Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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I and ioe'' pable colored servant GLRL Apply to? iwnrR a tenue CanittA Hull i I cut ROM LIBERIA 1 1 a 1 IS I choice dn Che 41 I Ac that the State will be greatly benefit to acquire or 10 ft Wilmini few foreigners are ever net M4 fe 5 Jr 1 in jrant $2010 4 2 street SKINS 4 IN steal ink it un em our 5 8 fa it in it pubu 1 at th sary Lhaur 1 iswheri hich fc ESti heatin ery be )0KI5 ito 1 Chun ind Wu st i or da wd irn To seta ling eoa ison de of de at 1 tSo "WS? 10 5 00 2 50 i Lotted 4 ItiUJor I ta oyiu ijr of the proper forty miles wuaju of peace and be Xorwarue Vv tho oricinal pension certificate to this a third be Una stood I kV th Iftrcrubb LUkiUat' I a I iaioapj7ta 3 largest single sail 1454 1 inne 12 rot 2 Srsfi 1' I I LJIJU3U CUlfP) VUUB iraUDiCLiVU XV a a 1 1 it DaKaw n4 a fifl tn miff ht hid movements tn watcning Emperor tecretl? favors tn cf Lia Sc of that day say lULVipvov 1a anolotrv ha been 1 Prineij LES ST I s89 $45 40 30 24 80 25 20 sn 25 24 cind i ticket 0 18 15 14 12 $8 9 and 10 1 'rrnturc vhateTer Miy TevoiuuoDary may be its pecuniary needs Such policy would find we think hostility in the national sentiment A people the Spanish proud in their recollections if evenwwgt towards decay cherish their pride' as the last pf feelings and never part with their territorial unless compulsorily Their traditions are tagomam to their necessities As for the financial needs of the Lew Government England would sooner under the aus pice of a temperate revolution with improved instxtu a siAMUAMRwn MMfitbeT' lions anda better to obtain a loan on she London stock exchange than see rnta transferred' to the United States If the rerc mthe Sight our paragraph of Satur wiU facilitate accurate iatating the position 1 purchase of Cuba Such £lso8 inU814 during tho desperate the impression of our Covcram gtr0 e( 21Lk TTnUiwl RtAtM shin IUtaIv to nrove a mistaken notion he surreu conflict at Valparaiso ff hn 'WhlOb 1 1 1A hin The then Lieut of Cuba is the ust oi me meiwu Essex with two British Ship? 1 he then Xie 01 Government could venture wh ill have a hard squall from the north mentioned and continue a northeast the took fright anti ran away causing we rn jAr fall nnnn his head Jx intnn ZT17 Hfi UU1U1 luuoviv juuv vjKd teiU will be receive uy vuc TrROPOSAA thelXlh Au Dt oi tne ACkUVnrr and 106 COldl a a fill TlTll 4J1 wa xa inKUUJV tv aww rx kft wnrds 1 zwwi tor 'any pari tnereoi joot icts wa of oak wood (ori" Thwnnd to be of the i uiuuei lauu tva be delivered horded and measured a perintendent may require at ine coal of dCto bTX delivered a Required a contractor i a a a a f2vattil fiaOlAWw RAnA MJxUDtLllS UL V41 jj fi Intterv of Marjlaud Cli 1 Aw 1U (Md) on Saturday evening Ll 16 89 67'56 47'17 62 59 5 64 i err Ah inr ftClDC one Ca4KO Barlow wJntv W6 WW Rats ABU VW oK I Will atiho lowest rnarftt pn st ouu UNeB White Aeh Coal different size 2240 pound to the ton Terms cash I aue 14 5U1M aaat i 2 H'L a KomAUCC'' 7 Sometimes editors receive or selection or it may be want sti The difficulty la to find room for ali te 4 tert of Gen Castill were at APa but 1 ghall duly entered on the Casfilte himself was at Aoobamba Col a 2 a Th other existing general Ifnahnn villi tn do he will of course the island to the United States jAri)nn The call of tei President on Congress for the mimons of dollirs should be placed with the Executive cannot be in aid of thd purchase a this would be ft(K small an instalment of the probable amount of the whole purchase money It is the more reasonable conjecture that in thi view of the Executive contingencies may arise in the present uncertain posture of European affairs which may caU for energetic measures on the part of the American Govejmmcnt We are of opinion however that th chances haye diminished hot increased of difficulty with the Government of Old Spain since the former mes sage of the President in whose hands soever that Gov ernment may tall whether those eA! nntMfiv without aid fnrtn the Pecans eir defence of great mantinw? rowers Cuba and that aid is not likely to be afforded leos there is danger of the loss of th mland veryammi nn from the arms of the Baited States BESEBTERSAERE3TED AT BOSTON I The case of the two deserters from the British army( who were arreted in Boston hoSe hre of robbery was demanded under the Ashbur 1 WWW ww ENTERTAMENTB st th above place commenmng MdNDAY) EVENING AU 1854 The presentatiCb wiL th brd acts caued tne i CX) s' Ho Hanke sal En tes I he 4 irranu ng Bro uly 3 IMUT nnthy ingiollt th jmale I to per erom of Lisxitta has lost some of its most useful men by oeain Mr Harris a member of the House epreseu tives was killed by lightning he had beer i twen fi lostioa Benedict DBa UieU AXJc IZr cZssVbd adjourned The acts ed di rect a census create post offices and regulate the mails and tee public works define the power of th en Jt a stringent law against theft Under the lut enactment a party commitUng larceny requir ed bund and security within twenty four hours for four Xs tee amount stolen one half payable to the repub lic the other to the person robbed In case of failure to pay within twenty days the thief to behiredout atpub Xut cry until he pays off ths penalty if no one 51 have him he may be hired out to work for the pubhc or jobbed out to a private contractor under the custody the jailer Congress aiao 7 qpicTLHOllKOUA or the HlacK Hagiu a I of dJi noifsr distant by James Eq fUstoryif Pyrrnus by Jeoob Abbott with engravings il received and for sale by yAK HAV 1 Corner Penn avenue and 11th street TSoiri Kki a capable colored servant GIRL Apply to? jj MivBrLt Delaware atenue Capita kulL 1 aug 1 1 7TT Tleunderwga or tee BlArk Etale a Romance of Dayt not far Dlajant by dm' wLJ ofPy rrbui by Jaoob Abbott with engravings iJuaIrecelved 1 Bookstore nasr 9th Street its uilar: nf ii whic! is wn pplioa Axarcht IV Private letters from Chins re it hands fully occupied in repelling the attacks of the nLXntsmtee vimity ofekin bands of armed rob bers are devastating tee country particularly the Cen oJXZsvs that forty eight tea had re Zn telir mrans of The the from whence by an armed iaob Aing to be in the Mining teas are brog beheaded the Maada 9ion of an armed rabble who have be beaded tn rina and taken forbidden teas to be grown Provinres tee Miuidanns BUeution 6f the insurgents fof fear that it will attrac difficult to ascer As to the insurgent 1 lbat they tain correctly their condition at fihaughai are still victorious indeed a ru t0 be premature teat Pekin was wacu rae hau OC rwrofirxauiT AhkMMWJW vkiT pnnunced BIS OWD curved of an Impeflarwmw who had denounc sou as a member of a secret society and ho was last 1 into custody on PiriruriA I "Vfc A a 1 9 XX cage Council have resolved to accept the plan ol tunnelling 7 nud bv the American Sub Marine be finished by Tunnel Company of New 1 ork it the 1st of May 1S55 made of cast iron entrances on a grade not exceeding one foot fall in nine The plan tobe 1 tPJ feet wide and two footwajs each four feet wide tee former eleven feet and the latter seven feet high The top of) the tunnel to be not twelve feet below low water mark for one hundred an fifty feet in the centre of the river DxamncTivn CoxriAOfiArio3 The extensiveaunev Mills rituated at twelve miles east of Hartford Jenwere entirely destroyed by fire on Saturday foe Loln The building very large five stortes in height filled with valuable machinery The loss is esumated An extensive bandLf counterfeiters was arrested in Catadaon the 1st instant by the sheriff of Sherbrooke They were divided into two gangs and were located Sout five miles from each other in tee woods All their nlements were taken donsisting of one printing press twenty six plates of paper 'money one machine for stamps gold and silver which weighed eight hundred pounds twlntv four moulds for inning hard money dies ink piper tools aid thousands of dollars in couu terfelt money Il imnortant arrest of the This is prooaoiy that Bince kind ever made on this contine doUars wbeen tee middle 01 dune of Ne Hamp issued by tne paiuuo gltU of New shire alone of York They are of the denomin Large and twenty and are fclso been issued amounts of gold and and had their en The band was eir plates and their prim' nafely lodged in the Montreal jail CHOLERA Vnrk for the week end The deaths in tec cl of about nearly one lag at noon on Saturday nrleA the previous week hundred less than the num decreas of over Of these 2tw died cholera report The thirty as compared withp different figures but the official report may "fsITve statement Of return will pot vary much from the ao the 1041 deaths reported 93 occurred on At Brooklyn on riday there were eight cases an tWltdepkeepi there were thirteen deaths on Wed nesday and eight on and glh instant there At Ogdensburgh bBte fiv0 Dew cases were re were 30 deaths by cholera and five ported on Tuesday theth At Detroit there were seven the Sth throe deaths I At Cleveland there were four deaths on tee 10th At St Louis there were fifty choleradeaths during the week ending tee 1 th instant ti Macxwm day evening targe number of fins being on the hosts rby some filibustering sharks suddenly attacked in Wharfwardtjand one MU MrtHSkl grand stampede leaped Wi ook The lookers on mountain torrent towards the stood fast to the jld WjJk Xut burst forth cane poles slrB1Sht tben pell mell All here come the mackerel Titeruiiy on to the Jiurly burly Many of fishing wharf and some dozens (by th the baskets of nn lorteWlUl vr Olivers" who were still Gattiu Lewis Caxpbelx at Mr Cakpbxl the distinguished' and true hearted representative from the Hamilton and Dayton district of Ohio reache on Wednesday evening Upwards of a thou san 0J constituents and neighbors m6t him at the an eorted him to the court house square in the cen 0 toB where he wai welcomed in behalf of hi taents by Hon John Wood in an exceUent speech alt which Mr Campbell responded and' gave an accoun his stewardship which was well received and unani 1 i nously endorsed by the mass present Mr qampbeU spoke three quarters of an hour After he concluded the meeting broke up We learn jthat Mr Campbell will be bv arrest many who have here 'AyuiLCU 1VJ wvws Wore belonged to the Democratic party Mr Camp course in' Congress hw been satisfactory and he will be returned by an overwhelming majority The op position to him win be small tedeed Cncah GuOte Abbbsh or a Mau RoBBfi or several o'nths past letters containing money which ought to havmv ak I on the mail Ime from Smite ta nnmate band a successful plan was uie uavuiK devised for 'the detection of the thief who something tofiUup the Postmaster at McW nirtervuie vr ht the paper The decoy money being found in his jiossession tended to fiU HP never 4 committed for triaL IWton Traveller Me learn irpm tne repvn the prisoner Prichard and Carey were pnva es in the 76th regimett of British infantry stationed at ydney Cape Breton teat Prichard was also Commissary George Twining Esq and had charge of tee keis of the house in which the money chest of the regiment was deposited and that Carey was on guarlat the door oUthe same house on the night of the of July when the regimental money chest was opened Mid IK Mexican dollars £78 in sovere gns and JdM a 4n AAvereiEQS nod Si tempted to Obtain four shillings Baying ta tesSSHS their pay was only ii of money was teereforairc*mstiintial evidence against them for the prisbuera and by Messrs rars British Govtnment cKrles Levi Wood under bur treaty stipulations with Great Britain It i a rale of taw that th ord robbery iberforo tee LOn its technical sense AC Ashburton wwy is recuc oordinr to tils common law of England whieh has been rec whorniZ to iakea in bodily fer! md he was bound by that whom 11 cw 1 c0CMUu tduno by vio ooMlrucuou In LaS clandestine the lence menace orlnUalR rbe proof does net come up to a thief and not of a robbei Xr painful it may discharge utnto bv the State The men were at once mien cbarge authorities on a charge of Elliot Bri having been made in the if convicted lish vice consul On this stoZ but cannot be be punished by imprisonment at Boston uu sent backg RxMAKALK8 AiLixa The clipper ship faB Son' of Boston Capt Dumaksq and the tenia the Sea of Bos on left San rancisco Brown 01 xew iu boUnd to Hong con idered a satisfactory trial of speed between 1 tne wohips Considerable interest was felt in Sau Eranci co iu regard to the race and some beta were made on I result KaxsaS who occur th Tlbitoby Kansas is wih men with gun and axe in nanu uu dren and their implements of to 1 ar dMik iub Wwur Ct ral Agent 01 tne moved his slaves slaveholder in Missouri has as yet mu I into CMia Saulh Carolyn Main mass fusion meeting of citizens Politics Aistrirt of Maine was holden at of tee fitst Congressional dutrict 0 Biddeford on nominated for 9 vyotes for all others on the first and only Wlot 9 votes strong anti Administratioji and anti slavery solutions were passe on Thursday Thft usion VOUVCWLAVA I uo a nomination ct trary wise niwteMd the Socratic and Maine penobscot also nominated a coalition interfele with the po Motivbs or A lawy from town in tee country after reading our from urday last bn the naturalization question coufim his own experience the truth 01 tne by Ue pean emigration is not infiueneed Jo our teore privilege 01 ciuzensuip Irishmen in on 1 tlno Lftuy of that casts ths otjca dollart leaminffthat an tnctdtntal eU wa attached to the boon 1 known to those conversant with these be the most inconsiderable number of Insh come naturalized unless votei tion of political agents who tens aohine Our naturalization system in ae of f0T manufacturing voters to order abcTt an election In the residence of our egal kaw where the coun the election we are assured that very I instead of bcfoT tne Conner aw tm era 1 tnrrlTTWI a Secretary of JJe Navy i 1 I sjlA ISLAND COTTON 1 I The following extSt from a letter oT Bayley Ixneioiuwib rtSmmerce to I President of teeancne we bespeak theeful action of all tee planters en gaged in the cult ration Uns staple I iTethe strnM quebfi do the matacturers of The spn ners kofbe tine sa hen the longest fctpMctton as the Lt audai their processes they get of as muchsh ore 7 nassubsuncy aud 1 vnd finally fibres in obla lung the wnL frerv end evenly into a line of Ujra nfitlorida is an excelled couX: bkftf2r Tkn k' i 4 tege would bthe resUit Mr Hind has discored from tee rvatorrLt Re getiUa" Park Lendos pother planet 'rmarkftbiy a the A 1 innnunced lit S' own I xmci wtirrht discosacreii uh eject Xet society and was taken At 11 teute magnite or brighter ab pronto be ano ner A committee of tee Chi ie aX mid wf ietween two star the fifth mag nitude SXnd 32 Slamsteel in vvprruu The obsered posi4as are ns folluW8 1 O' Tt 11 21 9 10(5 20 27 £55 21 9 4729 106 20 493 fy? 1 JJwENSES CITY GO5 ERNMENT hhviarisen whether NeftBedford where whizp the tax is o4 ta taSexed city in tee ate tee Tran thWtePute by disclosing the disagree BL1 ip ntrn are I net less than 9 their 1 torifb those who Bee them I ik I i 'Also elegant Dinner laoievuo Sk' populating the rate sno I I wX pjw feS ft! I The problem nly si eoSwif 7hA of the people af Boston the pre Lr7uvATEBR Congrezs having by wbeteer oontee 8 worth what proved May 31 1854 made an 2 Up a OTdM fitnesses or the by The above evidence to be authentiea a Warded together uu vv av waTDO Commissioner ot 1 ln 1: BOl Pension Office June mo OUPEKIOR GULU WATCHES MAancy PlatedV) other rich ewelry Pure Silver an nToiee of theWare Eans Ac Constantly receiving larg for above we can at all times offer an assortment wn suu uVy style and cheapness skC rnnvlvania avenuA Sign of tee women we 9th and lOtb elreevi IUUV aiQROPOS 17 Undent a gucunsiauii nf nak wood (or kA ifthr Aiv fnr 200 tons Cl Cumberland cou Aue wvw Tr 4 and to be delivered tordd and measured a belt quality rwraire at the cost the contiact The coal toe of the best quahlyad lt' dated Altimort 83 63 1TUI1 UUUVM HiUyar Wdke frigid 1 rwebe oi guns Raccoon and Cherub' tofloops of wy and a store ship cu 20 guns had sailed on the 6th of uly for this sea Ac He then describe his preparations for the encounter The result was 1 The Phoebe agreeably to my expectations cameto seek me at Valparaiso where I was anchored with the Rasex mV armed prize uxo command of Lieut Downea on the look ouj off tee har bor" The sanguinary battle is then described in Capt Poa graphic language in the course of which he says: My ship Was now totally unmanageable yet as her bead ws toward the enemy and he to leeward of me I still hoped to be able to board him At this Lieut Downes came on board to receive my orders undertee impression teat I should soon be a He could be of no use to me in the then wretched stateof the Es ex and finding (from tee enemy putting his helm Shblt a last attempt at boarding would not succeed 1 I Ahont ten minutes on I directea mm air 7 tA Lie zwn fthin to be nrepareJ for de ooara io roiuiu tnovf with him several of my wounded leaving erew on board to make room for them The Cherub boat erew on uoara aUtlnihin herself by keep bad now an oppvi Ing up a hot fire on him during his return Then follows a minute detail of tee action and its Com3: HiLLTAa on tee 4th April wrote to Cm Porter returning him his sword jn tlHoiems My Deab Sia Neither in our conversations nor in a oil Ascribe my remisBnese in the first instance iu oess 1 consider it only in my xny own until the master may please to call for it Mthough I omitted at the moment of presentation ram my mind being much engrossed in tending to profen i to offer its restoration the hand that re Xdra loa him wor8 £0 dtfeDCe 0 A A country In his official account of this action dated 30th May ITlllvas aid Af thi Essex taking into consideration The defence of the Essex lasing in twice on fire did honor to her Sefenaer auu i prove the courage of Capt Porter In the papers of the day the following statement ay kA aonft1 AATBrniudlD? th? 1 vear of his age Since his service the war 1812 he commanded the Macedonian and other ships I MIMA the Chilian fleet He was in service in 1831 and I co manded the frigate Potomac and bombarded the pirat cal town of Quallo Battoo on tee coast oU Som in sailors hy tne Ma reprisal tor iju Ub je SSce covered a period of three months He was highly esteemed in all the rela tions of life both afloat and ashore fttkx We notice that Wm A How All THB MlOHTY I ALLBX presidBnt Of the Gbaham late Whig candidate 1001 United States has ace unsuccessful ap North Carolina nu bn last appeal IWatbS imP present of an old suit of ArationaZ Democrat The above strikes us as a very bad specimen of Demo Mr Gbaham has been elected by the request XZw I of Its very best citizens If it be a "mighty fall from being a candidate for Vice President to an election of State Senator it is one which has Pllicea 5n A position of most honorable usefulness to his State in a positio al (hf StaUsi coa Wes v4h theft Wt Tt wore rue We wuh Were he UM Yinced as we uro character of le gives dignity to armies of the WASHixarox consented a Presidency and United States after be reurea iro hi i willingness to enter upon new duties so lata a Will be followed in aU time entirely uopeuv tn wraatlv benefit A WA CkVA 1 connaeuk i ed thereby AZe York Ezprus Ma1V Alexandria Gazette states teat the mail between Alexandria and Dumfne is now carried mAll De I kA rkAb hw a vminff regularly and pune father who is sick She has who acts in the weeka never miss now been engaged riding twenty five miles a dav or been out oi um" etry day Her industry and courage are worthy of honorable mention The ffentrsl orders ofJanwsA au(? 4k 1 nft hereby rewked ana rrom I AAA tbly pay Of tee petjy olficereBmen 4 Kava Acedu thtltavy will boincased ii Yeomen in Bhips of Do in frigates tej Da in sloops to Do in vessels smijler to Armorers In ships of ljie line Mt Do 'in frigates ttL Jfl' Do in sloops Shfocookcoxswaih quarmasters captains of forecastle apd mates rterrgue captains of aftergirtfds cabins of hold coxp er painter hate bhiB corporal masyrof I hand cabin steUd watftoom steward abin 7 cook and warii roap cooko iSeamen toi i Musicians of Ist claf to Ordinary seamen Lafidsmen and muBvuans of 3A class to Ju infji This increase wte'fiot those enlist for re ceiving ships and slire static Those now 10 the ser vice who have receiy a iaBder tEe Sencral order Ha rhiitred with such part of tbe i bounty asis prepon) foed to pexmexpired term of their yy wi i 1 1 enlistment ij i Anr advance of tw montet7 be Tde £og sbijt7 The other existing general will continue in Mr Tlmoy Toodlez i) Newton armer JW Thorpe Mary gophta Robiason Mrs I I A beautiful DANCE byQPHiA Robixsox tfc Prelude ef the YANKEE DUELLloT i a Mr Robinson Pelcy Pe iE8 Trivate seats SI Reserved seats 50 cento Regular OST a AT drawn by Charier I about ISih of July rin Neale A ImekettofulO ZTfuur montfo in my favor The finder will eaa return DANIEL CAMPBELL 170 stll a handsome site lor a country denceHour miles frdm the Centre ufi the ptankroad It fonto the fore part the farm on which Treece having a front of over five hundred fee onThpnrcset CU1 i11 ten or including ro ui or to Capu auff 4 I 4 iva rtf LAtDA TfrP! UUVM ww rogulationswite rrd fc Secretary of te Navy 1 I i 4 1 navoenPal order' bi i trv Dxp4mbkt'1 AuGVST As a mark of resect to tremor of Commodore Johx Downes a otf of tee United tfete MW who died at' Bostoi'! on tee th instant the Jags LX Vrds 'static and' feels of the Lted State Navy till be ifoiaW at mast and thirteen minn gJ fired at poogon they after tee reipt of thxsOfficers of tee lvy andlanne Corps willjwear crape 1 I Uta IaI nrrrt friMhlTtV fMT rom tee African Repertory we learnrthat the uoiony ou uk rrr rpwijNDEKOGA or the Black I i of Jys not far Distant by Jame it i kvr arvih Abbott I i O1 RANCH TATLOR Obl CONG KBs I and We are now reinn a lof of Gooto I 1 T3tall AneietlDCr 1 4 Ult Or uHJ I 3ks of all kinds i Stench Mousrelines Menaces I Alpacas Bombazins Irifh Linens sble Damask Damask Napkins lannels Gassinets Clolhz Cassimeres Binghams of 1' kind" Hosiery of all kinds A full assortment of Domestics of alb kind i A rff vorintlfl Kintlfi I I TheSX of oS 'Summer Goods will be sold v7 Its remam Lang at 6i ee beautiful CaJl Berege dsLoues Ki vt a very deirable tb rce story brie DWeUrne targ buildiLg hanfisomelj finished marble mantds gas and bath dmnafivenue ateort distauee unotoke apply to Ji rnmmiasion Merchant? RUff 4 za A UUIXVMWQ a new three Story brick On elltaR aqd Kro on tbs corner of Sixth and streets one of the £stflent and hahhy a dra test of tee subscriber on Penney hauia avenue be rStarl WILLIAM TUCKER GIVE NOTICE that the BUcribr ty deceased Ail persona 0 vouch oeaskd are by warned day of A X'tt: they Otherwise by taw be Kxclnded from all oenefiVbf the said estate of rtJ 1S54 Gijen under my han VARY A PAINE JAdminwteatrix notes wnicu wHB fo the wise i sufficient" I UbanyPXtk to Ml those who have settled with us to Pr5 d2wif Globe CLAGETT dODSON TljstoiilOR AND DESIRABLE TABLE AND Sy Toilet Goods at Greatly tie of tbe dullness of the limes and scarcity cf money wa 01 i cc number next run off for casn tha nanJd i Ml other goods in tee line iu onr prices greatly reduoedbelow that ofl their mykst xuraberi of Conffress and others wishing to go hJlekmg Xlemte will find it to their advantage to through the stock in our ate rooms Wo name 4 4 1H and 00 or Salem tee tax is 84 Swings W'l 1 Kute the Tran 8 1 Rtatan Wlemish Scotch and I ri 4 tf ana i the disagree to Damasks This is a rare ceuecuyn ui fely to have to ad prices we now have on teem wiU agr alA those wno sro tu of Be) maaufture TkaSSAS TERRITORY toetw correspondent of the rnua pu iust made a tour through tne predicts that at Ac next OcmyreM 1 be an applicant admission into to which the Journal dds a further prcdictioay namely 0 kI a ree State is as certain aa any Time xVill test the truth of these Ve subjoin an extract from tho cor St Josiph (Mo) Jult from an extended fXorti of th Territories of Nebras nii eud a large mass of facto uti Ksis agricultural qualities to the son iicns in relation MlCU BVEUV k'Sble future political prespecto which would intpreeuDK luui frnm tne Uoebt Pruv rrAtlv nrefer Kanra Bad rowed off in omiraAe 7 mnfties A t0 Territories 1 greatly preie i terrify them They rowed up under the mutiies general betlcr suPPhed W1U1 I of thf anZ took their stations for attacking tee first A Vihs soil is equally good The wimcro ahj no gooner Waa the American nag uwpy bSh tinwaditoOveVodbyteenemy teateeeiJors'were fcsska noW come hundreds) I position of hi forces Capt Porter says 3sie M5 to new to Kansas of farty two men appointing Midshipman IL from IV and way acting lieutenant on board of her and sent uer uu HXuL of the Indians will the I cruise LieuCDownes joined me at Tumbez near Guya thousands of whites wno wm i oh coast of Peru on the 24tn oi vune airor vP td to points above At a ferry some few Sprizes tp wit: Hector 270 tons 25 men Berber and al bad I 8 A ta on mn 8 runs Rom 1 bote here the ferryman miarmm ir guns kined tiered forty families across ma terry sous a th Geor 2Pblcbutitistrue I gbiinar and tee Rose was discharged (after being depriv I cg ComBll9 lone are believed to crossed the htr ametl with all th prisoners captured by ton treaty ae 1 between thia place' and Westport and Georgina as they amounted to nearly double her gioner there Cfibnaay frr Kansas oetweeu 1 a aannrt to nroceea to cnm tbp renor ihere are eight or ten mousuuu erew tone was lurmsuv moment there are 6 Helena? 4 now in titoTerntory gafficfont number of In writing from the Essex Junior at sea July 3 181 1 to twelve moutfe there my pre Capt Porter after describing the results of his cruise pjns form a State go be I capture of twelve ships mounting 107 gun aays: at tee next session of Wvereigu The Atlantic now called the Essex Junior I equipped tooebfog for admission into tee Union as twenty gnns and gave the command of her to Lieut ZT? 1 Downes Lieut had conveyed the pnzesto Yalpa first Con 1 raise and on his return brought me letters informing me At Convention of the WhigB of I that a squadron undto tee Command of Commodore Jas Wf4llAhnYT a Dkmka a fPlinft Ulf) pesioUl district of erm out new nt i Ml Mr Meacham Cofa XiM over by Smwr Pawsa Lfio Coopota A of "Za v0 vor 0pUUem roproUUoo of ffiefopealdf the Missouri Compromise declaring that it had undone what CLAY Wkbstbb and teeiompAtmta had labored to accomplish and bvdfctroying alT mutual confidence bet ween the Norland South had rendered sectionalism men tablet He deemed the measure most unfortunate and ill judged fer the South as well as false to the to freedom fh find ten of the crew of the ship Tmstnd of uro W7 as 1 mm vaanti rnarO taVian Ml bnftHl JUBU iuw ran vs Wai 710 tens burden and was totally de wcs'tandss IB13 i i R1 smith' longitude west as follows: surrender Rha was ewhiy Which on her voyage rou two aays out iaueu wi i her cargo assorted The crew took to the boats on the 15th of May the day on which the ship went firoWas discovered the evening previous at nine They left at four A just as be flames burst four boats Of these only one reached Juan containing the captain and ten men The Tassenger and tee steward it is supposed Mercurymentions an American company wivu i privilege of increase to $50000 to stage coaches between Valparaiso when' i other places in Chile An agent was Rt nd the i the steamer left making purchases of Tseates 1 cosohse were expected shortly fronr the I rom Peru tee intelligence is iuiuv a i Cur ths outrage com An amipie apoiogy uro Uon in Bitted by tee rreta gang at th Ln! ld I Stat Lma on evening of the 6th oi Julv wounded fault have been punished a tbey deserved from the Arrant of the Legation ha received aaecompro from tne Goveroment treasury So this affair whcb to Zerien I difficulty ha been promptly and ere ranged owing to the decided coure pursued by the Min eter of the United I The paper states that Echiniqueww going to take th ammaud of the army in person tert of GeO CastillB were at Acapuoaa but Cr XIV TXT la of tee President tee Executive power has breu vested iu Cen Miocbl Mluiba in a ttawith tee Indians war Camero about a month ftC to Lima ca tfie Jtn or juiy Xtinvef ths country and though hi little ROW thus far he rs convmced that foufid in quantities in the vicnity His return is with the intention of organising an ould ciently targe to repel the Indian without which it would not be to continnerTfre thnuake The accounts from the coast state that th York Commercial Aaoertuer Mva Wall of William A son ten doltart for buffering hia dog eTtry dsecnptic burit'J fined bis own Si oniwrv TAYLOR Tenn av to gat large KJ i i fk a xr pTmRnTnGlCAL board to return to his own snip iu The following prediction of the weather at as fending iIld destroying her in case of an atta He to intou has been furnished by a meteoruw nf the American Scientific jjnanis lu vvuiw Association as a test of the truth cf bis theory of stones AUroit 21stMonday rirsnd warm wind south tbwest a bank of clouds all alongfthe fresh at noon southwest northern tky thicker tn N'V v6 to bank spreading south and much lightning to th BTbri Pses the meridian at 2 30 Utv tude 420 passage is made inril there will a Mtul! from the northward thw nighty if above eolchtated) the wind win still continue southerly August 22d Overcast from the northward Ae tendency will be to blow from NE and by evenmg the'routbera sky will be filled with heavy clouds nd muchlightningvidUe wind) northerly aU night Au mst 22d Clear in the north a bankf thin clouds on the southern 'horizon fine evening bmk disappearing wind northwest much cooler Win you be kind enough to observe the weather on these days and note how much th prediction is in error Your attention is! particularly invited to the fact that tins is a descending vortex first making a fine of dis turbance to tee northward and the next day to the south ward Of this fact there is no uouot though the latitude calculated may be in error a whole degree I Ano th er fact I wish you to notice is that the wmd 'blows towards the storm both on approaching and de parting Under the storm it is often variable but squally I ought to remark that tee principal line of disturbance is flanked on each side by a separate band Of fighter cloudKite a clear space between This must not be mistaken' for the fine of heavy cumuli under which th hail and wind are bo formidable If the passage was cen tfal at Washington its course could not be eatisfacto rJy determined think you ward on tee evening blow for nearly a day t7t irrn ATTON IN GEORGIA We perceive from our Georgia exchanges (says thCharleston Courier) that Judg Bbmsisg decided that the Supreme Court of Georgia is co equal and co ordinate i with the Supreme Court of t)io United Stat xn no inferior oad subordinate to teat Court that as to 5 preserved powers the State Court is supreme that as to the delegated powers the United States Court is supreme that as to powers both delegated and reserved concur rent powerst both Courts in the language of Ham tire equally supreme and that as a consequence Supreme Court of the United States has no jurisdiction over the Supreme Court of Georgian and cannot there fore give It an order or make for it a precedent 4 STI IN GT ON Ludfhrevert dTT'tiiAHa 14 1854 4V au Ml a A in the a urrit 1 A rw nrACQ I It aDDoars to DO a general Valoaraiao en the 21st of July wing uu Tn tiie haste of preparing a notice for the press Charleston Evening th Bhio of VL 1 rtwerJl nf Satur VUXU at a law nour tno uu ii inj2tsJiTK? the Dosition day was not exi of Leut Do weS in UUUUIUV ttU RUM who were taken on board at Juan ernandez Downes it is true was with Cpm Porter but not long on board the lattens ship during the unequal engagement The official despatches state the true character of the service and the correction affords the occasion to reproduce some of the most striking incidepts connected with the cruise of the Essex with whose gallant commander it will be seen that Lieut Downes was a decided favorite Aa eenan Ti UHaw ITlffBW xzw July 2 giving an account of ths capture of eight British Ships letters of marque Capt Porter describes i Tu 1 nAMzian 1 He says' a Lta zl AAnndinff The wind being light ana vaname greatly in the bravery and enterprise of my officers and men and apprehensive of an escape from th pwaUMJ of fogs in that climate I directed the boats of this ship to be armed and manned and divided i intotwo divisions placing tee first under tee command of Lient Do first lieutenant in a whaleboat accompanied by Midship man boat seven number uuua wciu uivu I It pl VAlvUA z4 tkftiw tAtinn far uSt ii za YvflWvlAVPd 11V a eaana WAR Tnfl AIBeHCAH UK Utswii Lieut Downes as the signal for boarding and the inten 4L4 a vnin tYN 1 1 event which ties interested are to with a dyep interest in and toeir being ent favorabj 1 race 1S1 US forty miles whLih the Mana made honk The Jht Juk came in second the Hate third ibi Una stood fourtta in tee race the inieio" tat tonnage (116) winntal isioopj 17 aa fiincrlA ed aUtfffifty three years On the preceding XzSpriogs was proceeding to his farm He unfortunati fell upon his head clustoq aJconcuiJin of tee brain wh which he suffered Af death The Reporter says 4 taA i a wtK' HtflA UCfi VMS TJV ha been Ui en boron of wJ(4 SAler staid and disease 01 confidence in hi integrity yBAw NUMBERS ot thp imPMi habiU DODjPtJ 1 1 toflfert klld nifLJ Klarikospltal at PortlandiMe) was entred ml (Md) on Angus 1854 Wedqday nigt robbed or three dollars inJnoy remainder in cold I AtlanjicandCWctf uanxs au wiHn but her husband I fKAUN NUMBER oE Th libers we tS eated with death if she J) Delaware 184 being'from home sue was Detawaro Augnt 12 1854 travel znv alarm? I ct ij 40 t5 39 16 1 1H ia Vtr I I aug 14 KREGORN MAU fur tala low 1 fo 6th tnd 4J sbi 3 4 I 1 Ki I i 4 Ci I 4 i kj 3 bbnJiu to ill Jr i :3 477 ife Ml i Sto to eu to I I I.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.