell his mother.


Molly is reading the newspaper, “That poor boy! I may not like Draco but even he didn’t deserve this.”

Ginny is reading the article, “Will they be able to arrest Malfoy for this?”

“I do not know,” Molly starts to make lunch, “You need to talk to Harry about getting back together.”

“Mum, Harry and I dated for a minute. We only held hands and kissed once,” Ginny hears her mum tell her about her plans, “Harry is married.”

“Don’t be silly my dear,” Molly hums to herself, she will have their wedding at The Burrow and show off.

Ginny rolls her eyes, her mother is in denial. “He and Snape are married. They got married after Voldemort’s death by Kingsley in the headmaster’s office.”

“If Harry was married I would know.” Molly thinks her daughter drank a potion that makes her tell jokes.


Remus is riding Draco, “I love how your big co*ck stretches me. Can’t get enough of it,” he bounces up and down, “You spoiled me for anyone else.”

Draco rolls them over, he snaps his hips hard, “There better not be anyone else.”

“Never,” Remus screams when Draco assaults his prostate, “Close.”

“How do you want to cum? On my co*ck alone? My hand or my mouth?”

“Your mouth.”

Draco pulls out, bends down and takes Remus’ co*ck into his mouth and sucks hard. Soon he is swallowing down Remus’ essence. He crawls over Remus, sits down on his chest and watches Remus suck his co*ck and a few moments later he spills down Remus’ throat. He lies next to him, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Remus kisses the top of Draco’s head, “I can’t believe Lucius threatened St Mungos if they hired you.”

“I can,” Draco sighs, “I didn’t even know he was a donor.” He looks up, “Lucius will soon realise he messed with the wrong person.” He tells Remus about his plan before they make love again.


Lucius is pacing in his cell, he can’t believe he is back in Azkaban. His former son put him there. The brat told Kingsley all his secrets and told him where to find some highly illegal objects. He came under heavy scrutiny after Draco gave an interview about the spells Lucius used on him. He lost his reputation when it was revealed he disfigured his own son for loving a werewolf and that he threatened to pull funding from St Mungos if they hired Draco. Luckily his wife is free and she is allowed to visit him every two weeks. He hates Draco and wishes him ill, his son should not be allowed to be happy!


Astoria is meeting with Draco, “Thank you for agreeing to see me.”

“I hope there are no hard feelings.” Draco sits down, “I did not want to marry you.”

“There was no agreement. My father only humored your father but he was never going to let us marry.”


“You see, my father knew that Lucius wanted this to be a political match and my father hates those marriages. He wants me and my sister to marry for love. We never could have loved each other as partners. I think ours would only have been a sibling love.”

“True, my heart would always have been Remus’,” he plays with the ring on his finger. He and Remus have been married for two years now. “Why tell me now?”

“Because your mother brought it up when she talked to my father. I thought it prudent to inform you myself of the truth. Since your mother made it sound like you broke a contract.”

“Narcissa is no longer my mother, my aunt Andromeda has been more of a mother to me in the past four years than my own mother ever was.” Draco huffs and tells her about all the things Narcissa tried to do, “She is lucky that she is not in a cell next to my father.”

“I am sorry to hear that.”

“So anyone in your life?”

“I am dating Dean Thomas. Are the stories true about Ron Weasley?”

“If you mean that Hermione took out a restraining order against him since he started stalking her or that Black broke his nose? Both are true.” He catches her up on what she missed.


“Ginny, when are you and Harry getting married? I am not getting any younger and I want grandchildren from you.” She wants her daughter to finally settle down.

Ginny looks at her mother in disbelief, “Mum, you know Harry and Severus are married. It was in the newspaper.” She huffs, “They announced last month that they are expecting their first child. Besides, I am dating Seamus, we’ve been together two years!”

“Nonsense,” Molly hums to herself, “Harry is your soulmate. Ron also needs to apologize to Hermione. I don’t want him to be with that Brown girl anymore. Hermione and Ron will have smart babies.”

“Hermione is married to Sirius Black and they already have two children,” Ginny is worried about her mother, “Are you alright?”

“Of course I am dear.” Molly looks at her daughter, “Why wouldn’t I be?”


Narcissa is walking down Diagon Alley, she is keeping her head low. The population still remembers what her husband did and to an extent her, even if more than a decade has passed. She hears a laugh and looks up. Draco is standing in front of a store and is holding a child in his arms and another is tugging on his leg. She is frozen on the spot and dares not to move closer. She wasn’t aware that Draco had children and there is no doubt in her mind that they are his. She swallows hard when she sees the wolf join him, carrying a baby in his arms and kiss Draco on the scar on his cheek. She sees Draco look her way and then look away again, not acknowledging her and it hurts.


Draco is talking to Molly Weasley, “Lucius died two days ago. Narcissa invited me to his funeral.”

“You should go, he is your father after all,” Molly hums, “Aren’t Ginny and Harry a beautiful couple?”

Draco looks at Molly, “They are friends. Harry is married to Severus and Ginny is married to Seamus. You are holding your second grandchild.”

“Don’t be silly. Ginny is meant for Harry. She would never marry someone else.” Molly is rocking the child, “You have Harry’s hair.”

“His hair is red,” Draco and several other healers have been trying to find out what is wrong with Molly but so far they haven’t been able to figure it out.


Draco slowly wakes up, he stretches and feels someone behind him. He looks around and recognizes the room, he is at Grimmauld Place. His head is pounding, he takes the sober-up potion on the nightstand and he feels better. He turns around and locks eyes with his bed partner, “Did we have sex?”


Draco kisses his husband, “Reminds me of the first time we woke up in bed together.”

“That was almost seventy years ago,” Remus pushes their groins together, “Unlike then we can’t have sex marathons anymore.”

“Pity,” both moan when they fall over the edge. Draco hums, “We should get up.” They volunteered to look after all the grandchildren, “Before they find us again and complain about us still having sex in our old age.”

“We are not that old,” Remus kisses his husband, “But you are right.” He starts to kiss his husbands scars, they never faded nor did his traitor mark but Draco got a wolf tattoo to cover it. Narcissa eventually did try and reconcile and Draco told her no and slammed the door shut in her face.

“I can’t go again,” Draco pushes him off, “We really have to get up.” Deciding to be his own man was the best choice he ever made.

Harry Potter and the Multiverse - Chapter 18 - andromeda543 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.